PAUL Y - Submission of MS For Site Boundary Fencing at Landfill Area (Rev. I06)

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工作危害分析報告 Job Hazard Analysis Report
地盤名稱 (Site): North East New Territories (NENT) Landfill Extension project at Ta Kwu Ling, New Territories, Hong Kong (EPD Contract No. EP/SP/77/15)
工作項目(Work Activities): Site Boundary Fencing at Landfill Area
有關風險評估之檔案編號: 修訂版本:
(Refer to Risk Assessment Ref. no): RA_EP/SP/77/15_027 (Revision): 5
報告編寫(Reported by) : Ringo Wong 王浩康 (Safety Officer) 報告審批(Approved by) : 温啓樑 Wan Kai Leung, Kenneth (項目經理 Project Manager)
簽署: 簽署:
Signature: Signature:

施工工序(Working Sequences) 危害類別 Risk Identification (在方格內劃上“”號 Put a Tick on the appropriate box) 影響Affect
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 i ii iii iv
人 物 吊 程 埋 超 惡 機 樓 交 扭 壓 跣 絆 夾 割 剌 擊 爆 體 窒 固 遇 釋 磨 噪 吸 眼 異 火 視 觸 中 肺 對鄰 其 工 公 環 資
體 體 具 序 碼 重 劣 械 面 剪 傷 傷 倒 倒 傷 傷 傷 傷 炸 溫 息 體 溺 放 輪 音 入 睛 物 警 野 電 暑 塵 他 人 眾 境 產
下 下 拆 出 失 吊 天 倒 倒 升 上 淹 有 爆 致 有 灼 入 不 或 埃 危害
墮 墮 斷 錯 誤 運 氣 塌 塌 降 升 沒 毒 裂 失 害 傷 眼 清 熱 沉
台 氣 聰 物 衰 着
倒 體 資 竭 病

Setting out the site boundary and mark out
fence footing location        
Excavation of the fence footings to
designated depth by mini excavator          
Lifting operation by crane lorry / 20tonne
excavator modified for lifting purpose             
4 Mix and place concrete for the fence footings
          
Install the steel mesh on concreted in steel
post and secure by bolt and nut             
6 Mount the barbed wire on to the corner post
            
Legend: Risk Identification:(1) Fall of person(2)Falling Object(3)Failure of Lifting gear(4)Wrong working sequence (5)Wrong rigging method(6)Overload(7)Adverse Climate (8)Overturning of machinery (9)Collapse of structural floor(10) Collapse of scissor platform

(11)Sprain & Strain(12)Crushing(13)Slipping(14)Trip(15)Abrasion(16)Laceration(17)Puncturewound (18) Hit Injury(19)Explosion(20)Increase body temperature(21)Asphyxiation(22)Entrapment by a free flowing of solid(23)Drowning(24)Exposure to toxic gas(25)Disintegration of abrasive wheel

(26)Loss of hearing(27)Breathe in harmful substance(28)Eye burn(29)Things get into eyes(30)Fire(31)Poor eye sight(32)Electric shock(33)Heat Stroke(34)Pneumoconiosis(35)Affect works nearby(36)Other; Affect:(i)Workers(ii)Public(iii)Environmental(iv)Asset
保 華 建 築 工 程 有 限 公 司
SITE 地盤: NENTX (Contract No. EP/SP/77/15 ) Subject 工種: Fencing Erection Ref. No. 檔案編號: RA_EP/SP/77/15_027 Revision : 5
Works Description 工程敘述: Site Boundary Fencing at Landfill Area
RISK RATING RECORD for Risk Assessment Record (危機評估紀錄)
Likelihood rating (可能性等級)/ LR Severity rating(嚴重性等級)/ SR Risk Rating (危機等級)/ RR
5. Frequently 頻密 5. Catastrophic 災難 (Death, toxic release, huge financial loss) 引致死亡、釋放毒氣、極大財政損失 20-25. Extreme priority action 緊急優先跟進行動 (1st)
4. Probable 經常 4. Major 嚴重 (Extensive injury, loss of production capability, major financial loss) 嚴重工傷、失去工作能力、重大財政損失 10-19. High priority action 優先跟進行動 (1st)
3. Occasional 間中 3. Moderate 重大 (Medical treatment, need outside assistance, high financial loss) 工傷意外、較高財政損失 5-9. Medium priority action 中等優先跟進行動 (2nd)
2. Remote 極微 2. Minor 輕微 (First Aid treatment, medium financial loss) 急救治理、中等財政損失 1-4. Low priority 較低優先跟進行動 ( 3rd)
1. Improbable 近乎不可能 1. Insignificant 極輕微 (No injury, low financial loss) 沒有人受傷、較低財政損失

LR 可能性等級
SR 嚴重性等級
Situation 危機等級 ACTION FOLLOW

Priority 次 序
受影響情況 BY UP
Work Sequence Hazard CONTROL MEASURES 負責人 日常跟`
施工步驟 危害 控制措施 進
Public(P) RR= = LR(Residual) x
Environment(E) LR x SR SR(Residual)
Asset (A)

