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To the research panelists, Dr. Jenelyn Sabellina, Dr. Elizabeth Remigoso,

D. Maya Sanchez, Dr. Bazil Sabacajan and Dr. Alexander Morados and
to the documenter, Mrs. Marites B. Zamora, Good morning.

I’m Sheina Mae C. Anoc, this morning, allow me to present to you my



Teachers play a crucial role in planning, creating a positive

learning environment, guiding students in understanding what, how,
and why they are learning, utilizing various teaching methods, providing
ample opportunities for the practical application of knowledge and skills,
and supporting students in their learning journeys (Javier et al., 2019).

The K to 12 curriculum in the Philippines places a strong

emphasis on adhering to OBE principles, particularly in the Technical
Livelihood Education (TLE) courses. In TLE, the expected outcomes are
clearly defined as skills or products. As a result, learning activities
assess students' ability to apply their knowledge in practical tasks. This
approach ensures that students acquire theoretical knowledge and
develop the necessary skills to succeed in their chosen fields (Alonzo et
al., 2023).


Outcome-based education (OBE) in TLE classes has positively

impacted pupils' academic performance. Research studies have shown
that implementing OBE can improve learning outcomes and increase
student achievement. One study by Alipio et al. (n.d) examined the
correlation of OBE on students' academic performance. The findings
revealed that students who participated in an OBE-based curriculum
demonstrated higher academic achievement levels than those in a
traditional content-based curriculum.

Based on the existing evidence, the utilization of OBE positively

impacts the academic performance of students. However, considering the
need for sufficient research in the local context, this study aims to
determine the extent of OBE utilization in teaching Technical Livelihood
Education (TLE) among teachers in the Schools Division of Camiguin.

The findings of this research will serve as a foundation for developing an

action plan to enhance the implementation of OBE in TLE instruction.

Theoretical Framework

This study of Outcomes-based Education was anchored on

Constructivist Theory by Jean Piaget (1964) and Lev Vygotsky (1962).
The theory suggests that learners actively construct knowledge through
their experiences and interactions with the environment. In the context
of OBE, constructivist theory supports the idea that learners should
engage in hands-on and authentic learning experiences to construct
their understanding of concepts and develop the desired learning
outcomes. The theory aligns with the student-centered and active
learning approach emphasized in OBE, promoting a deeper
understanding of content and the development of problem-solving and
critical thinking skills (Abualhaija, 2019).


Conceptual Framework

The researcher will employ the Input-Process-Output (IPO) model

in ascertaining the extent of OBE utilization in teaching Technical
Livelihood Education (TLE) among teachers in the Schools Division of
Camiguin. The Input-Process-Output (IPO) model is a framework used in
research to analyze and understand the flow of information or variables
within a system. It helps researchers identify and categorize the elements
of a research study based on their function.

The INPUT BOX contains the respondents' profile such as age,

number of years in teaching and highest educational attainment, the
extent of utilization of Outcome-Based Education, and the Academic
Performance of pupils. OBE's emphasis on well-defined learning
outcomes and practical skill development contributes to this positive
influence. OBE fosters active student involvement by aligning teaching
and assessment methods with these outcomes, encouraging them to
showcase their understanding through diverse assessments. This
learner-centric approach cultivates profound comprehension and
enhances critical thinking abilities, resulting in improved academic
performance (Camu, 2022).

The PROCESS BOX depicts the data-gathering procedure in the

study, administration of the survey questionnaire, data mining, and
focus-group discussions. The primary approach for data collection in this
research will entail the utilization of a modified survey questionnaire.
Furthermore, face-to-face interviews will be conducted through Focus
Group Discussions (FGDs) to complement the survey findings. This can
greatly contribute to the relevance and comprehensiveness of your
research on assessing the extent of Outcomes-Based Education (OBE)
utilization in teaching Technical Livelihood Education (TLE) among
teachers in the Schools Division of Camiguin. FGDs provide a unique
platform for gathering qualitative data and generating in-depth insights
by allowing participants to share their experiences, perspectives, and
recommendations related to the topic (Woodyatt et al., 2016).

As a result of the research conducted, the researcher will develop

an Action Plan as an OUTPUT of this research inquiry. The research
endeavour will culminate in the development of an Action Plan, which
will serve as a practical outcome of the research inquiry. This Action Plan
will provide concrete steps and strategies for enhancing OBE
implementation in TLE teaching within the division, aiming to improve
the quality of education in this field.


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to assess the extent of utilization of Outcome-

Based Education (OBE) in teaching Technology and Livelihood Education
(TLE) among teachers and the academic performance among students in
the Division of Camiguin for School Year 2022-2023.

Specifically, it will seek to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age;
1.2 Number of Years in Teaching; and
1.3 Highest Educational Attainment
2. What is the extent of utilization of Outcome-Based Education
(OBE) in teaching TLE among teachers?
3. What is the academic performance among students for the 4 th
quarter of SY 2022-2023?

