(2016) Confectionery Consumption and Overweight

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Confectionery consumption and overweight, obesity, and related

outcomes in children and adolescents: a systematic review and

Constantine E Gasser,3,4* Fiona K Mensah,3–5 Melissa Russell,3,4 Sophie E Dunn,3,4 and Melissa Wake3–5
The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia; 4Murdoch Childrens Research Institute, Melbourne, Australia; and 5The Royal Children’s Hospital,
Melbourne, Australia

Background: Many calorie-rich dietary components contribute to Obesity is a major health issue for children and adolescents in
obesity. However, the contribution of confectionery to obesity in developed and developing countries. A child or adolescent who is
children and adolescents has not been well established. obese has increased risk of obesity in adult life (1). Many lifestyle
Objective: In this systematic review and meta-analysis, we hy- factors (2, 3), including diet and physical activity, contribute to
pothesized that higher total, chocolate, and nonchocolate confec- obesity.
tionery consumption would be associated with higher odds Sugar is an important component of the human diet that comes in
of overweight, obesity, and other obesity-related outcomes
a variety of vehicles. However, the contribution of only some of
[body mass index (BMI), BMI z score, body composition,
these vehicles to obesity has been thoroughly examined. Some
waist circumference, and percentage body fat] in children
previous systematic reviews or studies have shown associations
and adolescents.
between the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages and weight
Design: We searched Scopus, PubMed, and reference lists of
gain (4, 5), a higher prevalence of obesity (6), or higher BMI (7, 8)
pertinent reviews, supplemented by expert contact, for random-
or adiposity (9, 10) in children and/or adults. Likewise, the re-
ized controlled trials (RCTs) and observational studies published
placement of sugar-sweetened beverages with other drinks has been
between 1990 and 31 March 2015, and we conducted separate
meta-analyses for categorical and continuous ORs and for total,
shown to be inversely associated with weight gain (11). This re-
chocolate, and nonchocolate confectioneries with the use of a search is extremely important because soft drinks and soda col-
random-effects model. lectively comprise the highest sources of carbohydrate, total sugar,
Results: A total of 19 studies were included in the systematic re- and added sugar in the diets of 2- to 18-y-old US children (12).
view, and the cross-sectional results of 11 studies (w177,260 par- One sugar-laden food that has not been thoroughly examined
ticipants) were included in the meta-analysis. In the meta-analysis, in relation to obesity is confectionery. This examination is im-
which examined the combined outcome of overweight and obe- portant from a public health point of view because confectionery
sity, the odds of overweight or obesity were 18% lower (OR: is ubiquitous in many societies. On the one hand, candy alone is
0.82; 95% CI: 0.69, 0.97) for subjects in the highest category the fifth highest source of added sugar (13) and the ninth highest
of consumption than for a reference category of consumption. Thus, source of carbohydrate (14) in the diets of 2- to 18-y-old US
a 1-time/wk or a 1-U increase in consumption was associated children (13, 14). Furthermore, chocolate confectionery is often
with a 13% (OR: 0.87; 95% CI: 0.85, 0.88) decrease in the odds high in fat including in saturated fat (15). On the other hand,
of overweight or obesity. Associations were similarly inverse chocolate consumption may have real health benefits (16–18). A
for chocolate and nonchocolate confectioneries. In the longitu-
dinal studies and the RCT included in the review, no associa- 1
The authors reported no funding received for this study. MW is supported
tions were observed between confectionery consumption and by an Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)
overweight, obesity, or obesity-related outcomes. Senior Research Fellowship (1046518), and FM is supported by an NHMRC
Conclusions: Instead of overweight and obese children and ado- Early Career Fellowship (1037449). Research at the Murdoch Childrens
lescents having higher confectionery intakes, this review shows Research Institute is supported by the Victorian Government’s Operational
the reverse effect. This result might reflect a true inverse associ- Infrastructure Support Program.
Supplemental Tables 1–3 are available from the “Online Supporting Ma-
ation, reverse causality, or differential underreporting in heavier
terial” link in the online posting of the article and from the same link in the
individuals. Interventions may need to focus on dietary elements online table of contents at http://ajcn.nutrition.org.
other than confectionery to tackle obesity. Am J Clin Nutr *To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: constantine.
2016;103:1344–56. gasser@mcri.edu.au.
Received July 29, 2015. Accepted for publication March 15, 2016.
Keywords: adolescent, candy, child, obesity, overweight First published online April 13, 2016; doi: 10.3945/ajcn.115.119883.

