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Recommended Practice

for the Design of

Prestressed Concrete
Columns and Walls

prepared by

PCI Committee on Prestressed

Concrete Columns




tDeceased, Former Chairman *Past Chairman

CommitteeStatement .................................58
Preface............... .............................59
Notation............... .............................60
Chapter1 — Definitions ..............................61
Chapter2—Scope ..................................62
Chapter 3 — General Considerations ..................63
Chapter4 — Basic Assumptions ......................64
Chapter 5 — Limiting Dimensions .....................64
Chapter 6 — Effective Dimensions of Walls .............65
Chapter7 — Slenderness Effects ......................66
Chapter 8 — Approximate Evaluation of Slenderness
8.1 General
8.2 Moment Magnification Factors
Chapter 9 — Permissible Stresses in Concrete and
PrestressingSteel .......................71
Chapter10 — Bearing Stresses ........................72
Chapter11 —Shear ..................................73
Chapter 12 — Reinforcing Details of Prestressed Concrete
Columnsand Walls ......................73
12.1 General Reinforcing Details
12.2 End Regions
12.3 Limits of Longitudinal Reinforcement
12.4 Lateral Reinforcement
12.5 Two-Way Prestressing
12.6 Special Reinforcement
12.7 Minimum Bonded Reinforcement for
Unbonded Prestressing
References............ .............................76


Appendix— Design Examples .........................81

PCI JOURNAL/July-August 1988 57

These recommendations for pre- References citing research used in
stressed concrete columns and walls developing these recommendations
are written in a code format. In the are included for the user desiring to
main body of the recommendations, study individual topics in greater de-
background details and suggestions tail. A bibliography listing additional
for satisfying the requirements are references related to prestressed
not included. Commentaries are in- concrete column and wall design has
cluded in selected sections for the also been included.
purpose of amplification of intent. An Appendix section contains nu-
There are 12 chapters in this Recom- merical design examples (together
mended Practice plus sections on with design aids) to show how the
notation, selected references, a bib- provisions of the report can be ap-
liography and sample problems. plied in practice.

The provisions given in these recom- stressing may prove to be beneficial.
mendations are intended to cover mini- The use of prestressing strands is much
mum requirements for the design of more economical than deformed rein-
prestressed concrete compression forcing bars in a precasting plant, and
members (columns and walls) in which furthermore the ACI Building Code
the use of prestressing steel is of prime waives the minimum reinforcement re-
importance to ensure their stability and quirement for prestressed compression
strength. members. Under plant controlled con-
These recommendations supersede ditions, it is less costly to increase
"Recommended Practice for the Design of member capacity by increasing concrete
Prestressed Concrete Columns and strength than to increase capacity with
Bearing Walls," published in the PCI added reinforcement.
JOURNAL, V. 21, No. 6, November-De- Columns and walls may have dimen-
cember 1976. sions governed by architectural or fire
rating requirements and other condi-
tions, such as thermal insulation or con-
COMMENTARY structability, not dependent on stability
The development of prestressed con- or stress. In such cases, manufacturers
crete has led to the use of prestressed may elect to prestress the elements
compression elements: columns, walls merely to avoid cracking during trans-
and piles. Prestressing a structural portation and erection, or for economy
member designed to carry compression in manufacture. In such circumstances,
may seem contradictory because some members so prestressed are not properly
of the capacity of the concrete is "used classed as "prestressed columns."
up" by the application of the prestress- These recommendations (in particular,
ing force. The effective prestress levels the minimum prestress of 225 psi) are
in columns and walls seldom exceed 10 not intended to apply to those situations.
percent of the concrete compressive Design should be based, instead, on
strength, and therefore, prestressing has ACI 318-83, 1,2 which gives minimum
negligible effect on the axial load steel requirements.
carrying capacity. Often, prestressed This recommended practice, prepared
compression members, especially wall by the PCI Committee on Prestressed
panels, support low axial loads and high Concrete Columns, updates the Com-
bending moments. In such cases, pre- mittee's previous documents.3•4

