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Cathode Ray Oscilloscope

Oscilloscope is an electronic equipment, which displays a voltage waveform. Among the

oscilloscopes, Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO) is the basic one and it displays a time
varying signal or waveform.

Cathode ray oscilloscope

Block Diagram of CRO

Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO) consists a set of blocks. Those are vertical amplifier, delay
line, trigger circuit, time base generator, horizontal amplifier, Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) &
power supply. The block diagram of CRO is shown in below figure.

The function of each block of CRO is mentioned below.

 Vertical Amplifier − It amplifies the input signal, which is to be displayed on the

screen of CRT.
 Delay Line − It provides some amount of delay to the signal, which is obtained at the
output of vertical amplifier. This delayed signal is then applied to vertical deflection
plates of CRT.
 Trigger Circuit − It produces a triggering signal in order to synchronize both
horizontal and vertical deflections of electron beam.
 Time base Generator − It produces a sawtooth signal, which is useful for horizontal
deflection of electron beam.
 Horizontal Amplifier − It amplifies the sawtooth signal and then connects it to the
horizontal deflection plates of CRT.
 Power supply − It produces both high and low voltages. The negative high voltage and
positive low voltage are applied to CRT and other circuits respectively.
 Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) − It is the major important block of CRO and mainly
consists of four parts. Those are electron gun, vertical deflection plates, horizontal
deflection plates and fluorescent screen.
The electron beam, which is produced by an electron gun gets deflected in both vertical and
horizontal directions by a pair of vertical deflection plates and a pair of horizontal deflection
plates respectively. Finally, the deflected beam will appear as a spot on the fluorescent

The main function of the electron gun is to emit the electrons to form them into a ray. This
gun mainly includes a heater, a grid, cathode, and anodes like accelerating, pre-accelerating
& focusing. At the cathode end, the strontium & barium layers are deposited to obtain the
high electrons emission of electrons at the moderate temperature, the layers of barium, and
are deposited at the end of the cathode.

Once the electrons are generated from the cathode grid, then it flows throughout the control
grid that is generally a nickel cylinder through a centrally situated co-axial by the axis of
CRT. So, it controls the strength of the generated electrons from the cathode.

When electrons flow throughout the control grid then it accelerates with the help of a high
positive potential which is applied to the pre-accelerating or accelerating nodes. The electron
ray is concentrated on electrodes to flow throughout the deflection plates like horizontal and
vertical & supplies on to the fluorescent lamp.

The anodes like accelerating & pre-accelerating are connected to 1500v & the focusing
electrode can be connected to 500v. The electron ray can be focused on using two techniques
like Electrostatic & Electromagnetic focusing. Here, a cathode ray oscilloscope utilizes an
electrostatic focusing tube.

In this way, CRO will display the applied input signal on the screen of CRT. So, we can
analyse the signals in time domain by using CRO

 The CRO’s are used in huge applications like radio stations for observing the transmitting
& receiving the properties of the signal.
 The CRO is used to measure the voltage, current, frequency, inductance, admittance,
resistance, and power factor.
 This device is also used to check the AM and FM circuits characteristics
 This device is used to monitor the signal properties as well as characteristics and also
controls the analog signals.
 The CRO is used through the resonance circuit to view the shape of the signal, bandwidth,
 The shape of voltage and current waveform can be observed by CRO which helps to take
the necessary decision in a radio station or communication station.
 It is used in laboratories for the purpose of research. Once researchers design a new
circuit, then they use CRO to verify the waveforms of voltage and current of every
element of the circuit.
 Used for comparing phase & frequency
 It is used in TV, Radar, and analysis of engine pressure
 To check the reactions of nervous and heartbeat.
 In the hysteresis loop, it is used to find BH curves
 Transistor curves can be traced.

The advantages of CRO include the following.
 Cost and Timeline
 Training requirements
 Consistency & quality
 Time efficiency
 Expertise & experience
 Capacity for problem-solving
 Hassle-free
 Assurance for regulatory compliance
 Voltage measurement
 Current measurement
 Examination of waveform
 Measurement of phase and frequency

Electrical quantities measurements by using CRO can be done like amplitude, time period
and frequency.

