English10 QTR4 Las Melc 3

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Junior High School

Grade 10



Fourth Quarter – MELC 3

Give the Extended

Definition of Words
Development Team of English Learning Kit

Writer: Francisco P. Gonzales

Illustrators: Armand Glenn S. Lapor Mark T. Dasa

Layout Artists: Lilibeth E. Larupay Armand Glenn S. Lapor

Division Quality Assurance Team:

Lilibeth E. Larupay Dr. Eugenio L. Mallorca
Dana Detablan Julieto T. Montenegro, Jr.

Management Team: Dr. Roel F. Bermejo Dr. Novelyn M. Vilchez

Dr. Ferdinand Sy Dr. Azucena T. Falales
Ruben S. Libutaque Dr. Eugenio L. Mallorca
Lilibeth E. Larupay

Grade 10 - English
English 10 - Learning
Give the expanded definition of words (EN10V-IIIa-13.9)
Activity Sheet No. 3

Grade 10 - English 1
Competency: Give the expanded definition of words (EN10V-IIIa-13.9)
Name of Learner: ____________________________________________________
Grade and Section: ______________________________ Date: ______________


I. Learning Competency with Code

Competency: Give expanded definition of words. (EN10V-IIIa-13.9)

II. Background Information for Learner

The ability to expand ideas is an intrinsic skill in research. It is a requisite tool

so you can break down an abstract term into an understandable concept that
everyone can relate to. Doing so means being able to to merge the meanings from
several sources and unify them into a simplified whole, thus, you are leveling with
your intended readers. More importantly, you’re able to infuse your ideas into it
and make the definition your own. It’s not enough that you collate information from
various sources, you have to inject your own knowledge and contribute to the over-
all development and enhancement of the topic you’re presenting.

A Formal definition is a structured description of a term that includes the class

and characteristics of the word to be defined.
Extended Definition is a more detailed explanation of a complex term and
includes information necessary in the discussion of the main subject matter.
Depending on the ideas that need to be presented, extended definition may be as
long as one or two paragraphs.

There are varied techniques in extending the definition of a term but choosing
the most appropriate method to employ in elaborating a certain concept will redound
to the thorough discussion of your research work.
1. Etymology – explains the orgin of the word itself .
2. . Historical – discusses the history of the term and controversies associated with it.
3. Cause- Effect – illustrates how the situation came about and its results..
4. Description - lists and defines the component parts.
5. Principles of Operation – discusses how the topic in question, functions,
including any special material or condition required.
6. Classification - categorizes the idea or concept.
7. Contrast/Negation - indicates the absolute difference between two ideas.
8. Comparison - points out the similarity and slight difference of concepts..

Grade 10 - English 2
Competency: Give the expanded definition of words (EN10V-IIIa-13.9)
9. Analogy - compares two different ideas based on a resemblance to a particular
10. Examples - gives representative samples of a particular idea.
11. Illustration - provides vivid examples to explain a concept.


a. Think of the concept to be defined.
b. Identify the intended readers.
c. Note the purpose.
a. Tell readers what term is being defined.
b. Present clear and basic information.
c. Use facts and examples that readers will understand.
a. Choose the appropriate technique to use in expanding the definition.
b. Gradually build your ideas by adding the essential information.


1. Find reliable sources and at least three definitions so you can compare their
meanings. Dictionary meanings are sometimes very limited while the ones
found on the web are highly-technical and incomprehensible. They need to be
simplified or expanded for a clearer understanding. Look for common terms as
well as information that are not found in the other definitions.
2. Refrain from copying the definitions verbatim or word for word. Change some of
the difficult words and rephrase the definitions but be careful not to alter the
meaning of the words.

III. Accompanying DepEd Textbook and Educational Site

Techniques of Extended Definition. umd.instructure.com.

Technical Writing: Extended Definitions (Effective Communications for

Programmers and the Grammatically Challenged. Slideshare

Merriam Dictionary/ Google Dictionary/ Eneza Education/ Mayo Clinic

IV. Activity Proper

Grade 10 - English 3
Competency: Give the expanded definition of words (EN10V-IIIa-13.9)
Directions: Go over the sentences below and spot the Extended Definition from the
Formal Definition. What made you think that the definition is extended?
Which details are added that expanded the idea? Write F for Formal and
Ex for Extended.

1. A virus is a microscopic organism that causes sickness.

2. A virus, such as Covid-19, is very infectious and may cause severe illness or
even death.
3. A pandemic is a phenomenon in which the disease spreads across cities and
countries, infecting millions of people and claiming countless lives.
4. A pandemic is an outbreak of a disease that spreads over a wide geographic area
and affects a high proportion of the population.
5. Medical treatment of a patient may range from doctor consultation to
hospitalization depending on the severity of the illness.
6. Medical treatment is the management and care of a patient to combat a disease
or disorder.
7. A Vaccine is a preparation of microorganisms that is administered to increase
immunity to a particular disease.
8. A Vaccine is vial containing organisms that is injected to the patient in order to
increase his resistance, rendering him immune to debilitating diseases like flu,
tuberculosis and even cancer.
9. Quarantine is the confinement of persons within their homes or community so as
to prevent them from infecting and being infected by highly-contagious diseases
such as Covid-19 that has no known cure or vaccine to date.
10. Quarantine is the limitation set upon the movement and activities of persons to
contain the spread of diseases.

