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Doc. Type: Method Statement


Description: Method Statement for Silt Fence Erection

Document History

Revision Date Status Prepared by Approved by Change

I01 27 Feb 2023 First issue PYE VHK Issue for certification

I02 21 Mar 2023 Second PYE VHK Issue for certification


Package No: NENTX-PYE-MS-E-ZZ-001-I01 1


Package: Follow up & Content

Submitted in
Included in this
Document Name Package Rev Comment

Method Statement for Silt Fence Erection I02 Soft/Hard Copy

Package No: NENTX-PYE-MS-E-ZZ-001-I01 2


Drawing List Rev. I01


Package No: NENTX-PYE-MS-E-ZZ-001-I01 3


R to C - Comments' Follow up (IC/ER/EPD)

Comment Letter Ref: 215523/NENTX/(EP/SP/77/15)/C17/700/0017/O0413, dated: 15 March 2023

Comment Comment
Date Comment Answered by Date Answer
From No.

Please provide the fixing detail to prevent

15 Mar 21 Mar Please refer to Figure 3.2.2. for your
ER 1 the bottom of silt fence lifting up and floating PYE
2023 2023 information.
in water.

The purpose of silt fence is for stopping silt

materials containing in soil entering
drainage system. Please incorporate
15 Mar arrangement of silt fence in the temporary 21 Mar
ER 2 PYE Noted. Please refer to Section 3.3.
2023 drainage system to ensure the surface 2023
runoff from the stockpiling area being
filtered before water running into temporary
drainage system

Other than this submission, the particular of

15 Mar 21 Mar
ER 3 geotextile used for silt fence is outstanding. PYE Please refer to Appendix C.
2023 2023
Please provide.

Package No: NENTX-PYE-MS-E-ZZ-001-I01 4

North East New Territories
Landfill Extension

Ref. : NENTX-PYE-MS-E-ZZ-001-I01 Method Statement for Page : 1 of 10

Silt Fence Erection
Rev : I02 Date : 21 Mar 2023


This document contains confidential information of Paul Y. Construction & Engineering Co. Ltd. and shall
not be copied or amended without approval of the Project Manager

Rev Issue Date Status Prepared by Reviewed by Reviewed by

Project Manager Site Representative
I02 21 Mar 2023 Second issue

Name: Karsten Kwong Name: Andiry Chan

Name: Kenneth Wan
Date: 21/03/2023 Date: 21/03/2023 Date: 21/03/2023
I01 27 Feb 2023 First issue Name: Karsten Kwong Name: Kenneth Wan Name: Andiry Chan
North East New Territories
Landfill Extension

Ref. : NENTX-PYE-MS-E-ZZ-001-I01 Method Statement for Page : 2 of 10

Silt Fence Erection
Rev : I02 Date : 21 Mar 2023

Content Page
1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 3

2. SCOPE OF WORKS......................................................................................................... 3

3. SEQUENCE OF WORKS ................................................................................................. 3

4. SAFETY……………………………………………………………………………………………6

5. ENVIRONMENTAL ........................................................................................................ 7

North East New Territories
Landfill Extension

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Silt Fence Erection
Rev : I02 Date : 21 Mar 2023

1. Introduction
The following method statement establishes and maintains a standard approach to carry out the
silt fence erection at SBA. This text gives a general guideline for the execution of the works.

2. Scope of Works
This Method Statement outlines construction method and sequence for silt fence erection at the
SBA, which include material delivery, hammering, post installation.