1. General Manual Handling injury W, A 2 2 4 3rd ⮚ Use proper posture and movement to lift the object. 1x2=2 Foreman
⮚ Conduct toolbox talk of manual handling to workers Safety Officer
Trip and Slip W, A 2 2 4 3rd ⮚ Maintain good housekeeping. 1x2=2 Foreman
⮚ Clear up loose materials to prevent tripping hazard.
⮚ Provide sufficient and safe access.
⮚ Regularly check & maintain access in good condition
Laceration/ Hand injury W, A 2 2 4 3rd ⮚ Provision of protective covers for exposed sharp parts and 1x2=2 Foreman
⮚ Maintain tools in good working condition.
⮚ Issue suitable protective gloves to workers & enforce to use.
Biological hazard (e.g. bees and snakes) W, A 4 2 8 2nd ⮚ Keep away from bee hives and dense woodland to avoid 1x2=2 Foreman
being bitten by a snake / bee.
⮚ Wear long-sleeved shirt and long pants, safety helmet,
gloves, and boots
Adverse Weather W, A 3 4 12 1 st
⮚ When the thunderstorm signal is hoisted, it is necessary to 1x2=2 Foreman
suspend the lifting work and take shelter in a safe place.
⮚ Keep contact with the Observatory to receive the most
updated information.
⮚ Evacuate all workers to the designated gathering points
during thunderstorm (within 5km), No.8 signal,

Training requirement : Induction Training, Method Statement & Specific Trade Training (by Safety Officer), Rigging Course–Construction Materials Rigger (by CICTA/approved parties), Training for Crane Operator(by CICTA)
Competence : Arrange pre-work meeting, assign competent rigger
Emergency situation : Contact emergency coordinator, Mr. Andiry Chan at 6315 5086 for any emergency case.
PPE requirement : Safety helmet(EN397)、Safety shoes(EN345)、Safety Harness (EN361)、Rigging gloves(EN388)、Welding gloves(EN388,EN420)、Chemical gloves(EN374,EN388)
: Disposable Respirators(NIOSH N95)、Reflective vest and fall arrestor (EN353)。
P. 1 / 11

Revision: 09-2021 H5
保 華 建 築 工 程 有 限 公 司
SITE 地盤: NENTX (Contract No. EP/SP/77/15 ) Subject 工種: Fencing Erection Ref. No. 檔案編號: RA_EP/SP/77/15_027 Revision : 5
Works Description 工程敘述: Site Boundary Fencing at Landfill Area
RISK RATING RECORD for Risk Assessment Record (危機評估紀錄)
Likelihood rating (可能性等級)/ LR Severity rating(嚴重性等級)/ SR Risk Rating (危機等級)/ RR
5. Frequently 頻密 5. Catastrophic 災難 (Death, toxic release, huge financial loss) 引致死亡、釋放毒氣、極大財政損失 20-25. Extreme priority action 緊急優先跟進行動 (1st)
4. Probable 經常 4. Major 嚴重 (Extensive injury, loss of production capability, major financial loss) 嚴重工傷、失去工作能力、重大財政損失 10-19. High priority action 優先跟進行動 (1st)
3. Occasional 間中 3. Moderate 重大 (Medical treatment, need outside assistance, high financial loss) 工傷意外、較高財政損失 5-9. Medium priority action 中等優先跟進行動 (2nd)
2. Remote 極微 2. Minor 輕微 (First Aid treatment, medium financial loss) 急救治理、中等財政損失 1-4. Low priority 較低優先跟進行動 ( 3rd)
1. Improbable 近乎不可能 1. Insignificant 極輕微 (No injury, low financial loss) 沒有人受傷、較低財政損失

LR 可能性等級
SR 嚴重性等級
Situation 危機等級 ACTION FOLLOW

Priority 次 序
受影響情況 BY UP
Work Sequence Hazard CONTROL MEASURES 負責人 日常跟`
施工步驟 危害 控制措施 進
Public(P) RR= = LR(Residual) x
Environment(E) LR x SR SR(Residual)
Asset (A)
⮚ or black rainstorm signal is hoisted
Heat stroke W, A 4 2 8 2nd ⮚ Maintain sufficient shelters to avoid long hours of outdoor 1x2=2 Foreman
work and take rest in a cool place at certain time.
⮚ Provide adequate drinking water for workers
2. Carry out site clearance works at landfill Unauthorized access W, A 4 2 8 2nd ⮚ Fence off the working zone. 1x2=2 Foreman
Falling of person beside slope edge W, A 4 2 8 2nd ⮚ Safety harness anchored to suitable anchorage points/ 1x2=2 Foreman
lifeline with fall arrestor should only be used as a last
⮚ Prohibition of working alone Safety Officer
⮚ Provide training on the proper use of fall arrestor
3. Excavation of the fence footing to Damage the underground utilities W, P, A ⮚ Cable detection by competent person before conducting the
designated depth by mini excavator excavation works.
⮚ Hand dig trial lost to expose the underground utilities.
⮚ Mark the alignment of all found underground utilities.
⮚ Inform utility company to determine further action.
⮚ Implementation of permit to dig system for excavation
Collapse / Roll over of excavator W, A 4 2 8 2nd ⮚ Check the ground condition before use. 1x2=2 Operator
⮚ The excavator shall be inspected by the excavator operator
at least weekly and valid Form 1
⮚ Rigger and banksman should know the issued operating

Training requirement : Induction Training, Method Statement & Specific Trade Training (by Safety Officer), Rigging Course–Construction Materials Rigger (by CICTA/approved parties), Training for Crane Operator(by CICTA)
Competence : Arrange pre-work meeting, assign competent rigger
Emergency situation : Contact emergency coordinator, Mr. Andiry Chan at 6315 5086 for any emergency case.
PPE requirement : Safety helmet(EN397)、Safety shoes(EN345)、Safety Harness (EN361)、Rigging gloves(EN388)、Welding gloves(EN388,EN420)、Chemical gloves(EN374,EN388)
: Disposable Respirators(NIOSH N95)、Reflective vest and fall arrestor (EN353)。
P. 2 / 11