Activity 2. TECHNIQUEcally EXTENDED!

Directions: Study the sample sentences below and determine the technique used in
each for extended definition. What words or phrases serve as clues?

1. The name “coronavirus” is derived from the Latin word “corona” meaning crown
or wreath owing to its crown-like shape.
2. The ill effects of Covid-19 pandemic are far-reaching as it not only affected the
health system and the economy but basically all aspects of human life.
3. The severe symptoms of Covid-19 are difficulty of breathing, chest pain or
pressure and loss of speech or movement.
4. Both Covid 19 and flu are respiratory diseases that are transmitted from one
person to the next.
5. Covid-19 is life-threatening since it has no cure yet but flu can be treated easily
with decongestants and antibiotics.

Grade 10 - English 4
Competency: Give the expanded definition of words (EN10V-IIIa-13.9)
6. Steam inhalation, gargling of salt, drinking of lukewarm water are the home
remedies employed against Covid-19.
7. Wash your hands properly by scrubbing them with soap for 20 seconds, rinsing
them under clean, running water and drying them with a clean towel.
8. A (PPE) or Personal Protective Equipment is like a helmet and armor worn by
knights in the medieval times to protect them from being wounded or killed.
9. Covid-19 Cases are categorized into the following: PUMs or Persons Under
Monitoring or those exposed but do not exhibit symptoms; PUIs or Persons Under
Investigation, those who manifest flu=like symptoms and the Covid-19 Positive who
have been tested and are confirmed virus carriers.
10. Covid-19 is believed to have originated from Hunan, Province in China and
resembled the coronavirus from bats , flying rodents that are considered a delicacy
by many Chinese.
11. We must all observe proper health protocols if we want to suppress the Covid-19


Directions: Study the following definitions from two sources and answer the guided
questions that follow.

Here are examples of definitions from two sources.

Absenteeism – (noun) chronic absence (as from school or work) ( Merriam-
Absenteeism – (noun) a truant behaviour that negatively affects the
performance among students (Eneza education)
Below is the Extended Definition, drawn from the above-sources and
combined with the ideas of the researcher:
Absenteeism, or the habitual failure of students to attend classes without valid
reasons, is a perennial and common problem in public secondary schools across the
country. Studies show that five to twelve percent of students in government-funded
institutions incur more than the allowable two-day absence per month. This has
caused them to miss a lot of lessons and flunk the test, and eventually, getting failing
grades. On a larger scale, it has impacted their learning development as it kept
them from building basic skills. Each day that they are out of the classroom, means,
they do not get the opportunity for the much-needed instruction.

Guide Questions

1. What is Absenteeism?

2. Which phrases in the

succeeding sentences also
refer to Absenteeism?

3. What details are added

Grade 10 - English 5
Competency: Give the expanded definition of words (EN10V-IIIa-13.9)
to extend the definition?
4. What techniques are
used to enrich the topic?
List down the words or
phrase that correspond to
the technique.
5. Which sentence
contains the ideas and
views of the researcher?


Directions: Read the two definitions and write their similarities and differences on
the Venn Diagram. Also, answer the succeeding numbers based on the
information you have provided in the diagram.

Depression – (noun) is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness

and and loss of interest and can interfere with your daily functioning (Mayo Clinic)

Depression- (noun) – is a serious but treatable medical illness that negatively affects
how you feel, the way you think and how you act (psychiatry.org).

2. Construct your own definition based on the Venn Diagram.


3. Write an Extended Definition of the term.


Grade 10 - English 6
Competency: Give the expanded definition of words (EN10V-IIIa-13.9)
Activity 5. EXTEND IT!
Directions: Read and rewrite an extended definition of the terms below. Think of
the ideas that you want to add so that the readers will have a clearer
understanding of the concepts that you’re presenting.

1. Aptitude is the natural talent or special ability for doing and learning something
easily and quickly. .
2. An underachiever is a person with potential but performs poorly or below

3. Cramming is the practice of studying intensively to absorb large volumes of

information in a short amount of time.

4. Motivation is the desire to act in order to achieve one’s goal.


5. A slow learner is a student who learns at a pace behind others of their age and
grade level.

V. Reflection

Directions: Answer the following questions with your self-reflections. Write your
answers on your answer sheet.

1. What crossed your mind while doing the activities and honing your writing skills?
2. Why is it necessary to extend the definition? How does it enhance the topic?
3. How can I develop my skill in extending definition?

Grade 10 - English 7
Competency: Give the expanded definition of words (EN10V-IIIa-13.9)
VI. Answer Key

Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3

1. Formal 1. etymology Varied Answers
2. Extended 2. historical
3. Extended 3. cause-effect Activity 4
4. Formal 4. description Varied Answers
5. Extended 5. principle of operation
6. Formal 6. classification Activity 5
7. Formal 7 contrast Varied Answers
8. Extended 8. comparison
9. Extended 9. analogy
10. Formal 10. .example
11. illustration

Grade 10 - English 8
Competency: Give the expanded definition of words (EN10V-IIIa-13.9)

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