A Digital Twin-Based Flexible Cellular Manufacturing For Optimization of Air Conditioner Line

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A digital twin-based flexible cellular manufacturing for optimization of air

conditioner line
Hongfei Guoa,b, Minshi Chena,b,*, Khalgui Mohameda, Ting Qua,b, Siming Wangc, Jianke Lid
Institute of Internet of Things and Logistics Engineering, Jinan University, Zhuhai, 519070, China
School of Intelligent Systems Science and Engineering, Jinan University, Zhuhai, 519070, China
GREE Electric Appliances, INC. of Zhuhai, Zhuhai, 519070, China
Science and Technology on Reliability Physics and Application of Electronic Component Laboratory, The Fifth Electronics Research Institute of Ministry of Industry and
Information Technology, Guangzhou, 510610, China


Keywords: In a personalized and various production mode, the production line needs to be updated quickly to meet market
Coupling problem demand. The Optimization of production line is taken as the object. To address the coupling problems, such as
Digital twin unreasonable production line layout, unbalanced process capability, inaccurate logistics distribution and un­
Flexible cellular manufacturing intelligent equipment testing, a method of flexible cellular manufacturing based on digital twin is put forward.
Decoupling based on event mechanisms and multi-objective optimization will be used in the design of methods,
which will be continuously optimized in the simulation and will eventually be validated. After the im­
plementation of an air conditioner line, the production capacity increased by 58.3 %, the WIP decreased by 77.8
%, the balance rate of the production line increased by 25.2 %, and the per capita production capacity increased
by 29.8 %. The number of operators decreased by 28.3 %. The results show that the optimization method of
flexible cellular manufacturing based on digital twin has practical value and guiding significance to improve the
efficiency of production line.

1. Introduction products, the manufacturing industry must also study appropriate

production models to meet the rapid delivery time. In this way, the
Manufacturing industry is the main pillar of national development, production line is required to have very strong flexible manufacturing
reflecting the level of science and technology of a country [1]. With the capacity. Cellular (CELL) is also known as unit, and cellular production
intensification of market competition and the acceleration of product is an integral part of intelligent manufacturing. Its essence is that a few
replacement, enterprise manufacturing is changing to personalized, operators form an independent production unit to complete a relatively
various, small batch and other modes of production, leading to the complete series of working procedures [2]. Flexible manufacturing
concepts of the just-in-time and intelligent production modes. However, system (FMS) refers to composition of a unified information control
a traditional production line has a long production cycle, low work system, a material storage and transportation system and a set of di­
efficiency, unreasonable resource allocation and so on, which can only gitally controlled processing equipment, it can adapt to the changes of
be solved by intelligent optimization algorithm. Nevertheless, with the machining objects [3]. Therefore, the flexible cellular mode of manu­
evolution of the production line operation mode, the role of intelligent facturing is suitable for solving the problems of redundancy and low
optimization algorithm is becoming weaker and weaker. Therefore, the efficiency in the production line.
optimization of production line for intelligent manufacturing has gra­ Industries that require custom production, such as automotive and
dually become a hot research topic in manufacturing industry in recent electronics, are moving towards flexible manufacturing. Such as auto­
years. mobile manufacturers can use the same flexible manufacturing system,
With the improvement of living standards, the traditional mass quickly and effectively produce different user configuration of the car
manufacturing technology can no longer meet the demand of a cus­ [4]. Many foreign enterprises, such as Canon camera and Panasonic
tomer-driven market. Therefore, in addition to adopting a design style electronics in Japan at the beginning of the 21 st century, have begun to
that can quickly adapt to the needs of customers for a variety of study the application of cellular production [5]. In intelligent

Corresponding author at: Institute of Internet of Things and Logistics Engineering, Jinan University, Zhuhai, 519070, China.
E-mail address: minschan@stu2016.jnu.edu.cn (M. Chen).

