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Think about these design questions:

1. Why are car windows made of glass?

2. What else can you make windows from?

3. What is the main problem with glass?

4. How can you make glass safe?

5. How can you clear mist from the inside of a car window? Find two engineering ways.
Student A
The project aims to unravel the inherent properties of car glass, delving into its composition
and characteristics that make it an integral component of automotive design. Understanding
these properties is essential for enhancing safety, functionality, and innovation within the
automotive industry
(Question 1 - Why are car windows made of glass?):
Car windows are predominantly made of glass due to a combination of specific properties
that make it an ideal material for this purpose. The primary reasons include transparency,
durability, and safety. Glass allows for clear visibility, essential for safe driving by providing
an unobstructed view of the surroundings. Additionally, glass is durable and can withstand
environmental factors, such as wind, rain, and sunlight, without deteriorating over time.
Furthermore, it plays a crucial role in passenger safety, as it is designed to shatter into small,
less harmful pieces upon impact, reducing the risk of injury during accidents. In essence, the
choice of glass for car windows is a careful balance of visibility, durability, and safety

Student B (Questions 2 and 3):

2. What else can you make windows from?
Windows can be made from various materials apart from glass. Some alternatives include
acrylic, polycarbonate, and various types of plastics. Acrylic, also known as Plexiglas, is a
transparent thermoplastic that offers good clarity and impact resistance. Polycarbonate is
another option, known for its high strength and durability, making it resistant to shattering.
Additionally, plastics with advanced engineering properties may be used in specific
applications, providing alternatives to traditional glass windows.

What is the main problem with glass?

The primary issue with glass is its propensity to shatter upon impact. While the intention is
for the glass to break into small, less harmful pieces, it can still pose a risk of injury in certain
situations. This characteristic is especially evident in accidents, where shattered glass
fragments may cause harm to passengers. Addressing this safety concern is crucial in the
design and manufacturing of car windows.
Student C (Question 4):
4. How can you make glass safe?
Several measures can be implemented to enhance the safety of glass. One common
approach is the use of laminated glass, which consists of layers of glass sandwiched with a
layer of transparent plastic. In the event of an impact, the plastic layer holds the glass
fragments together, preventing them from scattering and reducing the risk of injury.
Additionally, tempered glass is another safety enhancement where the glass is treated to
increase its strength. These safety measures contribute to making car windows more secure
and less prone to causing harm in case of accidents.

Student D (Question 5 and Conclusion):

5. How can you clear mist from the inside of a car window? Find two engineering ways.
Clearing mist from the inside of a car window is essential for maintaining visibility and safe
driving. Two engineering ways to achieve this are:

a. Defogging Systems: Modern cars often come equipped with defogging or defrosting
systems. These systems use the car's heating and ventilation mechanisms to blow warm air
onto the interior surface of the windows. The warm air helps to evaporate the moisture
responsible for the mist, clearing the window and restoring visibility.

b. Anti-fog Coatings: Another engineering solution involves applying anti-fog coatings to the
interior surface of the car windows. These coatings work by altering the surface tension of
water droplets, preventing them from forming a mist. Anti-fog coatings are transparent and
long-lasting, providing a convenient and effective way to maintain clear windows in various
weather conditions.

In conclusion, car windows serve a critical role in ensuring driver and passenger safety by
providing visibility and protection. The choice of materials, such as glass, is carefully
balanced with factors like transparency, durability, and safety. However, advancements in
engineering continue to offer innovative solutions to enhance the safety and functionality of
car windows, addressing concerns such as shattering and visibility impairment.
Welcome! teacher and colleagues.
Today we are going to present our final project! The members of my group are
Valeria Angelo, Erika and Gerbert.

We are going to discover the properties of car glass by answering some


In this project we will look at inherent properties of automotive glass, delving
into its composition and the characteristics that make it an integral component
of automotive design.

1) Why are car windows made of glass?

Car windows are primarily made of glass to ensure vehicle safety,
visibility, and structural support. Glass serves as a protective barrier
against external elements, enhances visibility by providing crucial
driving information, and contributes significantly to the structural
integrity of the vehicle, offering up to 30% resistance to structural
collapse in rollover events. This engineering choice is essential for
maintaining overall vehicle performance and ensuring the well-being of
I give my partner a pass

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