PCI JOURNAL/July-August 1988 59

Cm = a factor relating actual moment preciable sidesway, calculated
diagram to an equivalent uniform by conventional elastic frame
moment diagram analysis
f% = dead loads, or related internal M 20 = value of larger factored end mo-
moments and forces ment on compression member
E, = modulus of elasticity of concrete, due to loads that result in appre-
psi ciable sidesway calculated by
El = flexural stiffness of compression conventional elastic frame
member analysis
Eg = modulus of elasticity of rein- n = ratio of modulus of elasticity of
forcement, psi steel to modulus of elasticity of
f^ = specified compressive strength concrete = E 3 /E,
of concrete, psi Pb = nominal axial load strength at
= square root of specified compres- balanced strain conditions
sive strength of concrete, psi P, = critical load (Euler)
= compressive strength of concrete Pn = nominal axial load strength at
at time of initial prestress, psi given eccentricity
./p8 = stress in prestressed reinforce- Po = nominal axial load strength at
ment at nominal strength zero eccentricity
= moment of inertia of section re- P„ = factored axial load at given ec-
sisting externally applied fac- centricity <OP,^
tored loads r = radius of gyration of cross section
Ig = moment of inertia of gross con- 13 d = absolute value of ratio of maxi-
crete section about centroidal mum factored dead load moment
axis, neglecting reinforcement to maximum factored total load
k = effective length factor for com- moment, always positive
pression members Sb = moment magnification factor for
lu = unsupported height of compres- frames braced against sidesway,
sion member to reflect effects of member cur-
L = live loads, or related internal vature between ends of compres-
moments and forces sion member
M, = factored moment to be used for S S = moment magnification factor for
design of compression member frames not braced against side-
Mia = value of smaller factored end sway, to reflect lateral drift re-
moment on compression mem- sulting from lateral and gravity
ber due to the loads that result in loads
no appreciable sidesway, calcu- 71 = correction factor applied for
lated by conventional elastic stiffness accounting for P,,/Po
frame analysis, positive if ratio
member is bent in single curva- 0 = correction factor for stiffness ac-
ture, negative if bent in double counting for flanges of the cross
curvature section
M2b = value of larger factored end mo- A = correction factor applied to the
ment on compression member gross stiffness of cross section
due to loads that result in no ap- = strength reduction factor

1.1 In addition to the definitions given projection, horizontal, level or having no
in Chapter 2 of ACI 318-83, the supple- curved surface. It is current industry
mental definitions in Sections 1.2 to 1.6, practice to speak of flat walls and this
herein, are for clarification. term will encompass walls that are
slightly curved as used for fluid or solid
1.2 Beam-Column — Structural element
material storage.
subject to axial compressive loads in
combination with flexure.
1.3 Column — A vertical member in 1.5 Ribbed Wall — A vertical member in
which the ratio of the larger overall which the load is distributed between
cross-sectional dimension to the smaller all or part of a flat wall section and a
is equal to or less than 3.0, and in which monolithic cast rib(s).
the height is greater than three times the 1.6 For the purpose of these recommen-
least lateral dimension. dations, the height of columns and walls
1.4 Flat Wall — A vertical member in is defined as the vertical spanning di-
which the cross-sectional ratio, defined mension and the length (width) of walls
in Section 1.3, is greater than 3.0, and is defined as the horizontal spanning
the section is of constant thickness in dimension.
the direction of the smaller dimension.
COMMENTARY In developing these recommenda-
The previous committee report 4 de- tions it was realized that the word
fined the vertical members considered "length" applied to a wall would nor-
here as "thin" walls. A hesitation to use mally be associated with the plan di-
the word flat existed because of its con- mension; thus, the words "height" and
notations of expressing smooth, without "width" seem more appropriate.

PCI JOURNAL/July-August 1988 61

2.1 These recommendations apply to The requirement for minimum
columns and walls prestressed with bonded reinforcement in Chapter 12 is
high strength steel meeting the re- included to prevent the formation, at the
quirements for prestressing steels in service load level, of a single crack at the
Section 3.5.5 of ACI 318-83. critical sections.
2.2 All provisions of ACI 318-83 not spe-
cifically excluded, and not in conflict
2.6 The provisions of these recommen-
with the provisions of these recommen-
dations, are to be considered applicable dations apply to columns and walls
to prestressed concrete columns and which have a minimum average pre-
walls. stress, after all losses, of 225 psi on the
gross section. Columns and walls
2.3 The following provisions of ACI
stressed to a lower nominal prestress,
318-83 do not apply to prestressed con-
used to control cracking and to facilitate
crete columns and walls, unless specif-
handling, shall have minimum rein-
ically noted: Sections 8.4, 8.10.2, 8.10.3,
forcement in accordance with Section
8.10.4, 8.11, 10.3.2, 10.3.3, 10.5, 10.6,
10.9 of ACI 318-83 for columns and Sec-
10.9.1, 10.9.2 and Chapters 13 and 14.
tions 11.10 or 14.3 of ACI 318-83 for
2.4 Design formulas and permissible walls.
stresses included in these recommen-
dations are for concrete columns and
walls prestressed with bonded tendons. COMMENTARY
2.5 Columns and walls containing un-
The requirement of a minimum aver-
bonded tendons should be designed on
age prestress of 225 psi is in conform-
the basis of a rational analysis, or load
ance with Section 18.11.2 of ACI 318-83.
test, in which the ultimate flexural
The Commentary on Building Code Re-
strength of the member, including slen-
quirements for Reinforced Concrete2
derness effects, is properly taken into
(ACI 318-83) also deals with this ques-
account. In all cases where the service
tion in detail. Gross section properties
load is governed by tension, minimum
may be used in lieu of the uncracked
bonded reinforcement in the precom-
transformed section properties. Struc-
pressed tensile zone should be provided
tural members in which prestress is
according to Section 12.7 of these
added primarily for handling conditions
do not fall within the scope of this re-
Available research data do not permit 2.7 When the slenderness ratio, kl u/r, is
development of simplified empirical below the lower bounds given in Sec-
procedures for the design of columns tion 8.1.6, the effects of column or wall
and walls with unbonded tendons. De- slenderness may be neglected. For
spite this shortcoming, the Committee those members with slenderness greater
believes that the use of unbonded ten- than the upper bound in Section 8.1.6,
dons should not be discouraged. How- the provision for approximate slender-
ever, design of such members should be ness evaluation with these recommen-
based on rational analysis or load test. dations is not allowed.

