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4/7/24, 10:09 AM latihan soal short message | Quizizz

Worksheets Name

latihan soal short message

Total questions: 10
Worksheet time: 18mins
Instructor name: Yulinar Yulinar

1. To: Marry
Happy 17th birthday, my best friend. I wish you have many other years to celebrate. I hope you like the
gift. I know you like to read.
With love: Susan
How old is Marry?

a) 16 b) 14

c) 15 d) 17

2. To: Marry
Happy 17th birthday, my best friend. I wish you have many other years to celebrate. I hope you like the
gift. I know you like to read.
With love: Susan
According to the text, what possible gift did Susan give to Marry?

a) toy car b) clothes

c) book d) Video game

3. Dear Riana,
I heard you achieved the first position in swimming competition. Congratulations for your achievement! I
will come to your house on Sunday. I have something to celebrate your victory. Please tell your mother
to prepare my favorite food.
What competition did Riana win?

a) archey b) swimming

c) chess d) running 1/5
4/7/24, 10:09 AM latihan soal short message | Quizizz

4. Dear Riana,
I heard you achieved the first position in swimming competition. Congratulations for your achievement! I
will come to your house on Sunday. I have something to celebrate your victory. Please tell your mother
to prepare my favorite food.
When will Lisa come to Riana’s house?

a) monday b) saturday

c) sunday d) tuesday

5. To all students,
Please note the examination will be held on 3rd September, 2018. All students shall bring their own
equipment. Dictionary and calculator are not allowed. Examination will start at 8 am until 12 pm.
Students must be at school 30 minutes before examination starts. Shall students have any questions,
contact your teachers.
Thank you

According to the text, what are prohibited during the examination?

a) B. Pencil case and calculator b) A. Book and pencil

c) C. Calculator and book d) D. Dictionary and calculator

6. To all students,
Please note the examination will be held on 3rd September, 2018. All students shall bring their own
equipment. Dictionary and calculator are not allowed. Examination will start at 8 am until 12 pm.
Students must be at school 30 minutes before examination starts. Shall students have any questions,
contact your teachers.
Thank you

From the text, which statement is true?

a) A. The examination will be held for 4 hours b) B. Students may bring dictionary

c) D. Students are permitted to be late. d) C. School will provide equipment for

examination 2/5
4/7/24, 10:09 AM latihan soal short message | Quizizz

7. To: Wahyu
I remembered we played in the rain yesterday. Today, you are absent because of fever. Hope you get
well soon and we could enjoy playing in the rain again.
What is wrong with Wahyu?

a) He has a fever b) He is all right

c) He played in the rain d) He is in hospital now

8. To: Wahyu
I remembered we played in the rain yesterday. Today, you are absent because of fever. Hope you get
well soon and we could enjoy playing in the rain again.
Who didn't come to school?

a) Ana b) Wahyu

c) Teacher d) Mother

9. to: Fina
Finally, you did it. You have excelled in your studies at Junior high school and have now been accepted
by the best senior high school in your city. Your achievement proves that you are the best. Keep up the
good work!
From the text we know that ....

a) Fina will study at the best senior high school b) Mira asks Fina to enroll at the senior high

c) Fina did not pass the examination d) Fina is the best student in her city

10. To: Fina

Finally, you did it. You have excelled in your studies at Junior high school and have now been accepted
by the best senior high school in your city. Your achievement proves that you are the best. Keep up the
good work!
"Your achievement proves that you are the best." The underlined word means ....

a) Assessment b) Process

c) Development d) Success 3/5
4/7/24, 10:09 AM latihan soal short message | Quizizz

Answer Keys

1. d) 17 2. c) book 3. b) swimming

4. c) sunday 5. d) D. Dictionary and 6. a) A. The examination will be

calculator held for 4 hours

7. a) He has a fever 8. b) Wahyu 9. a) Fina will study at the best

senior high school

10. d) Success 4/5
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