 Measurement of Amplitude
 Measurement of Time Period
 Measurement of Frequency
Measurement of Amplitude

The displays like CRO is used to exhibit the voltage signal like a time function on its display.
The amplitude of this signal is stable; however, we can change the number of partitions that
cover up the voltage signal within vertical way by changing volt/division button on top of the
CRO board. So, we will acquire the signal’s amplitude, which is there on the CRO screen
with the help of the below formula.

A = j * nv

‘A’ is the amplitude

‘j’ is the volt/division value

‘nv’ is the no. of partitions that cover up the signal within a vertical way.
Measurement of Time Period

CRO displays the voltage signal as a function of time on its screen. The Time period of that
periodic voltage signal is constant, but we can vary the number of divisions that cover one
complete cycle of the voltage signal in the horizontal direction by varying the time/division
knob on the CRO panel.

Therefore, we will get the Time period of the signal, which is present on the screen of CRO
by using the following formula.

T = k * nh

‘T’ is the Time period

‘j’ is the time/division value

‘nv’ is the number of partitions that cover up one whole cycle of the periodic signal within
the horizontal way.

Measurement of Frequency

On the CRO screen, the measurement of tile & frequency can be done very simply through
the horizontal scale. If you want to make sure accuracy while measuring a frequency, then it
assists to enhance the area of the signal on your CRO display so that we can more simply
convert the waveform.

Initially, the time can be measured with the help of the horizontal scale on the CRO &
counting the number of flat partitions from one finish of the signal to the other wherever it
crosses the flat line. After that, we can develop the number of flat partitions through the time
or division to discover the time period of the signal. Mathematically the measurement of the
frequency can be signified as frequency = 1/period.

f = 1/T
Time Base Generator
Time Base Generator is a specially designed electronic function generator to produce various
time base signals by generating varying voltage or current. This generated linear time-varying
voltages are used in a Cathode-ray tube to deflect the electron beam in a horizontal direction.
This is highly used in Oscilloscopes for generating sawtooth waveforms.

For producing a sawtooth waveform the voltage should have a constant horizontal velocity.
Such a voltage is called Ramp voltage. When this voltage rapidly tends to zero, the Sawtooth
waveform is formed. In the sawtooth waveform, the sweep time Ts is the time duration of the
linear rise of the voltage and the retrace time Tr is the time used by the wave to return to its
initial state. Across the CRT screen, the waveform moves from left to right. For such a
horizontal deflection Time-Base Generator is attached to the deflection plates.

Circuit Diagram

The circuit of Time-Base Generator consists of a variable resistor -R, which charges the
capacitor-C and discharges periodically through a transistor Q1. For producing sawtooth
waveforms the sweep rate should be greater than it’s retrace time. The sweep time of the
waveform is controlled by the resistor present in the circuit.

Working Principle of Time-Base Generator

The voltage Vcc is applied across resistor R. The capacitor C starts charging. An input signal
Vi turns on the transistor Q1. This transistor provides low resistance through which the
capacitor gets discharged. If the transistor is not turned on the capacitor will charge
exponentially to the supply voltage Vcc. This controlled charging and discharging of the
capacitor generates the sawtooth waveform.

Time-Base Generator is used in CRO to produce the sawtooth waveforms. These are also
known as Sweep Generators. A CRT consists of an electron gun to produce an electron beam,
a phosphorous covered screen for displaying and deflection plates to deflect the beam. In radar
systems, a Time-base generator is used with CRT to sweep the target location across the display
and to know the target location. The early warning radar system uses Time-Base Generator.
Here, the sweep is initiated when the broadcasting signal ends. The beam gets deflected
whenever an echo is detected.

Analog television sets have two Time-base generators. One for deflecting the beam
horizontally and another to pull that beam down the screen. The oscilloscope uses several
time-base generators to display various Time-base signals.

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