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A Calendar is a chart or series of pages showing the days, weeks and months of a particular
year, or giving particular seasonal information.

Basic Structure of Calendar:

Q: What is Ordinary Year / Leap Year?
Ans: Last two digits of year divisible by 4 (0 remainder) is called Leap Year (LY).
(other than 0 remainder) is called Ordinary Year (OY).
(i) Ordinary year: Any year which 365 days is called an ordinary year. Every Ordinary Year
start and end with same days. Ex: 1879, 2009, 2019, etc.
(ii) Leap year: Any year which 366 days is called leap year. In leap year, starting and ending
day is not same it end with next days. Ex: 2012, 2016 2020 etc.
(iii) Divisible by 4 principle is not applicable in century year cases last two digits of the year
‘00’. For ex: 400, 700, 900, 1200, 1700, 2000, 2100 etc… In this cases, these
years are divisible by 400 factor and find an ordinary or leap year.
Calculation of Odd days in the Year:
(1) 1 Ordinary Year – 365 days (52 weeks x 7days =364 days) + 1 odd day
(2) 1 Leap Year – 366 days (52 weeks x 7days =364 days) + 2 odd day.
(3) 100 years (400) 100 is not divisible by 400. So, split to (0-99 years + 001year)
(24 Leap Years + (99-24) = 75 Ordinary Years + 1 Ordinary Year

⇒ In 100 years (24 LY + 76 OY)

Find odd days in 100 years = 24 (2) + 76 (1)
48 + 76 = 124 days
= 17 weeks (119 days) + 5 odd days

⇒ 100 years = 5 odd days

⇒200 years = 5 x 2 = 10 odd days ( 7 ) = 1 week + 3 odd days
⇒300 years = 5 x 3 = 15 odd days ( 7 ) = 2 week + 1 odd days
⇒400 years = 5x4 = 20 + 1 = 21 ( 7 ) = 3 week + 0 odd days

Note: Similarly, for 800, 1200, 1600, 2000, 2400 years odd days will be zero
Years 100 200 300 400
Odd days 5 3 1 0
Calculation of Odd days in the Month:
In the Month 31 days (Jan, Mar, May, July, Aug, Oct, Dcm) (4 Weeks x 7 = 28) – 3Odd
In the Month 30 days (April, June, Sep, Nov) (4 Weeks x 7 = 28) – 2 Odd days
In the Month 28 days ( Feb) (4 Weeks x 7 = 28) – 0 odd days0
In the Month 29 days (Feb) (4 Weeks x 7 = 28) -1 odd days
Day Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Code 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

(i) On Day of the Week
(ii) On What Dates
(i) (a) Solving the Problems on Day of the Week using the TRADITIONAL METHOD
Q-1: Which Day of the week was 12th February, 1941?
Q-2: What day of the week was 15th August 1947?
Q-3: Which Day of the week was 18th April, 1963?
Q-4: Which Day of the week was 21st July, 1630?
Q-5: Which Day of the week was 2nd May, 1921?
Q-6: Which Day of the week was 2nd December, 1818?
Q-7: What Day of the week was 12th March, 1940?
Q-8: Which Day of the week was 18th April, 1964?
Q-9: Which Day of the week was 21st July, 1632?
Q-10: Which Day of the week was 2nd December, 1816?
(i) (b) Problems on Day of the Week using the Formula Method
Required Data:
Year Code
1600-1699 1700-1799 1800-1899 1900-1999 2000-2099 2100-2199
6 4 2 0 6 4

Month & Day Codes

Month Jan/Oct May Aug Feb/Mar/Nov June Sep/Dec July/Apr
Days Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Code 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
In case of leap year code for Jan Month will be =6 and for Feb =2

Last Year last Date Month Century Divide Find Take
2 2 digits code code by 7 Remainder Remainder
digits divided and Give
of by 4 = day code
year (take

Q-1: Which Day of the week was 12th February, 1941?

Q-2: What day of the week was 15th August 1947?
Q-3: Which Day of the week was 18th April, 1963?
Q-4: Which Day of the week was 21st July, 1630?
Q-5: Which Day of the week was 2nd May, 1921?
Q-6: Which Day of the week was 2nd December, 1818?
Q-7: What Day of the week was 12th March, 1940?
Q-8: Which Day of the week was 18th April, 1964?
Q-9: Which Day of the week was 21st July, 1632?
Q-10: Which Day of the week was 2nd December, 1816?
(ii) Problems on What Dates
Short cuts of Month-Day Codes
(i) 1 – 8 – 15 – 22 -29
(ii) 2 – 9 – 16 –23 -30
(iii) 3 – 10 – 17 – 24
(iv) 4 – 11 – 18 – 25
(v) 5 – 12 – 19 – 26
(vi) 6 – 13 – 20 – 27
Q-1: On what dates of April, 2002 did Wednesday fall?
Q-2: On what date of Feb, 2007 did first Saturday fall?
Q-3: On what dates of May, 1945 did Saturday fall?
Q-4: On what dates of Feb, 1842 did Thursday fall?
Q-5: On what dates of June, 1764 did Monday fall?
Topic: CLOCK’S
A Clock is a circular device provided with three hands viz. an hour hand, minute and second
hand. The study of the clock is known as “horology”.