Received 30 October 2019; Received in revised form 7 June 2020; Accepted 14 July 2020
0278-6125/ © 2020 The Society of Manufacturing Engineers. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Hongfei Guo, et al., Journal of Manufacturing Systems, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmsy.2020.07.012
H. Guo, et al. Journal of Manufacturing Systems xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

manufacturing, flexible manufacturing technology is a prominent pro­ (2) Based on the coupling problem, a novel improved model was
duction strategy, combined with a cell layout, under the manufacturing constructed, which combines digital twin and flexible cellular manu­
condition of "human" as the center. It can give full play to the great facturing.
function of unit flexibility [6] to ensure the individuation of products to (3) An event mechanism-based decoupling method is put forward
achieve rapid delivery and quickly occupy the market. and it combines with multi-objective optimization to solve coupling
Clearer for the challenges facing the manufacturing industry in problems.
achieving intelligent manufacturing. The product range is richer and (4) A general procedure and framework for improvement is pro­
the time for new products to be brought to market is shorter, which posed for each coupling problem.
requires increased flexibility manufacturing and leanness. The whole (5) A case study of an air conditioner production line verifies the
factory production line planning to be transformed, services to be superiority of the proposed improved model over traditional production
transformed, equipment to be transformed. This requires timely pro­ methods.
duction line planning and virtual optimization before it can be im­ (6) The design of a closed-loop can achieve long-term production
plemented. Digital Twin will be a good binder to flexible cellular line improvement.
manufacturing, which is a challenge, but this is exactly the problem The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 describes
that needs to be addressed in this paper. coupling issues with the layout of the production line, process cap­
In the last two years, the concept of Digital Twin (DT) has been ability, logistics, and test equipment. Section 3 details the proposed
widely adopted, which provides a new solution for the optimization of optimization method. On this basis, Section 4 designs an improved
production line system. The concept of digital twin was first proposed model combining digital twin and cellular production, and proposes an
by Grieves in 2003 at the course of Product Life Cycle Management at improved framework for each coupling problem. Section 5 provides a
the University of Michigan, USA [7], which was then mainly used in the case study of production line improvement. Section 6 provides some
field of military industry and aerospace. The concept of manufacturing final conclusions.
data life cycle [8] put forward by Tao Fei in China revealed the im­
portance of digital twin data. He later put forward the digital twin five- 2. Problem statement
dimensional model and ten application fields [9], which sped up the
application of digital twin technology in manufacturing industry. Due The production line studied in this paper refers to the manu­
to the characteristics of digital twin, such as virtual and real-time in­ facturing process in which enterprises use the same production system
tegration and real-time interaction, iterative operation and optimiza­ or supply chain system to meet different customer needs or different
tion, and full element / full process / full business data drive [10], at all order batch requirements. Among them, the process mainly exists in
stages of the product life cycle, it is advanced in the application of four aspects of optimization problems: layout, production scheduling,
product design, manufacturing, service, operation and maintenance, logistics, test equipment.
Digital Twin (DT) is defined as making full use of physical model, 2.1. Optimization of coupled problems
sensor update, running history and so on. The simulation process of
multi-discipline, multiple physical quantities, multi-scale and multi- The optimization problem of the production line is a coupling
