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A Thesis

Presented to
Faculty of the Graduate School
Leyte Normal University
Tacloban City, Leyte

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Master in Biology
Graduate School
Leyte Normal University
Tacloban City, Leyte

Leopoldo Junevil T. Pilapil Jr.


Republic of the Philippines

Leyte Normal University
Tacloban City, Leyte


The study hereto attached entitled “Assessment of Waste Management

Strategies of Selected Food Chains in Tacloban City” has been prepared and submitted
by Leopoldo Junevil T. Pilapil Jr. who is hereby recommended for oral examination.

Faculty Adviser

Approved by the Committee of Oral Examiners


Member Member


Accepted and approved as a requirement for the Degree of



Director, Graduate School


Date of Oral Defense

Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Technology integration in the field of biology is of utmost importance in today's

world. With the rapid advancements in technology, it has become vital for biologists to

integrate technology in their research and experiments. Technology integration can help

biologists in various ways, from automating tasks to analyzing complex data.

One of the main advantages of technology integration in biology is that it helps in

data analysis. With the help of technology, biologists can process large amounts of data

quickly and accurately. This can help them to understand complex biological phenomena

and identify patterns that would have been difficult to spot without technology.

Another benefit of technology integration is the automation of tasks. With the help of

technology, biologists can automate repetitive tasks, which can free up time that they can

use for more important tasks. This can help increase their efficiency and productivity.

Lastly, technology integration can help biologists to visualize complex biological

processes and phenomena. By using advanced imaging technologies, biologists can create

detailed images and models that can help them to understand complex biological

processes and phenomena better.

Today, the use of technology has become a necessity, not a privilege. Because

technology is included in every area of our life, mobile phones, cars, apps, computers,

smart homes, and many things we cannot here count constitute the abundance of

examples. According to the “We Are Social - Digital 2020 April Global Statshot” report,

59% (4.54 billion) of the world population is internet users, 49% (3.80 billion) are social

media users, and 67% (5.19 billion) are mobile users (Kemp, 2020). This shows how vital

technology is in human life. Another area in which technology takes place is the

education system. The education system is open to all kinds of changes in the society.

Because the task of the education system is to prepare the individual for society and real-

life (Ozan, 2013; Robin, 2008). Technology makes many direct and indirect contributions

to the education system. Online learning, simulation environments, virtual laboratories,

access to scientific information, instant access to technological developments, online

learning applications and many other situations are solely some of these (Brito, Dias &

Oliveira, 2018). The inclusion of science and technological developments in the

educational process causes the emergence of several new skills and concepts.

“Technology literacy, computer literacy, 21st century learners, internet generation,

technological native, digital native” can be given as examples (Gunuc, 2017).

Each individual's technology infrastructure and equal opportunity must be the

same in the emergency remote education process. However, this is not the case in many

countries around the world. Some students do not have technological infrastructure

(computer, tablet). Some of them cannot even access the internet. Sometimes faculty

members cannot adequately include technology in their courses. These situations led to a

different perspective to other educators. There appears a question in this regard that

whether technology integration is included in the teaching process, what will be the

result? However, there are not many studies where technology integration is included in

the education system. From this point of view, it is thought that it would be appropriate to

conduct a study in which technology integration is included in the education process and

thus will it contribute to the relevant field of biology.

ICT stands for Information and Communication Technology, and it is a vital part

of education in today's world. ICT tools such as computers, tablets, and online resources

have revolutionized the traditional methods of teaching and learning biology.

The integration of ICT in teaching biology has numerous benefits to the following:

Teachers. ICT tools like animations, videos, and infographics can be used to

simplify complex biological concepts. Students can visualize the structure of cells,

organs, and physiological processes, helping them to understand better.

Students. ICT tools allow students to take an active role in their learning process.

Online quizzes and games, simulation software, and interactive whiteboards make

learning biology enjoyable and engaging.

ICT tools provide students and teachers access to a vast amount of information

on biology. From online textbooks to research papers and journals, students can easily

access resources relevant to their biology courses. ICT tools enable students to

collaborate and communicate better. With video conferences, chats, and forums,

students can connect with peers, get quick feedback, and share ideas.

Integrating ICT in teaching biology provides numerous benefits for both students

and teachers. It enhances visual learning, promotes active learning, provides access to

more information, and improves communication and collaboration.


The integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has

become an important aspect of teaching in the modern era. With the advancements in

technology, teachers are adopting new strategies to enhance the learning experience of

students by incorporating ICT tools in their lessons. This integration has various benefits

that improve both teaching and learning processes.

The use of ICT enables teachers to create multimedia-rich lessons that are

more engaging and interactive for students. ICT tools such as videos, digital simulations,

and educational games provide students with a more immersive learning experience.

This also promotes critical thinking as students are able to apply knowledge acquired

through the use of digital media to real-life situations.


Another benefit of ICT integration in teaching is that it enables teachers to

diversify their teaching methods. Teachers can provide students with personalized

learning experiences through the use of digital content and collaborative tools. For

instance, online platforms such as Google Classroom and Edmodo provide teachers with

cloud-based solutions for sharing resources, assignments, and assessments with their

students. This facilitates continuous interaction between teachers and students, thereby

promoting self-directed learning.

In conclusion, the integration of ICT in teaching has become a necessity in the

modern era. It provides teachers with innovative tools for enhancing the learning

process, and students with a more engaging and personalized learning experience.

Therefore, it is imperative that stakeholders in the education sector embrace this trend

to provide effective teaching and learning practices.


The antithesis of integration of ICT in teaching involves: Resistance to change

and traditional teaching methods; lack of access to technology and digital resources;

inadequate training and professional development for teachers; unreliable or outdated

technology and infrastructure; disconnection between technology use and curriculum

goals; overreliance on technology as a replacement for strong pedagogy; increased


screen time and decreased face-to-face interactions; digital divide and inequities in

access to educational opportunities.

As educators, it is our responsibility to understand and navigate these challenges

in order to effectively integrate ICT in teaching. By addressing these antitheses, we can

ensure that technology is used as a tool to enhance teaching and learning, rather than

hinder it.

Review of Existing Technology Integration Models

There are several technology integration models that are currently being used

in the field of biology. These models are aimed at facilitating the incorporation of

technology in the learning and teaching process. One such model is the T-PACK model,

which integrates technological knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and content

knowledge. Another model is the SAMR model, which aims to enhance student

engagement, deepen learning, and transform teaching and learning through the use of

technology. The RAT model is also being used to evaluate the effectiveness of

technology integration in the classroom by measuring the level of substitution,

augmentation, modification, or redefinition of the traditional teaching and learning

process. The use of these models in biology education has significantly impacted student

learning by promoting collaboration, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.

Additionally, it has enhanced teacher-student interaction, reduced the cognitive load on

students, and facilitated the effective use of technology in the learning process. In

conclusion, the integration of technology in the field of biology has been made easier

through the use of various models like T-PACK, SAMR, and RAT. These models have

allowed for the effective incorporation of technology in the teaching and learning

process, resulting in improved student engagement and learning outcomes.

TPACK (Mishra & Koehler, 2006) is a model for thinking about teaching

knowledge and how the different types of knowledge a teacher has about the content

they are teaching, the ways they teach the content, and the tools they use to support

how they teach. TPACK focuses on the overlaps and interactions between these three

types of knowledge to highlight seven different types of knowledge about teaching.

TPACK is the most commonly used technology integration model amongst

educational researchers. The goal of TPACK is to provide educators with a framework

that is useful for understanding technology's role in the educational process. At its

heart, TPACK holds that educators deal with three types of core knowledge on a daily

basis: technological knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and content knowledge.

Content knowledge is knowledge of one's content area such as science, math, or social

studies. Pedagogical knowledge is knowledge of how to teach. And technological

knowledge is knowledge of how to use technology tools.


These core knowledge domains, however, interact with and build on each

other in important and complicated ways. For instance, if you are going to teach

kindergarten mathematics, you must both understand mathematics (i.e. content

knowledge) and how to teach (i.e. pedagogical knowledge), but you must also

understand the relationship between pedagogy and the content area. That is you must

understand how to teach mathematics, which is very different from teaching other

subject areas, because the pedagogical strategies you use to teach mathematics will be

specific to that content domain. When we merge content knowledge and pedagogical

knowledge together, a hybrid domain emerges called pedagogical content knowledge.

