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Name: Sean Carter
Birthdate: February 24, 2017
Age: 6 years 7 months
Medical Diagnosis: Autism Spectrum Disorder with Language Impairment Requiring Some
Support. Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Combined Presentation
Developmental Pediatrician: Anna Christina Cusi, M.D., OTRP, DPPS, DPSDBP

To Mr. Kent, Ms. Alen, and Ms. Nina,

I hope this message finds you well. As a Speech-Language Pathologist, I have had the
opportunity to observe and evaluate our student, Sean, in the classroom environment (October
2, 2023). Based on my observations, I am pleased to provide some recommendations to
support Sean's communication and learning experience in the classroom.

Seating Arrangement for Optimal Attention: Sean is suggested to sit at the very front of the
class because sometimes he may find it hard to focus on lessons for a long time. Sitting in the
front makes it easier for his teacher to quickly get his attention if he gets distracted. It's like
having a special spot that helps Sean stay more focused during class and engage better with
what's being taught. This positioning allows for easier communication and interaction with the
teacher, aiding in better focus and participation in class activities.

Clear Communication of House Rules: It is important to ensure Sean fully comprehends the
classroom rules and expectations. I recommend reviewing and reinforcing the house rules with
Sean regularly, utilizing visual aids and verbal explanations to enhance understanding.
Consistent reinforcement will support Sean in following expected behaviors and fostering a
positive learning environment.

Implementation of Visual Schedules: Utilizing a visual schedule detailing the day's activities
can significantly assist Sean in understanding and organizing his tasks during each subject.
This visual aid should be prominently displayed within the classroom and referred to regularly,
providing Sean with a structured and predictable routine, ultimately enhancing his engagement
and productivity.

Encouragement of Interactive Learning Opportunities: Encourage interactive and hands-on

learning experiences for Sean, such as drawing activities related to lessons. Incorporating these
interactive elements ensures Sean remains actively engaged in the learning process, promoting
language development and participation.

Implementation of Prompts: Below are outlined various helpful strategies and approaches you
can utilize with Sean to facilitate communication and encourage his active participation:

● Visual Prompts: Present Sean with visuals that directly relate to the question being
asked. These visuals could include images, drawings, or written words. Providing visual
aids supports Sean in understanding the question and aids in his ability to formulate a
response more effectively.
● Verbal Prompts: Ask Sean questions in a clear and straightforward manner. If needed,
restate the question, using different words if necessary to enhance understanding. This
approach ensures that Sean comprehends the question, promoting his ability to respond

● Implementing a Prompt Hierarchy: Begin by doing the most minimal prompt, such as
offering verbal choices. Gradually progress to more direct prompts, like providing the
initial sound of a word, and then encourage Sean to imitate or complete the word.

● Allowing Adequate Processing Time: Provide Sean with enough time to process the
question and formulate a response. It's crucial to allow extended periods of wait time,
enabling Sean to gather his thoughts and generate a clear and meaningful answer. This
approach ensures that Sean feels comfortable and confident in his responses.

● Reinforcing with Positivity: Offer positive reinforcement to Sean for his attempts to
answer questions, regardless of whether the response is partial or incorrect. Give Sean
a thumbs up or a pat on the back when he tries to answer questions, even if he doesn't
get it all right. Saying nice things and giving him little rewards will make Sean feel good
and encourage him to keep joining in, making him feel proud and more interested in

Commendation for Teacher Interaction: I would like to express my appreciation for the
kindergarten teacher, Ms. Alen, for her proactive engagement with the students. She
consistently walks around the classroom, making her way to the back where the kids are, in
order to engage them by asking questions and encouraging participation. Additionally, I
commend Ms. Alen for her adaptability in modifying an activity for Sean. For example, during
the "Finger Family" activity, she creatively encouraged Sean to draw his family on paper,
tailoring the activity to suit his individual abilities and interests.

Furthermore, I want to acknowledge Ms. Alen's excellent approach during a particular activity
where Sean was asked to stand in front of the class and name his family members. She
displayed patience and gave Sean the time he needed to formulate his response. Ms. Alen also
provided appropriate prompts to support Sean in confidently sharing the names of his family

I am available for further collaboration and support in implementing these recommendations.

Working together, we can create an inclusive and supportive learning environment that
maximizes Sean's communication skills and academic success. Thank you for your dedication
and commitment to supporting Sean's growth and development.


Colita Hanna, CSP-PASP

Certified Speech-Language Pathologist
PASP No: 19-0776
Speech-Language Pathology Consultant
Happy Hands Pediatric and Adult Therapy Center, Lilo-an
Theraplay Child Care Services, Danao

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