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Bloomberg User Manual

School of Economics and Finance

Faculty of Business and Economics
University of Hong Kong

Chapter 7
Job Searching and Interview Preparation

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Chapter 7 Job Searching and Interview
If you are a final year student, I am sure that you are spending a lot of time on job application
and your school’s career center must have provided a lot of supports in this regard. Bloomberg
can definitely make your presentation more professional in the eyes of interviewers.

First of all, you may want to understand the background behind why Bloomberg is involved in
the job market for the finance industry. Job-related functionalities in the Bloomberg terminal are
requested by Bloomberg end users because they would like to recruit talents within the
Bloomberg world. Why? Because whoever in the Bloomberg world is an expert in using
Bloomberg in his job and hence would value someone with similar skills when recruiter talents.

The purpose of this chapter is to help you increase your value to your future employer in the
finance industry. You will learn how to locate more specific positions which do not show up on
JIJIS or newspaper and how to equip yourself to speak the same language with your interviewer.

7.1 Job portal on Bloomberg

You can type JOBS<GO> in your command bar; the function will show up on the screen above.
It is composed with 5 important piece of information; each of the option is a link with more
details or search.

-Clicking 10) Jobs Available in your Area on JOBS<GO>

You can locate the latest opportunities in your default locations with job details with the updated

-Clicking 20) Job related events in your Area on JOBS<GO>

You can locate all job related events and trainings provided by Bloomberg. It is a function link
with BU <GO>. All the training is designed to fit the workflow of certain role in the market. You
can not only learn the function but also understand the key parameters that market players will
focus on. The information can be a turning point for your interviews.

-Clicking 30) Recruiters in your Area on JOBS<GO>

Job recruiters normally serve professionals with experience, however they do not mind building
up connections with university graduates when the job market is slow since it is a common
practice for companies to lower their costs by replacing the more expensive senior professionals
with the much cheaper junior staff. Hence, you should try to link up with job recruiters in the

-Clicking 40) Bloomberg Assessment Test (BAT) Talent Search on JOBS<GO>.

This test is a new initiative driven by Bloomberg to set the standard of talents for written exams
for financial market. Please refer to the website of BAT for more information.

- Clicking 50) Financial Hiring News on JOBS<GO>

The articles from this column contain both good and bad news about hiring and firing in the job
market. It is one of the best places for you to get a quick overview of the current state of the job

7.1.1 Job search details page

For available Jobs in your region, you can click on 90) Job Search - Advanced Job Search. The
system will bring you to a page with a list of settings for job search .You can select your
customized criteria from option 5) to 15). Commonly used criteria are 6) City, 8) Markets, 10)
Experience level

You can select from Exact Match or Partial Match from the dropdown option to control the
amount of result. Another setting next is about the keywords that you entered in the orange box.

You can select from All Keywords, Any Keywords, This Phrase. Any Keywords will generate
the maximum number of results and This Phrase will generate the most precise result if your
search criteria are very board.

7.1.2 Example Search: Hedge fund trader role in HK

Step 4

Click 1) Search

Step 1 -Enter “Hedge

fund” in keyword

Step 2 -Click into 6)

City to select Hong
Kong – Click update

Step 3 -Click into 7)

Roles to select Trader

The system will

generate all results.
You can click into it
for further details

You can click into

these options to
share the
information or
keep physical copy
by printing it out

7.1.3 Bloomberg Assessment Test (BAT) Talent Search

The BAT is a 3-hour exam in English designed to reveal candidates' knowledge, skills, and
aptitude relevant for a career in finance. Subject areas include Economics, Valuation, Financial
Statement Analysis, Investment Banking, Math, and Analytical Reasoning. This rigorous test has
a global average score of just over 50% with a highest ever recorded score of 94%.

Please note that this page is only for employer to search for specific resume with candidates who
has finished the BAT exam. This exam need to be organized by the university, the process is
strictly monitor to ensure it means the professional standard.

7.2 Create your own opportunity
You can create your own opportunity through JOBS<GO> by two means. You can create your
own resume in the database by clicking on 95) Build your resume or do active prospecting by the
information on current opening.

7.2.1 Build your resume on JOBS<GO>

1 Basic Information All basic information is optional except the region that
you would like to work at.
2 Objective & Contact The objective should be short and precise. Contact
information should be your school email.
3 Professional Experience This part should be relatively empty for students
4 Education Education details
5 Skills / Certificates All certificates and awards in schools
6 Save Resume You need to save resume at this step before uploading
your cover letter and resume
7 Attach Additional You can upload any documents from your computer
Information which can show your strengths. You need to redo step 6
again for any changes
7.2.2 Active prospecting

There are 2 common directions being commended when you are doing active prospecting.
Criteria and examples will be provided to help you understand why you should be aggressive.

1) Approach to targeted firm to check out if they accept junior person to fill up senior openings.
Criteria -Current opening for a senior position in a team.

-Provided contact is the human resources of the firm instead of head

1 JOBS<GO> Type “Senior” as keyword option and city in the search criteria
2 Result list You will need to go through the list for your interested position
and click into it for job details
3 Job Details You will need to focus on openings posted by human resources
instead of head hunters. You can identify by the email address and
if they have name of firm in Description.
4 MSG<GO> You can then send message to the contact to ask for junior
openings since most of the seniors need a junior for all admin

2) Approach to target firm to explore junior position that they not being posted on JOBS <GO>.

