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Standard 1 Teacher’s Notes – Little Lala Classroom KU Branch

Week 1 *** Let the kids have a simple conversation with the other kids in the
center and let them write down the simple conversation with their
friend’s name.
1. 朗读课文 - 识字一,上学了
2. 闪卡 - 太阳 花儿 蓝天 学校 小鸟 招手 读书 写字 SC
1. 闪卡:舌头 耳朵 眼睛 鼻子 皮肤
3. 教学正确的笔画。(可以让孩子把以上的字写在白板上)
2. 解释以上器官的功能,失去这些器官的话,我们的生活会发生
4. 练习 - 第一页,第二页
*练习 - 第二页 3. 老师指出身体的部位,让孩子选出正确的闪卡。过后,让一个
解释每个词语的意思,让孩子自己试做,然后一起讨论。最后,重抄 孩子指出身体部位,另一个选出正确的闪卡。
一次在横线上。 4. 闪卡:视觉 触觉 听觉 味觉 嗅觉
*** 引导孩子根据图意造一个新的句子。
5. 解释以上官能。匹配感觉器官与感官功能。
6. 让一个孩子选择感觉器官的闪卡,另一个孩子选择感官功能的
BI 闪卡。
1. Let the kids to write from A to Z, a to z. Proceed to one to ten * 感官=感觉器官=舌头、耳朵……
spelling. Let the kids do the writing from one to ten, 3 times for each
2. Write the number on the board, let the kids write out the words.
3. Mini game:
1. Test the kids their reading skills in suku kata. Choose 1 page in BM
Basic conversation: Hi, I’m________.
text book and let them read.
What’s your name?
*If the kids are not firm with the A-Z, do the revision first then only
I am _________. suku kata.
What a nice name. 2. write these words on whiteboard: foto, gajah, tali, lampu, unta, botol,
sudu. Explain the meaning of each word.
4. Proceed to the exercise on page 3.
3. Do 1 page of BM. Guide the kids to write down the words on section
Standard 1 Teacher’s Notes – Little Lala Classroom KU Branch
***Let the kids write down any items around us in BM.

1. Let the kids write 1 - 100 and 100 - 1.
2. Recognise the words: 多,少,多于,少于,相等,不相等
3. Explain each word with examples.
4. Exercise:
Section A: write the chinese words on the pictures (羽毛球,足球,
篮球). Let the kids count on each picture and write the number on
top of the picture.
Section B: Count and write the number on top then circle the answer.
Section C: Count and write the number, write 多/少 on top as well.

Week 2
1. 复习课文 - 识字一,上学了

Standard 1 Teacher’s Notes – Little Lala Classroom KU Branch
2. 朗读课文 - 早操 2. Exercise - page 1

3. 闪卡 - 跑 跳 树上 来 走 云朵 早操 草地 树枝 Try to let the kid fill up the blank by referring to the flash card.

4. 教学正确的笔画及复习上星期的笔画。 *** Extra: Guide the kids to make a simple sentence:

5. 练习- 第一页,第二页。 bapa - Ini bapa saya.

*练习 - 第二页 - Section C ayam - Ini ayam.

介绍部首:提手旁、足字旁 jalan - Itu jalan.

让孩子从课本中找出有关部首的字。 kereta - Ini kereta bapa saya.

rumah - Rumah ini besar.

*练习 - 第二页 - Section D

让孩子自己完成练习后,朗读一边,再把答案重抄一遍。 MM
1. Test the kids to write 一至十. Match the words with the numbers.
2. Complete the exercise on the worksheet.
1. Flash card: one to ten.
*** Do revision on last week syllabus 多,少,多于,少于,相等、
If the kids know how to read the word, let them do the matching. 不相等。
Lastly, let the kids write on paper (spelling).
Can ask Teacher Wong for extra MM exercise if needed.

