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je Dibberent Wes oh Exception in Pythohe HO SUNIX Esrver ¢- This ExcepHon i) Yailed when the Lintetpretey encounter a SUMICX evox in the code) HS&Ch Gs Misspened \ceyword 5 a missing colon 1 OY an unbalanced paventhesis Exception ff vabed when an OY buncton in apptial fo an objec ob e wrong type Such as adding a stving to an MName ENYOTS- Thit exception is Yaired when q Fe of bUNcHOD NAGme «NOL hound in the cunent v i jon 1S “Yaued when an inex dD Tndex Enmor3- Thi exception w) Key estors- Thi excepHon fy yaved when a leey U No found in 0 dictionary | Wi) Value ENvors. Thi) exception i Yabed when a huacnon or merhtd ts cated with an invetid argument OF Oudpud, puch as tying te convert 4 srrtng _intergor wher ere Jtving clos Not vepyeent 4 Udi integer. I AMTibuie Evvore.Thd excepHon in valved when om GQirribuie oF Mead f) Not Bound on an obsed, Such as Moying +o aces an Non -exbtam artribure ob a clase Bey instance | MiyTO Evvor 3- This exception & yabed When one Vo NOperarion, such 43 Nveading Ov writing @ bile , pails due AO ar inputs fouspusd = =ervor. Biizero Division Evworg- THis excepHon is ‘Yevel when an empt ) made 4o divide & number hy 200 . ampott E7055 - TMi exceplon v Yaed when an import marern evr Youll! Ao incl av toad om Modwe / OPIVision Envoy '. division by Zero excePrions s- Exceptions ave ctaised when the program q Dy SUNAACH Cally Com¥ect ,pud the cade esa BD aH , ZENO DOIWiod Exrors- Here ‘in thi Gide we are dividing ane ‘ave’ by 200. : envow wld Our HNOWN AS 12er0" Divisron » pvini ca) mn the above exampie yased the Tevo Diuition Pryor Puce are riying divide a number by 270 | ype Coy S- v exception Neised when an openaton ov Wor ) appired to an Object OV the WO types | an exawmpre seupe envoe' iS yaded as both the chieny- ane albherent which ane bet nq Added Type EXNOxs UPSupporred operand for +2 int’ add ' sty >2aa9 ) SEs, eee i — ees —_ ams Fre ————— e Syntax Ext §- Ay_the ame Suggests this enor vs cawed by the wrong W syntax in tne Code | Th leads 40 the Heveninahion Oh the program | Mhese 3 O syntax in the code . The "ih? Stasoment Ghowd he followed Py Q colonc:) and the ‘print’ Pstaiment Should be indented +O be imide the rig! amouni = 10000 ib Camouni > 2999) qrinic” you Ove eligible 4© purchae Psa setk Paced) Bentsen $- In tic pratiec) we learn About how Meercindie exception in pytnon and dibkevent types my eceeprion in Pyrnon | Stands ot" comma TO 4800000 5 r Tee 66000 66 8 tine - count += 1 Puint Cb prYocessed 4 line -count ; tines.) Redding CSV Biles with Pandas s- } The Pandas iy detines an an open-source Nbrary which |) DUIt on the +Op Ob the Numpy lipvary TH provides | Hast ANalysis data cleaning and prepamarion ob data) hor the Wer. Reading the csv tile toto a pandas paiaFyame %) quick and stvaighi porwands vue Con! Need 10 write CNOUgh ines oh code FO Open ,aNdaly2e and tead jhe CSU bite in pandas and tt Stove Ane dala in palaframe-Heve, we ave taucing 4 stig hy move complicared Ble io vead , called nidaia «csv, Which contains dara ob Company employes’ PN OF TOM 3 - {mMpott Panda 0) pd dk =Pd- vend - cov C'hY¥daya csv? print cab ) CSU Modwe Functions é- TH ead the data pbYom a cru pile T+ write Ane deur to acsv fhe elim It YeEAwins the Ccutvend maximum fled size allowed by the paren SUMNER ie Aided v- QUOTE— | MINIMAL > Su GUOTE— JONNUMERIC 1Csu-QUOTE_ Rone TH Yeuins tre dialect asoctased With a name Tt yetwins the name op Ol! reg ised Aiaiects Tt Associates dialect with A Name. The =| Name mui be string oY A UNicode ObKA. T delete the dicuect which is ayoctes with the name byom the dinect *Eity TH Ap name ty Nota Vayiterd ala tect name, then an evo U beiry ryaited T+ Intvuchs the wiiter objects tO Quere cul bella. FP instyuch the writer Obye only the Wade onicn conan specias | Crevvactens Such as quote Chow , deli miteretg Tl lnptraict the wwviter objecs to quote cul the pon-numenc_bields TE instyucts the writer opiedd never fo quote the Welds ct tO Quote Conciujfong- While wor(ng wim CSU Yecercls © Fuavamee Net we documeni i APEvopyiately And that ie biting tibyawser ave tmpavted You huve to might toith PokenHa! sues Hoe exaruple MVISiNg qum@ittes ,contiicting INboYmaHion types etc Mive 40 deal th iy Sse mre ¥ CS File & | CSV stands = 01 * Comma - Separated vaiuer * which it debined ASO simpte bile towmat that_uves _specitic Grucuming tO arvange tabuiaxs data. Ty Stoves tabur lan dato Such spreadsheet: d¥_dasobase in plain text fand MGSO Standard bormat tor data intewharge me CSV ile Open’ into the excel sheet , and the yous and columns dato debine the standond form lat e python Csy Module FuncHons 3- he CsU mModwe work i) +o handle the Cc bile 4O Yead jwrite and ge dasa brom specibied Peolums. Where ave dibbevent tye Ob CSU HuNcHony | which aye a hollows E | MSV hreld size —timit 2 Jt Yetwrns the Curvent maximum a size Allowed by the parser. ge dialect 3- Returvn! Ane dialea asfactaie with aname , s- Retwms the Name Ob All Begttered 4 ~dialect diaiec’ . it data =C 7’ Rank": 8". ag $!gank': A’; 'gixst-name” Smith” last -na Girank’'C’ ,' bivst-nome! 4 "Rank! = 'B'.’ binst name $ Rank t+ ae bits} name '¢ bp les ‘Nas - al Ourpur 1 3- writing Complete T+ ‘vetumns” the bile nomed as athe su the following datas vi Te biva-name | vasy navhe’) Rank Tie SERS. 2. Partker , Byian,@ 77 t Te “Smit 1 Rodiguez, A ; . Jone, Ofcar,@ NIN y fa. 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OS cv-bile : piednames = ['emp -name'. ‘dept’. Third -month'] waiter = GU -DIawriterC cu- bile biedname = pieldnan| 6) waidas . wri tenecd 0) Writes. Wwrritevow ( 3'emp-name’ + Ponker’, ‘dept!’ | Accounting’, * 14th Monit: NoVember' 5) | writen -wiriteow (4! emp-name's tsmithydept!: | TT! ! | Mprrth_month’: 'Octobes'¢) ewig coy File Using Pandar 3. Pancas «oy Gebined ay an Open Source Vipiary ewrich i but On ane +O? ob NumPy Vipvary Th prourdey siesta ta : ood 08°12" /.US0d0%6 hte 12018-1101 2E000 19 MNGi Nom 2014 ~ o¢ ~ 1p kbaeva te MMO Pun 12013 ~ 45-2) ' 66000 o 8 — ympoit pandas db = PANdaS -Nead —cqucthydata

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