probability is integrated to complete the mapping in a virtual space, so problem. It is different from the multidisciplinary coupling optimiza­
as to reflect the whole life cycle process of the corresponding entity tion problem in the field of product design, and its unit optimization
equipment [11]. According to its definition, the technical system of characteristics are particularly fragmented, presenting unique industry
digital twin must support the elements such as virtual space, physical indicators [15]. For example, the coupling problem of the excitation
space, as well as a two-way automatic data flow [12], and play a role in frequency and the natural frequency of the system leads to the re­
whole life cycle [13]. Therefore, in flexible cellular manufacturing, sonance phenomenon [16]. Similarly, the layout, production sche­
digital twins can be utilized to reduce the high cost of physical testing, duling and logistics of the production line studied in this paper all in­
improve computing speed, realize real-time evaluation and optimiza­ volve resource allocation and job queues, but the pursuit of
tion. And the classifications of digital twins based on product life-cycle, optimization objectives are different, which reflects the coupling be­
mainly divided into four categories, including DTs in the product de­ tween them. Similarly, the coupling optimization problem between the
sign, DTs in the production, DTs in the PHM (prognostics, and health production process and equipment testing is complex. The multi-cou­
management), DTs in other areas [14]. Above all, DTs in the production pling relationship greatly increases the difficulty of solving problems,
can visualize and update the real-time status, which is useful for and directly restricts the efficiency and execution cost of optimization,
monitoring and optimizing a production process. which is also the difficulty of this paper.
In this paper, a flexible cellular manufacturing system based on
digital twin is proposed, which is a new method for the optimization 2.1.1. Unreasonable layout of production line
and Optimization of traditional production line. By using the basic idea A layout is determined by the production process. There are four
of digital twin, combined with the flexible cellular mode of manu­ basic types of layout, namely fixed position layout, process layout, unit
facturing to improve the traditional production line, this paper attempts layout and product layout [17]. Each layout has its own advantages.
to address the main problems such as unreasonable layout of air con­ The basic layout is mainly determined by the function of the product,
ditioner production line, unbalanced process capability, inaccurate lo­ and should be simulated and modified according to the specific situa­
gistics and distribution, unintelligent equipment testing. The proposed tion. In a cellular layout, there are many cells, each of which is designed
method is proved in the actual model of Plant Simulation to improve to produce a limited variety of products. Product layout is used for mass
the reliability of the improvement scheme, realize a flexible cellular production. Therefore, multiple devices or workstations are arranged in
manufacturing system based on digital twin, and improve the efficiency order and the work-in-process (WIP) is moved sequentially.
of the production line in an all-round way.
In summary, the contributions of this study to coupling problem of 2.1.2. Imbalance in production process
production line are outlined below In this paper, the production line balancing problem referred to is
(1) Under circumstance of multi-species, small-batch, high-fre­ that all the work of each workstation is completed at a given time and
quency customer demand order mode, it is determined that there are ensures that the workstation is operated in the shortest possible time.
complex coupling problems such as layout, production schedule, lo­ The purpose of balancing the production line is to make the working
gistics, and test equipment in an production line. hours of all workstations in the workstation as consistent as possible

