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Criteria Percentage
Process 20%
Creativity 25%
Accuracy 25%
Use of tools, materials, and 10%
Neatness 10%
Speed 5%
Ability to Present the Process 5%
Total 100%

Food Processing (Meat, Fish, and Vegetable)

Criteria Percentage
Palatability 15%
Process used in preservation 25%
Product Presentation and Packaging 10%
Use of tools and equipment 15%
Sanitation Procedures, Methods & 15%
Safety work habits
Speed 10%
Ability to Present the Process 10%

Electrical Installation and Maintenance (EIM)

Criteria Percentage
Accuracy of interpretation of 25%
schematic diagram
Accuracy of installation 30%
Use of tools 15%
Safety 15%
Speed 10%
Ability to Explain Process 5%
Total 100%
Technical Drafting
Criteria Percentage
Accuracy of interpretation of 40%
schematic diagram
Accuracy (measurements against 40%
Speed (on time -10, 5 min. late -5, 6 10%
min above-1)
Ability to Explain Process 10%
Total 100%

Food Preservation
Criteria Percentage
Creativity 25%
Process 25%
Proper Use of Tools 15%
Speed 10%
Safety 10%
Ability to Present Idea 15%
Total 100%

Technical Drafting
Criteria Percentage
Creativity OF THE Product 25%
Process 25%
Use of Tools 15%
Speed 15%
Safety 10%
Ability to Present the Process 10%
Total 100%

Technical Drafting
Criteria Percentage
Plot (Use of the form and stage) 20%
Character (Originality and Character 20%
Dialogue (appropriate use of 20%
Themes and Ideas (relationship 20%
between form and content)
Theatrically (Ambition of the work 20%
and intended genre)
Total 100%

Himig Bulilit
Criteria Percentage
Musicality (rhythm, balance, tonality, 35%
and harmony)
Interpretation (expression, dynamics, 30%
Vocal quality (Harmony) 25%
Showmanship (stage presence 10%
Total 100%

Technical Drafting
Criteria Percentage Percentage
For Dance Parade For Dance
Choreography 30% 20%
Originality/ Style)
Performance (Skills and 40% 50%
Technique, Timing and
Coordination, Showmanship
and Mastery)
Production Design 20% 10%
(costume/props) and Music
Theme/Concept 10% 20%
Total 100%

On-the-Spot Painting
Criteria Percentage
Artistic Merit (Elements and 30%
Principles of Art)
Interpretation of the theme 30%
Difficulty (technique) 20%
Overall Impression of the Art 20%
(Artwork on its own as a complete
and outstanding work of art)
Total 100%
On-the-Spot Oratorical Speech
Criteria Percentage
Message and Content 30%
Delivery and Performance 30%
Originality 30%
Overall Impact 10%
Total 100%

Kasaysayan, Heograpiya at Kultura ng Pilipina Quiz

Round Percentage
Easy 8 items 1 8 points
Average 7 items 2 14 points
Difficult 6 items 3 18 points
Total = 21 items 40 points

Pop Quiz
Round Percentage
Easy 8 items 1 8 points
Average 7 items 2 14 points
Difficult 6 items 3 18 points
Total = 21 items 40 points

Story Telling
Criteria Percentage
Mastery of the Story 50%
Voice Projection 30%
Stage Presence 20%
Total 100%

Oral Reading Interpretation

Criteria Percentage
Oral Interpretation 50%
Voice Projection 30%
Stage Presence 20%
Total 100%
Oratorical Composition and Presentation
Criteria Percentage
Composition and Delivery 50%
Voice Projection 30%
Stage Presence 20%
Total 100%

Muling Pagkukuwento
Criteria Percentage
Kaalaman/Komprehensiyon sa 50%
Paggamit ng Tinig(Tamang, Tono, 30%
Tatas, ekspresyon sa pagsasalaysay)
Pagganap sa Entablado 20%
Total 100%

Interpretatibong Pagbasa
Criteria Percentage
Pagbibigay ng Interpretasyon 50%
Paggamit ng Tinig 30%
Pagganap sa Entablado 20%
Total 100%

Sulat-Bigkas ng Talumpati
Criteria Percentage
Pagsulat at Pagtatalumpati 50%
Paggamit ng Tinig 30%
Pagganap ng Entablado 20%
Total 100%

Foreign Language Exposition (FLE)

Criteria Percentage
Costume 15%
Oral Presentation 60%
Stage Presence 25%
Total 100%
Foreign Language Writing Skills Contest
Criteria Percentage
Content and Structure 70%
Form and Style 30%
Total 100%

Storytelling in Filipino Sign Language

Categories Scores
1. Gold (Exceptional) 16-20
2. Silver (Proficient) 11-15
3. Bronze (Developing) 6-10
4. Certificate of Participation 1-5

Storytelling in Filipino Sign Language

Categories Scores
1. Gold (Exceptional) 25-32
2. Silver (Proficient) 17-24
3. Bronze (Developing) 9-16
4. Certificate of Participation 1-8

Oration (Naseehah)
Criteria Percentage
Substance 50%
Relevance of the topic or focus on
the theme (15%)
Originality/Creativity (15%)
Rhetorical Organization (10%)
Grammar (10%)
Delivery 40%
Quality of Voice (10%)
Diction (10%)
Fluency/Mastery of the
Speech (10%)
Pronunciation (10%)
Stage Presence 10%
Stage Poise (3%)
Gesture (3%)
Proper Attire (2%)
Appropriate Use of the Stage (2%)
Total 100%
Harf Touch
There shall be one (1) point given for every Arabic letter that is correctly
identified and pronounced by learner-participants.

Qur’an Reading
Criteria Percentage
Tajweed/Pronunciation 40%
Tawsasot/Chant 30%
Sawt/Voice Quality 20%
Hay’ah/Stage Presence 10%
Total 100%

Stem Processes and Practices Exhibition

Criteria Percentage
Written Proposal 50%
Content – 25%
Organization – 10%
Feasibility of the Proposed
Solution - 15%
Relevance of Data Used 15%
Oral Presentation 20%
Ability to answer the Question 15%
Total 100%

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