Contemporary British Society and Culture

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科目番号/Course Code: AS3016

科目名/Course: Contemporary British Society and Culture a

担当者名/Instructor: Brian Joseph Sayers

開講期/Term: 第1ターム / T1
単位/Credit: 1 配当年次/Year: 2年∼
使用言語/Language: 英語 / English
学問分野/Field of study: AS 地域研究 推奨レベル/Year of study: 3(専門知識を修得する)
科目区分: 学芸学部 英語英文学科/学芸学部 多文化・国際協力学科

【講義の目的と内容 / Course Purpose and Content】

In this course students will deepen their understanding of contemporary British culture and society
through the study of a masterpiece of modern British Drama - Shelagh Delaney's A Taste of Honey (
1958) - and the context in which it was written. This literary work illuminates a number of
important changes that took place in the society and culture of Britain in the years following the
Second World War, and how they impacted upon the lives of ordinary people.

【授業の到達目標 / Learning Objectives】

Students will improve their communication skills in English by participating in group discussions in
class based on questions accompanying their weekly reading assignments. They will also develop
their writing skills in completing an essay of 1000-1200 words based on the text studied in class.
【授業計画 / Course Structure ※授業の進み具合等によってスケジュールが変更になる場合もあります】
◆第1回 / Class1
Introduction to Shelagh Delaney's A Taste of Honey (1958).
Theme of Lecture: Overview and Characters
◆第2回 / Class2
Reading 1: Delaney, A Taste of Honey, Act 1, Scene 1 (part 1)
Theme of Lecture: Genre and Literary Influences

◆第3回 / Class3
Reading 2: Delaney, A Taste of Honey, Act 1, Scene 1 (part 2)
Theme of Lecture: Manchester and Northern England

◆第4回 / Class4
Reading 3: Delaney, A Taste of Honey, Act 1, Scene 2 (part 1)
Theme of Lecture: Race and Racism in Britain

◆第5回 / Class5
Reading 4: Delaney, A Taste of Honey, Act 1, Scene 2 (part 2)
Theme of Lecture: Homosexuality in 20th-Century Britain

◆第6回 / Class6
Reading 5: Delaney, A Taste of Honey, Act 2, Scene 1 (part 1)
Theme of Lecture: Mothering: Assistance and Danger

◆第7回 / Class7
Reading 6: Delaney, A Taste of Honey, Act 2, Scene 1 (part 2)
Theme of Lecture: Destiny and Choices

◆第8回 / Class8
Reading 7: Delaney, A Taste of Honey, Act 2, Scene 2 (part 1)
Theme of Lecture: Women's Art

◆第9回 / Class9
Reading 8: Delaney, A Taste of Honey, Act 2, Scene 2 (part 2)
Theme of Lecture: Student presentations

【テキスト / Textbooks】
Shelagh Delaney, A Taste of Honey, edited by Glenda Leeming and Elaine Aston (Bloomsbury Publishing,
Paperback ISBN:9781408106013
Ebook (PDF)ISBN:9781474221801

【参考書 / Reference Books】

See film of Shelagh Delaney's A Taste of Honey directed by Tony Richardson (1961)
Students will watch this film adaptations of the play to facilitate their understanding of the text.

【準備学習(予習・復習等)の内容 / Supplementary Individual Study】

Read the book section which is to be used in the next class (120min.)
Write answers in note form to the questions accompanying that reading (60min.)

【評価方法・基準 / Evaluation Method】

Homework and participation in class discussions (60%), Final Essay (40%)
【課題に対するフィードバック / Task Feedback】
Task feedback will be given orally in class and by email:
【オフィスアワー / Office Hours】
If you have any questions, I will answer them before and after the class.
【授業の特色 / Characteristics of Class】
◆ディスカッション、ディベート、討議を取り入れる / Incorporate discussion or debate
All students will discuss specific topics each week.
◆グループワークを取り入れる / Incorporate group work
Group work on specific topics is conducted in each class.
【その他 / Note】
All classes will be conducted in English.


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