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Neighborhoods in New York

Most tourists think that New York is a big city, but in fact it is made up of many different

neighborhoods. Of course, there are rich and poor neighborhoods. Some neighborhoods are

full of people from the same country. Often these neighborhoods don’t even look like they

are part of the same city. Two different neighborhoods in New York are especially


One interesting neighborhood is Chinatown. Chinatown is in the southern part of New

York City. This neighborhood has many Chinese stores and restaurants. New Yorkers from

all parts of the city go to Chinatown. Most of the people who live there are Chinese, but

there are other types of Asians as well. Everyone in the shops speaks Chinese, Vietnamese,

or Thai. Because of this, the shop signs are all written in Asian languages. This is one of the

most crowded and colorful neighborhoods in the city.

Another neighborhood that people find interesting is called Little Italy. It is not far

from Chinatown. It was started by Italians who came from Italy in the 1900s. At one time,

Little Italy was the largest neighborhood on the main island of New York. Nowadays it is

much smaller. While most of the Italians have moved into other areas, some of them have

stayed in the neighborhood. There are still good Italian shops, restaurants, and cafes in Little

Italy. You can still hear Italian spoken on the streets.

There are many other unique neighborhoods in New York. For example, there are
Greenwich Village, Harlem, and the Upper East Side. You can spend days and days
exploring the different neighborhoods in New York City and never leave the main island.

 NY = several neigh.
 Rich + Poor neighbourhoods.

2 major neigh. in NY.

PSP 1 Chinatown

 S part of NY.
 Very colorful.

PSP 2 Little Italy

 Started in 1900s.
 Italian still spoken in the strs.


 Other neighs.  Greenwich.

 Days and days to tour NY.

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