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Group 1 :
Anisa Apriliya (4)
Calvin Niman Enggie (10)
Carmelia Anggraini (11)
Kafkia Eksabilia (17)
Mas Ahmad Mulia Sultan Budiman (18)
Muhammad Asyraf As-Syafa’at (21)
Rasya Dewina Zulfa (26)
Sheva Azizah (33)


Group – 1
N = Narrator
MK = Malin Kundang

MR = Mande Rubayah
W = Malin’s Wife
MN = Mande Nirmala

MK = Mande Kirai
B = Bodyguard
S = Malin’s Sister

N: Once upon a time, in the coastal village of Air Manis Beach, West Sumatra.
lived an old widow named Mande Rubayah, she became a widow because her
husband died killed by sea pirates, after her husband died she lived in a bamboo
hut whose roof. Mande has a son named Malin Kundang. Day by day she lived
life accompanied by Malin Kundang.

(In the morning, Mande and Malin at the dining table)

MR : "Malin, after the departure of your father, we only live together here.”
MK : "Yes mom, I understands. After father died, our lives are no longer
like before. In the past, it was father who went to earn a living for us. But after he
left, mom became the backbone of our family."
MR : "It's okay Malin, mom is very sincere in earning a living so that we can both
to live our lives. Then I want to get ready first son, to go to the beach."
S : “Mom, I want to go with you to the beach”

(Mande Rubayah gets ready by bringing some equipment to earn a living)

MR: "Son, We want to go to the sea immediately to look for fish to sell to the market so that
we can earn money."
MK : "Yes mom, be careful. Hopefully in the morning you will get a lot of fish to sell to the
MR : "Aamiin ... ."
S : “Let me help you to look for fish in the sea mom, so that u doesn’t get tired.”
MR : “Yes, kid.”
(Mande Rubayah immediately went to the sea)

N : While looking for fish in the sea Mande Rubayah looked very excited, she looked for

fish in the sea until night. Then, she sold the fish to the market. As time went on,
Mande Rubayah did not return home until midnight.

MK : "How come it's already midnight and mom hasn't come home yet..." (Malin said to

N : Malin Kundang waited for his mother's presence at home until midnight, but she
not yet arrived home. Until finally Malin Kundang was sleepy and fell asleep. The
next day in the morning there was a knock on the door.


N : Hearing the knock on the door, Malin Kundang finally woke up from his sleep. Then
immediately approached the sound of the door knocking.

MR : "Assalamualaikum"
MK : "Waalaikumsalam, mom ... why are you only home at this hour?"
MR : "Yes son, I was fishing until midnight last night and then sold the fish to the market
the morning, after I sold the fish to the market, I went home."
MK : "Ya Allah ... Malin has been waiting for you all this time."
MR : "I'm sorry, my son. Sorry for making you worry."
MK : "Yes, it's okay mom. You'd better rest first."
MR : "Yes, my son."

N : Malin was very worried about her mother's condition who had to earn a living every
day. She thought of migrating to another country to help her family financially. So he
went to see his mother.

MK : "Mom, Malin wants to talk to you."

MR : "What do you want to talk about, son?"
MK : "Mom, Malin wants to migrate to another country."
MR : "What for, son?"
MK : "Malin wants to help our lives mom. I can't bear to see mom who goes out every day.
out and back in the morning."
MR : "It's okay son, mom is fine."
MK : "Malin wants to change our live, mom. Malin wants to make mom happy."
MR : "Alright Malin, I'll let you. But promise me something."
MK : "What promise mom? Malin is ready to promise anything."
MR : "Promise that you will come back to this village when you are successful."
MK : "Mom, don't worry. Malin promises to come home and meet mom when I’m successful
later. Malin will not forget mom."
MR: "Take good care of yourself. When are you leaving?"
MK : "I'm leaving tomorrow mom, the ship will arrive at the dock."
MR : "Okay, I'll take you to the pier tomorrow. Have the luggage been cleaned up?"
MK : "Already mom, you don't need to worry, Insya Allah, Malin can take care in
there and Malin promises to come back to this village when Malin is successful."
MR : "Hmm, that's all right. We'd better rest to prepare for tomorrow."
MK : "Yes, mom."
S : “Goodluck brother, I hope you come back soon. I’ll taking care of mother here so you
don’t need to be worry. Me and mom will stay here and waiting for u to comeback.”
MK : “Yes, thank you sis. Wish me luck.”