3.1 Prestressed concrete columns and first of the factors listed above are still
walls must be designed for all the forces present. Therefore, the observed mean
to which they are subjected and their strength should still be reduced by the
behavior should be considered with re- capacity reduction factor before com-
spect to lateral displacement, end con- paring the code capacity with factored
ditions, repetitive loading, axial short- load effects.
ening, effects of creep, shrinkage, tem-
perature changes, foundation settle- 3.4 Members should meet the strength
ment, cracking, construction or handling requirements specified in Chapter 9 of
loads and required strength. ACI 318-83. Special attention should be
given to load factors of the local juris-
COMMENTARY diction if different from those in ACI
The recommendations for the design
3.5 Design should be based on strength
of members subject to axial loads and and checked for behavior at various ser-
bending are in conformance with the vice load conditions that may be critical
general requirements of Section 18.2 of
during the life of the structure from the
ACI 318-83. time the prestress is first applied.
3.6 Strength design should be per-
3.2 Consideration should also be given, formed by rational analysis, considering
where applicable, to requirements for equilibrium of forces and compatibility
durability, fire resistance and, in the of strains, and based upon accepted val-
case of walls, for watertightness and in- ues for the mechanical properties of the
sulation. Requirements in Section 4.2 steel and the concrete.
and Chapter 5 of ACI 318-83 should be 3.7 All cross sections should be de-
considered. signed for the applied axial compressive
3.3 Permissible stresses specified in load and the accompanying bending
these recommendations may be ex- moment, with consideration of the slen-
ceeded if the design strength of the col- derness effects.
umn or wall member is shown by test or 3.8 Stresses due to prestressing and
rational analysis to provide the stress increases due to any change in the
minimum load factors specified in ACI cross section should be considered in
318-83 taking into account the proper the design.
capacity reduction factor, (A, and that the 3.9 Where grouted tendons are used for
performance will not be otherwise im- prestressed columns or walls, the possi-
paired. bility of member buckling between the
points where the concrete and the
prestressing steel are in contact should
COMMENTARY be considered during and after the
The purpose of the capacity reduction prestressing operation and until the
factor is to account in part for: (a) inac- grouting is complete and has achieved
curacies in the methods of calculating 75 percent of its strength.
design strengths, (b) for variability of the 3.10 The effect of local buckling of seg-
design strength, (c) for the importance of ments of a wall member should be in-
the member in the structure and (d) for vestigated when evaluating the overall
the type of potential failure — whether stability of the wall.
ductile or brittle.
When the design strength has been
determined experimentally, all but the (see Commentary on next page)

PCI JOURNAL/July-August 1988 63

COMMENTARY 3.11 In earthquake resistant structures, a
Wall panel segments are generally portion of the steel, either prestressed or
attached at discrete points which are nonprestressed, should be bonded to
intended to make the entire wall act as the concrete so that under design load
an integral unit. Local buckling of the conditions, the critical sections will
wall, or buckling of the segment before meet the ductility requirements for
it is integral with the rest of the wall, seismic design as given in Appendix A,
should be investigated. ACI 318-83.


4.1 The strength design of columns and well accepted and the recommendations
walls for flexural and axial forces should in this report endorse these assump-
be based upon the applicable assump- tions. Repetition of these assumptions in
tions given in Sections 10.2, 10.3, 18.2 this chapter is not considered necessary.
and 18.3 of ACI 318-83, and should General requirements and design
satisfy conditions of equilibrium of guidelines for prestressed concrete,
forces and compatibility of strains. outlined in Chapter 18 of ACI 318-83,
should also be followed. Other back-
ground information on the required
COMMENTARY strength calculations can be found in
The assumptions in Sections 10.2, the bibliography at the end of this
10.3, 18.2 and 18.3 of ACI 318-83 are report.


5.1 The limiting dimensions for pre- Designers of walls should consider
stressed concrete columns and walls the practical limitations of fabrication,
should be determined by taking into ac- handling, concrete placement and fire
count local and overall stability as well protection in selecting the thickness of a
as requirements for concrete placement, wall panel. The Committee suggests a
the effectiveness of lateral reinforce- practical overall minimum wall thick-
ment (if required), steel protection, fire ness of 3 in.
protection and insulation.

5.2 Calculation of deflections should be

COMMENTARY in accordance with Sections and
The Committee believes that there is of ACI 318-83.
no need to recommend a minimum 5.3 The dimensions of columns and
thickness for walls or a minimum di- walls should be such that, under service
mension for columns. However, when load conditions, nonstructural elements
lateral ties are used in a member, the attached to columns or walls would not
minimum practical column or wall di- be damaged by lateral deflection and
mension for proper development of a the stresses in the concrete do not ex-
closed tie is about 8 in. ceed the stresses in Chapter 9.