3. Sequence of Works
3.1 Preparation work
Prepare the materials for silt fence erection (e.g. Post, fence material, hand tools)
Deliver the materials from storage area to designated area for silt fence erection by crane

3.2 Silt Fence Erection

Figure 3.2.1 Layout of Silt Fence

North East New Territories
Landfill Extension

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Silt Fence Erection
Rev : I02 Date : 21 Mar 2023

Figure 3.2.2 Fabrication Detail

Figure 3.2.2 Fabrication Detail

North East New Territories
Landfill Extension

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Silt Fence Erection
Rev : I02 Date : 21 Mar 2023

1. Silt fence will be erected along the stockpile area, refer to figure 3.2.1.
2. Silt fence shall be erected along the drainage with 10m distance and maximum 2m to stockpile
soil, refer to figure 3.2.2.
3. Electric hand-held Drill will be used to prepare the holes for stablize the post
4. Put the post into the hole and hammer on the post to fix it on the ground
5. Fix the fence material on the post by cable tie
6. Silt fence material 30m per roll, 1m overlapping shall be adopted for collection.
7. Fabrication detail may refer to figure 3.2.3

3.3 Silt Fence Relocation

1. Cut the cable tie and dismantle the silt fence from the post
2. Collect the silt fence and ready for reuse
3. Remove the post and ready for reuse
4. Relocate and erection of silt fence shall return to section 3.2

The purpose of silt fence is for stopping silt materials containing in soil entering drainage system.
The revised arrangement of silt fence will be discussed with IC/ER for approval to ensure the
surface runoff from the stockpiling area being filtered before water running into temporary drainage
North East New Territories
Landfill Extension

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Silt Fence Erection
Rev : I02 Date : 21 Mar 2023

The Risk Assessment attached in Appendix A has been prepared for all general and activities.
Specific safety procedure and precaution have been developed for all site operatives to follow. The
Construction Team Leader, Superintendent together with the Registered Safety Officer (RSO) will
oversee the implementation and make adjustment accordingly to the actual site operations, in order
to ensure a safe and amicable working environment is maintained.
4.1 Site Specific Safety Induction Training Course

All workers will attend the Site Specific Safety Induction Course conducted by the Safety
Officer. The Safety Officer will explain all necessary health and safety requirements and the
use of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment).

4.2 Pre-Task Meeting and Pre-Works Risk Assessment

A Pre-task meeting will be arranged before commencement of the works among

representatives of sub-contractors. Team Leader/ Superintendent will brief the nature of works,
the safety aspects and the requirements. The Sub-Contractor’s Project Engineer in charge of
the works shall explain the system of works to his supervisors and workers. Furthermore, the
pre-work risk assessment will also be carried out before the commencement of work on a
daily basis. This will primarily provide a daily check and monitor for any changes or
deviation to the original assumption during the initial risk assessment analysis.

4.3 Personal Protective Equipment

Safety officer shall ensure that all workforces were issued with basic personal protective
equipment (e.g. safety helmet, safety boost and reflective vest) and other personal protective
equipment which is suitable to specific task such as safety harness. Sufficient stocks shall be
kept available and record of issuing shall be maintained. All site staff and visitor must equip
the mandatory personal equipment such as safety helmet, safety shoes and reflective vest.
North East New Territories
Landfill Extension

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Silt Fence Erection
Rev : I02 Date : 21 Mar 2023

4. Environmental
The following environmental measures will be implemented as advised by Environmental
Manager. Environmental Officer and Environmental Supervisor are responsible for site
inspection to identify potential hazards and rectify the non-conformances if found. The following
environmental mitigation measures for different aspect will be implemented and are as follow:

4.1 Noise Control

5.1.1 Works will be carried out during normal working hours (i.e. 07:00 to 19:00). Permit to
work system shall be applied if site work carry out between 19:00 to 23:00.

4.2 Air
5.2.1 Water spraying will be applied during dust generation activities for dust suppression

4.3 Waste
5.3.1 General refuse will be cleared and stored at designated area for further disposal
North East New Territories
Landfill Extension

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Silt Fence Erection
Rev : I02 Date : 21 Mar 2023