Revision: 09-2021 H5
保 華 建 築 工 程 有 限 公 司
SITE 地盤: NENTX (Contract No. EP/SP/77/15 ) Subject 工種: Fencing Erection Ref. No. 檔案編號: RA_EP/SP/77/15_027 Revision : 5
Works Description 工程敘述: Site Boundary Fencing at Landfill Area
RISK RATING RECORD for Risk Assessment Record (危機評估紀錄)
Likelihood rating (可能性等級)/ LR Severity rating(嚴重性等級)/ SR Risk Rating (危機等級)/ RR
5. Frequently 頻密 5. Catastrophic 災難 (Death, toxic release, huge financial loss) 引致死亡、釋放毒氣、極大財政損失 20-25. Extreme priority action 緊急優先跟進行動 (1st)
4. Probable 經常 4. Major 嚴重 (Extensive injury, loss of production capability, major financial loss) 嚴重工傷、失去工作能力、重大財政損失 10-19. High priority action 優先跟進行動 (1st)
3. Occasional 間中 3. Moderate 重大 (Medical treatment, need outside assistance, high financial loss) 工傷意外、較高財政損失 5-9. Medium priority action 中等優先跟進行動 (2nd)
2. Remote 極微 2. Minor 輕微 (First Aid treatment, medium financial loss) 急救治理、中等財政損失 1-4. Low priority 較低優先跟進行動 ( 3rd)
1. Improbable 近乎不可能 1. Insignificant 極輕微 (No injury, low financial loss) 沒有人受傷、較低財政損失

LR 可能性等級
SR 嚴重性等級
Situation 危機等級 ACTION FOLLOW

Priority 次 序
受影響情況 BY UP
Work Sequence Hazard CONTROL MEASURES 負責人 日常跟`
施工步驟 危害 控制措施 進
Public(P) RR= = LR(Residual) x
Environment(E) LR x SR SR(Residual)
Asset (A)
radius of excavator and giving a clear signal to the
excavator operator.
⮚ All workers must wear safety helmet and reflective jacket
outside the control room.
⮚ All excavators should be installed with the safety devices
(such as reversing video camera devices)
⮚ Prohibit excavator climbing at an angle exceeding 35
degrees or manufacturer’s specified angle.
⮚ Roll over frame must be provided for excavator.
⮚ Operator must fasten the seat belt.
⮚ Prohibit lifting operation
Struck by moving excavator W, A 4 2 8 2nd ⮚ Provide magnetic protective probes and rear mirrors for 1x2=2 Foreman
mini excavator.
⮚ Maintain clearance from mini excavator
Eye injury W, A 2 2 4 3rd ⮚ Wear eye protectors 1x2=2 Foreman
Step into excavation opening/ holes W, A 2 2 4 3 rd
⮚ Erect adequate barriers around the excavation opening / 1x2=2 Foreman
⮚ Provide secure covering with warning notice to avoid
falling of person/objects
4. Transportation of materials from site Falling objects W, A 4 2 8 2 nd
⮚ Re-check of LG with the objects before lifting 1x2=2 Foreman
entrance to working area ⮚ Designated riggers for rigging

Training requirement : Induction Training, Method Statement & Specific Trade Training (by Safety Officer), Rigging Course–Construction Materials Rigger (by CICTA/approved parties), Training for Crane Operator(by CICTA)
Competence : Arrange pre-work meeting, assign competent rigger
Emergency situation : Contact emergency coordinator, Mr. Andiry Chan at 6315 5086 for any emergency case.
PPE requirement : Safety helmet(EN397)、Safety shoes(EN345)、Safety Harness (EN361)、Rigging gloves(EN388)、Welding gloves(EN388,EN420)、Chemical gloves(EN374,EN388)
: Disposable Respirators(NIOSH N95)、Reflective vest and fall arrestor (EN353)。
P. 3 / 11

Revision: 09-2021 H5
保 華 建 築 工 程 有 限 公 司
SITE 地盤: NENTX (Contract No. EP/SP/77/15 ) Subject 工種: Fencing Erection Ref. No. 檔案編號: RA_EP/SP/77/15_027 Revision : 5
Works Description 工程敘述: Site Boundary Fencing at Landfill Area
RISK RATING RECORD for Risk Assessment Record (危機評估紀錄)
Likelihood rating (可能性等級)/ LR Severity rating(嚴重性等級)/ SR Risk Rating (危機等級)/ RR
5. Frequently 頻密 5. Catastrophic 災難 (Death, toxic release, huge financial loss) 引致死亡、釋放毒氣、極大財政損失 20-25. Extreme priority action 緊急優先跟進行動 (1st)
4. Probable 經常 4. Major 嚴重 (Extensive injury, loss of production capability, major financial loss) 嚴重工傷、失去工作能力、重大財政損失 10-19. High priority action 優先跟進行動 (1st)
3. Occasional 間中 3. Moderate 重大 (Medical treatment, need outside assistance, high financial loss) 工傷意外、較高財政損失 5-9. Medium priority action 中等優先跟進行動 (2nd)
2. Remote 極微 2. Minor 輕微 (First Aid treatment, medium financial loss) 急救治理、中等財政損失 1-4. Low priority 較低優先跟進行動 ( 3rd)
1. Improbable 近乎不可能 1. Insignificant 極輕微 (No injury, low financial loss) 沒有人受傷、較低財政損失

