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ID 2164/13
Parametric design and its relation to computational
design in architecture

Parametric design is an innovative approach to design that involves using parame-

ters and algorithms to generate and manipulate design elements and outcomes. It of-
fers a powerful framework for creating complex, dynamic, and adaptable architectural
forms and systems. Parametric design allows architects to define and control a range of
variables and relationships, enabling them to explore and optimize design solutions in a
systematic and efficient manner.

At its core, parametric design is rooted in computational thinking and techniques.

It leverages the capabilities of computational tools and algorithms to automate and
streamline design processes. Through the use of specialized software and scripting lan-
guages, architects can define parameters, constraints, and rules that govern the behav-
ior and interrelationships of design elements. By establishing these rules, architects can
create designs that respond intelligently to changes in input parameters, allowing for
dynamic, responsive, and adaptable outcomes.
The relationship between parametric design and computational design in architecture
is symbiotic and transformative. Computational design provides the technical founda-
tion and computational power necessary to execute the complex calculations, simula-
tions, and generative processes involved in parametric design. It enables architects to
create and manipulate complex geometries, analyze structural performance, simulate
environmental conditions, optimize energy efficiency, and explore design variations at
a level of detail and precision that would be impractical or impossible using traditional
design methods.

Parametric design, on the other hand, imbues computational design with a conceptual
framework and a set of principles that guide the design process. It allows architects to
think systematically and algorithmically, treating design as a series of interconnected
parameters and relationships. By incorporating parametric thinking into computa-
tional design, architects can explore a vast design space, iterate rapidly, and evaluate
multiple design options efficiently. This iterative and exploratory process can lead to
innovative and optimized design solutions that are finely tuned to specific project re-

The relationship between parametric design and computational design in architecture

is a synergistic collaboration that pushes the boundaries of what is possible in design.
Together, they empower architects to create designs that are not only visually striking
but also highly functional, sustainable, and responsive to their context. By harnessing
the computational power and parametric thinking, architects can achieve a level of
design intricacy, efficiency, and adaptability that was previously unimaginable, revolu-
tionizing the field of architecture and shaping the built environment of the future.

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