1344 Am J Clin Nutr 2016;103:1344–56. Printed in USA. Ó 2016 American Society for Nutrition
systematic review and meta-analysis revealed an association exposure and any obesity-related outcome (overweight, obesity,
between the consumption of chocolate and reduced risks of BMI, BMI z score, body composition, waist circumference, and/
cardiovascular disease and stroke (16). Moreover, the con- or percentage of body fat) and 1) reported a measure of the effect
sumption of flavonoid-rich cocoa, which is a component in between the exposure and one or more of the outcomes or 2)
chocolate, has been associated with decreased systolic blood compared proportions of people of different weights (e.g., normal
pressure, whereas it has not been associated with BMI (18). weight, overweight, and obese) who consumed confectionery.
Higher intake of chocolate or cocoa, which is an ingredient in Possible exposures included the percentages of daily energy or
confectionery, has been associated with lower diastolic blood calories from confectionery provided that the other inclusion
pressure and LDL cholesterol and slightly higher HDL cho- criteria were also met.
lesterol (17). However, all of these systematic reviews (16–18) The following publications were excluded from the systematic
have been conducted in adults, and none of the reviews con- review and meta-analysis: nonhuman studies; non-English
sidered nonchocolate confectionery. studies; studies published before January 1990 (generally con-
Globally, many individual studies have explored the associ- sidered to predate the child obesity epidemic); studies that were
ation between confectionery consumption and obesity-related only conducted in adults (all participants $18 y of age) or in
outcomes, which have yielded conflicting results (19–24) in which the outcomes were only studied in adults; studies that
terms of positive (19, 20), inverse (21, 22), or null (23, 24) re- looked at different exposures and/or outcomes or lacked expo-
lations. However, to our knowledge, no previous systematic sures and/or outcomes; any publication types apart from original
review has examined the link between confectionery consump- articles; studies in which confectionery was grouped with other
tion and obesity-related outcomes in children and adolescents. foods or drinks such as chocolate powders or chocolate spreads;
The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to studies in which confectionery was grouped with other foods
investigate the hypothesis that higher confectionery consump- and/or drinks in a food pattern; studies that looked at Bengali
tion would predict higher odds of overweight, obesity, and other sweets; trials with no control group; and studies in which
obesity-related outcomes in children and adolescents. A sec- chewing gum was the only exposure. In some articles, the term
ondary aim was to determine whether this association differed sweets or confectionery was used without definition; in these
depending on the type of confectionery (chocolate or non- cases, it was not clear whether the terms referred to dessert-type
chocolate, which differ greatly in sugar and fat concentrations) foods or to the candy type confectionery of interest to this review.
that children or adolescents consumed. To resolve these discrepancies, CEG contacted the corresponding
or other authors of these articles by e-mail. Eleven articles, in
which there was either a discrepancy in the term sweets or con-
METHODS fectionery after e-mail contact or no reply received from any of
the authors, were excluded from the systematic review.
Literature search
Scopus (http://www.scopus.com/) and PubMed (http://www.
ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed) were searched to identify relevant Data extraction
articles published up until 31 March 2015. Synonyms for candy For observational studies, the following information was
or confectionery were used for the exposure variable or in- extracted when provided: first author; year of publication; study
tervention group, and overweight, obesity, and related synonyms population; sample size; ages of participants (mean 6 SD
were used for the outcome variables. The final search strategy for baseline age or age range); study duration (for prospective co-
both databases is shown in Supplemental Table 1. In addition, hort studies); dietary assessment method [food-frequency ques-
CEG hand searched the reference lists of relevant reviews and tionnaire (FFQ), other questionnaire or survey, dietary recalls,
contacted an expert in the field. Finally, CEG searched the ref- or food diary]; outcome assessment method; covariates and
erence list of an article (24) provided by an expert in the field stratification (if applicable); type of confectionery (for studies
and for references that cited this article. CEG undertook all in the meta-analysis); and categories compared or the interpretation
searches after a consultation with a librarian and a consultation of continuous ORs (for studies in the meta-analysis). When
and review by FKM, MR, and MW to devise a comprehensive possible, we preferentially extracted ORs with adjustment
search strategy. SED blindly rescreened a sample of 500 ab- for the maximum possible number of variables that assessed
stracts (w20%). None of the 447 articles that SED excluded on the association between confectionery consumption and over-
the basis of their title or abstract were included in the systematic weight and/or obesity. When available, ORs from any sub-
review. group analyses that the researchers performed were also
For RCTs, the following information was extracted: first
Study selection author; year of publication; study population; sample size;
Randomized controlled trial (RCT) and observational (pro- age range of participants; baseline BMI, waist circumfer-
spective cohort, case-control, and cross-sectional) studies were ence, and percentage of body fat; study duration; study de-
included in the systematic review. Eligible RCTs included $1 sign; intervention; control; outcome assessment method; and
intervention group who received confectionery, which was de- covariates. A single rater (CEG) extracted all data with close
fined as candy, chocolate, lollies, soft sweets, jellies, and/or supervision and review by FKM, MR, and MW. SED blind
chewing gum (provided that this was not the only exposure), and duplicated the data-extraction process by re-extracting data from
a control group who did not receive an alternative snack. Eligible 100% of included studies, and discrepancies were resolved
observational studies were those that included confectionery as an through consultation with a third party (FKM).