Pedagogical content knowledge includes knowledge about content and pedagogy, but it

also includes the specific knowledge necessary to teach the specified content in a

meaningful way.

TPACK goes on to explain that when we try to integrate technology into a

classroom setting, we are not merely using technological knowledge, but rather, we are

merging technological knowledge with pedagogical content knowledge to produce

something new. TPACK or technological pedagogical content knowledge is the domain

of knowledge wherein technology, pedagogy, and content meet to create a meaningful

learning experience. From this, educators need to recognize that merely using

technology in a classroom is not sufficient to produce truly meaningful technology

integration. Rather, teachers must understand how technology, pedagogy, and content

knowledge interact with one another to produce a learning experience that is

meaningful for students in specific situations.

On the other hand, the SAMR model illustrates how technology can be

integrated into a task with the intention to modify learning by transforming from the

lower levels to enhancing at the upper levels (Hamilton et. al, 2016).

Using the SAMR model does not require reaching the top level for every task.

Each level has its own purpose and deciding which level to achieve depends on the

learning outcome of the task and the reasons for integrating the technology.

RAT and SAMR are very similar technology integration models, though RAT has

been used more often by researchers and SAMR has been used more often by teachers.

Both of these models assume that the introduction of technology into a learning

experience will have some effect on what is happening, and they try to help us

understand what this effect is and how we should be using technology in meaningful


RAT is an acronym for replace, amplify, and transform, and the model holds

that when technology is used in a teaching setting, technology is either used to replace a

traditional approach to teaching (without any discernible difference on student

outcomes), to amplify the learning that was occurring, or to transform learning in ways

that were not possible without the technology (Hughes, Thomas, & Scharber, 2006).

Similarly, SAMR is an acronym for substitution, augmentation, modification, and

redefinition (Puentedura, 2003). To compare it to RAT, substitution and replacement

both deal with technology use that merely substitutes or replaces previous use with no

functional improvement on efficiency. Redefinition and transformation both deal with

technology use that empowers teachers and students to learn in new, previously

impossible ways.

The difference between these two models rests in the center letters, wherein

RAT's amplification is separated into two stages as SAMR's augmentation and

modification. All of these stages deal with technology use that functionally improves

what is happening in the classroom, but in the SAMR model, augmentation represents a

small improvement, and modification represents a large improvement.

Both of these models are helpful for leading educators to consider the

question: what effect is using the technology having on my practice? If the technology is

merely replacing or substituting previous practice, then it is a less meaningful use of

technology. Whereas technology use that transforms or redefines classroom practice is

considered to be more valuable.

Building off of the ideas presented in the models above, we will now provide

one final model that may serve as a helpful starting point for teachers to begin thinking

about technology integration. PICRAT assumes that there are two foundational

questions that a teacher must ask about any technology use in their classrooms. These


1. What is the students' relationship to the technology? (PIC: Passive,

Interactive, Creative)

2. How is the teacher's use of technology influencing traditional practice?

(RAT: Replace, Amplify, Transform; cf. Hughes, Thomas, & Scharber, 2006)

The provided illustration maps these two questions on a two-dimensional grid,

and by answering these two questions, teachers can get a sense for where any

particular practice falls.


For instance, if a history teacher shifts from writing class notes on a chalkboard

to providing these notes in a PowerPoint presentation, this would likely be categorized

in the bottom-left (PR) section of the grid, because the teacher is using the technology

to merely replace a traditional practice, and the students are passively taking notes on

what they see. In contrast, if an English teacher guides students in developing a creative

writing blog, which they use to elicit feedback from peers, parents, and the online

community on their short stories, this would likely be categorized in the top-right (CT)

section, because the teacher is using the technology to transform her practice to do

something that would have been impossible without the technology, and the students

are using the technology as a tool for creation.

Experience has shown that as teachers begin using technologies in their

classrooms, they will typically begin doing so in a manner that falls closer to the bottom-

left of the grid. However, many of the most exciting and valuable uses of technology for

teaching rest firmly in the top-most and right-most sections of this grid. For this reason,

teachers need to be encouraged to evolve their practice to continually move from the

bottom-left (PR) to the top-right (CT) of the grid.