LR 可能性等級
SR 嚴重性等級
Situation 危機等級 ACTION FOLLOW

Priority 次 序
受影響情況 BY UP
Work Sequence Hazard CONTROL MEASURES 負責人 日常跟`
施工步驟 危害 控制措施 進
Public(P) RR= = LR(Residual) x
Environment(E) LR x SR SR(Residual)
Asset (A)
⮚ Designated banksman for lifting operation.
⮚ Ensure the LALG are in good condition and possess valid
⮚ Lifting zone shall be identified and demarcated.
⮚ Tag lines must be used to prevent the lifting loads from
swinging or rotating.
⮚ Fence off the workplace to prevent unauthorized person
⮚ Arrange banksman to escort plant from site entrance to
working area.
⮚ Lifting operation by crane lorry / 20tonne excavator tonne
modified for lifting purpose
Failure of lifting gear W, A 4 2 8 2nd ⮚ Lifting gears shall have valid certificates and checked 1x2=2 Rigger
before use.
⮚ Ensure loads being lifted do not exceed the safe working
load of the lifting gears
Overload of lifting operation W, A 4 2 8 2 nd
⮚ The lifting loads cannot exceed the SWL of the crane lorry / 1x2=2 Crane operator
20tonne excavator modified for lifting purpose.
⮚ Check the safe working load of LA & LG before lifting
⮚ Automatic safe load indicator (ASLI) shall be provided to

Training requirement : Induction Training, Method Statement & Specific Trade Training (by Safety Officer), Rigging Course–Construction Materials Rigger (by CICTA/approved parties), Training for Crane Operator(by CICTA)
Competence : Arrange pre-work meeting, assign competent rigger
Emergency situation : Contact emergency coordinator, Mr. Andiry Chan at 6315 5086 for any emergency case.
PPE requirement : Safety helmet(EN397)、Safety shoes(EN345)、Safety Harness (EN361)、Rigging gloves(EN388)、Welding gloves(EN388,EN420)、Chemical gloves(EN374,EN388)
: Disposable Respirators(NIOSH N95)、Reflective vest and fall arrestor (EN353)。
P. 4 / 11

Revision: 09-2021 H5
保 華 建 築 工 程 有 限 公 司
SITE 地盤: NENTX (Contract No. EP/SP/77/15 ) Subject 工種: Fencing Erection Ref. No. 檔案編號: RA_EP/SP/77/15_027 Revision : 5
Works Description 工程敘述: Site Boundary Fencing at Landfill Area
RISK RATING RECORD for Risk Assessment Record (危機評估紀錄)
Likelihood rating (可能性等級)/ LR Severity rating(嚴重性等級)/ SR Risk Rating (危機等級)/ RR
5. Frequently 頻密 5. Catastrophic 災難 (Death, toxic release, huge financial loss) 引致死亡、釋放毒氣、極大財政損失 20-25. Extreme priority action 緊急優先跟進行動 (1st)
4. Probable 經常 4. Major 嚴重 (Extensive injury, loss of production capability, major financial loss) 嚴重工傷、失去工作能力、重大財政損失 10-19. High priority action 優先跟進行動 (1st)
3. Occasional 間中 3. Moderate 重大 (Medical treatment, need outside assistance, high financial loss) 工傷意外、較高財政損失 5-9. Medium priority action 中等優先跟進行動 (2nd)
2. Remote 極微 2. Minor 輕微 (First Aid treatment, medium financial loss) 急救治理、中等財政損失 1-4. Low priority 較低優先跟進行動 ( 3rd)
1. Improbable 近乎不可能 1. Insignificant 極輕微 (No injury, low financial loss) 沒有人受傷、較低財政損失

LR 可能性等級
SR 嚴重性等級
Situation 危機等級 ACTION FOLLOW

Priority 次 序
受影響情況 BY UP
Work Sequence Hazard CONTROL MEASURES 負責人 日常跟`
施工步驟 危害 控制措施 進
Public(P) RR= = LR(Residual) x
Environment(E) LR x SR SR(Residual)
Asset (A)
avoid overload.
⮚ Monitor by site supervisor.
⮚ Plant operator should be appointed and have valid
certificate for lifting operation
Collapse of crane lorry W, A 4 2 8 2nd ⮚ Ensure stability of the ground conditions before moving the 1x2=2 Crane operator
rig to the required location (e.g., gradeability, headroom,
adjacent structures, etc.) Crane lorry is only allowed to sit
completely on ground and at an allowed angle.
⮚ Outriggers should be fully extended and carried out by
competent and experienced operator.
⮚ Mats being 3times the size of outrigger float shall be used.
⮚ The whole process should be monitored by site supervisor
and banksman.
Collapse / Roll over of excavator W, A 4 2 8 2nd ⮚ Check the ground condition before use. 1x2=2 Operator
⮚ The excavator shall be inspected by the excavator operator
at least weekly and a valid Form 1 issued
⮚ Rigger and banksman should know the operating radius of
excavator and give a clear signal to the excavator operator.
⮚ All workers must wear safety helmet and reflective jacket
outside the control room.
⮚ All excavators should be installed with safety devices (such

Training requirement : Induction Training, Method Statement & Specific Trade Training (by Safety Officer), Rigging Course–Construction Materials Rigger (by CICTA/approved parties), Training for Crane Operator(by CICTA)
Competence : Arrange pre-work meeting, assign competent rigger
Emergency situation : Contact emergency coordinator, Mr. Andiry Chan at 6315 5086 for any emergency case.
PPE requirement : Safety helmet(EN397)、Safety shoes(EN345)、Safety Harness (EN361)、Rigging gloves(EN388)、Welding gloves(EN388,EN420)、Chemical gloves(EN374,EN388)
: Disposable Respirators(NIOSH N95)、Reflective vest and fall arrestor (EN353)。
P. 5 / 11