COMMENTARY a prestressed compression member
should be recognized. The nonlinear
In previous committee reports, provi-
effect may be aggravated by an eccentric
sions were given for checking the lateral
prestressing force and cracking. Guid-
deflections of the prestressed column or
ance for calculating deflections can be
wall in order to establish the minimum
found in the PCI Design Handbook s or
section under service load conditions.
references on stability of compression
These provisions for service load de-
members, 6-10
flection calculations were eliminated
The Committee believes that deflec-
from this report because the permissible
tions should be checked under factored
stresses listed in Chapter 9 produce es-
load particularly in seismic areas where
sentially a redundant calculation of
structural elements have greater poten-
minimum section dimensions.
tial of being loaded to their ultimate
capacity and the probability of cracking
5.4 Calculated lateral deflections of pre- is higher.
stressed concrete compression members The Committee notes that it is less
under factored load should not exceed likely that prestressed columns and/or
lu/100. walls subjected to wind loads would
have the section dictated by a deflection
COMMENTARY criterion.
The deflection limit is based on in-
A deflection limitation under factored
formation in a test report on slender
load was introduced because a P-Delta
analysis can sometimes indicate large
and unreasonable deflections before
stability failure. 5.5 Limits on compression member
In calculating deflection, the nonlin- slenderness are given in Section 8.1.6 of
ear geometric and material properties of these recommendations.

6.1 For walls, the effective width (the side of the rib; or
portion of the wall to be considered as d. 0.4 times the actual height of the
effective) for design of members to ac- wall.
commodate each concentrated load or The effect of local stresses in the vicin-
moment should be determined by ra- ity of the applied load should be in-
tional analysis. ye stigated.
In lieu of a rational analysis, the effec-
tive width should not exceed:
a. The center-to-center distance be-
tween loads; The provisions in Section 6.1 are not
b. The length of the loaded portion in conformance with Section 14.2 of ACI
plus six times the wall thickness on 318-83, where the width of the wall to
either side; be considered as effective for concen-
c. The width of the rib (in ribbed wall trated loads is the width of the bearing
panels) plus six times the thickness plus four times the wall thickness. A
of the wall between ribs on either theory of elasticity solution to the effec-

PCI JOURNAL/July-August 1988 65

tive width is given in Ref. 12. Other carrying compressive load, the strength
more recent analytical studies, based on and slenderness of the noneffective
finite element analysis, 13 have shown portion should be determined as for a
that larger effective widths can be justi- flat wall without considering any sup-
fied. Likewise, recent research at the port from nearby ribs. This provision
University of Texas at Arlington indi- may be waived if shown by rational
cates that even wider effective widths analysis or test that the ribs can provide
are appropriate." lateral support.
The use of greater effective widths 6.4 The effective width of sandwich
than suggested here may result in local panels should be the same as outlined in
overstressing (crushing) of the wall Sections 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3 of these
below the concentrated load. recommendations. The effective thick-
This provision first appeared in the ness of a sandwich panel may be as-
previous committee report 4 and has not sumed equal to the thickness of the
produced deficient designs to the equivalent solid flat wall, provided the
Committee's knowledge. This success- sandwich layers are connected by inte-
ful industry experience further justifies grally cast ribs or adequate mechanical
the liberalization. shear connectors for full composite ac-
tion. If the shear connection between
wythes of a sandwich panel are less than
6.2 If loading on the wall is uniform, the
required for full composite action, the
full width can be considered effective
effective thickness of the panel should
for resisting axial load and moment.
be taken as the thickness of only one
wythe of the panel.
Full width section properties are COMMENTARY
permitted by ACI 318-83 for precast In the absence of published literature
elements subject to flexural loading and or test results, the provisions of masonry
are logically extended here to include codes" pertinent to bonding and tying
axial load. of masonry wall wythes may be used as a
guide in establishing adequate me-
6.3 When the noneffective portion of a chanical shear connectors for full com-
ribbed wall, excluded in Section 6.1c, is posite action.


7.1 The design of compression members 7.2 In lieu of the procedure described in
should be based on factored forces and Section 7.1, the design of compression
moments determined from an analysis of members described in this recommen-
the structure. Such an analysis should dation may be based on the approximate
take into account the influence of axial procedure for the evaluation of slender-
loads and variable moments of inertia on ness presented in Chapter 8.
member stiffness and fixed-end mo-
ments, the effect of deflection on mo-
ments and forces, and the effects of du- COMMENTARY
ration of loads. The loads induced by The use of second order (P-Delta)
prestressing should be considered with analysis to evaluate slenderness is rec-
a load factor of 1.0. ommended. 15-" The analysis is usually