Hints on Angle:
A Clock is a circular = 360º
A Clock has12 parts/Gaps, each Part/Gap = = 30º

Each Part contains (1 Hour or 5 Min) = 30º

Second Hand travel per Minute = = 6º

30º 1
Hour hand travel per Minute = = 0.5º or 2

(A) Finding Angle
(B) Finding Hands Together
(C) Hands of the Clock Opposite
(D) Hands be Right Angle
(E) Loss / Gain
(A) Problems on Finding Angle:
Here, there are two methods available for calculation of Angles
(a) Traditional Method
(b) Formula Method
(a) Traditional Method
Q-1: What is the angle between Minute Hand and Hour Hand at 1.20?
Q-2: What is the angle between Minute Hand and Hour Hand at 2.25?
Q-3: What is the angle between Minute Hand and Hour Hand at 1.35?
Q-4: What is the angle between Minute Hand and Hour Hand at 4.45?
Q-5: What is the angle between Minute Hand and Hour Hand at 10.35?
Q-6: What is the angle between Minute Hand and Hour Hand at 11.45?
(b) Formula Method: [30 (H) - (M)]

(i) Answer is positive or negative, you will be treated as Positive Value.
(ii) Answer (Angle value) more than 180 treated as Reflective angle. Use additional formal
for angle value.
[360º - Reflect Value]
Q-1: What is the angle between Minute Hand and Hour Hand at 1.20?
Q-2: What is the angle between Minute Hand and Hour Hand at 2.25?
Q-3: What is the angle between Minute Hand and Hour Hand at 1.35?
Q-4: What is the angle between Minute Hand and Hour Hand at 4.45?
Q-5: What is the angle between Minute Hand and Hour Hand at 10.35?
Q-6: What is the angle between Minute Hand and Hour Hand at 11.45?
First of all we know that, How many times in a day do the minute and hour hands of a clock
coincide (Angle between them is zero) with each other?

(a) A first collision of the hands in a clock at midnight (12:0:0 A.M)

(b) In every hour, both the hands coincide once (1) and in 60 minutes, the minute hand gains
55 minutes over hour hand per hour but in 12 hours, there will be 11 times and 24 hours of
the day, there will be 22 coincidences.
(c) The minute hand gain 55 minutes.
(d) The hands of the clock are perpendicular or right angle (90º) to each other for 22 times in
12 hours and for 44 times in a day.
(e) The hands of the clock are 44 times in a straight line (180º) per day.
Formula is:
Minute Hand Gain in 1hr Minute Hand travel in 1 hr
55 Spaces 60 Min

(B) Hands Together (0º)
Q-1: What time between 3 and 4 o’ clock, will the hands of a clock be together?
Q-2: At what time between 5 and 6 o'clock will the hands of a watch be together?
Q-3: At what time between 9 and 10 o'clock will the hands of a watch be together?
Q-4: At what time between 7 and 8 o'clock will the hands of a watch be together?
Q-5: At what time between 4 and 5 o'clock will the hands of a watch be together?
Q-6: At what time between 11 and 12 o'clock will the hands of a watch be together?
(C) Hands of the clock opposite (180º)
Q-1: At what time between 7 and 8 o'clock will the hands of a clock be in opposite direction?
Q-2: At what time between 3 and 4 o'clock will the hands of a clock be in opposite direction?
Q-3: At what time between 4 and 5 o'clock will the hands of a clock be in opposite direction?
Q-5: At what time between 11 and 12 o'clock will the hands of a clock be in opposite
(D) Hands of the clock be Right Angle (90º)
Note: We will get two answers
Procedure for calculation of Right Angle
Step-I: Draw Hour Hand
Step-II: Draw a Perpendicular line (Minute Hand)
Step-III: Use formula and find both answers

Q-1: At what time between 4 and 5 o'clock will the both hands of a clock be at right angle?
Q-1: At what time between 7 and 8 o'clock will the both hands of a clock be at right angle?
Q-1: At what time between 10 and 11 o'clock will the both hands of a clock be at right angle?
(E) Loss / Gain:
Key Points:
(1) Clock is gains 5 Min in every hour
Gain = + (Plus)
Loss = - (Minus)
(2) Convert mixed fraction hours to min
For ex: Convert 45 5 hours to minutes
45 5 x 60
45 Hours 48 Minutes
Q-1 Akash saw the clock when it was set right at 8 AM. The clock gains 5 minutes in an hour.
What time will it shows at 8 PM at the same day?

