Exporting Procedures

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Presented by GROUP 8
What do you mean by export?

Export refers to a product or service

produced in one country but sold to a buyer
abroad. Exports are one of the oldest forms
of economic transfer and occur on a large
scale between nations.
Exporting Procedure
The export procedure is an international
commercial operation that covers all the stages
that a company must complete to be able to sell its
goods or products outside the borders of the
country in which it carries out its activity.

It is a complex bureaucratic process that

requires a thorough knowledge of the import
regulations of the receiving country, the efficient
completion of all the necessary documentation,
Trade Agreement: The contract of sale that includes the
terms of delivery, the price and other details of the transaction
is signed.
Documentary Instructions: The buyer must determine what
international documentation is required for the import.
Order Manufacturing and Packaging: This step depends—

Steps in the to a large extent—on each sector and particular case.

Normally, once both parties have concluded the agreement,

Export the seller proceeds to the manufacturing of the product, and its
packaging and labelling according to the terms of the contract

Procedure and the requirements of the country of destination.

Freight Forwarder Selection: The exporter or importer
appoints a freight forwarder to take care of the international
logistics. In the case of maritime transport, the booking of the
container and the ship must be made.
Domestic Transport: This is the part of the itinerary that takes
place in the same country in which the selling company
operates. Normally, land transport is used to take the goods to
the marine or airport terminal, from where they leave for their
international destination.
International Transport: This is the part of the
itinerary that takes place outside the borders in
which the selling company operates. It goes from
the stowage of the goods on the international
means of transport to their arrival at the
international destination.

Steps in the Unloading and Import Procedures: The

necessary import procedures are carried out after

Export the goods have arrived at the border of the

receiving country and are placed at the terminal

Procedure —at the disposal of the import and customs

personnel. There, it is inspected, its
documentation is verified and the corresponding
customs duties are paid.
Order Delivery: The process is completed when
the transport company, operating at the
corresponding destination, collects the goods at
the terminal and takes them to the delivery point
agreed with the importer.
The 5 Stages of the Export
1.Pre-Export Stage 2.Initial Export Stages 3.Export Expansion

This is an information and In the first commercial exchanges, Once the company has established
training stage for companies the company must study the itself in some international markets,
that do not yet have experience situation and regulations of it must reach out to new
in international trade. During this the target foreign markets; horizons. This involves extending
period, it is advisable to carry identify intermediaries, distributors trade agreements with existing
out an internal SWOT analysis, and commercial agents; customers, establishing new sales
draw up an internationalisation homologate the products in the representative agreements and
plan and start to train creating consortia to join forces.
different markets; etc.
The 5 Stages of the Export
4.Commercial Implemetation Abroad 5.Multi Location

The company already has a significant The company already has a global
export turnover and needs to develop internationalization strategy, is
its international expansion. Establishment undertaking the creation of subsidiaries, and
in the chosen markets begins, and new is looking for partners to create joint

commercial networks are built up. ventures with local companies.

Importance of Trade
International trade allows countries to
expand their markets and access goods
and services that otherwise may not
have been available domestically.As a
result of international trade, the market
is more competitive. This ultimately
results in more competitive pricing and
brings a cheaper product home to the
Trade relations between countries are
crucial for a variety of reasons:
1. Economic Growth
2. Access to Resources
3. Job Creation
4. Price Stabilization
5. Peace and Stability
6. Cultural Exchange
7. Innovation
Nature of Competition
Competition is a fundamental aspect of life and
business. It exists when two or more parties strive for
a common goal that cannot be shared. Here's a brief
overview of the nature of competition:

1.Rivalry: Competition involves rivalry between two

or more entities, each aiming to achieve a goal that
cannot be shared. In business, this could be market
share, customer acquisition, or brand recognition.
2.Scarcity of Resources: Competition arises due to
the scarcity of resources. Be it time, money, or
materials, the fact that resources are limited creates a
competitive environment.
3.Self-Interest: Each competitor in a competition
acts in their own self-interest. They aim to maximize
their own gains, often without considering the welfare
of others.
Nature of Competition
4.Uncertainty and Risk: Competition involves
uncertainty and risk. Outcomes are not guaranteed
and competitors must take calculated risks to achieve
their goals.
5.Innovation and Improvement: Competition
drives innovation and improvement. In an effort to
outdo each other, competitors strive to improve their
products, services, and processes.
6.Winners and Losers: In competition, there are
winners and losers. The entity that best meets the
criteria of the competition is deemed the winner,
while the others are considered losers.
7.Rules and Fair Play: For competition to be
healthy and productive, it must be governed by a set
of rules and principles of fair play. This ensures that
competition benefits all parties involved and
contributes to overall growth and development.
Trade Off Triangle
The Tradeoff Triangle is a powerful
visual tool that illustrates the inter-
relationships and interactions
between; Volume, Skills, and Speed
in training. It's important to note that
optimizing any two of these
components is feasible, but all three
cannot be maximized simultaneously.
Speed or Convenience
In a world in which we are always
connected and always on, immediate
gratification is expected.
If you are not capable of providing your
product or service to your customer when
and where they need you your competitor
will. If you are not fast and you are not
convenient, you will not be slow and
inconvenient for very long. You will be
gone. Everyone has a cell phone in their
pocket with instant access to all of your
competitors. They don’t even have to press
a button, they can just ask their device for
In a world of hyper connected social
media, product or service quality is
People make decisions around crowd-
sourced rating data every day and
consumers are not afraid to speak out on
social media for the world to hear when
you drop the ball. Your customers can
find each other and have conversations
with a few simple clicks. There is
nowhere to hide if your products and
services suck. You simply have to be
great at what you do to compete in the
In a world of near perfect information
symmetry between marketers, consumers and
competitors, pricing your product or service
fairly is necessary.
You can be more expensive than your
competitors, but you must be able to
rationalize the difference in the value you
provide. While many services are being
commoditized and you cannot get away with
price gouging, we are not all on a race to zero.
Chris Anderson in his book “Free: The future
of a radical price,” the author talks a lot about
the things being commoditized. But there is one
thing is difficult to sustainably commoditize.
Thank you
very much!

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