done by calculating deflections using mercially available computer programs
elastic analysis methods, but with fac- exist for making the more sophisticated
tored loads. When using the P-Delta analyses.
method, however, often difficult judg- Likewise, evaluating slenderness ef-
ments are needed to estimate an appro- fects using the approximate procedures
priate stiffness (EI). The P-Delta in ACI 318-83 for columns has shown
method for establishing member stabil- that Section 10.11 of ACI 318-83 renders
ity effects usually gives satisfactory re- the design of some prestressed columns
sults in simple cases. However, when and walls unconservative. 19 This is par-
the loading cases produce loads and ticularly true of sections that are un-
moments that are close to the critical symmetrical with respect to the axis of
stiffness value at cracking, the instabil- bending, such as double-tee wall mem-
ity point may be missed by using an in- bers.
correct stiffness (EI) with the P-Delta Studies at the University of British
method unless stiffness is continuously Columbia by Nathan 18 , 20, 21 - 23 with the
updated. Therefore, the Committee en- PCI Committee on Prestressed Con-
courages the use of more sophisticated crete Columns serving in an advisory
methods of analysis such as iterative capacity, form the basis of the recom-
computer programs fashioned after the mendations for approximate evaluation
procedures outlined by Nathan. 18 Com- of slenderness in Chapter 8.


8.1 General mension in the direction in which sta-
bility is being considered for rectangu-
8.1.1 The unsupported height 1,, of a
lar members, and 0.25 times the diame-
compression member should be taken as
ter for circular members. For other
the clear distance between floor slabs,
shapes, r may be computed for the gross
beams, girders, or other elements capa-
section considering the effective dimen-
ble of providing lateral support for the
sions as defined in Chapter 6.

The general procedure follows that of In the design of members for axial
ACI 318-83. Deviations from those pro- load, Section 6.1 defines an effective
cedures will be noted and discussed. width for flanged cross sections. When
The designer must determine which designing flanged members for pure flex-
elements, such as bearing pads between ure, 5 however, it has been customary to
structural members, provide lateral use the full width of flange. Thus, it is
support. not obvious what width should be used
8.1.2 Where column capitals or in stability calculations.
haunches are present, the unsupported The effect of including additional
height should be measured to the lower flange area in these computations is to
extremity of the capital or haunch in the increase the critical buckling load
plane considered. and, therefore, reduce the moment
8.1.3 The radius of gyration r may be magnification factor. However, use of
taken equal to 0.30 times the overall di- the effective widths defined in Sections

PCI JOURNAL/July-August 1988 67

6.1 and 6.2 may be unduly conservative COMMENTARY
in certain cases.
The lower limits of slenderness stated
If the radius of gyration is based on
are less than those in ACI 318-83. The
the full width of the flanged section, r is
reduction in the unbraced case follows
generally smaller than that based on ef-
the trend set by the Canadian concrete
fective width section properties. Con-
code 24 where all unbraced columns must
sequently, the slenderness ratio will be
consider slenderness. The approximate
more conservative if the full width is
methods in Section 8.2 have been em-
used. Use of the full gross cross section
pirically fit to slenderness as low as 25.
for members with small axial load, rela-
The analytical work 1s used for these
tive to axial capacity, is usually appro-
recommendations showed that strength
reduction due to slenderness effects for
prestressed columns and walls was sig-
8.1.4 For members braced against nificantly more than the ACI recom-
sidesway, the effective length factor k mendations. Analytical studies have
may be taken as 1.0 unless an analysis clearly shown that the prestressed
shows that a lower value maybe used. member has greater strength reduction
for slenderness and is more sensitive to
slenderness effects than the reinforced
COMMENTARY concrete columns considered by ACI
The commentary for ACI 318-83' 318-83.
Section 10.11.2 describes equations and The upper limit of slenderness has in-
charts that may be considered as creased from the previous committee
analytical justification fork less than 1.0. report because the slenderness equa-
tions have been empirically fit to in-
clude a slenderness of 150.21
8.1.5 For members not braced against
sidesway, the effective length factor k
should be determined with due consid- 8.1.7 For eccentrically prestressed
eration of the effects of cracking and members, consideration should be
reinforcement on relative stiffness, and given to the effect of lateral deflection
should be equal to or greater than 1.0. due to prestressing in determining the
magnified moment.

The commentary for ACI 318-832
The eccentric prestressing force may
Section 10.11.2 describes equations and
cause camber which must be taken into
charts that can be used to account for
account in computing the magnification
restraint at the ends of the compression factor.
It is conservative to underestimate the
prestress losses due to causes other than
8.1.6 For members braced against elastic shortening for such calculations.
sidesway, the effects of slenderness may
be neglected when kl,^ lr is less than 8.1.8 The evaluation of the slenderness
[25 -10 (M, 6 /M, )]. For members not effects by approximate methods is not
braced against sidesway, the effects of recommended for members having un-
slenderness may be neglected when bonded prestressing tendons.
kl/r is less than 15. For all members
with kl„/r greater than 150, a rational
analysis should be performed to
evaluate slenderness effects. The Committee has limited informa-

tion on the behavior of column members as:
having unbonded prestressing.25
Therefore, the applicability of the ap- Ecl9/X
El = (8.5)
proximate method for this case is not yet (1 +/3d)
X=i18,3.0 (8.6)