Appendix A

Risk Assessment
工作危害分析報告 Job Hazard Analysis Report
地盤名稱 (Site): North East New Territories (NENT) Landfill Extension project at Ta Kwu Ling, New Territories, Hong Kong (EPD Contract No. EP/SP/77/15)
工作項目(Work Activities): Silt Fence Erection at SBA
有關風險評估之檔案編號: 修訂版本:
(Refer to Risk Assessment Ref. no): RA_EP/SP/77/15_034 (Revision): 2
報告編寫(Reported by) : Ringo Wong 王浩康 (Safety Officer) 報告審批(Approved by) : 温啓樑 Wan Kai Leung, Kenneth (項目經理 Project Manager)
簽署: 簽署:
Signature: Signature:

危害類別 Risk Identification (在方格內劃上“”號 Put a Tick on the appropriate box) 影響Affect
施工工序(Working Sequences)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 i ii iii iv
人 物 吊 程 埋 超 惡 機 樓 交 扭 壓 跣 絆 夾 割 剌 擊 爆 體 窒 固 遇 釋 磨 噪 吸 眼 異 火 視 觸 中 肺 對鄰 其 工 公 環 資
體 體 具 序 碼 重 劣 械 面 剪 傷 傷 倒 倒 傷 傷 傷 傷 炸 溫 息 體 溺 放 輪 音 入 睛 物 警 野 電 暑 塵 他 人 眾 境 產
下 下 拆 出 失 吊 天 倒 倒 升 上 淹 有 爆 致 有 灼 入 不 或 埃 危害
墮 墮 斷 錯 誤 運 氣 塌 塌 降 升 沒 毒 裂 失 害 傷 眼 清 熱 沉
台 氣 聰 物 衰 着
倒 體 資 竭 病

1 Preparing Work
        
2 Silt Fence Erection at SBA
       

Legend: Risk Identification:(1) Fall of person(2)Falling Object(3)Failure of Lifting gear(4)Wrong working sequence (5)Wrong rigging method(6)Overload(7)Adverse Climate (8)Overturning of machinery (9)Collapse of structural floor(10) Collapse of scissor platform

(11)Sprain & Strain(12)Crushing(13)Slipping(14)Trip(15)Abrasion(16)Laceration(17)Puncturewound (18) Hit Injury(19)Expolsion(20)Increase body temperature(21)Asphyxiation(22)Entrapment by a free flowing of solid(23)Downing(24)Exposure toxic gas(25)Disintegration of abrasive wheel

(26)Loss hearing(27)Breath in harmful substance(28)Eye burn(29)Things get into eyes(30)Fire(31)Poor eye sight(32)Electric shock(33)Heat Stoke(34)Pneumoconiosis(35)Affect works nearby(36)Other; Affect:(i)Workers(ii)Public(iii)Environmental(iv)Asset
保 華 建 築 工 程 有 限 公 司
SITE 地盤: NENTX (Contract No. EP/SP/77/15 ) Subject 工種: Installation Works Ref. No. 檔案編號: RA_EP/SP/77/15_034 Revision : 2
Works Description 工程敘述: Silt Fence Erection at SBA

RISK RATING RECORD for Risk Assessment Record (危機評估紀錄)

Likelihood rating (可能性等級)/ LR Severity rating(嚴重性等級)/ SR Risk Rating (危機等級)/ RR
5. Frequently 頻密 5. Catastrophic 災難 (Death, toxic release, huge financial loss) 引致死亡、釋放毒氣、極大財政損失 20-25. Extreme priority action 緊急優先跟進行動
4. Probable 經常 4. Major 嚴重 (Extensive injury, loss of production cability, major financial loss) 嚴重工傷、失去工作能力、重大財政損失 10-19. High priority action 優先跟進行動
3. Occasional 間中 3. Moderate 重大 (Medical treatment, need outside assistant, high financial loss) 工傷意外、較高財政損失 5-9. Medium priority action 中等優先跟進行動
2. Remote 極微 2. Minor 輕微 (First Aid treatment, medium financial loss) 急救治理、中等財政損失 1-4. Low priority 較低優先跟進行動
1. Improbable 近乎不可能 1. Insignificant 極輕微 (No injury, low financial loss) 沒有人受傷、較低財政損失

