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Republic of the Philippines

Don Severino de las Alas Campus
Indang, Cavite

College of Arts and Sciences



Alemania1, Amigo2, Aninipot3, Araojo4, Atas C.5,
Atas E.6, Balbin7, Bunda8, Cabasag9




Procedure Observation Classification
- The experimenter placed methanol
alcohol on both the watch glass and the CHEMICAL CHANGE
evaporating dish as they were being set
up. Three (3) drops of alcohol on the
watch glass and ten (10) drops on the
evaporating dish. The toothpick was
then lighted by the experimenter, and
they had to wait for it to catch fire. The
1. Ignition of Alcohol
fire appeared and lasted for 15 seconds
after the experimenter placed the lit
toothpick on the dish that was
evaporating. The ethanol and oxygen
atoms are rearranged into carbon
dioxide and water during combustion.
Water and carbon dioxide release from
the flame's top.
- In this experiment, Camille did three
(3) drops of methanol alcohol in a PHYSICAL CHANGE
watch glass, after that they set aside it.
After a minute, the methanol in the
2. Alcohol in watch glass
watch glass will evaporate, leaving no
visible liquid behind. The change
observed is a physical change called

3. Ignition in of wood - For this experiment, we need to determine

splinter if the wood splinter has undergone a physical CHEMICAL CHANGE
or chemical change. During the process,
Alyssa broke the wood splinter in two, and
then she burned one piece of it on fire since
the wood splinter was divided in two to
compare the ignited and unignited wood
splinters. Result: As the piece of wood
splinter ignited for 7 seconds, we observed
that the top of the ignited wood splinter
became dark and created ashes. Therefore,
we conclude that the burning of wood causes
chemical change as it leads to the formation
of new substances such as carbon dioxide
gas, water vapor, and the ash created from
the wood splinter.
4. Zn in HCl - The addition of hydrochloric acid to the test
tube causes mossy zinc to react. A chemical CHEMICAL CHANGE
change is indicated by the vigorous bubbles
that form as hydrogen gas is created. In
addition, exothermic process occurred
because the reaction produced a significant
amount of heat.
5. Ignition of magnesium - A thin strip of magnesium ribbon is ignited
ribbon by an alcohol lamp. After about 33 seconds CHEMICAL CHANGE
of burning, the magnesium ribbon began to
turn gray along its edges. After a minute and
twenty seconds the area that was on fire had
become white. It is a chemical change
because magnesium oxide (MgO) was
formed and the composition of magnesium
6. Adding NaCl to water - When we finished weighing the salt and
added it to 5 mL of water, our classmate CHEMICAL CHANGE
tasted the solution twice before he tasted it
salty. Then, we heated the solution after
that. Furthermore, we observe that the liquid
in the salt solution dissolves and evaporates
due to the presence of heat. The solution is
continually boiled until the liquid evaporates.
We also observe that salt is still visible at the
test tube's bottom and all around it. After 5
minutes, the solution was completely dry.
When salt dissolves, the ionic bonds between
the atoms break. A chemical change takes
place because the reactant (sodium chloride
or NaCl) differs from the products (sodium
cation and chloride anion).
NaCl(s) → Na+(aq) + Cl–(aq)
7. a. Adding NH4Cl to water - The next experiment was putting NH4Cl or the
ammonium to water. The first thing they did is CHEMICAL CHANGE
adding 5 ml of water, after that, they put small
amount of ammonium into the test tube with
water. Upon observing, we noticed that the
ammonium was dissolved by water and shows
purity of the liquid. While on the other one, one
of our classmates put the NaOH into the water
solution and we observe that it also dissolves
upon mixing with the liquid water.
- Upon observation, we also noticed that
Ammonium dissolves faster than the NaOH
- As the Ammonium dissolves in water, we
noticed that the test tube with this chemical was
having a low temperature meaning it was a little
bit cooler. At first, we did not feel it due to the
room temperature, but as we observed
thoroughly, we noticed that there is distinction
between the ammonium temperature than the
NaOH solution. Based on our research, this
exhibits the endothermic process where the
chemical absorbs energy from its surrounding
so that it affects the temperature of the solution
and the test tube, making it low in terms of
temperature or cold.