Data synthesis and analysis cates, and 2368 citations were irrelevant, on the basis of their
The meta-analyses investigated how confectionery con- titles or abstracts. Another 7 articles were located from the
sumption was associated with the combined outcome of over- reference lists of reviews, and one article (24) was identified
weight and obesity. Because of the variation in the types of results from an expert in the field, which left 190 articles for the full-
provided in the included publications, only cross-sectional text review. Ultimately, the systematic review included 19
studies that provided ORs or cross-sectional results from cohort studies, whereas the meta-analyses included 10 cross-sectional
studies that provided ORs (25) (n = 11) were combined in the studies plus results from the cross-sectional component of one
meta-analyses because these were the most-common measures prospective cohort study (25).
of effect. We performed separate meta-analyses for ORs for
categorical exposures (categorical ORs) and ORs for continuous Characteristics of the 11 studies included in the meta-
exposures (continuous ORs). If separate ORs were provided for analyses
overweight and obesity, both ORs were included in the meta-
analysis. For categorical ORs, we estimated combined ORs, The characteristics of the 11 studies (2, 3, 15, 21–23, 25, 28–
specifically for chocolate and nonchocolate confectioneries, in 31) included in the meta-analyses (n $ 177,260) are shown in
2 additional meta-analyses. Table 1. Six studies (3, 21, 22, 25, 29, 30) were performed in
Because of the heterogeneity in study designs, longitudinal Europe, 3 studies (23, 28, 31) were conducted in the Middle
ORs from a prospective cohort study (25) and an OR from a case- East, one study (15) was performed in the United States, and one
control study (26) were not combined with those of the other study (2) was conducted in 34 different countries. Ten studies (2,
studies. However, in sensitivity analyses, we repeated the meta- 3, 15, 21, 22, 25, 28–31) included both sexes, and one study (23)
analyses and also included the relevant additional ORs from only included male subjects. The ages of children and adoles-
a prospective cohort study (25) and a case-control study (26), cents ranged from 2 to 18 y across the studies. Three studies (23,
which were excluded from the main analyses because of the 28, 31) only considered chocolate consumption; the other
added heterogeneity in the study design. We also performed studies (2, 3, 15, 21, 22, 25, 29, 30) also considered non-
sensitivity analyses separately for categorical and continuous chocolate confectionery. Researchers used FFQs in 6 studies (2,
ORs in which only studies that looked at chocolate and non- 3, 23, 25, 29, 31), other self-report questionnaires or surveys in 3
chocolate confectioneries combined were included. studies (22, 28, 30), a precoded food diary in one study (21), and
Stata/IC 14.0 software (StataCorp LP) was used to perform all in-person 24-h dietary recalls in one study (15). Three studies (2,
statistical analyses. The random-effects model was used for all 22, 31) reported continuous ORs, whereas the other 8 studies (3,
meta-analyses because of the heterogeneity in the included 15, 21, 23, 25, 28–30) reported categorical ORs. The 8 studies
studies (27) with the use of the metan command. Furthermore, (3, 15, 21, 23, 25, 28–30) that reported categorical ORs all had
publication bias was investigated with the use of Funnel plots different exposure categories for confectionery consumption.
and Egger’s test to test for small-study effects with the use of The specific definitions of overweight and obesity varied
the metafunnel and metabias commands (StataCorp LP), slightly between studies (Table 1). Furthermore, 8 studies con-
respectively. sidered the combined outcome of overweight and obesity (2, 3,
Finally, meta-regression analyses were performed to in- 23, 25, 28–31), 2 studies considered overweight and obesity
vestigate possible sources of heterogeneity with the use of the separately (15, 22), and one study (21) only considered over-
metareg command (StataCorp LP). I2 percentages (percentages weight. Moreover, for the determination of whether participants
of between-study heterogeneity that were due to the variation in were overweight or obese, only 7 studies (3, 15, 22, 23, 28, 29,
the true treatment effect instead of a sampling variability) and t 2 31) used measured height and weight, whereas the remaining 4
values (between-study variance) were used to measure hetero- studies (2, 21, 25, 30) relied on self-reported height and weight.
geneity. Possible sources of heterogeneity that were considered Included covariates, when studying the association between
were as follows: whether overweight or obesity was measured or confectionery consumption and overweight and/or obesity, dif-
self-reported; the continent of publication; the year of publica- fered between studies. Three studies (3, 23, 28) presented un-
tion (before or after 2010); whether parental education, social adjusted results [only for girls in Santiago et al. (3)]. Only 4
class, and/or family income was adjusted for; the sex of par- studies (21, 22, 25, 29) adjusted for variables related to socio-
ticipants; whether adjustment for sex or stratification by sex was economic status, specifically for parental education, social class,
performed; how the exposure was measured (FFQ, other ques- or family income. Five studies (2, 15, 21, 22, 30) adjusted for sex,
tionnaire or survey, dietary recalls, or food diary); whether ad- 3 studies (3, 23, 28) presented results that were stratified by sex,
justment for age was performed; whether adjustment for and the remaining 3 studies (25, 29, 31) presented results that
underreporting was performed (for categorical ORs); and, for were neither stratified by nor adjusted for sex. Four studies (2, 15,
continuous ORs, the interpretation of the OR (specifically, 21, 22) controlled for age or the age group, and only one study
whether the OR was for a 1-U increase or a 1-time/wk increase (29) controlled for the underreporting of energy intake, which
in confectionery consumption). was determined by the ratio of total energy intake to the basal
metabolic rate (29).