8.1.9 In addition to Sections 8.1.1 to

= 2.5 + 1.6 (8.7)
8.1.8 of this recommended practice,

Sections 10.11.5 to 10.11.7 of ACI Code

318-83 should apply to all designs per- 6 70
formed by the approximate method.
For cross sections without a compres-
sion flange:
8.2 Moment Magnification Factors
8.2.1 Members subject to axial load and 0.05 (8.8)
flexure should be designed using the 0 = (kl 7r) –
factored axial load P,, from a conven-
For cross sections with a compression
tional frame analysis and a magnified
factored moment M, defined by:

M C = SbM2b + SSM23 (8.1) 0.09 (8.9)

B(kl5r) –
C" > 1.0 (8.2)
s6 1 – Pul p P,
1 _- 1.0 (8.3) Provisions for calculating EI have
S$ 1–,P../oEPC changed significantly since the previous
publication of this recommended prac-
tice. 4 Development of the EI equation is
_ r2EI based on analytical studies conducted
PC by Nathan. 1 ' The equation for EI is a
` (klu) 2
best fit of analytical results for pre-
stressed concrete columns and wall
panels. The equations are intended to
apply to members where the average
The general procedure for determin- prestress is equal to or greater than 0.50
ing the design bending moment in an Jr,.
axially compressed member follows ACI In the commentary to ACI 318-83, it is
318-83. A detailed description of the noted that the EI values were derived
terms and the commentary pertaining to for columns with relatively large ratios
these provisions are not repeated here of P. /P o and for column loads above the
but can be found in ACI 318-83 and its balance point of the interaction diagram
commentary. 12 Subscripts "b" and "s" (Pb). In a prestressed member, particu-
represent braced and sway (unbraced) larly in a lightly reinforced wall panel
frames, respectively. For sway frames with a wide compression flange, it is
the effect of story stability must be known that these members have even
checked. The 8, computed is for the en- higher \ allies of P,,IP„ than reinforced
tire story based on the use of 1P„IIP,. concrete columns. Because the normal
design range values of P,,/Po in a pre-
8.2.2 In lieu of detailed analytical cal- stressed column are considerably lower
culations, EI in Eq. (8.4) may be taken than those for the reinforced concrete

PCI JOURNAL/July-August 1988 69

100 f/
71= 2.5+P^/PQ 80 ^r

6 ^ r1 70 60

40 l
for P, equation: $0
E I,/X 4^
El = 1

10 fY
(a) Compression flange

Fig. 8.1 2

80 fe/

60 ^,S


20 i

fPi^ \ 7^S

(b) No compression flange 4-------

0 ke^r - 0.05

Fig. 8.2 2
0.02 .04 .06 .08 .10 .14 .20 .30 .40 .50

Coefficients, A, for modified El

column, the need to modify the ACI 318 Nathan's 1985 paper' s provides addi-
provision existed. The difference in EI tional discussion of this matter.
for the prestressed column and the Design aids for determining A are
reinforced column were significant shown in Figs. 8.1 and 8.2.
enough to develop unique EI equations 8.2.3 For members braced against side-
for the prestressed column. sway and without transverse loads be-
In order to retain the form of the tween supports, C m in Eq. (8.2) may be
equations used in ACI 318-83, it was taken as:
necessary to include the effect of the
strength reduction factor 4) and the C m = 0.7 + 0.3 (Mlb/M2b) > 0.4 (8.10)
long-term load factor 13d into Eqs. (8.7),
For all other cases, C m should be taken
(8.8) and (8.9) because Eqs. (8.2) [or Eq.
as 1.0.
(8.3)1 and (8.5) did not properly account
for their influence. The 0 and jed factors
were included in X because the mo-
ment-curvature diagram for a pre- Analytical studies by Nathan 19 have
stressed column or wall is significantly indicated that the above expression is a
different than the typical reinforced better fit for the bending moment dis-
concrete column that was used to de- tribution coefficient in Eq. (8.2) than
velop the ACI stiffness equations. that in ACI 318-83 Eq. (10-12).


9.1 Procedures for investigating stresses waiver clause of ACI 318-83 Section
at transfer of prestress, at service load, at 18.4.3 permitted. Slender prestressed
any other loading condition during han- columns and walls can be sensitive to
dling, or under service conditions dur- initial crookedness and cracking and
ing the life of the member should be since ACI 318-83 does not specifically
based on the design assumptions given address these items, the rigid restric-
in Section 18.3 of ACI 318-83. tions on stress limitations in the con-
9.2 Computed flexural stresses in a pre- crete are recommended by the Com-
stressed compression member should mittee.
not exceed the limits in ACI 318-83 Permissible stress limitations must be
Section 18.4.1 for transfer and Section compared to stresses caused by load in-
18.4.2a and b for service loads. Section cluding the effects of secondary bending
18.4.2c is not applicable. If exposed moment. Service load stress calculations
surfaces are to remain free of discernible are based on elastic behavior; therefore,
cracks, the allowable tensile stresses in the cross section must remain essen-
normal weight concrete should not ex- tially uncracked and linearly elastic. An
ceed5 f,. increase in allowable stresses due to
wind or any incidental load is not al-