LR 可能性等級
SR 嚴重性等級
Situation 危機等級 RATING ACTION

Priority 次 序
受影響情況 剩餘危機等級 BY UP
Work Sequence Hazard CONTROL MEASURES 負責人 日常跟進
施工步驟 危 害 控 制 措 施
Public(P) RR= = LR(Residual) x
Environment(E) LR x SR SR(Residual)
Asset (A)
1. Preparing Work Adverse Climate (Lightning etc.) W, A 3 4 12 1st When the thunderstorm signal is hoisted, it is necessary to 1x2=2 Foreman
suspend the lifting work and take shelter in a safe place
Keep contact with the Observatory to receive the most updated
Evacuate all workers to the designated gathering points during
thunderstorm, amber rainstorm or red rainstorm signal is hoisted
Heat stroke W, A 3 2 6 3rd Maintain sufficient shelters to avoid long hours of outdoor work 1x2=2 Foreman
and take rest in a cool place at certain time
Provide sufficient drinking water to worker
Sprain & Strain (by awkward posture) W, A 3 2 6 3rd Assign at least 2 workers to delivery materials over 16kg 1x2=2 Foreman
Use proper posture and gesture to lift up the object
Falling objects during lifting operation W, A 4 2 8 2nd Re-check of LG with the objects before lifting 1x2=2 Foreman
Ensure the LALG are in good condition and possess valid
Lifting zone shall be identified and demarcated
Tags lines must be used to prevent the lifting loads are swinging
or rotating
Fence off the workplace to prevent unauthorized person entry
Failure of lifting gear W, A 4 2 8 2nd Lifting gears shall have valid certificates and checked before use. 1x2=2 Rigger
Ensure the safe working load of the lifting gears are sufficient to
lift the loads

Training requirement : Induction Training, Method statement & Specific Trade Training (by Safety Officer), Rigging Course–Construction materials Rigger (by CICTA/approved parties), Training for Crane Operator(by CICTA)
Competence : Arrange pre-work meeting, assign competent rigger
Emergency situation : Contact emergency coordinator, Mr. Stanley Sin at 6310 8201 for any emergency case.
PPE requirement : Safety helmet(EN397)、Safety shoes(EN345)、Safety Harness (EN361)、Rigging gloves(EN388)、Welding gloves(EN388,EN420)、Chemical gloves(EN374,EN388)
: Disposable Respirators(NIOSH N95)、Reflecting vest and fall arrestor(EN353)。

Revision: 09-2021 P.1 / 2 H5

保 華 建 築 工 程 有 限 公 司
SITE 地盤: NENTX (Contract No. EP/SP/77/15 ) Subject 工種: Installation Works Ref. No. 檔案編號: RA_EP/SP/77/15_034 Revision : 2
Works Description 工程敘述: Silt Fence Erection at SBA

RISK RATING RECORD for Risk Assessment Record (危機評估紀錄)

Likelihood rating (可能性等級)/ LR Severity rating(嚴重性等級)/ SR Risk Rating (危機等級)/ RR
5. Frequently 頻密 5. Catastrophic 災難 (Death, toxic release, huge financial loss) 引致死亡、釋放毒氣、極大財政損失 20-25. Extreme priority action 緊急優先跟進行動
4. Probable 經常 4. Major 嚴重 (Extensive injury, loss of production cability, major financial loss) 嚴重工傷、失去工作能力、重大財政損失 10-19. High priority action 優先跟進行動
3. Occasional 間中 3. Moderate 重大 (Medical treatment, need outside assistant, high financial loss) 工傷意外、較高財政損失 5-9. Medium priority action 中等優先跟進行動
2. Remote 極微 2. Minor 輕微 (First Aid treatment, medium financial loss) 急救治理、中等財政損失 1-4. Low priority 較低優先跟進行動
1. Improbable 近乎不可能 1. Insignificant 極輕微 (No injury, low financial loss) 沒有人受傷、較低財政損失