Revision: 09-2021 H5
保 華 建 築 工 程 有 限 公 司
SITE 地盤: NENTX (Contract No. EP/SP/77/15 ) Subject 工種: Fencing Erection Ref. No. 檔案編號: RA_EP/SP/77/15_027 Revision : 5
Works Description 工程敘述: Site Boundary Fencing at Landfill Area
RISK RATING RECORD for Risk Assessment Record (危機評估紀錄)
Likelihood rating (可能性等級)/ LR Severity rating(嚴重性等級)/ SR Risk Rating (危機等級)/ RR
5. Frequently 頻密 5. Catastrophic 災難 (Death, toxic release, huge financial loss) 引致死亡、釋放毒氣、極大財政損失 20-25. Extreme priority action 緊急優先跟進行動 (1st)
4. Probable 經常 4. Major 嚴重 (Extensive injury, loss of production capability, major financial loss) 嚴重工傷、失去工作能力、重大財政損失 10-19. High priority action 優先跟進行動 (1st)
3. Occasional 間中 3. Moderate 重大 (Medical treatment, need outside assistance, high financial loss) 工傷意外、較高財政損失 5-9. Medium priority action 中等優先跟進行動 (2nd)
2. Remote 極微 2. Minor 輕微 (First Aid treatment, medium financial loss) 急救治理、中等財政損失 1-4. Low priority 較低優先跟進行動 ( 3rd)
1. Improbable 近乎不可能 1. Insignificant 極輕微 (No injury, low financial loss) 沒有人受傷、較低財政損失

LR 可能性等級
SR 嚴重性等級
Situation 危機等級 ACTION FOLLOW

Priority 次 序
受影響情況 BY UP
Work Sequence Hazard CONTROL MEASURES 負責人 日常跟`
施工步驟 危害 控制措施 進
Public(P) RR= = LR(Residual) x
Environment(E) LR x SR SR(Residual)
Asset (A)
as reversing video devices)
⮚ Prohibit excavator climbing at an angle exceeding 35
degrees or manufacturer’s specified angle.
⮚ Roll over frame must be provided for excavator.
⮚ Operator must fasten the seat belt.
⮚ Prohibit lifting operation
Struck by moving crane lorry / excavator W, A 4 2 8 2nd ⮚ Provide magnetic protective probes and rear mirrors for 1x2=2 Foreman
mini excavator.
⮚ Maintain clearance from crane lorry / excavator.
⮚ All workers must wear reflective vest / uniform with
reflective tape.

5. Mix and place concrete for the fence Falling from slope edge W, A 4 2 8 2nd ⮚ Safety harness anchored to suitable anchorage points/ 1x2=2 Foreman
footing (Including use of handheld lifeline with fall arrestor should only be used as a last
electric concrete mixer) resort.
⮚ Prohibition of working alone Safety Officer
⮚ Provide training on the proper using of fall arrestor
Cut by knife / cutter when opening W, A 2 2 4 3 rd
⮚ Avoid other people in the immediate contact area of the 1x2=2 Foreman
cement package bag knife.

Training requirement : Induction Training, Method Statement & Specific Trade Training (by Safety Officer), Rigging Course–Construction Materials Rigger (by CICTA/approved parties), Training for Crane Operator(by CICTA)
Competence : Arrange pre-work meeting, assign competent rigger
Emergency situation : Contact emergency coordinator, Mr. Andiry Chan at 6315 5086 for any emergency case.
PPE requirement : Safety helmet(EN397)、Safety shoes(EN345)、Safety Harness (EN361)、Rigging gloves(EN388)、Welding gloves(EN388,EN420)、Chemical gloves(EN374,EN388)
: Disposable Respirators(NIOSH N95)、Reflective vest and fall arrestor (EN353)。
P. 6 / 11

Revision: 09-2021 H5
保 華 建 築 工 程 有 限 公 司
SITE 地盤: NENTX (Contract No. EP/SP/77/15 ) Subject 工種: Fencing Erection Ref. No. 檔案編號: RA_EP/SP/77/15_027 Revision : 5
Works Description 工程敘述: Site Boundary Fencing at Landfill Area
RISK RATING RECORD for Risk Assessment Record (危機評估紀錄)
Likelihood rating (可能性等級)/ LR Severity rating(嚴重性等級)/ SR Risk Rating (危機等級)/ RR
5. Frequently 頻密 5. Catastrophic 災難 (Death, toxic release, huge financial loss) 引致死亡、釋放毒氣、極大財政損失 20-25. Extreme priority action 緊急優先跟進行動 (1st)
4. Probable 經常 4. Major 嚴重 (Extensive injury, loss of production capability, major financial loss) 嚴重工傷、失去工作能力、重大財政損失 10-19. High priority action 優先跟進行動 (1st)
3. Occasional 間中 3. Moderate 重大 (Medical treatment, need outside assistance, high financial loss) 工傷意外、較高財政損失 5-9. Medium priority action 中等優先跟進行動 (2nd)
2. Remote 極微 2. Minor 輕微 (First Aid treatment, medium financial loss) 急救治理、中等財政損失 1-4. Low priority 較低優先跟進行動 ( 3rd)
1. Improbable 近乎不可能 1. Insignificant 極輕微 (No injury, low financial loss) 沒有人受傷、較低財政損失

