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Unit 8

1 Test
A grupaand
2 Audioscript
answers and answers

9 Audioscript
1 We are in Hawaii, on the Maui Island and we are sailing. We are looking for dolphins. The weather is beautiful. It is
warm and sunny.
2 We are in Egypt, in the desert. We are riding camels. There isn’t any wind and there aren’t any clouds. It is really hot
and we are thirsty and tired. We are wearing T-shirts, shorts and caps.
3 It is winter and we are in the mountains in Slovakia. We are skiing. It is not snowing but it is cold and windy. We are
wearing our cool ski suits, ski boots, warm gloves and helmets.
4 In this photo we are in Thailand. We are on the Phi Phi Islands. It is hot but there is a violent storm so we are sitting
and relaxing in our hotel room.
5 It is spring. We are in Kraków, Poland. It isn’t raining but it is a foggy day. We are sightseeing the city but we feel
6 We are in Scotland and we are sailing on Loch Ness. We are looking for Nessie – the monster. It is sunny but very
windy. The water in Loch Ness is very cold.

Numer Maksymalna
Poprawna odpowiedź Proponowana punktacja
zadania liczba punktów
1 5 1f 2d 3e 4b 5c 6a * 1 punkt za każdą poprawną odpowiedź
2 5 1 YES 2 NO 3 YES 4 NO 5 YES 6 YES * 1 punkt za każdą poprawną odpowiedź
3 5 1f 2c 3a 4b 5d 6e * 1 punkt za każdą poprawną odpowiedź
4 5 1a 2a 3a 4b 5b 6a * 1 punkt za każdą poprawną odpowiedź
5 5 1 is looking * 1 punkt za każdą poprawną odpowiedź
2 are hiking
3 are visiting
4 is writing
5 am swimming
6 are watching
6 5 1 When are they travelling to Spain? * 1 punkt za każdą poprawną odpowiedź
2 Where is Susan riding her bike?
3 The kids are not sleeping now.
4 Sandra is not doing her homework.
5 What is Frank eating now?
6 What are you looking for in my room?
7 5 1b 2d 3f 4a 5c 6e * 1 punkt za każdą poprawną odpowiedź

Junior Explorer 4 Unit 8 Test A grupa 2 Audioscript and answers © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o., 2017 1
Unit 8 Test A grupa 2 Audioscript and answers

8 5 Dear Friend, * 1 punkt za każde poprawnie

I am in (1)… (place / city) on holiday. dokończone zdanie
I am spending my holidays with (2)… (who?: * 0,5 punktu w przypadku, gdy zdanie
mum, dad, friends). zawiera błąd, jednak da się zrozumieć jego
I am having a great time. sens
The weather is (3)… (hot / warm / sunny).
I (4)… every day. (Present Simple Tense:
activity / activities).
At the moment I (5)… (Present Continuous
Tense: activity /activities).
See you soon.
Name / Signature
Łącznie: 40

Junior Explorer 4 Unit 8 Test A grupa 2

Autor: Aleksandra Prochalska-Stępień
Redakcja: Iwona Murawska
Współpraca redakcyjna: Aleksandra Roczek
Korekta językowa: Agata Wojtko, Graham Carr
Redaktor zarządzający: Małgorzata Gutowska
Skład: Artur Polakowski

Junior Explorer 4 Unit 8 Test A grupa 2 Audioscript and answers © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o., 2017 2

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