H. Guo, et al. Journal of Manufacturing Systems xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

with the specified time [15]. The workstation with the longest com­ people, machines and objects, and the collection of physical activities
pletion time is the bottleneck, and the bottleneck operation time must corresponding to the physical production line, which is responsible for
be reduced as much as possible to make the working time between the physical space realization of product production and processing,
workstations as consistent as possible to ensure a balanced production and has the functions of self-perception, self-decision, bottom data ac­
line. quisition and transmission, etc.; the model layer, which mainly refers to
A smooth line can balance the workload from station to station and the digital twin production line and its corresponding virtual produc­
reduce work-in-process inventory [18]. The process capacity balance tion activities [23], including all kinds of models, rules and knowledge
rate of the production line can be calculated [19], as shown in the of the virtual production line, and is responsible for the simulation,
following formula (1). analysis, optimization and decision-making of production activities in
N virtual space; data layer, which refers to the twin data service platform
k=1 k of production line, which is responsible for providing data support
BR = N
t max × N (1) services for the operation of physical production line, virtual produc­
tion line and service system, and has the functions of data life cycle
where BR represents the balance rate of process capability, is
k 1 k
management and processing, such as generation, processing, integra­
the sum of the time of each process, andt max
is the time of bottleneck
tion and integration of production line twin data;
(2) Flexible cellular manufacturing functionality, which is also
called the service layer that combines the characteristics of digital twin
2.1.3. Inaccuracy of production logistics distribution technology and flexible cellular mode of manufacturing, and is re­
Generally speaking, there are multiple logistics distribution ma­ sponsible for providing all kinds of production line production services
chines (such as AGVs) in the production line, so the problem is defined for production line, such as production line production layout man­
as machine layout optimization to minimize the logistics route and lean agement, production scheduling optimization, accurate logistics dis­
distribution time of all logistics distribution machines in the production tribution, talent training incentive, intelligent equipment; It also in­
line. Simulate the actual production logistics, analyze the results and cludes application layer, which mainly refers to the application
determine the bottleneck problem, and put forward targeted optimi­ requirements of intelligent manufacturing tasks such as intelligent
zation [20]. The input of the optimization model is the quantity and production, accurate control, reliable operation and maintenance in­
characteristics of these logistics distribution machines, as well as the volved in the processing and production of specific products, which can
processing route of all products. The output of the model is the detailed interact with humans.
location and operation time of each logistics distribution machine. (3) The remaining three parts are optimization problem decoupling,
multi-objective optimization, and sub-models for optimization. Their
2.1.4. Unintelligent equipment testing specifics will be covered in follow-up sections. Their relationship is that
The problem Optimization of the test equipment in this paper is to the optimization problem needs to be decoupled first, so as to optimize
realize the intelligence, realize the function diversification, expand the the different problems. Then the optimized parameters will be put into
new content and function, make the test equipment more intelligent the optimization sub-models for virtual modeling verification. After the
and improve the level of test efficiency. The equipment digital testing verification is correct, the actual optimization measures can be per­
defined in this paper includes: process quality, completion quality, as­ formed to optimize the production line.
sembly quality. The quality of the finished product includes the finished
product inspection of the part and the workpiece. Assembly quality 3.1. Decoupling of optimization problems
testing is the final test, advanced process testing and on-line testing are
gradually becoming the mainstream [21]. These equipment tests are The optimization of the production line includes not only the design
closely related to the production process, therefore they are complex of the geometry and function configuration, but also the dynamic
coupling issues to be optimized. adaptability of the execution system. The improvement of the adaptive
ability of the execution system depends strictly on the understanding of
2.2. Objectives the key area problems, which requires the use of high-precision math­
ematical modeling and the fastest algorithm in the manufacturing ex­
The above problems actually have multiple goals, and different ecution process to solve the optimization problem [15]. Because of the
goals can produce different optimization results [22]. The problems difficulty in the pursuit of system modeling, it is a promising method to
usually seek a compromise solution, so that all goals are as close to their introduce this special decoupling method into the digital twin of the
optimal solution as possible at the same time. production line. A method of decoupling optimization based on event
The optimization of production line often considers the following mechanism has been proposed, as shown in Fig. 2, consisting of three
three goals: steps:
To improve the Balance Rate (O1), the time of each process should
be close to the same. (1) The optimization coupling problem relies on predefined reference
To increase the Per Capita Productivity (O2), improve the produc­ models, parameters and interfaces. Identify different initial re­
tion efficiency of each worker. ference models and interfaces, and activate different events, and
To decrease the Number of Operators (O3), change the structure of then the corresponding problems begin to be optimized. The fol­
the production line to reduce operators. lowing figure is an optimization event that assumes that the pro­
In order to achieve the above goal of optimizing production line, the duction layout is activated first. Thus, the method can further
solutions in the following sections are proposed. random interference and robustest by changing the activation mode
and predefined parameters.
3. Method (2) A certain sequence of problem optimization. The order of pre­
defined optimization problems is required, otherwise multiple
In this paper, the method of DT-based flexible cellular manu­ problem optimization methods cannot be executed, creating dead­
facturing for optimization of production line is established as shown in locks.
Fig. 1. It mainly includes five parts: (3) Store intermediate components. By storing intermediate compo­
(1) Digital Twin-Based part, including physical layer, which mainly nents to save the results of the previous optimization method, the
refers to the physical production line entities such as production line next method reads the corresponding parameters, thus avoiding the