LR 可能性等級
SR 嚴重性等級
Situation 危機等級 RATING ACTION

Priority 次 序
受影響情況 剩餘危機等級 BY UP
Work Sequence Hazard CONTROL MEASURES 負責人 日常跟進
施工步驟 危 害 控 制 措 施
Public(P) RR= = LR(Residual) x
Environment(E) LR x SR SR(Residual)
Asset (A)
1. Preparing Work Overload of lifting operation W, A 4 2 8 2nd The lifting loads cannot exceed the SWL of the crane lorry 1x2=2 Crane operator
Automatic safe load indicator (ASLI) shall be provided to avoid
Crane operator should be appointed and have valid certificate for
lifting operation
Collapse of crane lorry W, A 4 2 8 2 Outriggers should be fully extended and carried out by 1x2=2 Crane operator
competent and experienced operator.
The mats with 3times size of outrigger float shall be used.
Struck by moving crane lorry W, A 4 2 8 2nd Maintain clearance from crane lorry 1x2=2 Foreman
All workers must wear reflective vest / uniform with reflective
2. Silt Fence Erection at SBA Slipping W, A 3 2 6 3rd Good housekeeping should be maintained 1x2=2 Foreman
Regularly check & maintain access in good condition
Trips W, A 3 2 6 3rd Do not walk on the material / hoes 1x2=2 Foreman
Maintain accesses in good working conditions
Laceration W, A 3 2 6 3rd Wear protective gloves 1x2=2 Foreman
Protective covers should be provided for sharp parts / re-bars
Electric shock W, A 4 2 8 2nd Using cordless tools to avoid electric shock 1x2=2 Foreman
Things get into eyes W, A 3 2 6 3 Wear eye protector 1x2=2 Foreman

Training requirement : Induction Training, Method statement & Specific Trade Training (by Safety Officer), Rigging Course–Construction materials Rigger (by CICTA/approved parties), Training for Crane Operator(by CICTA)
Competence : Arrange pre-work meeting, assign competent rigger
Emergency situation : Contact emergency coordinator, Mr. Stanley Sin at 6310 8201 for any emergency case.
PPE requirement : Safety helmet(EN397)、Safety shoes(EN345)、Safety Harness (EN361)、Rigging gloves(EN388)、Welding gloves(EN388,EN420)、Chemical gloves(EN374,EN388)
: Disposable Respirators(NIOSH N95)、Reflecting vest and fall arrestor(EN353)。

Revision: 09-2021 P.2 / 2 H5

Safe Working Procedure 安全施工程序
Revision: 02

Description of Work : Silt Fence Erection at Stockpile Borrow Area(SBA)

工作描述 : 在儲泥區架設淤泥圍欄
Potential Hazards 潛在的風險:
Adverse weather (Lightning etc.), Heat stroke, Sprain & Strain (by
awkward posture) & Foreign body into the eye.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Required 所需的個人防護裝備 :

Safety Gloves Safety Uniform Eye Protector

Helmet 手套 Shoes 工作服 護目鏡
安全帽 安全鞋
Nature of Works 工作類别 Control Measures 控制措施
1. Preparing Work 預備工作  Evacuate all workers to the designated gathering points
during thunderstorm, amber rainstorm or red rainstorm
signal is hoisted 雷雨、黃色暴雨或紅色暴雨信號懸掛
 Maintain sufficient shelters to avoid long hours of outdoor
work and take rest in a cool place at certain time 保持足夠
 Wear long-sleeved shirt and long pants, safety helmet,
gloves, and boots 穿長袖衫、長褲、安全帽、手套及靴
 Assign at least 2 workers to delivery materials over 16kg 至
少安排 2 名工人運送超過 16 公斤的物料
 Use proper posture and gesture to lift up the object 使用正
 Comply to crane load chart SWL 符合起重機負載圖的安全
 Ensure taglines are available and wear proper hand gloves
 Signalman to ensure all rigger hands are off the load before
giving further signals to the crane operator 訊號員在向起
 Ensure LG & LA are tested and within valid test date before
usage 確保吊具及吊重機在使用前經過測試並在有效測
 Automatic safe load indicator (ASLI) shall be provided to
avoid overload 應提供自動安全負載指示器(ASLI)以避