LR 可能性等級
SR 嚴重性等級
Situation 危機等級 ACTION FOLLOW

Priority 次 序
受影響情況 BY UP
Work Sequence Hazard CONTROL MEASURES 負責人 日常跟`
施工步驟 危害 控制措施 進
Public(P) RR= = LR(Residual) x
Environment(E) LR x SR SR(Residual)
Asset (A)
⮚ Open the package bag with scissor
Pneumoconiosis W, A 2 2 4 3rd ⮚ Enforce to wear dust filtering mask 1x2=2 Foreman
Noise caused by concrete vibrator W, A 2 2 4 3rd ⮚ Ear protector must be used by worker. 1x2=2 Foreman
⮚ Carry out noise assessment and establish high volume noise Safety Officer
Skin irritant W, A 2 2 4 3rd ⮚ Enforce to wear chemical gloves long-sleeved shirt and 1x2=2 Foreman
long pants to avoid skin contact with cement
Short-circuit and electrocution W, A 4 2 8 2 nd
⮚ Use low voltage (110V) electrical hand tools and cordless 1x2=2 Foreman
electrical hand tools to reduce risk of electrocution.
⮚ Provide RCCB distribution panel to avoid electrocution.
⮚ Using cordless electrical hand tools to minimize tripping
accidents. Electrician
⮚ Electric tools should be inspected and tested by a CP.
⮚ Store electrical tools properly to maintain in good condition
Hand Injury W, A 2 2 4 3rd ⮚ Provision of safety training regarding proper use of electric 1x2=2 Foreman
concrete mixer.

6. Install the steel mesh on concreted steel Falling from slope edge W, A 4 2 8 2nd ⮚ Safety harness anchored to suitable anchorage points/ 1x2=2 Foreman
post and secure by bolt and nut lifeline with fall arrestor should only be used as a last
⮚ Prohibition of working alone Safety Officer

Training requirement : Induction Training, Method Statement & Specific Trade Training (by Safety Officer), Rigging Course–Construction Materials Rigger (by CICTA/approved parties), Training for Crane Operator(by CICTA)
Competence : Arrange pre-work meeting, assign competent rigger
Emergency situation : Contact emergency coordinator, Mr. Andiry Chan at 6315 5086 for any emergency case.
PPE requirement : Safety helmet(EN397)、Safety shoes(EN345)、Safety Harness (EN361)、Rigging gloves(EN388)、Welding gloves(EN388,EN420)、Chemical gloves(EN374,EN388)
: Disposable Respirators(NIOSH N95)、Reflective vest and fall arrestor (EN353)。
P. 7 / 11

Revision: 09-2021 H5
保 華 建 築 工 程 有 限 公 司
SITE 地盤: NENTX (Contract No. EP/SP/77/15 ) Subject 工種: Fencing Erection Ref. No. 檔案編號: RA_EP/SP/77/15_027 Revision : 5
Works Description 工程敘述: Site Boundary Fencing at Landfill Area
RISK RATING RECORD for Risk Assessment Record (危機評估紀錄)
Likelihood rating (可能性等級)/ LR Severity rating(嚴重性等級)/ SR Risk Rating (危機等級)/ RR
5. Frequently 頻密 5. Catastrophic 災難 (Death, toxic release, huge financial loss) 引致死亡、釋放毒氣、極大財政損失 20-25. Extreme priority action 緊急優先跟進行動 (1st)
4. Probable 經常 4. Major 嚴重 (Extensive injury, loss of production capability, major financial loss) 嚴重工傷、失去工作能力、重大財政損失 10-19. High priority action 優先跟進行動 (1st)
3. Occasional 間中 3. Moderate 重大 (Medical treatment, need outside assistance, high financial loss) 工傷意外、較高財政損失 5-9. Medium priority action 中等優先跟進行動 (2nd)
2. Remote 極微 2. Minor 輕微 (First Aid treatment, medium financial loss) 急救治理、中等財政損失 1-4. Low priority 較低優先跟進行動 ( 3rd)
1. Improbable 近乎不可能 1. Insignificant 極輕微 (No injury, low financial loss) 沒有人受傷、較低財政損失

LR 可能性等級
SR 嚴重性等級
Situation 危機等級 ACTION FOLLOW

Priority 次 序
受影響情況 BY UP
Work Sequence Hazard CONTROL MEASURES 負責人 日常跟`
施工步驟 危害 控制措施 進
Public(P) RR= = LR(Residual) x
Environment(E) LR x SR SR(Residual)
Asset (A)
⮚ Provide training on the proper use of fall arrestor
Damage of abrasive wheel W, A 2 2 4 3rd ⮚ Replacement process of abrasive wheel shall be done by 1x2=2 Competent
appointed competent person (CP) Person
⮚ Do not exceed the max speed for abrasive wheels.
⮚ Warning label, notice and statutory poster displayed. Foreman
⮚ Provide training on the proper operation of abrasive wheel
Eye injury W, A 2 2 4 3rd ⮚ Wear eye protectors 1x2=2 Foreman
Noise caused by cutting work W, A 2 2 4 3rd ⮚ Ear protector must be used by worker. 1x2=2 Foreman
⮚ Carry out noise assessment and established high volume Safety Officer
noise zone
Fire caused by using abrasive wheel W, A 4 2 8 2nd ⮚ Provision of fire extinguishers at workplace 1x2=2 Foreman
cutting or grinding works ⮚ Do not exceed the max speed for abrasive wheels. Fire warden
7. Mount the barbed wire on the corner post Work above ground, fall from height W, A 4 2 8 2nd ⮚ For work-above-ground below 2m where working 1x2=2 Foreman
platforms could not be erected under special working
conditions (e.g. restrictive work space) and the work
concerned is of simple nature use suitable light-duty
working platforms such as step platforms or hop-up
⮚ Light-duty working platforms should be properly employed
if necessary.
⮚ Workers using light-duty working platforms should have Safety Officer

