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(1) rainbow is the name of a bird. this bird has n colors and it’s colors in two consecutive days
are not equal. there doesn’t exist 4 days in this bird’s life like i, j, k, l such that i < j < k < l
and the bird has the same color in days i and k and the same color in days j and l different
from the colors it has in days i and k. what is the maximum number of days rainbow can
live in terms of n?
(2) Let n be a natural number and suppose that w1 , w2 , . . . , wn are n weights . We call the set
of {w1 , w2 , . . . , wn } to be a Perfect Set ∑ if we can achieve all of the 1, 2, . . . , W weights with
sums of w1 , w2 , . . . , wn , where W = ni=1 wi . Prove that if we delete the maximum weight
of a Perfect Set, the other weights make again a Perfect Set.
(3) Suppose a m × n table. We write an integer in each cell of the table. In each move, we chose
a column, a row, or a diagonal (diagonal is the set of cells which the difference between
their row number and their column number is constant) and add either +1 or −1 to all of
its cells. Prove that if for all arbitrary 3 × 3 table we can change all numbers to zero, then
we can change all numbers of m × n table to zero.
(4) Suppose n is a natural number. In how many ways can we place numbers 1, 2, ...., n around
a circle such that each number is a divisor of the sum of it’s two adjacent numbers?
(5) Lamps of the hall switch by only five keys. Every key is connected to one or more lamp(s).
By switching every key, all connected lamps will be switched too. We know that no two
keys have same set of connected lamps with each other. At first all of the lamps are off.
Prove that someone can switch just three keys to turn at least two lamps on.
(6) A circle is divided into 2n equal by 2n points. Ali draws n + 1 arcs, of length 1, 2, . . . , n + 1.
Prove that we can find two arcs, such that one of them is inside in the other one.
(7) Let l1 , l2 , l3 , ..., ln be lines in the plane such that no two of them are parallel and no three of
them are concurrent. Let A be the intersection point of lines li , lj . We call A an ”Interior
Point” if there are points C, D on li and E, F on lj such that A is between C, D and E, F .
Prove that there are at least (n−2)(n−3) 2 Interior points (n > 2). note: by point here we
mean the points which are intersection point of two of l1 , l2 , ..., ln .
(8) Consider lattice points of a 6∗7 grid.We start with two points A, B. We say two points X, Y
connected if one can reflect several times WRT points A, B and reach from X to Y .Over
all choices of A, B what is the minimum number of connected components?
(9) Take a n × n chess page. Determine the n such that we can put the numbers 1, 2, 3, . . . , n
in the squares of the page such that we know the following two conditions are true:
a) for each row we know all the numbers 1, 2, 3, . . . , n have appeared on it and the numbers
that are in the black squares of that row have the same sum as the sum of the numbers in
the white squares of that row.
b) for each column we know all the numbers 1, 2, 3, . . . , n have appeared on it and the
numbers that are in the black squares in that column have the same sum as the sum of the
numbers in the white squares of that column.
(10) a) Do there exist 2-element subsets A1 , A2 , A3 , ... of natural numbers such that each natural
number appears in exactly one of these sets and also for each natural number n, sum of the
elements of An equals 1391 + n?
b) Do there exist 2-element subsets A1 , A2 , A3 , ... of natural numbers such that each
natural number appears in exactly one of these sets and also for each natural number n,
sum of the elements of An equals 1391 + n2 ?
(11) We have a line and 1390 points around it such that the distance of each point to the
line is less than 1 centimeters and the distance between any two points is more than 2
centimeters. prove that there are two points such that their distance is at least 10 meters
(1000 centimeters).
(12) There are n points in the page such that no three of them are collinear. Prove that number
of triangles that vertices of them are chosen from these n points and area of them is 1,is
not greater than 23 (n2 − n).
(13) A school has n students and some super classes are provided for them. Each student
can participate in any number of classes that he/she wants. Every class has at least two
students participating in it. We know that if two different classes have at least two common
students, then the number of the students in the first of these two classes is different from
the number of the students in the second one. Prove that the number of classes is not
greater that (n − 1)2 .
(14) In some of the 1 × 1 squares of a square garden 50 × 50 we’ve grown apple, pomegranate
and peach trees (at most one tree in each square). We call a 1 × 1 square a room and call
two rooms neighbor if they have one common side. We know that a pomegranate tree has
at least one apple neighbor room and a peach tree has at least one apple neighbor room
and one pomegranate neighbor room. We also know that an empty room (a room in which
there’s no trees) has at least one apple neighbor room and one pomegranate neighbor room
and one peach neighbor room. Prove that the number of empty rooms is not greater than
(15) 11 people are sitting around a circle table, orderly (means that the distance between two
adjacent persons is equal to others) and 11 cards with numbers 1 to 11 are given to them.
Some may have no card and some may have more than 1 card. In each round, one [and
only one] can give one of his cards with number i to his adjacent person if after and before
the round, the locations of the cards with numbers i − 1, i, i + 1 don’t make an acute-angled
triangle (card with number 0 means the card with number 11 and card with number 12
means the card with number 1!). Suppose that the cards are given to the persons regularly
clockwise (mean that the number of the cards in the clockwise direction is increasing).
Prove that the cards can’t be gathered at one person.
(16) We want to choose telephone numbers for a city. The numbers have 10 digits and 0 isn’t used
in the numbers. Our aim is: We don’t choose some numbers such that every 2 telephone
numbers are different in more than one digit OR every 2 telephone numbers are different in
a digit which is more than 1. What is the maximum number of telephone numbers which
can be chosen? In how many ways, can we choose the numbers in this maximum situation?

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