Association between confectionery consumption and the
Literature search combined outcome of overweight and obesity
The search strategy identified 2690 citations from the data- All meta-analyses showed inverse associations between con-
bases (Figure 1). Of these citations, 140 of them were dupli- fectionery consumption and the combined outcome of overweight

FIGURE 1 Flowchart showing the search strategy and selection of studies for inclusion in the systematic review and meta-analysis. Data-
bases used were as follows: Scopus (http://www.scopus.com/) and PubMed (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed). RCT, randomized controlled

and obesity. In other words, individuals who reported higher The pooled continuous OR for overweight and obesity that was
confectionery intakes had lower odds of overweight and/or associated with a 1-time/wk (22, 31) [or 1-U (2)] increase in
obesity. The findings were highly consistent in the size and confectionery consumption was 0.87 (95% CI: 0.85, 0.88)
direction for all analyses conducted. The pooled categorical OR (Figure 3). For meta-regression analyses for all continuous ORs,
for overweight and obesity for the comparison of the highest none of the listed covariates explained a substantial proportion
category of total confectionery consumption with a reference of the heterogeneity (results not shown).
category [or, in the study by Ramos et al. (30), the comparison The pooled categorical OR for overweight and obesity for the
of the daily or medium consumption of sweets in overweight or comparison of the highest category of chocolate consumption
obese dieters with the daily or medium consumption of sweets with a reference category was 0.80 (95% CI: 0.71, 0.92) (Figure
in nonoverweight dieters] was 0.82 (95% CI: 0.69, 0.97) 4). Finally, the pooled categorical OR for overweight and obe-
(Figure 2). sity for the comparison of the highest category of nonchocolate
Sex (I2 = 42.34%, t 2 = 0.01) and sex adjustment (I2 = 42.89%, confectionery consumption with a reference category was 0.78
t = 0.02) appeared to explain a substantial proportion of the
(95% CI: 0.71, 0.86) (Figure 5).
heterogeneity (compared with I2 = 66.64% and t2 = 0.07 from After sensitivity analyses were performed, in which the rel-
the unadjusted regression). None of the other listed covariates evant additional ORs from a prospective cohort study (25) and
explained a substantial proportion of the heterogeneity (results a case-control study (26) were added into each meta-analysis,
not shown). we observed inverse associations of similar magnitudes for all
Characteristics and summary of all observational studies included in the meta-analysis1

Study population,
Study including Dietary assessment Outcome-assessment Covariates; Type of
(reference) sample size Baseline age, y2 method method stratification confectionery Categorical or continuous
Musaiger et al., 735 students (339 15–18 Prevalidated self- Obesity [including Unadjusted; stratified Chocolate Categorical ($4
2014 (28) males; 396 females) report questionnaire overweight and by sex compared with
from levels 10–12, obese adolescents ,4 times/wk)
governmental (i.e., those with
secondary schools, BMI $85th
Bahrain percentile for their
age and sex)];
measured by
Amin et al., 1139 Saudi Arabian 10–14 Interview of students Overweight (BMI No adjustments Chocolate Categorical ($1 time/d
2008 (23) males, grades 5–6, 16 with the use of $85th percentile) compared with
public primary items from the and obesity (BMI 1–2 times/wk)
schools, Al Hassa validated Youth and .95th percentile)
governate, Saudi Adolescence FFQ (combined
Arabia (32, 33) outcome) as
defined by Cole
et al. (34);
measured by
Andersen et al., 1432 grade 4 and 8 Eighth grade: girls, 18-page precoded Overweight as defined Adjusted for age, sex, Chocolate and Categorical (fourth
2005 (21) pupils. Random 12.9 [13.0] (13.0, food diary with 277 by Cole et al. (34); social class, nonchocolate, compared with first
sample from 13.0)4; boys, 12.9 items used on 4 self-reported height watching television collectively quartiles of

countrywide cross- [13.0] (13.0, 13.0) consecutive days and weight and/or with the use consumption of
sectional dietary Fourth grade: girls, confirmed by of the computer, sweets)
survey, 2000, Norway 8.9 [9.0] (9.0, 9.0); validation studies energy, and eating
boys, 8.9 [9.0] (9.0, breakfast
Chacar and 2547 adolescents (1416 11–18 FFQ Overweight, including Adjusted for food Chocolate Continuous (1-time/wk
Salameh, females; 1131 males) obesity, as defined frequency increase in
2011 (31) from a random by Cole et al. (34); consumption)
sample of 16 public measured by
schools, Lebanon investigators
TABLE 1 (Continued )

Study population,
Study including Dietary assessment Outcome-assessment Covariates; Type of
(reference) sample size Baseline age, y2 method method stratification confectionery Categorical or continuous