Training requirement : Induction Training, Method Statement & Specific Trade Training (by Safety Officer), Rigging Course–Construction Materials Rigger (by CICTA/approved parties), Training for Crane Operator(by CICTA)
Competence : Arrange pre-work meeting, assign competent rigger
Emergency situation : Contact emergency coordinator, Mr. Andiry Chan at 6315 5086 for any emergency case.
PPE requirement : Safety helmet(EN397)、Safety shoes(EN345)、Safety Harness (EN361)、Rigging gloves(EN388)、Welding gloves(EN388,EN420)、Chemical gloves(EN374,EN388)
: Disposable Respirators(NIOSH N95)、Reflective vest and fall arrestor (EN353)。
P. 8 / 11

Revision: 09-2021 H5
保 華 建 築 工 程 有 限 公 司
SITE 地盤: NENTX (Contract No. EP/SP/77/15 ) Subject 工種: Fencing Erection Ref. No. 檔案編號: RA_EP/SP/77/15_027 Revision : 5
Works Description 工程敘述: Site Boundary Fencing at Landfill Area
RISK RATING RECORD for Risk Assessment Record (危機評估紀錄)
Likelihood rating (可能性等級)/ LR Severity rating(嚴重性等級)/ SR Risk Rating (危機等級)/ RR
5. Frequently 頻密 5. Catastrophic 災難 (Death, toxic release, huge financial loss) 引致死亡、釋放毒氣、極大財政損失 20-25. Extreme priority action 緊急優先跟進行動 (1st)
4. Probable 經常 4. Major 嚴重 (Extensive injury, loss of production capability, major financial loss) 嚴重工傷、失去工作能力、重大財政損失 10-19. High priority action 優先跟進行動 (1st)
3. Occasional 間中 3. Moderate 重大 (Medical treatment, need outside assistance, high financial loss) 工傷意外、較高財政損失 5-9. Medium priority action 中等優先跟進行動 (2nd)
2. Remote 極微 2. Minor 輕微 (First Aid treatment, medium financial loss) 急救治理、中等財政損失 1-4. Low priority 較低優先跟進行動 ( 3rd)
1. Improbable 近乎不可能 1. Insignificant 極輕微 (No injury, low financial loss) 沒有人受傷、較低財政損失

LR 可能性等級
SR 嚴重性等級
Situation 危機等級 ACTION FOLLOW

Priority 次 序
受影響情況 BY UP
Work Sequence Hazard CONTROL MEASURES 負責人 日常跟`
施工步驟 危害 控制措施 進
Public(P) RR= = LR(Residual) x
Environment(E) LR x SR SR(Residual)
Asset (A)
received relevant safety training, such that they clearly
understand the safety instruction or manual of the
⮚ Prohibit working alone

Training requirement : Induction Training, Method Statement & Specific Trade Training (by Safety Officer), Rigging Course–Construction Materials Rigger (by CICTA/approved parties), Training for Crane Operator(by CICTA)
Competence : Arrange pre-work meeting, assign competent rigger
Emergency situation : Contact emergency coordinator, Mr. Andiry Chan at 6315 5086 for any emergency case.
PPE requirement : Safety helmet(EN397)、Safety shoes(EN345)、Safety Harness (EN361)、Rigging gloves(EN388)、Welding gloves(EN388,EN420)、Chemical gloves(EN374,EN388)
: Disposable Respirators(NIOSH N95)、Reflective vest and fall arrestor (EN353)。
P. 9 / 11

Revision: 09-2021 H5
Safe Working Procedures 安全施工程序
Revision: 5

Description of Work : Site Boundary Fencing at Landfill Area

工作描述 : 堆填區工地的邊界圍網
Potential Hazards 潛在的風險:
Falling of person, Fall Objects, Collapse Crane/Excavator, Adverse
weather (Lightning etc.), Heat stroke, biological hazard (e.g. bees
and snakes), Sprain & Strain (by awkward posture), Damage of
abrasive wheel and Fire Hazard.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Required 所需的個人防護裝備 :

Safety Gloves Safety Uniform Harness & Fall Eye

Helmet 手套 Shoes 工作服 Independent Arrester Protector
安全帽 安全鞋 Line 安全帶及 防墜器 護目鏡
Nature of Works 工作類别 Control Measures 控制措施
1. General 一般 ● Evacuate all workers to the designated gathering points
during thunderstorm (within 5km), No.8 signal or black
rainstorm signal is hoisted 雷暴進入 5 公里範圍、8 號颱
● Maintain sufficient shelters to avoid long hours of outdoor
work and take rest in a cool place at certain time 保持足
● Keep away from bee/ wasp/ hornet hives and dense
woodland to avoid being bitten by snake / bee or any
other animals 遠離蜂巢和茂密的林地,以免被蛇/蜜蜂
● Wear long-sleeved shirt and long pants, safety helmet,
gloves, and boots 穿長袖衫、長褲、安全帽、手套及
● Use proper posture and movement to lift up the object 使
● Maintain accesses in good working condition 保持通道處
● Do not walk on the material / hoes 不要在材料/喉管上行