b. Adding NaOH to water - The next procedure was adding NaOH or the
sodium hydroxide into the water. It also has the CHEMICAL CHANGE
same procedure, wherein they add 5 ml of
water and put small amount of NaOH into the
test tube with water. Upon observing, we
noticed that the NaOH was dissolved by water
and do not exhibit clearness of the liquid.
- As the NaOH dissolves in water, we noticed
that the test tube with this chemical was having
a high temperature meaning it was hot. Based
on our research, this shows an exothermic
process where the chemical release energy so
that it affects the temperature of the solution,
resulting into high in temperature or hot.

1. Differentiate physical change from chemical change.
• The process by which the atoms of one or more compounds are joined or rearranged to create a
new substance is known as chemical change. When a substance undergoes a chemical change, its
chemical composition is altered and it is transformed into a new substance with a new chemical
structure. Furthermore, physical change refers to a process in which a substance undergoes changes
to its shape, size, volume, appearance, color, and state without undergoing any changes to its
molecular structure. These changes are unstable, but they can be undone with basic physical
techniques. Usually, it is more difficult to undo chemical alterations than physical ones.

2. What is formed when HI is added to zinc? What change is involved? Explain.

• As the hydrogen ions from the hydrochloric acid receive electrons and transform into hydrogen
gas, the zinc atoms lose electrons and change into positively charged ions. However, one
displacement reaction takes place when zinc (Zn) is mixed with hydrochloric acid (HCl). The end
product are Hydrogen gas (H2) and zinc chloride (ZnCl2). This process undergoes chemical
change since new material formed and the changes are irreversible and permanent.

3. What is the residue produced after evaporating the salt solution?

• Salt and water are combined to form a salt solution. When an acid and a base are together, the salt
and water help to balance each other out. It is created when the base's cation and the acid's anion
come together. However, only the pure water molecules—in the form of vapors—evaporate from a
salt solution, leaving behind trace amounts of salt as a residue. When all the water has evaporated,
the dissolved material is still present as a solid residue.

4. Give the type of energy change in each case (Procedure 7).

• Each case in procedure 7 makes possible for us to observe the two distinct types of energy
changes, the exothermic and endothermic. Both are related to how chemical reactions transfer
energy to and from their surroundings
5. Differentiate exothermic from endothermic change.
• The endothermic process is a reaction in which the system absorbs energy from its surroundings
in the form of heat. As the name implies, ‘endo’ means ‘to absorb,’ and ‘thermic’ means ‘heat.’
Endothermic processes include photosynthesis, evaporating liquids, melting ice, dry ice, alkane
cracking, thermal decomposition, ammonium chloride in water, and many others. On the other
hand, Exothermic reactions are the inverse of endothermic reactions. It emits energy to its
surroundings in the form of light or heat. Neutralization, burning a substance, fuel reactions,
deposition of dry ice, respiration, sulphuric acid solution into water, and many other processes
are examples. The term 'Exo' means 'to release,' and 'thermic' means 'heat'.
6. Based on the results of the experiment, enumerate the pieces of evidence showing that chemical
changes had occurred.
• The following are some of the pieces of evidence that led us to understanding more how chemical
changes happened:
- Color Change
- Change in smell or taste
- Changes in Temperature
- Volume Change
- Formation of Bubbles

What happens when zinc granules are added to hydrochloric acid? (n.d.).
Identifying physical and chemical changes. (n.d.). Education.
Endothermic vs. exothermic reactions (article) | Khan Academy. (n.d.).
Admin. (2022, October 20). Difference between Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions | Chemistry.
Helmenstine, Anne Marie, Ph.D. (2020, August 27). Is Dissolving Salt in Water a Chemical Change or
Physical Change? Retrieved from

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