Pei et al., 2565 school-aged 122.5 6 2.75 82-item FFQ Overweight Adjusted for energy Chocolate and Categorical (highest
2014 (29) children (1308 males completed by [including obesity intake from other nonchocolate, compared with
and 1257 females) in parents (i.e., children with groups, city, family collectively and lowest tertiles of
the GINIplus and a BMI z score .1 income, parental separately total, chocolate, and
LISAplus studies, SD)]; measured by education and screen nonchocolate
Germany physicians time, and confectioneries)
compared with
plausible energy
intake reported for
total confectionery
stratified by
chocolate or
chocolate bars
compared with soft
sweets in one analysis
Kristiansen Bergen Growth Study, 6–15.5 Questionnaire Overweight [BMI (in Adjusted for age Chocolate and Continuous (1-time/wk
et al., 2013 Norway; n = 2778 completed by kg/m2) .25] and group, sex, and nonchocolate, increase in
(22) parents obesity (BMI .30) parental education collectively consumption)
as defined by Cole
et al. (34); measured
by investigators
Santiago et al., 2814 children (1418 6–12 FFQ Overweight and Unadjusted (girls) and Chocolate and Categorical ($1
2013 (3) boys; 1396 girls) obesity (combined adjusted for sports nonchocolate, compared with
participating in the outcome) as defined activities, breakfast collectively ,1 time/d)
“Feed their health” by Cole et al. (34); every day, fruit
program, Spain measured by consumption, bun
pharmacists consumption, and

consumption (boys);
stratified by sex
Huus et al., ABIS study, Sweden; 2.5 and 5 30-item FFQ at 2.5 y Overweight and obesity Adjusted for mother’s Chocolate and Categorical (daily
2009 (25)6 n $ 50327 of age; 34-item FFQ (combined outcome) education, father’s nonchocolate, compared with
at 5 y of age as defined by Cole education, mother’s separately 1–2 times/wk of
et al. (34); weight BMI, father’s BMI, candy and chocolate
and height self- and heredity for consumption)
reported by parents; diabetes
weight and height at
5 y of age validated
by information from
the Child Health
TABLE 1 (Continued ) 1350

Study population,
Study including Dietary assessment Outcome-assessment Covariates; Type of
(reference) sample size Baseline age, y2 method method stratification confectionery Categorical or continuous

Ramos et al., 9444 school students 13.78 (children aged HBSC survey Overweight and Adjusted for country Chocolate and Categorical (daily or
2013 (30) participating in the 11, 13, and 15) obesity (combined and sex nonchocolate, medium consumption
HBSC, England and outcome), as collectively of sweets in
Spain defined by Cole overweight or obese
et al. (34); self- dieters compared with
reported that in nonoverweight
O’Neil et al., 7049 children and 4132 2–18 In-person 24-h dietary Overweight (sex-and- Adjusted for sex, age, Chocolate and Categorical (consumers
2011 (15) adolescents recalls specific BMI ethnicity, and nonchocolate, compared with
(n = 11,181) who between 85th and energy; analyses collectively and nonconsumers of total,
participated in the 95th percentiles) stratified by separately chocolate, and
1999–2000, 2001– and obesity (sex- chocolate candy nonchocolate
2002, 2003–2004 and-specific BMI and sugar candy confectioneries)
NHANES, United $95th percentile); consumption
States measured by
Janssen et al., 137,593 adolescents 10–16 FFQ Overweight and Adjusted for age, sex, Chocolate and Continuous [1-U increase
2005 (2) from school classes, obesity (combined currently trying to nonchocolate, in intake (moving from
participating in the outcome) as defined lose weight, fruit collectively one category to the
2001–2002 HBSC, by Cole et al. (34); intake, vegetable next defined as a 1-U
35 countries (31 self-reported intake, soft-drink increase)] compared
European countries intake, physical with lowest intake.

plus Russia, Canada, activity level, Categories: never,

Israel, and United television-viewing ,1 time/wk, 1 time/wk,
States) time, and computer 2–4 d/wk, 5–6 d/wk,
use 1 time/d, and .1
ABIS, All Babies in Southeast Sweden; FFQ, food-frequency questionnaire; GINIplus, German Infant Nutritional Intervention Plus Environmental and Genetic Influences on Allergy Development; HBSC,
Health Behavior in School-Aged Children Study; LISAplus, Influences of Lifestyle-Related Factors on the Immune System and the Development of Allergies in Childhood Plus Air Pollution and Genetics.
All ages are expressed in years unless otherwise specified.
Range (all such values).
Mean; median in brackets; 25th percentile, 75th percentile in parentheses (all such values).
Mean 6 SD months.
Study duration of 5 y.
For associations between chocolate and candy consumption at 5 y of age and overweight and obesity at 5 y of age, which were of interest for the meta-analyses.

FIGURE 2 Forest plot showing the pooled effect of total confectionery consumption on overweight and obesity for studies that reported categorical ORs
with the use of the random-effects model (n $ 34,342). The pooled effect of confectionery consumption on overweight and obesity is shown for the highest
category of consumption compared with a reference category of consumption. Solid diamonds denote individual ORs, shaded squares denote relative sizes of
the weights, reflecting study sizes, horizontal lines denote individual 95% CIs, the dotted vertical line denotes the point estimate for the pooled OR, the open
diamond corresponds to the pooled OR including its 95% CI, and the black vertical line indicates the line of no effect.