As you can probably tell, there are no easy, universal answers for determining

whether a particular use of technology is meaningful or effective. Rather, our

determination of effectiveness relies heavily upon our own understanding and

acceptance of learning theories, our beliefs and values, and the technology integration

models that guide our thinking. Thus, as you approach technology integration in your

own teaching, you should use these foundational understandings to articulate the value

of your decisions and to guide you in making choices that will be beneficial for your


Insights from Experience

I have had the opportunity to integrate technology into my Biology classes in

several ways. One of the most effective methods has been the use of virtual labs. Virtual

labs have allowed my students to conduct experiments and dissections without the

need for live animals or expensive laboratory equipment.


Online resources have also been invaluable in my Biology classes. Websites

with interactive diagrams and videos have helped to engage my students and provide

them with a better understanding of the subject matter.

Another important use of technology in Biology has been data collection. I have

used devices such as pH probes and temperature sensors to collect data during lab

experiments. This has allowed my students to see real-time data visualization while

conducting experiments.

Overall, technology integration has been a positive addition to my Biology

classes. It has allowed my students to have a more engaging and interactive learning

experience while also helping them to understand complex scientific concepts in a more

accessible way.

Reflecting on my experiences, I have faced numerous challenges in my personal

and professional life.

One of the biggest challenges that I faced was finding a job after graduation. It

was a long and arduous process, but eventually, I was able to secure a position in my

desired field.

In terms of successes, I am proud of the achievements that I have made thus

far in my career. I have been able to take on more responsibilities and have received

positive feedback from my supervisors.


However, I have also learned some valuable lessons along the way. One of the

most important lessons that I have learned is the importance of perseverance and

resilience in the face of adversity. It can be challenging to keep going when things are

not going as planned, but it is important to stay focused and keep pushing forward.

Another lesson that I have learned is the importance of adaptability. In today's

rapidly changing world, it is important to be able to adapt to new situations and be open

to learning and trying new things.

Overall, reflecting on my challenges, successes, and lessons learned has helped

me to grow and develop as a person. It has also given me the confidence to face future

challenges and strive for continued success.

The proposed model has been developed based on several significant

experiences that have influenced its evolution. One of the primary influences was the

increasing complexities of modern-day problems that require a systematic approach for

effective solutions. This experience highlighted the need for a structured problem-

solving model that can analyze and resolve complex problems in a step-by-step manner.

Another crucial experience that influenced the proposed model was the need for a

collaborative approach. Today's problems are multifaceted and require inputs from

subject matter experts across various domains. Thus, the proposed model considers a

collaborative approach that involves multidisciplinary teams, where members

collaborate to achieve a common goal. Finally, technological advancements have played


a critical role in the evolution of the proposed model. The model incorporates modern

tools and techniques such as data analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning

to enhance its problem-solving capabilities. In conclusion, the proposed model has been

influenced significantly by several experiences, including the increasing complexity of

modern-day problems, the need for a collaborative approach, and technological

advancements. These experiences have helped to shape the model into a structured

approach that can effectively resolve complex problems while leveraging the power of

modern technologies.This proposed model is what I call “Multifaceted Integration


Proposed Technology Integration Model

Multifarious Technology Integration Model

The Multifarious Technology Integration Model is a framework that aims to help

educators effectively integrate technology in their teaching practices.

Key Components of the Model

The model consists of five key components:

1. Technology: This refers to the tools, resources, and technologies that educators

can utilize to facilitate learning.

2. Pedagogy: This component focuses on the teaching practices that are most

effective in engaging students and enhancing learning outcomes.

3. Content: This component refers to the subject matter that educators are

teaching, and how technology can be used to enhance student understanding and

engagement with the content.

4. Context: This component takes into account the broader context in which

teaching and learning takes place, including the unique needs of students, the learning

environment, and the broader community and culture.

5. Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge (TPACK): Finally, the model

emphasizes the importance of developing a synthesis of technological, pedagogical, and

content knowledge in order to effectively integrate technology into teaching practices.


Benefits of the Model

By utilizing the Multifarious Technology Integration Model, educators can:

 More effectively integrate technology into their teaching practices

 Improve student engagement and learning outcomes

 Develop a deeper understanding of the complex interplay between technology,

pedagogy, and content knowledge

 Create a more dynamic and engaging learning environment for students


The Multifarious Technology Integration Model is a powerful tool for educators

who are looking to enhance their teaching practices through the use of educational

technology. By understanding the key components of the model and how they interact

with one another, educators can develop more effective strategies for integrating

technology into their classrooms and promoting student learning and engagement.