● Provision of protective covers for exposed or protruding
sharp parts or surfaces 為尖銳部件提供防護
2. Setting out the site boundary and ● Safety harness anchored to suitable anchorage points/
mark out fence footing location lifeline with fall arrestor should only be used as a last
劃定工地邊界,標出圍欄基座 resort 使用防墜器固定在合適的錨固點/救生繩上的安
位置 全帶只能作為最後的考慮
3. Excavation the fence footing to ● Prohibition of working alone 禁止單獨工作
designated depth by mini ● Prohibit lifting operation by mini excavator 禁止使用小型
excavator 用小型挖掘機將圍欄 挖掘機進行吊運工作
基座挖掘到指定深度 ● Prohibit excavator climbing at an angle exceeding 35
degrees or manufacturer’s specified angle 禁止挖泥機以
超過 35 度或廠家規定的角度爬坡
● Set up the mini excavator on firm and even ground. 將小
● Operator must fasten the seat belt 操作人員必須扣好安
● Roll over frame must be provided for excavator 挖泥機必
● Provide magnetic protective probes and rear mirrors for
mini excavator 為小型挖掘機提供磁性防撞棒和倒後鏡
● Erect adequate barriers around the excavation opening /
holes 在開挖洞口周圍豎立足夠的圍欄
● Provide secure covering of voids or holes with warning
notice to avoid falling of person/objects into excavations
4. Transportation of materials from ● Comply with crane load chart SWL 符合起重機負載
site entrance to working area 圖的安全工作負荷(SWL)
● Ensure taglines are available and wear proper hand
gloves 確保使用留尾繩,並戴上合適的手套
● Signalman to ensure all rigger hands are off the load
before giving further signals to the crane operator 訊
● Ensure LG & LA are tested and within validity period
before usage 確保吊具及吊重機在使用前經過測試
● Automatic safe load indicator (ASLI) shall be provided
to avoid overload 應提供自動安全負載指示器
● Provide magnetic protective probes and rear mirrors for
mini excavator 為小型挖掘機提供磁性防撞棒和倒後鏡
● 提供磁性防撞棒和倒後鏡
● Plant operator should be appointed and have valid
certificate for lifting operation 機械操作員須委任及
● Lifting operation by crane lorry / 20tonne excavator
modified for lifting purpose 使用貨車式起重機/20 噸
● Arrange banksman to escort plant from site entrance to
working area 安排訊號員從工地入口護送機械到工
5. Mix and place concrete for the ● Enforce the wearing of chemical gloves, long-sleeved
fence footing 攪拌及澆注混凝土 shirt and long pants to avoid skin contact with
於鐵絲網基座中 cement 強制佩戴化學手 套長袖襯衫和長褲,避免
● Wear eye protectors 佩戴護目鏡
● Deploy banksman to lookout for excavator 挖掘機派
指導 員監督挖掘機
● Labourers should only approach mixing tank after
excavator bucket removed from tank and stopped
moving 挖掘機從攪拌斗中取出鏟斗並停止移動
後,工人才能 接近攪拌斗
● Cover mixing tank with timber board to prevent
spreading of dust during mixing 用木板蓋住攪拌
● Use low voltage (110V) electrical hand tools and
cordless electrical hand tools to reduce risk of
electrocution 使用低電壓(110V)電動手工具和無
繩電動手工具以降低觸 電風險
● Use cordless electrical hand tools to minimize
tripping accidents 使用充電式手持電動工具,盡量
● Electric tools should be inspected and tested by a CP
電動 工具應由 CP 進行檢查和測試
● Store electrical tools proper to maintain good
condition 妥善存放電動工具,保持良好狀態
● Provide RCCB distribution panel to avoid
electrocution 提供 RCCB 配電箱,避免觸電
● Provision of safety training regarding properly use of
electric concrete mixer 提供安全訓練有關正確使用

6. Install the steel mesh on ● Safety harness anchored to suitable anchorage points
concreted post and secure by (e.g. independent pole certified by RPE) / lifeline with
bolt and nut 將鐵絲網安裝在混 fall 凝土的企柱上,並用螺絲和螺 絲帽固定
凝土的企柱上,並用螺絲和螺 arrestor should only be used as a last resort 使用防
墜器 固定在合適的錨固點 (e.g. 通過 RPE 認證的獨
立杆)/救 生繩上的安全帶只能作為最後的考慮
● Replacement process of abrasive wheel shall be done
by competent person (CP)砂輪更換過程應由合格人
士 (CP)執行
● Wear eye protectors and ear plugs 佩戴護目鏡和耳

● Wear protective gloves to avoid hand injury 戴上防
護手 套,避免手部受傷
● Do not exceed the max speed for abrasive wheels 不
可超 過砂輪的最大速度
● Provision of fire extinguisher to avoid fire 提供滅火
器, 避免火警
● Arrange fire warden (fencing installation worker) to
monitor 30mins after completion of the hot work 熱
工序完 成後 30 分鐘,需安排防火紏察 (安裝鐵絲
網的工人) 監控現場確保没有火種留下
● All lifting appliances and lifting gear need to display
valid certificates before use 所有起重機械和起重設
備在使用 前需出示有效證件

7. Finally mount the barbed wire on ● For work-above-ground below 2m where working
the corner post 最後將鐵絲網安 platforms could not be erected under special working
裝在企柱上 conditions (e.g. restrictive work space) and the work
concerned is of simple nature, use suitable light-duty
working platforms such as step platforms or hop-up
platforms 對於 2m 以下的地上工作,在特殊工作
踏步平台或 Hop-up 平台
● It should be borne in mind that only one person is
permitted to work on each light-duty working
platform at a time 請注意,每個輕型工作平台一 次
● Workers using light-duty working platforms should
have received relevant safety training, such that they
clearly understand the safety instruction or manual of
the manufacturer 使用輕型工作平台的工人應接受
● Before use, inspection (including visual check) of the
light-duty working platform should be conducted 使
● The workers should face the light-duty working
platforms when ascending or descending the working
platforms. Do not apply excessive force to the
working platforms and induce lateral force rendering
the overturning of the working platforms. 工人上下

Note: Do not conduct any work unless you have been trained in its safe working procedures.

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