H. Guo, et al. Journal of Manufacturing Systems xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Fig. 1. Optimization method of production line with DT-based flexible cellular manufacturing.

use of common resources by different optimization methods, which such as settings of frictional coefficient), and evaluate the results of the
is the key to solve the coupling problem. entire production line. Unlike traditional simulation architectures, si­
mulation is used as a validation tool for optimization scenarios, not just
In general, the overall design of the decoupling method can not only visual displays of random events and overall optimization scenarios.
reduce the coupling effect between optimization problems, but also be Virtual twins based on distributed simulation establish the relationship
used for quantitative optimization. between the physical production line and its virtual model and allow
the consistency of the optimization results and customer needs. By
3.2. Virtual simulation model constructing the simulation model of flexible cellular manufacturing
based on digital twin, the real-time information of physical production
3.2.1. Establishment of virtual model based on DT line and virtual production line is compared, and the production ac­
This paper models individual devices in 3D to precisely form entire tivities of production line are adjusted in time to ensure efficient pro­
lines, perform physical simulations (including physical parameters, duction activities.

Fig. 2. Decoupling method based on event mechanism.

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Table 1 needs to be done on a case-by-case basis.

Related notations in the multi-objective optimization model. The mathematical model of production line rebalance is established
Notations Implications by minimizing the takt time, the load fluctuation between workstations
and the adjustment cost of operators to complete new tasks. Multi-ob­
TT the takt time jective optimization algorithms include traditional optimization algo­
k the total number of workstations
rithms and intelligent optimization algorithms. The former is to trans­
N the total number of tasks
ti the job time of task i
form the multi-objective function into a single-objective function, and
xik the first task assigned to the k workstation the solution of multi-objective function is achieved by using the single-
LF the Load fluctuation between the workstations objective optimization method. In actual engineering, however, it is not
ykp the p operator is assigned to the k workstation possible to fully incorporate these objectives into one goal. At the same
cip the adjustment cost required for the ith assembly task to be completed
time, in different situations, each goal has different weights, which is
by the worker p
pre (j) the set of tasks that precede task i in the order in which the tasks are difficult to give an ideal strategy. Therefore, this article uses genetic
completed. algorithm to achieve multi-objective optimization, and find pareto op­
timality. The system parameters are automatically optimized by using
the genetic algorithm built in Plant Simulation, in order to rebalance
The software used for production system simulation may be the improved production line. Related notations in the multi-objective
Witness, Flexsim, Automod, Promodel, Extend, Arena and Plant optimization model are listed as Table 1.
Simulation [24]. Useful standards for digital twin implementation in­ (A) The minimized takt time is
clude guidelines for consistently performing credible digital twin
modeling. One of them is ISO 23247 - Digital Twin Manufacturing
min TT = max ti x ik
Framework, which is intended to provide a generic manufacturing di­ 1 k K
i=1 (3)
gital twin development framework that can be instantiated for case-
specific digital twin implementation. The standard will have four parts: (B) Minimize the load fluctuation between the workstations, that is,
(1) Overview and general principles, (2) Reference architecture, (3) using the average deviation of the load on each workstation as an index
Digital representation of physical manufacturing elements, and (4) In­ to describe the degree of deviation of the load on each workstation from
formation exchange [25]. Through the research, it is found that, Plant the production beat. Ensure that the total operating time of each task
Simulation 3D technology can simulate the real environment of mate­ assigned to each workstation is as equal as possible.
rial handling and workflow in manufacturing industry, providing a K N 2
( tx TT )
virtual simulation and dynamic layout of production line. Assume that min LF = K =1 i = 1 i ik

there is a data acquisition software combined with Plant Simulation in K (4)

the production line, which can realize the monitoring of the running (C) Minimize the rebalancing adjustment cost, that is, the corre­
time, real-time status and the number of machined workpieces. The sponding task is assigned to an appropriate worker to operate, such that
statistical analysis of equipment utilization rate and product processing the rebalancing adjustment cost caused by the worker to complete the
of virtual production line can be fed back to production line manu­ task is minimized.
facturing personnel in the forms of bar chart, statistical report and
Gantt chart. So Plant Simulation’s modeling of other simulation soft­ min C = cip x ik ykp
ware is more intuitive and suitable to simulate and analyze at different i=1 k =1 p =1 (5)
resolution levels.
The constraint is
3.2.2. Real-time parameter transfer n