Q-2: If a clock gains 5 min every hour and it set correctly at 5 AM, then what time will it
shows at 10 AM at the same day?
Q-3: Raju observed that a watch losses 5 seconds in one hour which was set right at 7 AM.
What time will it show at 2 PM on the same day?

Q-4: A clock is set correctly at 1 PM. If it loses 3 Minutes every hour, what time will the clock
show when the correct time is 10 AM the next day?

Q-5: A watch losses 5 seconds every hour. The Watch was set correctly on Wednesday at 6:30
AM. What time did it show at 6:30 AM in the next Wednesday?
When a person (borrower) takes money from another person or a bank (lender), then the first
person pays some money to another person (lender) for the use of money lent. This extra
money paid to the lander is known as interest.
There are two types of interest levied upon:
(A) Simple Interest, and
(B) Compound Interest
(A) Simple Interest: In this method, interest always applies to the original principal amount
with the fixed rate of interest for every time cycle.
Formula for Simple Interest
(1) SI = or P-A
(2) A = P + I. or A = P (1 +100)
SI x 100
(3) P =
SI x 100
(4) T = PxR
SI x 100
(5) R = PxT

(6) If the rate of Simple interest differs from year to year, then
P × (R1 + R2 + R3…..)
SI = 100

The above formula are:

SI=Simple Interest
P=Principal Amount (This the amount invested)
T=Number of years
R=Rate of interest (per year) in percentage
A = Total amount or maturity amount.
Note: R – Always be in Per Annum (p.a)
T- Always be in Years
Easy to Medium (Basic) Level Questions on Simple Interest
Basic Level Questions solved by using
(i) Formula Method SI = = A = P (1+𝟏𝟎𝟎)

(ii) Percentage Method 100 - P

Q-1: What would be the simple interest occurred in 4 years on principle Rs. 18,440 at the rate
of interest 15% p.a?

Q-2: Dinesh deposit an amount of Rs. 65,800 to obtain simple interest at 14% p.a for 4 years.
What total amount will Dinesh get at the end of the 4th year?
Q-3: Mr. A takes loan from Mr. B for 2 years at the rate of interest 5% p.a and after two years
he have gave back Rs. 6,600 to Mr. B and complete the payment of loan. Find the interest paid
by Mr. A?

Q-4: Find the difference in the total amount and principle of Rs.4000 at the rate of 5% annually
in 4 years?
Problems on Simple Interest Comparison (+ = ~)
Q-1: Simple interest for sum of Rs.1230 for 2 years is Rs.10 more than the simple interest for
Rs.1130 for same duration. Find the rate of interest?

Q-2: For certain sum of the simple interest in 2 years at 8% p.a. is Rs.110 more than the simple
interest in 1 year at 5^ p.a. for same sum. Find the Sum?
Q-3: Mr. R lent Rs.400 to Mr. A for 2 years and Rs.100 to Mr. M for 4 years and received from
both Rs.60 as interest. Find the rate of interest?

Q-4: Arjun borrowed Rs.800 at 6% and Rajesh borrowed Rs.600 at 10%. After how much time
with them both have equal debts?
Compound Interest (CI): Compound interest is the interest on a loan or deposit calculated
based on both the initial principal and the accumulated interest from previous periods.
Let, calculate the compound interest, you need the Principal amount, rate of interest and time
There are four methods available for calculating the Compound Interest.
(A) Traditional Method: Without using formula (it helpful 50% only)
(B) Formula Method:
CI = P[𝟏 + 𝟏𝟎𝟎]n -1
A = P[𝟏 + 𝟏𝟎𝟎]n

(C) Percentage Method

(D) Short-cut Method
Basic Questions on CI
Q-1: What will be the compound interest for the sum of Rs.8000 after 3 years at the rate of
5% p.a.
Q-2: The compound interest on Rs.30,000 at 7% p.a. for certain time is Rs.4347, then the time

Q-3: At what percent annual compound interest rate, if a sum of Rs.1000 amounts to Rs.27,000
in 3 years?
Problems on Half-Yearly / Quarterly
Formula for Half-Year
R/2 2n
A = P[1+ ]
Formula for Quarterly:
R/4 4n
A = P[1+ ]
Q-1: A sum of Rs.10,000 was deposited in a bank for a period of 27 months at the rate of 20%
p.a. on compound interest. What will be the total amount received?

Q-2: What will be the total amount received for the sum of Rs.20,000 for the period of 30
months at the rate of 8% p.a. on compound interest?

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