Chapter 3


This chapter includes discussion of general research methodology that will be

employed in the study, the subjects who will be involved, the instruments that will be

used in gathering the needed data and the statistical methods and techniques that will

be applied for data analysis and interpretation.

Research Design

The study will use the descriptive method of research. Quantitative

research design will also be used. A descriptive study establishes only

associations between variables.

Ariola (2006) states that descriptive research describes current events

and that questions posed are based on present phenomena or state of affairs. It

involves the recording, description and the presentation of the present system,

composition and phenomena.

Likewise, according to Cherry (2005) descriptive research seeks to depict what

already exists in a group or population. Descriptive studies do not seek to measure the

effect of a variable; they seek only to describe.

According to Calmorin and Calmorin (2005), descriptive method is designed for

the investigator to gather information about the present existing condition. The

description of the respondents assessment on the waste management strategies of the

food chains in Tacloban City.

Since the study is concerned with knowing the waste management strategies of

the food chains in Tacloban City; perception of the respondents on the impact of the

waste management strategies of the food chains in Tacloban City on the environment;

and challenges and obstacles on the waste management strategies of the food chains in

Tacloban City, descriptive method will provide us the best information.

Respondents and Location

The respondents who will be involved in this study are the employees of the

food chains in Tacloban City of calendar year 2024-2025. The respondents involves a

total population of _____ respondents.

Table 1
Distribution of Respondents




Table 1 shows that there is a total population of _________ (___) respondents

from the different food chains in Tacloban City with a ______ sample size.

The study will be conducted in the food chains in Tacloban City. Data on the

waste management strategies, perceptions on the impact to the environment and the

challenges and obstacles on the waste management strategies of the food chains in

Tacloban City will be obtained through the administration of questionnaires. Figure 2

shows the Map of the Tacloban City where the respondents can be found.

Figure 2. Map of Tacloban City in the province of Leyte, Philippines

Data Collection

The following instruments will be used to gather the necessary data for the


1. Waste Management Strategies. The checklist consisted of items that

will draw out significant information about the waste management strategies of

the food chains in Tacloban City.

2. Perception of the respondents on the impact of the waste management strategies of

the food chains in Tacloban City on the environment.

3. Challenges and obstacles on the waste management strategies of the food chains in

Tacloban City. There are 5 categories on the challenges and obstacles on the waste

management strategies of the food chains in Tacloban City: recycling, disposal,

treatment, collection and stransport; and generation and separation. The researcher

adapted the questionnaire used by Abdulla (2021) which in developing the

questionnaire, the variables learned from the literature review were used.

Prior to the data collection, a test on the questionnaire’s reliability, also is known

as the pilot analysis, was performed. After the minimum Cronbach’s alpha rating of 0.6

has been obtained by the pilot sample, the questionnaire was considered valid. If the

value of the Cronbach’s alpha from the pilot study is not more than the minimum value

of passing of 0.6, the questionnaire must be re-structured. In this study, collection of


data is done out of the frequency percentage analysis, and relative index (RII) analysis is

consequently important. difference on the perception of the respondents on the impact

of the waste management strategies on the Environment when grouped according to

the waste management strategies of the food chains in Tacloban City

This study uses a questionnaire survey methodology to examine the existing

waste management strategies in the Tacloban City. The survey is estimated as one of

the most effective methods to include a broad number of people in order to produce a

good outcome (McQueen & Knussen, 2002; Taylor et al., 2015).

Data Collection

Permission will be sought from the Food Chains in Tacloban City to allow the

researcher to administer the research instrument to the respondents. After being given

the permission, the researcher will personally distribute and retrieve the questionnaires

from the respondents.

Data Analysis

Both frequency percentage analysis and relative important index (RII) analysis

are methods that analyse the data, while the tables illustrate the results.

The data that will be gathered by the researcher from the different food chains

will be collected, analyzed, and interpreted to answer the questions in the study and

test the hypotheses.


1. The statistical parameters that will be used are percentage, weighted mean,

analysis of variance and Pearson Product Momentum Correlation coefficient.

The t-test will be computed using the Microsoft Excel 2010.

