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Eco Challenge 11.

0 Guidelines for the Business Project

(Special Category for Talent and Innovation Competition of the Americas)

*This document provides both the guidelines and the criteria that should be reflected on the
Business Project elaboration. Those Business Plans that most closely address these points will be at a
competitive advantage*

*A Business Project must have at least 12 pages and no more than 30 pages, in Arial 12 font,
and must include the following sections:

Executive Summary
No more than 500 words (concrete and concise), answering the following questions:

• Which Eco-Challenge does your Business Project idea solve?

• How does your Business Project intent to solve this Eco-Challenge?
• Who benefits from your Business Project idea?
• What is the element of innovation in your Business Project idea?
• In what stage is your Business Project idea?
• What are the project’s short-term and long-term goals?

1. Innovation
(Explain why your proposed solution is innovative, feasible, and scalable)

• The project presents a creative, affordable, feasible solution to one of the three challenges
of this year’s competition
• The project should bring an innovative solution (though it can be an adaptation or
improvement of an existing solution)

2. Market Feasibility
(Demonstrate an existing need and demand for your product or service in the market)

• Addresses specific needs

• Demonstrates the feasibility of implementing the project in developing countries and with
limited resources
3. Management Feasibility
(Demonstrate how your organization is structured)

• Provides an implementation plan for developing countries

• Demonstrates how the community can take ownership of the project and maintain it in a
sustainable way
•• Demonstrates opportunities to replicate the project in other countries or regions

4. Financial Feasibility
(Demonstrate that your organization is sustainable and profitable)

• Demonstrates efficiency in its financial structure and forecast

• Demonstrates an investment opportunity for the industry to support the development of the
solution, project or idea

5. Overall Business Project Presentation

• Visual materials to present the project (video, photos, graphs, website, etc.)
• Presents all requirements in a clear and complete form

6. Website or online presence

• How efficient and creative is the website to inform about the product / service and achieve
the reach for the target audience?

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