N : Malin, Mande and her Sister rested because it was late at night, and they slept until
the sunrise in the morning.

N : The sun began to show its light, Malin and his mother woke up from sleep. Malin
getting ready to go out, when Malin was about to go out his mother appeared to be
organizing things for Malin to take overseas.

MK : "Mom, Malin will be leaving soon because the ship has arrived at the dock."
MR : "Yes son, here are your belongings and supplies that you might be able to eat for the
few weeks. (while handing a bag to Malin)
MK : "Thank you very much, mom" (while taking the bag she gave him)
MR : "Yes son, I'd love to come with you."
MK : "Alright mom, then let's go."

N : Malin boarded the ship and immediately docked to go overseas, from a distance
waved to his mother.

MK : "Mom... Malin leaving first." (while waving)

MR : "Yes, son, be careful. Take care of yourself, hopefully you will reach your destination
and return safely. (while holding back tears)
MK : "Yes mom, I will be a successful person and make mom proud." (speaking softly and
still waving his hand)
S: “Bye brother, see u soon”

N : Day after day, month after month, and year after year. Mande Rubayah continued
wait for the return of her son Malin. She prayed to God that Malin would always be
under his protection.

MR : "Ya Allah, the almighty. I beg you with all my heart, O God. Give me peace of mind.
Protect my son wherever he is." (Aamiin while closing the prayer)

N : It's been years of waiting, now Mande Rubayah feels very happy knowing that her
son will return home.

MN : "Mande, have you heard the news that your son is coming today?"
MR : "Hahh, is that true?"
MK : "Yes, I heard the news from the fishermen on the beach."
MR : "Alhamdulillah, Ya Allah. Finally my years of waiting have come."
MN : "Then, you go to the beach immediately to welcome your child."
MK : “Yaa, go to the beach as soon as possible.”
MR : "Alright, thank you very much for this news."
N : Mande with a happy feeling rushed to the beach to meet Malin. She couldn't stop
imagining what her son would be like.

B : "Sir, we have reached your hometown."

MK : "Stop the ship at the western part of the island."
B : "Yes, sir."
MK : "Beautiful weather today, isn't it my wife."
W : "Right, my husband. So this is your hometown?"
MK : "Yes, this is where I was born."
B : "Sir, the ship has been stopped at the location you requested."
MK : "Okay."

MR : "Maliinnn, my son..."
MK & I: (making surprised and astonished faces)
MR : "How are you son, I've been waiting for your return for a long time."
MK : "Who are you, you seem to have the wrong person mom."
MR : "Malin, this is my son, your mother."
W : "Honey, is she really your mother?" (with a julid face)
MK : "I don't have a poor and ugly mother like you."
MR : "Nakk, why are you saying that?" (while surprised and sad)
MK : "Because you're not my mother, you poor woman!"
MR : "Nak, don't you recognize your mother who used to feed you, take care of you,
and allowed you to migrate!"
MK : "Crazy woman, still wants to claim that ... BODYGUARD! Take this woman
from me!"
B : "Yes, sir."

N : The bodyguard pushed Mande Rubayah away even until she fell.

MR : "How dare you malin, how dare you not recognize your own biological mother. Nine
months of pregnancy, raising you and educating you to be a good child."
MK : "Enough, don't talk too much, old grandma."
MR : "Why, Malin. Why..."
MK : "Listen, my mother is a rich and beautiful woman. Not ugly like you."

N : Malin left with his wife leaving his mother who was hurt. But then...

MR: "Ya Allah, the almighty. What has possessed my son, that he does not want to
his own mother. I beg you Ya Allah, his attitude towards me has gone too far.
Punish him Ya Allah."
S : “Mom, I’m here with you. Let Allah give brother a lesson.

N : Instantly the sky rumbled, the wind became a strong storm, Malin's ship was tossed
around along with its contents. And suddenly his ship turned into a rock including
Malin and the members on his ship.
N : The next day when the morning sun appeared on the eastern horizon, the storm had
subsided. On the shore, there were pieces of the ship that had turned to stone. That was
Malin Kundang's ship! There was a piece of stone that resembled a human body.


1. Be Polite to Parents
God is very angry with children who are rude to their parents. Before going to take
Malin to work in the other country, the rich merchant asked Malin to first ask his
mother's permission.

2. Not to be a disobedient child.

Be a filial child so that life is filled with goodness, parents' services cannot be paid or
replaced. Being disobedient is one of the big sins that Malin committed because he did
not recognize and thought his mother died.

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