meta-analyses (results not shown). Furthermore, the results of RCTs

sensitivity analyses, which only included studies that looked at In an Australian school-based RCT, Chan et al. (24) observed
chocolate confectionery and nonchocolate confectionery com- no associations between dark-chocolate consumption and obesity-
bined in the meta-analyses for categorical and continuous ORs, related outcomes. After adjustment for age, sex, parent education,
did not materially differ (results not shown). and the corresponding baseline measure and after accounting for
clustering by class, the mean BMI after the 7-wk study was 0.02 U
lower (95% CI: 20.3, 0.2 U; P = 0.9) in the intervention
Publication bias (chocolate) group than in the control (no-chocolate) group (24).
It did not appear that there was strong evidence of publication However, the mean waist circumference after the study was 0.3 U
bias for any of the meta-analyses. All funnel plots were rea- higher (95% CI: 20.5, 1.1 U; P = 0.4) in the intervention group
sonably symmetrical about the pooled OR with most ORs than in the control group after adjustment for the same vari-
contained within the 95% confidence limits (Figure 6). P values ables (24). Finally, the mean percentage of body fat after the
from Egger’s test that correspond to Figure 6A–D were 0.38, study was 0.2 U higher (95% CI: 21.4, 1.7 U; P = 0.8) in the in-
0.16, 0.08, and 0.72, respectively, indicating that there was not tervention than in the control group, after adjustment for the same
strong evidence of publication bias. However, for the meta- variables (24).
analyses performed on categorical ORs (Figures 2, 4, and 5),
note that the relatively small number of studies reduced the Cohort studies
power and suggested caution should be taken when interpreting
In the All Babies in Southeast Sweden study, Huus et al. (25)
these values.
showed that, after adjustment for mother’s and father’s edu-
cation and BMI and heredity for diabetes, the OR for over-
weight and obesity at 5 y of age for the comparison of subjects
Review of studies not included in the meta-analyses who consumed chocolate daily with those who consumed
Results of 9 of the 19 studies (one RCT and 8 observational chocolate 1–2 times/wk at 2.5 y of age was 1.20 (95% CI: 0.21,
studies) were not included in the meta-analyses (Supplemental 6.87; P = 0.84) (25). Similarly, after adjustment for the same var-
Tables 2 and 3). iables, the OR for overweight and obesity at 5 y of age for the

FIGURE 3 Forest plot showing the pooled effect of total confectionery consumption on overweight and obesity for studies that reported continuous ORs
with the use of the random-effects model (n = 142,918). The pooled effect of confectionery consumption on overweight and obesity is shown for a 1-time/wk
(22, 31) [or 1-U (2)] increase in consumption. The study by Chacar and Salameh (31) only considered chocolate confectionery; all other studies considered
chocolate and nonchocolate confectioneries, collectively. Solid diamonds denote individual ORs, shaded squares denote relative sizes of the weights, reflecting
study sizes, horizontal lines denote individual 95% CIs, the dotted vertical line denotes the point estimate for the pooled OR, the open diamond corresponds to
the pooled OR including its 95% CI, and the black vertical line indicates the line of no effect.

comparison of subjects who consumed candy daily with those who (36). Conversely, in a recent Iranian study, Baygi et al. (26) reported
consumed candy 1–2 times/wk at 2.5 y of age was 2.13 (95% CI: no association between chocolate consumption and obesity. After
0.59, 7.68; P = 0.25) (25). age, sex, physical activity, and energy intake were controlled for,
In addition, with the use of linear mixed-effects modeling and the OR for obesity associated with a 1-time/mo increase in choc-
adjustment for parental overweight, servings of fruit and vege- olate consumption was 1.03 (95% CI: 0.99, 1.08) (26).
tables, and age at menarche, Phillips et al. (35) observed little
evidence of an association between candy consumption and BMI Cross-sectional studies
z scores over a 10-y period (P-trend = 0.09). Also, after ad-
Four cross-sectional studies (19, 20, 37, 38) were excluded
justment for parental overweight and the percentage of calories
from the meta-analysis because they did not provide ORs
from protein, Phillips et al. (35) showed no association between
(Supplemental Table 3). In the Arab Teens Lifestyle Study, Al-
candy consumption and the percentage of body fat over the same
Haifi et al. (20) showed no associations between waist circum-
period (P-trend = 0.35).
ference and the consumption of sweets (candy or chocolate) in
both sexes and between BMI and the consumption of sweets in
Case-control studies boys. The proportions of variances in waist circumference ex-
In a Polish study, Jodkowska et al. (36) showed an inverse plained by sweets were 0.001 (P = 0.50) and 0.005 (P = 0.14)
association between the consumption of sweets (chocolates, for boys and girls, respectively. The proportion of variance in
candies, lollipops, and jellies) and overweight. Overall, 39.4%, BMI explained by sweets was 0.006 (P = 0.11) for boys. In
45.4%, and 15.1% of overweight adolescents consumed sweets contrast, Al-Haifi et al. observed a positive association between
#1, 2–6, and 7 times/wk, respectively, compared with 21.0%, the consumption of sweets and BMI in girls. The proportion of
50.0%, and 29.0%, respectively, for their nonoverweight coun- variance in BMI explained by sweets was 0.015 (P = 0.01) in
terparts (for comparison of the 2 groups, P-overall , 0.001) girls (20).