Criteria - Small- or mid-size firm E.g. Hedge fund, Asset management firm

-Job cuts and recruitment post happens at the same time

1 JOBS<GO> Type “Asset Management” as keyword option and city in the
search criteria
2 Result list You will need to go through the list for matched positions
3 Job Details You need to identify openings from Asset management firm. Small
firm managers will often do recruiting by themselves, any contact
with Bloomberg email shouldn't be missed.
4 NSE<GO> You should do news search with the contact person / firm to check
out the business nature before starting conversation
5 MSG<GO> Small firm is quite flexible in terms of headcounts and job nature
since it is highly value driven. You should do enough data search
before your email and make sure your goal is to persuade them
that you can add value to the firm.

7.3 How Bloomberg can help your interview

Some of the key challenges for a student in the interview with market professionals include:

a) How do I speak the same language / talking points with interviewer?

b) What’s the reason that most of them have no interest to my activities in university or
leadership experience?

c) How can I show my potential /possible value added to the firm?

The following functions from Bloomberg are helpful for you in solving the above challenges.

7.3.1 General roles in financial industry

N <GO>

You can type N <GO> command bar to load this function. It is the flagship function for news
including website and Bloomberg news in all languages.

Topics- It is an option that you can select different news topic. This feature will ensure you are
reading all key news in the market. It is a lot more professional than local newspaper in terms of
timing and content.

Securities – It is an option that allows you to monitor all news regarding a listed company. It
gives you an edge on the depth of research and understanding of the firm.

Popular – You can select the most read news by different job roles in the market. You are
strongly recommended to have a habit to select this option if you are clear with the job role that
you are going after.

Range/Filter- This is a supplementary option working with the Popular option to select time
period and peer group of different roles.


You can type FIRS<GO> in the command bar to load this function. The news on this function
have a different goals comparing to N<GO>. FIRS<GO> is designed to display instant news
with headlines. You can select Daybook for a summary before any trading day to understand the
market within 10 minutes.


You can type BIO firstname Lastname<GO> command bar to load the profile. E.g. BIO
Joseph E Stiglitz<GO>. Use this function to look at the profile of your potential interviewer in
order to find common topics of discussion during the interview. You can, for example, check
out his Career history, Academic backgrounds and publications.

7.3.2 Industry /Investment Analyst


You can type RES<GO> in the command bar to load this function. This research platform
provides you the best sample of research reports to download. You are not only able to learn
from the best analysts in the market but also able to work on your own research reports for the
interview. You can click on the right column to download the original PDF file free of charge.
The highlighted row at the top contains most of the criteria for you to locate the research reports.


You can type ANR<GO> in the command bar to load this function after entering an equity ticker.
E.g. 5 HK Equity ANR <GO>. This function consolidates all recommendations with target stock
prices from analysts on the street. You will able to quote good references to your interviewer if
individual stocks are being mentioned in the interview. Consensus Rating is calculated by the
representing numbers of recommendation strategy. It is a benchmark that allows you to get a
feeling on general view of individual stock.


Recommended stocks
with target price

Analysis of
/Target Price

Select Sent
view for all
trade ideas

Breakdown of
performance by
each of the idea

You can type TMSG<GO> in the command bar to load this function. This is a specific function
for sell-side analysts whose performance is measured by the return of their trade
ideas/recommendations. You can send an idea to your interviewer by TMSG Firstname
Lastname <GO> and fill in the details of the idea. The system will automatically monitor the
performance against market changes. You can prove your analytical skills or value added to the
team by your good trade ideas with solid reference. It is a more powerful weapon than any of the
interviewing skills.

7.3.3 Flow / Prop Trader


Type GRAP<GO> to load this function. It is the homepage of charting on Bloomberg. It

combines all the charts with multi-asset classes. You are able to learn 200 technical studies
commonly used in the market for your trading theory and copy the sample charts for trading
ideas. You will need to demonstrate quick and accurate judgment for any changes in the market

10) Chart of the Day (NI Chart) - Showcase all charts made by Bloomberg news reporter/
specialists. The hit rate of the charts is very high among traders in the respective asset classes.
Going through it on daily basis will be very helpful to enhance your market sense.

20) Create a Custom Chart - Standard chart tour for commonly used charts in the market with
full customization. You can make good use of this option to create your own charts with trading
ideas and demonstrate them in the interview.

Chart Resources – Technical analysis hub you to enhance trending skills.

Sample G Charts - Include more than 150 templates for charts for all financial products. You
can see common analytical graphs for traders here.

Chart Showcase – Quick preview for different selections in sample G charts.


Create your own


Select Sample
Strategy template

return for

on of your

Type BT<GO> to load this function. It brings you to the setup page at which you can set your
own trading strategy with technical indicator for back testing. It provides you a platform to
design and showcase your trading strategy in interviews to prove how much value you can bring
to the trading team. All numbers shown in the Strategy Analysis tab are the best presentation to
back you up.

7.3.4 Equity/Fixed Income Portfolio Manager


Type PRTU<GO> command bar to load this function. You can click on Create to setup your
portfolio. It can then be used in all other analytical functions to show your mindset and thoughts
as a portfolio manager.


Type PORT<GO> in the command bar to the portfolio setup by PRTU<GO>. The Performance
tab is the page that you should print out and show it to your interviewer during your presentation
of investment strategy.

7.4 Exercises
1. How to search all portfolio manager openings in Asia?
2. How to create your own resume on Bloomberg system?
3. Which function should you use as the background check for your interviewer?
4. How can you set up track record for your recommendation as Analyst?
5. How can you measure your portfolio performance in a printout report?
6. How can you set up news search for your targeted company?
7. What is the difference between FIRS<GO> and N<GO>?
8. How can you download a good example for research report?


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