Stresses in the prestressed column or If lightweight aggregate concrete is

wall are not allowed to exceed the limi- used, the allowable stress should be
tations specified in Sections 18.4.1 and modified with the factors in ACI 318-83
18.4.2a and b of ACI 318-83 nor is the Section

PCI JOURNAL/July-August 1988 71

9.3 Permissible stresses in Section 9.2 COMMENTARY
should not be exceede d forhan dl'
mg, Handling and storage conditions must
transportation or erection. If the not be conducive to causing permanent,
member is designed to carry tension nonrecoverable deformations.
without cracking under service condi-
tions, the member should not be al- 9.4 Permissible stresses in the pre-
lowed to crack under handling, trans- stressing steel should be in accordance
portation or erection. with Section 18.5 of ACI 318-83.


10.1 In calculating bearing stresses, the 10.3 When the bearing strength is ex-
average prestress in the vicinity of the ceeded in a member, reinforcement
loaded area at the time of loading should should be provided in accordance with
be taken into consideration in addition recommendations in the PCI Design
to the design bearing stresses under the Handbook, Third Edition.
loaded area.
10.4 Panels or columns should be rein-
COMMENTARY forced for horizontal tensile forces,
nominally perpendicular to the direc-
The contact area between supporting
tion of the concentrated gravity load,
and supported structural elements
with an additional area of steel in ac-
should be checked to ascertain that local
cordance with the PCI Design Hand-
crushing of concrete does not occur. book, Third Edition.
When the contact area occurs at the top
of a prestressed column, or especially
along the top of a flat prestressed wall
panel, the possibility of local crushing in Axial tension caused by restrained
the vertical (supporting) element is shrinkage should be accounted for by
higher than in the horizontal (sup- placing reinforcement in the direction of
ported) element because of the addi- the tensile force and/or perpendicular to
tional stresses caused by the transfer of the potential crack. This additional
the prestressing tendon force. reinforcement is particularly important
to avoid accidental spalling and cracking
at the ends of thin stemmed members.
10.2 The design compressive bearing
strength of concrete should be in accor-
10.5 Post-tensioning anchorages should
dance with Section 10.15.1 of ACI
be reinforced in accordance with ACI
318-83 and the PCI Design Handbook,
318-83 Section 18.13. Reinforcement
Third Edition.
required to resist stresses in the con-
crete due to prestressing strands or ten-
COMMENTARY don anchorages should be additive to
the reinforcement required for the de-
Bearing strength calculated using ACI
sign loads in Section 10.3.
318-83 deals only with the load applied
perpendicular to the bearing support
surface, while the PCI Design Hand- COMMENTARY
book5 includes loads applied parallel to Reinforcement in the concentrated
the support surface. load areas of a member is intended to

resist bursting, horizontal splitting and be impaired.
spalling forces.26

10.6 Concentrated loads should not be
located at or in the vicinity of post-ten- This provision emphasizes the neces-
sioning anchorages, unless it is shown sity of considering external load in
analytically or experimentally that the addition to the high localized stresses
performance of the anchorage will not from the effect of the anchorage.

11.1 The nominal shear strength of pre- 11.3.2 of the 1976 committee recom-
stressed columns and walls should be mendations.4
based on provisions in Sections 11.1, Specific recommendations for con-
11.2, 11.4, 11.5, 11.10 and 11.11 of ACI sidering the effects of torsion on a pre-
318-83. stressed compression member have not
been thoroughly researched. Combined
shear and torsion of prestressed mem-
COMMENTARY bers 27 is not covered by ACI 318-83 but
Prestressed columns should be de- shear and torsion design for flexural
signed for shear in the same manner as members is considered in the Third
prestressed beams, i.e., by ignoring the Edition of the PCI Design Handbook.5
influence of axial load. The Committee knows of no research
Perpendicular to the plane of a flat relating to the behavior of prestressed
prestressed wall, shear should be con- columns subject to torsional loads or that
sidered as for slabs and footings. Shear specific problems with torsion in a col-
forces parallel to the plane of a flat pre- umn presents a common design situa-
stressed wall should be considered tion.
under the provisions for shear walls. If combined axial load, shear and tor-
For the rare case of two-way pre- sion exist in a prestressed column, the
stressed walls, the design for shear in Committee recommends designing the
the plane of the wall may be based on member as a prestressed concrete beam.
superimposing the effects of the vertical Suggested design procedures for shear
and horizontal prestressing. An approxi- and torsion can be found in the PCI De-
mate method can be found in Section sign Handbook.