2. Silt Fence Erection at SBA 在儲  Good housekeeping should be maintained 應保持良好的工

泥區架設淤泥圍欄 地整理
 Regularly check & maintain access in good condition 定期
 Do not walk on the material / hoes 不要在材料/水喉上行

 Using coreless tools to avoid electric shock 掛高電線,避免

 Wear protective gloves to avoid hand injury 戴上防護手
 Protective covers should be provided for sharp parts / re-
bars 尖銳部件/鋼筋應提供保護罩
 Wear eye protector to avoid flying objects 戴上眼罩防止異

Note: Do not conduct this work unless you have been trained in its safe work
North East New Territories
Landfill Extension

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Silt Fence Erection
Rev : I02 Date : 21 Mar 2023

Appendix B

Equipment List
North East New Territories
Landfill Extension

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Silt Fence Erection
Rev : I02 Date : 21 Mar 2023

Equipment List

Plants & Machinery: Handheld Tools:

Crane lorry Hammer
Electric hand-held drill
North East New Territories
Landfill Extension

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Silt Fence Erection
Rev : I02 Date : 21 Mar 2023

Appendix C

Silt Fence Information


流两岸,叫做——Silt Fence(淤泥栅栏)

淤泥栅栏, 也称为过滤栅栏, 是一种主要由钢丝网、土工织物组成的结构, 用作泥沙

控制的一种围栏。这些临时屏障的成本相对较低, 特别是与他们可以防止的损失相

比。它们使松散的土壤不受当地水体的影响, 也减少了各种形式的发展对周围野生




1. 成本较低,可重复使用

2. PP 布与钢丝网组合,抗拉强度高

3. PP 布加入 UV,使用寿命更长久

4. 不破坏土壤,不受地形影响,安装方便



铁丝网 PP 编织物

网孔 宽度 长度 材质 宽度 长度 克重 G/M2

14 70-100
2”X4” 2’ 100’ HDG 3’ 100’

14 4”X4” 3’ 100’ HDG 3’ 100’

12.5 2”X4” 4’ 100’ HDG 3’ 100’

检 测 报 告
Test Report

报 告 编 号

Report No. LSYY20220923

委 托 单 位

Client 常州市国凯包装有限公司

样 品 名 称

Sample Name 编织布

共4页 第1页


检 测 报 告
Test Report
报告编号 Report No. :LSYY20220923

A B Description of 2 组编织布
Sample Numbers
送样日期 完成日期
2022.08.25 2022.09.23
Sample Date Finish Date
Test Environment 环境温度(23±2)℃;环境湿度(50±10)%
and Condition
抗 UV 测试、最大拉力、单位面积质量
Testing Item

Testing Method
老化条件 辐照度(313nm):0.71W/㎡/nm;
Condition of aging 黑标温度:60±3℃/50±3℃;

Aging time

Preparation of
Sample and

共4页 第2页

检 测 报 告
Test Report
报告编号 Report No. :LSYY20220923
检测项目及结果 Test Items and Result

原始样 老化时间
检测项目 检测方法 单位
NO. Original Aging
Test Item Test Method Units
Sample 500h

单位面积质量 GB/T
108.90 g/㎡
Mass per unit area 4669-2008
A 经向
最大拉力 GB/T 43.27 37.56
Themaximm 纬向 N
1040.5-2006 45.52 38.74
tension parallel

单位面积质量 GB/T
105.50 g/㎡
Mass per unit area 4669-2008
B 经向
最大拉力 GB/T 43.67 39.47
meridian N
Themaximm 纬向 1040.5-2006 47.20 41.93
tension parallel

共4页 第3页


检 测 报 告
Test Report
报告编号 Report No. :LSYY20220923
检测项目及结果 Test Items and Result

初始样 老化 500h-313

检验 Tested by: 审核 Inspected by:

批准 Approver by: 日期 Date:2022.09.23







共4页 第4页


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