The input of virtual model includes predefined parameters and xik = 1 i = 1, 2, ,n

i=1 (6)
variables, and final output of optimization is the improved production
line model, scheduling scheme, execution plan and judgmental data. m

They all belong to Digital Twin Data (DTD) showed as Formula (2). (kx ik kxjk ) 0, i pre (j)
The intelligent equipment on the production line is used to collect k= 1

the production data parameters in real time. They are then fed into the Formula (3) takes the maximum working time value of the work­
model simulation platform in real time. The following DTD are con­ station as the takt time, Formula (4) optimizes the load fluctuation of
structed on the basis of the DT five-dimensional model proposed by Tao each workstation to ensure the load balance of each workstation.
Fei [8]. Formula (5) indicates that the adjustment cost required to realize the
rebalancing of the production line is the minimum; Formula (6) ensures
DTD = (DP , DM , DR , DS , DO ) (2)
that each task is assigned to only one of the workstations; Formula (7)
where DTD mainly contains five kinds of data: physical data (DP), indicates that the assignment of tasks must follow the priority of tasks.
simulation model data (DM), constraint data (DR), service data (DS),
generation data (DO). 4. Sub-models for optimization

3.3. Multi-objective optimization model 4.1. Optimization of production layout based on Digital Twin

Multi-objective optimization is a variety of optimization calcula­ Previous research about layout optimization is generally determined
tions for scenarios and plans for balance rate, per capita productivity, on the basis of the intensity of material flow [2], which is difficult to
operator, etc. In fact, static optimization methods are validated by adapt to changeable situation. Then a more flexible way came into
dynamic execution of simulation results, while dynamic execution is being through a layout optimization model based on fuzzy demand and
promoted by the adjustment of static optimization methods. In this machine flexibility. And a genetic algorithm was developed to solve the
interaction, the potential coupling between material optimization, en­ model [17]. But now a more intelligent method with Digital Twin has
ergy consumption, and resource scheduling constrains execution effi­ not applied in the field of production layout. Inspired by the research of
ciency and is validated by physical simulation. For coupling optimiza­ integration of Digital Twin of a Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) into the
tion problems, a multi-objective solution to the optimization method Manufacturing Execution System (MES) [26], this study make decision

H. Guo, et al. Journal of Manufacturing Systems xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of production line layout improvement based on digital twin.

