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The molecular polarity refers to the total of the bond polarity of bonded molecules.
Polarity happens when there is equal or unequal distribution of charges of atoms in a molecule.
The polar molecule is asymmetric, meaning the distribution of electrons in a covalent bond is
not equal. It also contains lone pairs of electrons on the central atom or atom is bonded with
different electronegativity values.
The two bonding atoms with different electronegativity values will result to have a bond polarity.
When molecules become more complex will result to have a molecular polarity.
Water (H2O) is an example of molecule composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.
Let’s take a closer look of a molecular structure of Water.

Notice that oxygen there has only 6 electrons in its outermost shell ( ) we call this valence

Octet Rule states that atoms tend to gain, share or transfer electrons in order to attain a stable 8
valence electron configuration. Therefore oxygen needs two more electrons to become stable.
Hydrogen is an exception to the rule since it has only one electron in its shell. To become stable
hydrogen needs one more electron. Since they both needs electrons to become stable they will
share electrons with each other.


Oxygen now has 8 electrons and hydrogen

has 2 electrons. Making each atom stable.
And this relative ability of an atom to draw electrons in a bond toward itself is
called Electronegativity of the atom.

And because oxygen has many electrons and became denser compared to hydrogen then it will
have higher electronegativity and has more strength to attract electrons giving it a partial
negative charge (δ-). On the other hand hydrogen has a lower electronegativity that’s why it will
result to a partial positive (δ+).

This unequal sharing of electrons between atoms create a dipole moment or two poles (positive
and negative). We will represent this with an arrow pointing towards oxygen .

A non-polar molecule is symmetric. If a molecule is symmetric meaning all electrons are equally
shared or bonded
Lets have Oxygen gas 2 (O2) as an example.

Oxygen has six valence electrons the two oxygen atoms with the same
electronegativity combined and spread evenly between the two atoms.
Since a pair of electrons is shared equally between atoms, there is no
partial charge created hence no dipole moment therefore oxygen gas is a
non-polar molecule.

The electronegativity difference can be calculated by getting the

electronegativity value of the given molecules in the periodic table of elements.

Each electronegativity value increases from left to right which means non-

electronegative metals than electronegativity metals.

For example in H2O.

2.1 is the EN value for H

3.5 is the EN value of Oxygen

3.5 – 2.1 = 1.4

Since the value is 1.4 and is within the o.5 – 2.0 range. Then it is polar.

Note: The greater the electronegativity difference, the greater the polarity of the molecule.

For the Oxygen gas O2 (O2)



Supplies Needed
 Glass Jar with a lid (a pint canning jar works great)
 1 cup Water

 1 cup Oil (we used vegetable oil)
 2 teaspoons Dish Soap


Step 1 – Start by filling the jar with 1 cup of water.

Step 2 – Next pour 1 cup of oil into the jar. Make a few observations.

Question 1. Does the oil behave the same when you added it to the water?
Step 4 – Securely tighten the lid on the jar and shake it for 15-20 seconds.
Step 5 – Set the jar down and watch the jar for a couple of minutes
Question 2. Observe what happens to the oil and the water and write down your findings. Did
the oil and water stay mixed together? Was your hypothesis correct? Do you think there is
anything else that can be added to the jar to prevent the oil and water from separating?
Step 6 – Next, take the lid off the jar and squirt in 1-2 teaspoons of dish soap.

Step 8 – Set the jar down and watch the liquid for a minute or two.

Question 3. Observe what happens to the oil and the water now that the dish soap has been
added to the mix. Write down your findings. Did the oil and water stay mixed together this time?
Do you know why adding the dish soap preventing the oil and water from separating?

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