4. Is there a significant relationship between the utilization of

Outcome-Based Education and academic performance among
5. Is there a significant difference in the extent of utilization of
Outcome-Based Education (OBE) in teaching TLE among
pupils when grouped according to age, number of years in
teaching, and highest educational attainment?
6. What action plan can be proposed from the study?


The researcher will be guided by the hypotheses and will be tested

at a 0.05 level of significance.

Ho1. There is no significant relationship between the utilization of

Outcome-Based Education and academic performance among students.

Ho2. There is no significant difference in the extent of utilization of

Outcome-Based Education (OBE) in teaching TLE among students when
grouped according to age, number of years in teaching, and highest
educational attainment.


Research Design

This study is a quantitative survey method and descriptive in

design with a modified survey questionnaire as the main tool in data
gathering, supplemented with Focus Group Discussion. Its main purpose
is to document and present a clear picture of the studied subject,
allowing researchers to gather valuable insights and observations
(Apuke, 2017).

Research Locale

This study will be conducted among the public TLE teachers

among the integrated schools and high schools in the Mahinog,
Guinsiliban and Sagay District in the Schools Division of Camiguin for
School Year 2022-2023. There are junior high schools in Mahinog
District, namely; Mahinog National High School and Sixto A. Abao
National High School. Also, there are 2 junior high schools of Guinsiliban

District which includes Guinsiliban National High School and Maac

National High School. Lastly, Sagay District has 1 junior high school
which is the Eulalio U. Pabillore National High School, and it comprises
with 3 integrated schools which are Alangilan Integrated School, Bacnit
Integrated School and Bugang Integrated School.

Respondents of the Study

The study will focus on Junior High Schools TLE teachers

integrated schools and high schools in the Mahinog, Guinsiliban and
Sagay District in the Schools Division of Camiguin for School Year 2022-
2023. All respondents have served in the education department for at
least one year A complete enumeration or total sampling approach will be
used as sampling technique in the study.


Research Instrument

For this research study, a modified questionnaire will be used as

the primary instrument for gathering the data. The questionnaire will
contain indicators related to the extent of Outcome-Based Education
(OBE) utilization.

The study will be based on Dela Cruz & Ortega-Dela Cruz's (2017)
study entitled "Educators' Attitude Towards Outcome-Based Information
Technology Education In The Philippines."

Validity and Reliability of the Instrument

To ensure the content validity of the research questionnaire, the

researcher sought the input of experts in the field. These experts,
including Education Program Supervisors, Principals, and Master
Teachers, were provided with a Validation Form where they could provide
feedback on each indicator by indicating whether it should be retained,
modified, or rejected.

Following this validation process, a pilot test will be conducted

among TLE High School teachers of Mambajao and Catarman District in
the Schools Division of Camiguin. The responses from the pilot test will
be analyzed using Cronbach's alpha to assess the reliability of the
questionnaire. A minimum passing score of 0.70 is desired to establish
instrument reliability. If the pilot testing yields acceptable results, the
survey questionnaire will be administered to the intended respondents.


Data Gathering Procedures

The researcher will obtain official permission from the Schools

Division Superintendent and the respective school heads where the study
will be conducted. Once permission is granted, a letter will be sent to the
respondents explaining the purpose of the study. A consent letter will be
attached to the survey questionnaire to ensure the confidentiality of
responses. The researcher will personally administer the survey
questionnaire, following health protocols.

After retrieving the survey questionnaires, a Focus Group

Discussion (FGD) will be conducted to validate and gain deeper insights
into the respondents' answers. During the FGD, careful notetaking will
be carried out to capture verbal responses.

The researcher will carefully tally and record the respondents'

responses after data gathering. Statistical procedures and treatments will
be applied to tabulate and compute the results.

Scoring Procedure

Descriptive equivalents and interpretation will be used to

interpret the extent of the extent of utilization of Outcome-Based
Education (OBE) in teaching Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE),
numerical values, and equivalents with statistical limitations.


This is the Scoring Guide in the Extent of Utilization.



Statistical Tools

The researcher will use the following statistical tools to analyze the
gathered data in this study. It will be computed through the Statistical
software or program.

Problem 1. To describe the profile of the respondents, frequency

counts and percentages will be used.

Problems 2. Standard deviation and weighted mean will be used to

the extent of utilization of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) in teaching
TLE among teachers.

Problem 3. To determine the academic performance among pupils

for the 4th quarter of SY 2022-2023, frequency counts, percentages and
averages will be used.
Problems 4. T-test statistics will be employed to ascertain the
significant relationship between the utilization of Outcome-Based
Education and academic performance among pupils.

Problems 5. Analysis of Variance will be employed to determine

the extent of significant difference in the extent of utilization of Outcome-
Based Education (OBE) in teaching TLE among pupils when grouped
according to age, number of years in teaching, and highest educational
attainment. If the variable is significant, post hoc analysis using
Honestly Significance Difference (HSD) Test or Tukey’s Test will be


Here are my references.

SHOW SLIDE 17 & 18

Here is the survey questionnaire.


The presenter is now ready to hear your comments and suggestions for

the improvement of this study.


Thank you for listening!

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