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………………… I N T E R N A T I O N A L
………………… S C H O O L


JUNE 2021

Section A
DATE : Wednesday 23 June 2021rd

Section B
TIME : 10.00am – 11.30am (1hour 30 minutes)
Total %

NAME : ……………………………………………………………….. CLASS : ………..…………..

TEACHER’S NAME (Place a tick in front of your teacher’s name)

Mrs. Dimuthu Pieris Mrs. Dananji Chandradasa Mrs. Keshani Ratnasiri

Mrs. Ditya Dissanayake Mr. Dayan Cooray Mr. Pasindu Sankalpa

Instructions to Candidates: Information for Candidates:

 Use BLACK ink or ball point-pen.  The total mark for this paper is 100.
 Read and answer all questions in Section A and B,  Section A = 12 questions.
carefully.  Section B = 7 questions.
 Answer the questions, showing full working in the
 There are 19 pages except the cover
spaces provided.
 You are reminded of orderly presentation in your
 Electronic calculators ARE NOT allowed.
~ Good luck with your examination ~

(1) a) Simplify (Give your answer as a fraction in its simplest form) (1)





b) Work out (1)







c) Find ( ) (Give your answer in its simplest form) (3)










(Q1 : 5 marks)

(2) Expand and simplify ( ) ( )




(Q2 : 2 marks)

(3) Evaluate
a) (1)




b) (1)




c) (1)




d) ( ) (1)





e) Simplify and give the answer in dot notation (2)









(Q3 : 6 marks)

(4) Solve :






(Q4 : 2 marks)

(5) Solve

a) ( ) (2)






b) (2)







(Q5 : 4 marks)

(6) Given that express t in terms of p and r.







(Q6 : 2 marks)

(7) The table below shows the populations of some countries in 2010.

Country Population
South Korea

a) The population of Mexico was 111 210 000.

In the table above, complete the row for Mexico.

Give your answer in standard form, correct to two significant figures. (1)

b) Complete the following sentences. (2)

The population of Russia is ten times the population of .....................................

The population of ..................................... is one fifth of the population of Indonesia.

c) Calculate the difference in population between South Korea and Senegal.

Give your answer in standard form. (1)





(Q7 : 4 marks)

(8) a) To the nearest ten, there are 90 students in a classroom.

Write down the range of values in which the actual number of students lies.

Also illustrate the range on a number line. (3)











b) The weight of a newly born baby is given as 3.5kg correct to one decimal place.

Write down the range of values in which the actual weight lies. (1)









(Q8 : 4 marks)

(9) ABCD and EBCF are parts of two identical regular n-sided polygons.

The two polygons are joined together along edge BC.

Calculate the value of n.







(Q9 : 2 marks)

(10) A field of grass feeds 48 buffaloes for 6 days. How long would the same field feed 12








(Q10 : 2 marks)

(11) a) There are some red counters and some yellow counters in a bag. There are 30
yellow counters in the bag. The ratio of the number of red counters to the
number of yellow counters is 1:6.

(i) Work out the number of red counters in the bag. (1)





Riza puts some more red counters into the bag. Then the ratio of the number of
red counters to the number of yellow counters is now 1:2 .

(ii) How many red counters does Riza put into the bag? (2)











(Q11 : 3 marks)

This space is kept intentionally.

(12) Draw a diagram to represent the following information.

 Kamala runs 4km on a bearing of 1250 from P to Q.

 Thereafter she runs 2km to R from Q on a bearing of 3050.

(Indicate correct angles, directions and distances. Do not use the protractor)

(Q12 : 4 marks)

Section A : Total 40 Marks


(1) Two bags contain beads.

The first bag contains 2 black and 3 white beads.

The second bag contains 2 black, 1 white and 2 red beads.

A bead is taken by Alan, at random, from each bag.

The tree diagram that represents these outcomes is drawn below.

a) Find the probability that

(i) both beads are black (2)





Question 1 is continued on the next page…..

(ii) both beads are white (2)





(iii) Both beads are of different colours. (2)









b) How many times Alan will get both beads white, if he continues this for 100
times? (2)





(Q1 : 8 marks)


a) Find the gradient of L. (2)







b) Write down the equation of L. (2)





Question 2 is continued on the next page…..

c) Does the point (6,20) lie on the line L. (show your working) (2)







d) Write down the equation of another straight line which is parallel to L. (1)



e) Write down three inequalities that define the unshaded region. (3)







(Q2 : 10 marks)

This space is kept intentionally.

(3) In the diagram A,B,C,D,E and F lie on the circle, centre O. AD and FC are diameters.

Find size of angles of the following giving reasons.

a) DEˆF (2)



b) FBˆD (2)


c) CFˆD (2)


d) AOˆF (3)




(Q3 : 9 marks)

(4) Given that ( ) and ( )
a) (1)



b) (2)



c) (i) (2)




(ii) Hence, solve the following matrix equation. (4)

(Do not use equivalent simultaneous equations)

( )( ) ( )








(Q4 : 9 marks)

5) a) A is the point ( ) and B is ( )

The gradient of the straight line AB is .

Find the value of p. (2)








b) The graph of a straight line with the equation meets the x -axis at
(a,b) and y -axis at (c,d).

Find the values of a, b, c and d. (4)










(Q5 : 6 marks)

(6) There are x number of large houses and y number of small houses in a street.

Each large house has 3 cars parked outside of it and each small house has 2 cars
parked outside of it.

The total number of cars parked outside of all houses in the street is 80.

a) Write down an equation in x and y for this information. (1)



Each large house has 8 windows and each small house has 5 windows.

The houses in the street have a total of 204 windows.

b) Write down another equation in x and y for this information. (1)



c) Hence, find the number of large houses and number of small houses in the street.











(Q6 : 6 marks)

(7) a) Express as a single fraction in its simplest form (1)





b) (i) Factorise (2)





(ii) Factorise (2)





(iii) Hence, simplify fully (3)








Question 7 is continued on the next page…..

c) Solve (4)

















(Q7 : 12 marks)

Section B : Total 60 Marks

[ Total marks : 100 ]


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