12.1 General Reinforcing Details 12.2 End Regions
12.1.1 Structural details of prestressed 12.2.1 Reinforcement in the end anchor-
and nonprestressed reinforcement age zone of the member should be in
should conform to Chapter 7 of ACI accordance with Section 18.13 of ACI
318-83 except as modified by these pro- 318-83.
visions. 12.2.2 End anchorage zone reinforce-

PCI JOURNAL/July-August 1988 73

ment is not required in post-tensioned sustain deformations on the descending
construction if the average bearing branch of the load-deflection curve.
stress beneath the anchor is less than 0.5 These conclusions apply to columns
when stability, rather than material be-
havior, governs load capacity.
COMMENTARY Lateral reinforcement should be con-
sidered for relatively short, stocky col-
These provisions are generally ap-
umns where axial load is high, and
plicable to post-tensioned concrete con- where member shear force is significant.
struction. Bearing stresses of less than
half of the concrete strength directly be-
neath the anchor plate of post-tension- 12.4.2 Lateral reinforcement in the form
ing tendons do not need supplemental of rectangular continuous spiral rein-
reinforcement to resist bursting or forcement may be substituted for indi-
spalling forces induced by the tension. vidual lateral ties if the spiral has an area
Concentrated bearing stresses of this equivalent to that of ties spaced in ac-
magnitude have a negligible effect on cordance with ACI 318-83 Section
untied reinforced concrete columns. and

12.3 Limits of Longitudinal COMMENTARY

Reinforcement Prestressed piles use continuous
12.3.1 All prestressed columns and walls square spirals as ties and the typical
meeting the requirements of Section spacing exceeds that of round spirals.
18.11 of ACI 318-83 may be designed as
prestressed members. 12.4.3 Lateral reinforcement require-
12.3.2 Prestressed flat wall panels and ments for prestressed ribbed walls
ribbed wall panels may have the mini- meeting the requirements of Section
mum reinforcement requirements of 12.3.1 may have the lateral reinforce-
ACI 318-83, Section 14.3, waived. ment requirement waived if the nominal
capacity is multiplied by 0.85.

12.4 Lateral Reinforcement

12.4.1 Lateral reinforcement require-
ments for prestressed columns should Ribbed wall panels often use the
conform to ACI 318-83 Section thickened rib as a column. This type of
except Section may be wall panel is frequently designed with a
waived for prestressed columns. large slenderness and eccentricity. The
fact that lateral ties are not typically
used in wall panels is cause for making
the factor of safety higher than normal.
The previous edition of this recom- ACI 318-83 Section has al-
mended practice 4 required that axial ready waived the minimum reinforce-
load capacity be multiplied by 0.85 ment requirement in Section 14.3 for a
when lateral ties were not provided in a flat wall but does not indicate this
prestressed column. Recent research14•28 waiver applies to ribbed walls.
has shown no justification for this re- If the rib in a ribbed wall panel is
duction. Ties do not lead to a significant used as a column, the designer should
increase in column capacity at peak detail the rib as for a column. However,
loads, do not necessarily limit column when the entire panel is considered as a
deflections at peak loads, and do not compression member, the lateral rein-
consistently influence the ability to forcement requirement may be waived

if the nominal axial capacity is multi- in. length at each longitudinal end of the
plied by 0.85. This multiplying factor edge tendons.
effectively increases the factor of safety
as for an unreinforced concrete wall. COMMENTARY
Minimum lateral reinforcement may
be needed to improve ductility if shear This reinforcement has been found to
and torsion are sufficient to cause be necessary to control cracking during
cracking of the ribbed wall. handling and transportation, and to help
with end block stresses. When the pre-
stressing steel is placed near the longi-
12.5 Two-Way Prestressing tudinal panel edges, confinement steel
12.5.1 Where two-way prestressing is is required over a 2 ft length at each end
used in walls, no additional horizontal of the tendon to guard against longi-
reinforcement is required if the hori- tudinal splitting.
zontal prestress, after losses, is at least
150 psi. 12.6.3 Reinforcement should be pro-
vided in the end anchorage zone
12.6 Special Reinforcement perpendicular to the prestressing steel
of all flat type wall panels unless experi-
12.6.1 Prestressed flat wall panels
ence has shown this reinforcement can
should have perimeter deformed bar
be eliminated.
reinforcement near the panel free edges
parallel to the direction of the axial pre-
stress. Anchorage for this deformed bar COMMENTARY
reinforcement should extend a mini- In order to control cracking parallel to
mum of 24 in. perpendicular to the pre- the prestressing in the end anchorage
stress direction at the longitudinal panel zone, a minimum area of steel should be
ends. These extensions should be con- uniformly distributed in the transfer
sidered for the deformed bar reinforce- length of each layer of prestressing
ment only and not as providing rein- steel.29
forcement in the anchorage zone.
12.6.2 The stipulation in Section 12.6.1
12.7 Minimum Bonded
may be waived if prestressing steel is
Reinforcement for Unbonded
placed along the sides within 0.75 of the
wall thickness from the edge; except
that in such a case, confinement steel, in 12.7.1 Minimum area of bonded rein-
the form of mesh or cross-reinforcement forcement for members with unbonded
transverse to the prestressing steel, tendons should be in accordance with
should be evenly distributed over a 24 ACI 318-83 Section 18.9.

PCI JOURNAL/July-August 1988 75

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