FIGURE 4 Forest plot showing the pooled effect of chocolate confectionery consumption on overweight and obesity for studies that reported categorical
ORs with the use of the random-effects model (n $ 20,652). The pooled effect of chocolate consumption on overweight and obesity is shown for the highest
category of consumption compared with a reference category of consumption. Solid diamonds denote individual ORs, shaded squares denote relative sizes of
the weights, reflecting study sizes, horizontal lines denote individual 95% CIs, the dotted vertical line denotes the point estimate for the pooled OR, the open
diamond corresponds to the pooled OR including its 95% CI, and the black vertical line indicates the line of no effect.

In a US study, Bandini et al. (37) showed that, in the unadjusted energy intake from candy and obesity status. Similarly, in the
analysis, mean 6 SD intakes of candy were 31 6 36 and 113 6 National Diet and Nutrition Survey of Children in the United
110 kcal/d in obese and nonobese adolescents, respectively (for Kingdom, Gibson (38) reported no association between the
comparison of the 2 groups, P , 0.01). Moreover, in the un- percentage of dietary energy from confectionery and BMI.
adjusted analysis, the mean 6 SD percentages of daily intakes Finally, in a cross-sectional study performed in Greek ado-
from candy were 2.0% 6 2.5% and 4.5% 6 3.5% in obese and lescents, Hassapidou et al. (19) showed that the mean 6 SD
nonobese adolescents, respectively (P , 0.01) (37). By contrast, frequencies for the weekly consumption of milk chocolate
after adjustment for the degree of underreporting, Bandini et al. were 1.87 6 0.30 and 0.50 6 0.80 for overweight and non-
(37) showed no association between the percentage of daily overweight adolescents, respectively (for comparison of the 2

FIGURE 5 Forest plot showing the pooled effect of nonchocolate confectionery consumption on overweight and obesity for studies that reported
categorical ORs with the use of the random-effects model (n $ 18,778). The pooled effect of nonchocolate confectionery consumption on overweight and
obesity is shown for the highest category of consumption compared with a reference category of consumption. Solid diamonds denote individual ORs, shaded
squares denote relative sizes of the weights, reflecting study sizes, horizontal lines denote individual 95% CIs, the dotted vertical line denotes the point
estimate for the pooled OR, the open diamond corresponds to the pooled OR including its 95% CI, and the black vertical line indicates the line of no effect.

FIGURE 6 Funnel plots with pseudo 95% confidence limits for the meta-analysis of studies that reported categorical ORs and studied the association
between total confectionery consumption and overweight and/or obesity (A), studies that reported continuous ORs and studied the association between total
confectionery consumption and overweight and/or obesity (B), studies that reported categorical ORs and studied the association between chocolate con-
sumption and overweight and/or obesity (C), and studies that reported categorical ORs and studied the association between nonchocolate confectionery
consumption and overweight and/or obesity (D). Solid vertical lines correspond to pooled ORs, dotted lines correspond to the pseudo 95% confidence limits,
and solid dots correspond to each of the ORs from the included studies. Log and loge both refer to loge for these funnel plots.

