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Background of the Study

Currently, one of the most wide problems affects both grown-ups and children. Analogous

ways are used by both men and women to ameliorate their hair each over the world, including

styling, shampooing, hot oil treatments, bleaching, and hair rebonding. These poor habits affect

our hair that causes hair loss without our mindfulness.

In this study, guava leaves will be employed as a hairspray to encourage hair

development and guard against hair damage. One of the topmost at- home treatments for

encouraging hair development is guava leaves, which are well famed for their antibacterial and

comforting parcels. It helps lessen scalp irritation, which is considered to be the main cause of

hair loss, and cures virtually all scalp conditions.

The guava (Psidium guajava), a perennial shrub belonging to the Myrtaceae family, is

cultivated for its delectable flavor, claims (Anthony 2022). Guavas produce a single, white

flower as well as a berry fruit. The common guava is a fruit that is indigenous to tropical

America, though its ancestry is unknown. Short leaves with a smooth upper facet and a hairy

underside make up the fruit. For a very long time, these leaves have been utilized as medicine.

These leaves must be utilized for holistic or herbal reasons. Fresh guava leaves are also well

known for having their own beneficial qualities, such as antioxidants, antibacterial properties,

and anti-inflammatory effects. Tannins, flavonoids, polyphenols, and carotenoids embrace the

vast array of nutrients. Additionally, it is one of the best treatments for stopping hair loss and

reviving hair growth.


According to Singh K. R. 2021's study, guava leaves can help heal practically all scalp

conditions and reduce scalp inflammation, which is the main factor in hair loss. Due to their

antibacterial and anti-inflammatory characteristics, they do this. Guava leaves are excellent for

promoting hair growth when used as a hair rinse, hair serum, or hair conditioner. Hair loss can

be effectively treated using guava leaves. Guava leaves are a good source of vitamin C, which

helps to build hair follicles and stop hair loss. Additionally, vitamin C has the ability to increase

collagen, which promotes faster and healthier hair growth. He added that the leaves are abundant

in vitamin B, which has antioxidant advantages. It promotes hair growth and shields the scalp

and hair from damage caused by free radicals.

One of the common issues today that affects both adults and children is hair damage and

loss. Hair styling, shampooing, hot oil treatments, bleaching, and rebonding are some routine

hair beautification practices practiced by both men and women around the world. These extreme

habits harm the hair and cause breakage or hair loss without the owner even realizing it.

According to (Delfin, M. 2022), thinning hair, damaged hair, dandruff, and frizzy hair are

the most prevalent hair problems in the Philippines. One of the most prevalent hair issues in the

Philippines is thinning hair. The tropical climate, a person's genes, or hormonal changes are to

blame for this. Some people worry that their hair is harmed because it has been bleached or

subjected to too much chemical. This results from excessive oil production, dry skin, and fungus

that resembles yeast. You just cannot avoid having frizzy hair in the Philippines, particularly

during the heat. The Philippines receives the most heat and humidity due to its proximity to the

equator, which may cause frizzy hair. But because there are so many guava trees in the

Philippines, individuals can utilize guava leaves all year round for hair treatments. This is

primarily due to its low cost and accessibility.


In this study, guava leaves will be used as a hairspray to promote hair growth and guard

against hair damage. Guava leaves are one of the best remedies for encouraging hair

development since they have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory characteristics, claims

( 2023). It addresses nearly all scalp problems and aids in reducing scalp

inflammation, which is the main cause of hair loss. According to (Hixon, A. 2022), if the

physical symptoms are treated, lost hair may grow back and the condition of the hair should

return to normal. We can sustain fresh hair development with the aid of this guava-enriched hair

spray. It is significant to remember that the advantages you can obtain from guava leaves rely on

how long you boil the guava leaves, according to (Idris, H. 2021). All of the significant

phytochemical components included in guava leaves are extracted to a greater extent the longer

the leaves are boiled well on heat.

Statement of the Problem

The general problem of this study is: “How planting fast-growing plants like

mung beans may be done instead using crushed malunggay stem. The final goal of this

research is to determine whether it is more productive if given proper care, nutrients,

sunlight, and adequate water”

Specifically, this study will find answers to the following questions:

1. How will the growth of mung beans plant in crushed malunggay stem if with:

1.1. 50% loam soil and 50% mori soil

1.2. Pure loam soil

1.3 Pure mori soil


2. In terms of height growth of mung bean, which is more effective?

2.1 Loam soil

2.2 mori soil

Hypothesis of the Study

State your null and alternative hypotheses.

Ho. If the Mori soil is effective as an alternative soil for growing mung beans,

then the mung bean will grow.

H1. If the Mori soil is not effective as an alternative soil for growing mung beans,

then the mung bean will not grow.

Significance of the Study

The following entities will benefit from this study are farmers/gardeners,

students, researchers, and future researchers.


Through this study, farmers can make the most of their available resources by

avoiding waste and providing a practical and economical solution by using these

residual stems as planting material since the stem of malunggay plants have been viewed

as waste.


The results of study will help the students to know the capabilities of malunggay

stem. It will give the students information about this certain topic.


Through this research, this will help the researcher in providing more

information on this certain topic.

Future Researchers

This research may be used as a reference for the future researchers who would

plan to study about an alternative soil in growing plants.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

The general intent of this study is to know if the crushed malunggay stem can be

used as an alternative soil in planting. This research aims to grow mung beans using

crushed malunggay stem as an alternative of loam soil. The experimentation was

conducted at school.The study will primarily identify and evaluate whether planting a

mung bean on a crushed malunggay stem is effective. In addition, safety measures are

followed in this study to ensure the safety of the researchers .

Definition of Terms

Crushed - to break something into smaller pieces that will help create a soil

Malunggay (Moringa Oleifera) - is a plant native to northern India that can also

grow in other tropical and subtropical places. (Wiginton, 2023) This plant has many

benefits that will be the main study of the research.

Mung Bean (Vigna Radiata) - known as the green gram, is a member of the

legume family. It is mainly used as an ingredient which is also easy to plant (L. R.


Residual - it refers to the remains after a process that has been completed

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