2. Exercise:
Remark: 没有科学课
Let the kids write the number on top of each word. Go through one
by one on the picture and write the name of each item ( bread, 如果全部练习都完成了,可以让孩子在星期五
pencil, flower, bag, sweet, tiger, cake, star)
Then let the kids fill up the blanks.
Ejaan: bapa, ayam, jalan, kereta, rumah
Spelling: one to ten
1. Flash card: bapa, ayam, jalan, kereta, rumah
Standard 1 Teacher’s Notes – Little Lala Classroom KU Branch

Week 3
1. 复习课文 - 早操
2. 闪卡:识字、上课、笔顺、儿歌、故事
3. 多音字“长”
a. 增进、增加
Standard 1 Teacher’s Notes – Little Lala Classroom KU Branch
b. 生长 1. Introduce Kata Nama Khas. Give some examples to kids about Kata
Nama Khas which are around us: Samsung, Lenovo…
2. Let the kids find out 5 kata nama khas in the center.

Proceed to page 1 exercise.
a. 两端之间的距离大
b. “短”的反义词
1. Brief again on the 多于、少于、大、小. Then let them complete
i.小朋友多学习,长知识。 the Section A exercise.
ii. 这条路太长了。 2. Introduce 顺序、逆序. Tell them look at the 顺,the‘川’is from
iii. 看,这鱼儿长大了! small to big.

iv. 这个故事太长了。 3. Introduce the bubble.

4. 完成第一页练习。接着完成 Section C 和 Section D.试着让孩子

baby baby
Teacher can be the ‘mummy’, give example to the kid 1 and 2 to let
them have the whole picture.

1. Continue the BC lesson if unable to cover all yesterday. SC

2. Let the kids do on their own on the BI exercise page 1. 1. Introduce keywords (处理、清洗、存放、画、应用)

3. Prepare the Arranging Words exercise. (Folder: 书写;Arranging Ask the kids to recognise these keywords to find th answer.
Words - Standard 1) 2. Guide through the kids to do the exercise.

BM *** Extra: Do the revision on 顺序、逆序 and bubble.

Standard 1 Teacher’s Notes – Little Lala Classroom KU Branch

Week 4
1. 复习课文 - 识字读书长知识、学写字
2. 朗读课文 - 笑声回来了、星星
3. 闪卡:星星、笑声、中间、靠近、爸爸、妈妈、哥哥、姐姐、
4. 安排一天听写:爸爸、妈妈、姐姐、哥哥、妹妹

Standard 1 Teacher’s Notes – Little Lala Classroom KU Branch
5. 造句:星星、家、爸爸、开心、开心 c. memasak: _____ pandai memasak.

6. 介绍部首:女字旁、走字旁、竹字头、木字旁(笔记) d. bermain: _____ bermain di taman.

女字旁:姐、妈、妹 e. mesra: ______ seorang yang mesra.

走字旁:进,近、过 3. Guide the kids to complete the Section A and B. After that copy the
sentences into exercise book.
7. 完成练习 Section A 和 B。
1. 复习顺序和逆序 (练习)
8. 让孩子自行完成 Section C 和 D。朗读句子后把句子抄进簿子。
a. 58 64 12 39 43
1. Continue the BC lesson if unable to cover all yesterday and revision
on yesterday syllabus.
2. Let the kids do on their own on the BI exercise page 1.
3. Do the Arranging Words exercise. (Folder: 书写;Arranging Words
- Standard 1) b. 99 78 2 64 50
1. Flash card: berkebun, jiran, anak, pandai, memasak, mesra, bermain, c. 33 40 79 81 58
taman permainan
2. Bina ayat: bermain, mesra, memasak, jiran, berkebun
a. jiran: ______ jiran saya.
b. berkebun: ______ suka berkebun.
Standard 1 Teacher’s Notes – Little Lala Classroom KU Branch
2. Introduce 数位和数值。Then let the kid complete the exercise on
Section A and B.

3. Section C, guide the kids to complete this page.

- how many steps they have jumped, or count by fingers.

1. 讲解科学规则。
2. 孩子不必抄科学规则,老师只需要让孩子明白句子的意思。
3. 完成两页练习。
*** 与学生一起讨论遵守规则的重要性。

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