Statistical analyses will be carried out to test the null hypothesis, which is

an assumption that in the population of interest no differences exist between groups

and that treatments of interest have no effects. To maintain objectivity, researchers will

establish the null hypothesis prior to conducting their studies. But researchers may also

establish a research hypothesis, which is an informed statement (not a wild guess)

about their true expectations and beliefs. Statistical tests help scientists determine

whether the null hypothesis or the research hypothesis is more tenable. The decision is

based on the significance of study results. In statistics, the term "significance" refers to

the mathematical probability of obtaining the observed results if the same experiment

were conducted many times on different samples of subjects in the population of

interest. In conducting tests of statistical significance (such as t-tests and ANOVA),

researchers answer this central question: If the null hypothesis were true in the

population (that is, if there really is no difference between groups and no treatment


Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) will be used to test the significant

difference on the perception of the respondents on the impact of the waste

management strategies on the environment when grouped according to the waste


management strategies of the food chains in Tacloban City; and if there is a significant

difference on the challenges and obstacles of the respondents when grouped according

to the waste management strategies of the food chains in Tacloban City.

The Pearson Product Momentum of Correlation or Pearson r will be used to

determine the relationship between the significant relationship between the waste

management strategies of the food chains in Tacloban City and the perception of the

respondents on the impact of the waste management strategies of the food chains in

Tacloban City on the environment; and the relationship between the waste

management strategies of the food chains in Tacloban City and the challenges and

obstacles on the waste management strategies of the food chains in Tacloban City.

To interpret the correlation value obtained, the following classification

will be applied:

± 0.00 to ± 0.20 = denotes negligible correlation

± 0.21 to ± 0.40 = denotes slow/slight correlation

± 0.41 to ± 0.70 = denotes moderate correlation

± 0.71 to ± 0.90 = denotes high correlation

± 0.91 to ± 0.99 = denotes very high correlation

Proposed Timeline/Workplan

Preparation Phase (Months 1-2)


1. Month 1: Proposal Development

- Refine research objectives and questions.
- Finalize research methodology and data collection methods.
- Prepare initial drafts of the literature review and introduction.

2. Month 2: Ethics and Approvals

- Submit the research proposal for ethics review and approval.
- Revise and finalize the proposal based on feedback.
- Develop research questionnaire and interview protocols.

Data Collection Phase (Months 3-6)

3. Months 3-4: Surveys and Interviews

- Conduct surveys with selected food chains.
- Arrange and conduct interviews with key stakeholders in the food industry.
- Gather data related to organic waste management practices.

4. Months 5-6: Case Studies

- Select food chains for in-depth case studies.
- Conduct on-site observations and interviews for each case.
- Gather comprehensive data for case analysis.

Data Analysis Phase (Months 7-9)

5. Months 7-8: Data Compilation and Analysis

- Compile and organize the collected data.
- Begin quantitative and qualitative data analysis.
- Work on the comparative analysis of different food chains.

6. Month 9: Environmental Impact Assessment

- Assess the environmental impact of organic waste management practices.
- Analyze data related to waste reduction, energy consumption, and greenhouse gas

Report Writing Phase (Months 10-12)

7. Month 10: Preliminary Findings

- Summarize preliminary findings and identify key insights.
- Begin drafting the results section of the thesis.

8. Month 11: Recommendations

- Develop comprehensive recommendations for food chains in Tacloban.
- Continue working on the discussion and conclusion sections.

9. Month 12: Final Report and Review

- Finalize the thesis report, including the abstract and introduction.
- Proofread and edit the entire document for clarity and consistency.
- Review the proposal to ensure all objectives have been met.

Submission and Presentation (Months 13-14)

10. Month 13: Thesis Completion

- Complete the final draft of the thesis proposal.
- Prepare a presentation for the defense.

11. Month 14: Submission and Presentation

- Submit the thesis proposal to your academic institution.
- Present research findings during the defense.


Abdul Kadir, Kadir & Wahidah, Nur & Jamaludin, Siti. (2016). An Overview of Organic
Waste in Composting. MATEC Web of Conferences. 47. 05025.
CEC. (2017). Characterization and Management of Organic Waste in North America—
White Paper. Montreal, Canada: Commission for Environmental Cooperation. 48 pp.

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