groups, P , 0.001). Moreover, the mean 6 SD frequencies for One possible explanation for the results is that there is a true,
the weekly consumption of chocolate bars were 3.78 6 1.65 and directly causal, inverse association in the population. People who
2.50 6 0.35 for overweight and nonoverweight adolescents, re- consume more confectionery or sugar may consume less fat (2).
spectively (for comparison of the 2 groups, P , 0.001) (19). This possibility might lead to their lower weight because con-
fectionery is high in sugar, which is lower in kilojoules than fat (2).
Furthermore, the consumption of confectionery, which is high in
Studies not included in the systematic review sugar, may lead to an increased sense of satiety (39). It is possible
Finally, CEG scanned the results of the 11 studies that were that increased satiety results in a lower consumption of other foods
excluded from the systematic review because of a discrepancy in and, therefore, a lower weight or BMI (29). Another possibility
the term sweets or confectionery. Again, mostly inverse (n = 7 reflects the fact that, in contrast with other foods such as sugar-
studies) associations were observed with only 3 of the 11 studies sweetened beverages, confectionery may be a relatively smaller
reporting increased odds of obesity-related outcomes in subjects and more-discretionary aspect of the diet. In some of the included
who ate more confectionery. studies, confectionery was not a major contributor of energy to the
diets of participants (15, 29). For example, in the study by Pei et al.
(29), confectionery accounted for only w3.0% of the daily energy
DISCUSSION of participants (29). Moreover, in the diets of US children and
All meta-analyses pointed to consistent inverse associations of adolescents, candy comprises only 2.8% of energy (40) and 6.8%
confectionery consumption with overweight and obesity (de- of added sugar (a mean daily intake of 24.9 kcal) (13). In contrast,
creased odds of overweight and/or obesity for higher confec- soda, energy, and sports drinks comprise 31.8% of added sugar
tionery consumption). Similarly, we also mostly observed either (13) in the diets of US children and adolescents.
null or inverse relations between confectionery consumption and Another possible explanation, because of the cross-sectional
obesity-related outcomes for the studies that were further nature of most included studies, is reverse causality (2, 22, 25, 29,
included in the systematic review. 30, 38). Overweight or obese children or adolescents may reduce
Just like expected findings, unexpected findings can reflect the their confectionery intake more than do nonoverweight children
truth, bias, residual confounding, and/or chance. We think that or adolescents if overweight or obese children or parents believe
chance was unlikely because of the large sample size and the high that it is contributing to their weight gain (2, 22, 25, 29, 30, 38).
degree of consistency across studies and designs, which yielded This phenomenon might also explain why previous cross-sectional
a high degree of precision in the findings of this review. Residual studies have observed null associations between the consumption of
confounding is later discussed as a limitation. soft drinks or energy drinks and obesity-related outcomes (2, 20, 22).
However, reverse causality may occur to a greater extent for con- because more than one OR from the same study was included.
fectionery than for other foods, such as soft drinks, if people per- However, in making this choice, we had to balance this limitation
ceive confectionery to be unhealthier than other foods and/or if it is against the benefits of including a larger sample size and being able
relatively easier for them to cut out confectionery. to undertake fewer subgroup analyses.
However, it seems equally plausible that bias in reporting was Residual confounding may have occurred in the 18 observa-
at play in our results, possibly coexisting with reverse causality. tional studies, which also could have influenced the results be-
This likelihood would have resulted in differential underreporting cause the studies controlled for different numbers of confounding
between overweight and nonoverweight individuals (41, 42). In variables. It might also be important to collect additional data
other words, overweight children or adolescents may underreport on the physical activity and dietary patterns of participants
their intake of confectionery to a greater extent than do those of (15). Finally, another limitation of many of the studies was that
normal weight (41, 42). Underreporting might also explain the the researchers did not consider the quantities of confectionery
absence of associations between soft-drink consumption and that participants consumed, only the frequency of consumption (2,
obesity in previous cross-sectional studies (2, 22). 20, 25).
Because obesity is strongly linked to cardiometabolic disorders Typically, cross-sectional studies overestimate risk-outcome
(43), these findings are consistent with those of previous systematic (i.e., harmful) associations, which leads to recommendations for
reviews (16–18) that have shown that higher consumption of additional longitudinal studies and/or RCTs. These studies could
chocolate or cocoa, which is an ingredient in confectionery, is confirm temporality and provide firmer estimates of effect sizes,
associated with lower risks of cardiometabolic disorders (16) or which are usually smaller than the observed cross-sectional as-
risk factors (17, 18). The results also complement findings by sociations. Because of the inverse associations shown in this
Shrime et al. (18), which showed that the consumption of flavonoid- review, it seems unlikely that longitudinal studies would yield
rich cocoa, which is a component in chocolate, was not posi- greatly different conclusions. Nonetheless, this literature would
tively related to BMI. However, although confectionery is high be strengthened if additional longitudinal studies and RCTs
in sugar, the findings contrast with those of recent systematic became available. Additional research could also probe differ-
reviews, which showed positive associations between sugar- ential impacts of chocolate and nonchocolate confectioneries
sweetened beverages and weight gain (4, 5). Therefore, it ap- (because chocolate is generally high in fat, including in saturated
pears that, although both confectionery and sugar-sweetened fat (15), whereas nonchocolate candy is generally high in sugar
beverages are high in sugar, they do not have the same effect but lower in fat), the quantity of confectionery that participants
on obesity-related outcomes. This difference may be due to consume, and the broader dietary habits of participants (15),
the relative difference in the amount of overall energy pro- which could improve the understanding of dietary patterns that
vided from sugar-sweetened beverages and confectionery (40), may be related to confectionery consumption and to obesity.
the different food form, or another factor that has not been In conclusion, this systematic review and meta-analysis does
identified. not reveal evidence of positive associations between confec-
This systematic review has a number of strengths. First, we tionery consumption and overweight, obesity, or other obesity-
searched a wide range of databases and sources in an attempt to related outcomes in children and adolescents. This review suggests
include all of the available evidence on the topic that has been that, whatever its adverse contribution to other aspects of human
published since 1990. Second, the large sample size (n $ health, confectionery is not a major driver of obesity. Therefore,
177,260) in the meta-analyses provided both power and pre- it might be better to focus interventions that aim to reduce
cision that supported our conclusions. Third, only cross-sectional obesity on other components of daily dietary intake.
results were combined in the meta-analyses. The resulting low
The authors’ responsibilities were as follows—CEG: designed the re-
amount of heterogeneity in study designs means that results search, analyzed the data, and wrote the manuscript; CEG and SED: con-
were comparable between studies. ducted the research; CEG and MW: had primary responsibility for the final
A limitation of this review is that all of the results included in content of the manuscript; FKM, MR, and MW: provided input concerning
the meta-analyses and 14 studies included in the systematic the design of the research and supervised the analysis of the data; and all
review (2, 3, 15, 19–23, 28–31, 37, 38) only assessed cross- authors: read and approved the final manuscript. The views expressed in this
sectional associations. A weakness of cross-sectional designs is article are those of the authors. None of the authors reported a conflict of
that they preclude the establishment of temporality, which interest related to the study.
means that reverse causality is possible. This possibility was
rendered less likely because there was no supporting evidence
for reverse causality in the 2 longitudinal studies (25, 35) and REFERENCES
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