DETAILED - LESSON-WPS - Office (1) (AutoRecovered)

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At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
a. learns what is the meaning of Planning.
b. Understand the importance of planning in business.
c. Enumerate the types and importance of Planning.



B. Subtopic: Types & Importance of planning

C. Reference: Blackwell, Edward (2017)



A. Preparatory Activities
1. Prayer
Before we start our lesson for today, we will
have first an opening prayer. (The students will raise.)
May I request Ms. ...... to lead the prayer. Yes ma'am.
Let us bow our heads and feel the
presence of the Lord.
Oh God Almighty, behold us your loving
children, offering you today our works and
studies. Help us, Dear Lord, to be obedient
to our teachers, to be kind to our
classmates and to be diligent in our
studies. May you always grant us the
courage to follow your way. Amen.

2. Greetings
Good morning, everyone!
Good morning, Ma’am!
How's your day going?
Absolutely fine ma'am.
That's great, okay take your sits.
(Students sat down)

3. checking of Attendance
Okay for our attendance this morning, get
one whole sheet of paper and write your
name and your signature.

Wow! We have a complete attendance for Yes, Ma'am

today! Thank you so much class for being
Thank you, ma'am

4. Checking of Assignment
Did I give you an assignment?
No ma'am.
Since, I haven’t let us have a short recap
about our topic yesterday.


Okay class before we move on to our next
topic, who can give us a short recap of what (The student raising their hands)
was our topic yesterday? Ma'am!
Yesterday we talked about the different
Skills and qualities of an entrepreneur,
plus about their contribution in our
country and how they manage their
Yes, very good. Tell us more. businesses.

Very Good! Let us give a tatlong bagsak for

Ms. ........
One (clap) two (clap2x) and three tatlong
Excellent! You can still recall our previous bagsak!

Okay class before we move on to our
discussion, let me ask you first. Did you
experience a lot of problems and challenges
in life right? Yes ma'am.

How do you apply those in your daily First ma'am we need to accept the fact
routine as a student? that no matter what we will encounter
this challenge, we just need to be a better
version of ourselves. We need to look
forward and plan for our future, that's
why we kept fighting.
I don't expect that answer Tho, good job
The reason why I asked you that is because
that is connected to our next topic, which is
planning you mentioned to plan for your
right? Just like planning for a successful
business, but before that you have to face
those challenges and problems for you to
survive in the future.

So that was small talk, to give you a Yes Ma'am!

reminder that everything is worth fighting
for. Okay class!
We're excited ma'am!

I hope everyone is ready for our topic this


Okay class, Have you ever planned for your
future? Yes, ma’am.
Okay our topic for today is about Planning,
but in a business matter.
So, what comes in your mind when you hear
Planning? Ma'am!
For me planning is about something you
want to be guided for the next step of
your business plus making your business
more capable to every challenge and
Very good!

What is Planning?
Planning in business involves creating a set
of actions or strategies that will help achieve
specific goals and objectives. This process
involves analyzing data, identifying potential
obstacles, and creating a roadmap that
outlines the steps needed to reach the
desired outcome. Business planning can
include activities such as market research,
financial forecasting, resource allocation,
and risk management. Ultimately, a well-
crafted business plan can help guide (Students)
decision-making, improve organizational Strategic planning:
efficiency, and ensure long-term success. Operational planning:
So, class there are several types of planning Financial planning:
in business, what are those?? Marketing planning:
Resource planning:
Contingency planning:
Okay very good!

So why planning is important?

Planning is important in business for several
Helps achieve goals and objectives: Planning
helps businesses to set clear goals and
objectives and develop a roadmap to
achieve them. This can help to increase
productivity, efficiency, and profitability.

Improves decision-making: Planning allows

businesses to think ahead and anticipate
potential challenges or opportunities. This Ma'am
can help to make informed decisions and Encourages innovation: Planning
take appropriate actions to achieve desired encourages businesses to think creatively
outcomes. and develop new ideas that can help them
to stay ahead of the competition.
Enhances resource allocation: With proper
planning, businesses can manage their
resources more effectively and efficiently.
This can help to reduce costs, optimize
performance, and achieve better results.

Yes, very good.

Provides a sense of direction: Planning No, ma’am.

provides businesses with a clear sense of Everything is clear!
direction and purpose. This can help to align
employees, customers, and stakeholders
around a common vision and achieve long-
term success. Yes ma'am.

Overall, planning is a critical process that

helps businesses to prepare for the future,
manage risks, and achieve sustainable

Okay class that's the end of the topic, any

questions, Clarifications, violent reaction?

Okay, very good!

So for to understand our topic let's have an

Now we will have an activity, this side is
group one and this side is group two.
Each group will enumerate the following if
it's a type of business planning or not.

Okay ready, start now!

(Students will enumerate if it's a type of
business planning or not)

Alright, time's up!

Done ma'am!!
Very good everyone you got it right!
Thank you, ma’am!

Who can give a summary of our topic? (Students raising their hands) ma'am!

Okay go-ahead Ms. .........

Planning in business involves creating a
set of actions or strategies that will help
achieve specific goals and objectives.
types of planning in business, including:
Strategic planning
Operational planning
Financial planning
Marketing planning
Resource planning
Contingency planning.

Very good!

Any questions, clarification, violent


No Ma'am.
Very good!
Get 1/4 sheet of paper and we will have a
Direction: Enumerate the following
1-6- Give the Six types of planning.
7-10- what is the importance of planning?

You have 10 minutes to answer, take your

time class. Yes, ma'am thank you.

(Students began answering)

(Their answer's)
1.Strategic planning
2.Operational planning
3.Financial planning
4.Marketing planning
5.Resource planning
6.Contingency planning.

7-10. planning is a critical process that

helps businesses to prepare for the future,
manage risks, and achieve sustainable
Okay are you done class?
Yes ma'am.
Pass your paper!
(Students passing their papers)
All paper is here?
Yes ma'am.
Very good!


Read in Advance about " WHY STUDYING


Yes ma'am.

So that's all for today, thank you and

goodbye class!

Goodbye ma'am!
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