through the MES and Industrial Distribution System (IDS) to control the systematically, and a virtual-real interaction mechanism under self-or­
optimization of layout. ganization, self-learning and self-optimization mechanism is revealed,
The Optimization of production layout based on digital twin is so as to realize the optimal matching and efficient operation of sche­
mainly divided into four parts: the physical layer of equipment, the duling elements. With the respect to dynamic iterative optimization, a
digital modeling layer, the control system and information among them new scheduling optimization method is studied, which can carry out
as shown in Fig. 3. First of all, a real-time data acquisition of the independent decision-making, dynamic iteration and continuous opti­
equipment is carried out by using sensors, and then the data transmitted mization of "task-resource". According to the production data collected
to the digital model to calculate an optimal equipment layout planning. in the physical production line, the virtual production line in the
During this period, the MES and IDS of the control center are needed to scheduling system optimizes the constraints, including the process
control the production information, and the field monitoring center constraints, equipment capacity constraints, work characteristics con­
collects and issues on-site information and digital instructions through straints and scheduling performance index constraints. After peeling off
the control network, and arranges and plans the physical operation of the small order, the flexible cellular line integrates SMED (Single
the equipment. Minute Exchange of Die) technology to greatly reduce the switching
In this study, the production line layout is adjusted, and a flexible time loss caused by various, small batch and high frequency order in the
line cell station is introduced into the same layered layout to form cell station.
continuous flow production. A numerical control program is used to Therefore, if implement the optimization measure, multiple cell
record the production data of the equipment, so as to provide data stations will be operated separately. At the same time, the material
support for digital modeling and facilitate the optimization of layout preparation according to DT’s feedback will be carried out for multiple
and motion planning. cell stations. The on-line check time before the improvement is con­
verted into the off-line check time; that is, the material information is
4.2. Optimization of production line production scheduling based on digital checked outside the line.
4.3. Lean distribution of production logistics based on Digital Twin
Scheduling methods that sequence jobs based on the sums of pro­
cessing times, which is the metric that balances the workstation [19]. For the optimization of logistics system, the current research mainly
With the update of products, the FMS is propose to achieve a dynamic reduce the length of the distribution path and improve the production
scheduling [3]. Actually, optimization of scheduling needs two-way efficiency as a sub-index, then their proposed method is verified by
automatic data flow most and timely feedback. Therefore, the combi­ simulation or other calculating means [20]. However, such approach is
nation of scheduling and digital twin will be an excellent method. time-lapse and does not make it possible for two-way automatic data
The digital twin driven scheduling mode is supported by a virtual flow like digital twin achieving instant feedback.
and real mapping and interactive integration of all elements, full data, Therefore, the lean distribution of production logistics based on
full model and whole space. A new scheduling mechanism is formed, digital twin makes the management and control mode of production
which is a virtual-real response, virtual-real interaction, virtual control logistics more intelligent [28]. As shown in Fig. 5, it is mainly com­
real and iterative optimization, and realizes the collaborative matching posed of two layers: (1) the physical layer, where the transportation
and continuous optimization of "workpiece, machine, constraint, ob­ equipment has the ability of self-decision and communication, and the
jective" scheduling elements [27]. The optimization of production line corresponding logistics and distribution rules; and (2) the information
production scheduling based on digital twin, as shown in Fig. 4, mainly layer, from the processing of the real-time information of the physical
constructs the channel of iterative optimization and real-time feedback world to the processing of the twin data predicted by information si­
between a physical production line and a virtual production line, which mulation; from the passive central system allocation to the active de­
can enable the production to be scheduled in time. cision-making of the "grab" task with the handling carrier as the core.
In this study, the virtual-real interaction behavior is studied Finally, the control mode is changed from superior command to multi-

H. Guo, et al. Journal of Manufacturing Systems xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of production line scheduling optimization based on digital twin.

device interaction and cooperation in order to realize self-organizing • Complete set area: With Kanban pull to achieve optimal average
and adaptive feedback control. hours calculated by DT in advance of material preparation.
This paper studies the decision-making mechanism of material dis­ • Component preassembly area: logistics support, through Kanban
tribution driven by real-time information, using the technologies of drive the material preparation of complete set area I and promote a
twin data, information sharing and model predictive control, based on rapid and balanced production of cell line.
the combinatorial optimization of material transportation tasks. • Small pieces sorting area: the introduction of visual lighting system
Uniform distribution rules and production line logistics information are to assist the rapid sorting of small parts to ensure quantity and
established to optimize the production logistics distribution in the di­ quality.
gital twin system, so as to improve the transportation efficiency and • Complete set area: promote rapid production according to the pro­
adaptability to the changing environment and realize the logistics gress of final assembly production.
transparency. The traditional "black box" mode transform to real-time
transparent in the situation of materials and handling carriers, which is (2) Design of Fast sorting and Lighting system for flexible Line
good to real-time tracking and lean distribution. Establish a lighting system, so that the warehouse can export spare
(1) Establishment of lean logistics with uniform rules parts through logistics distribution. Employees select small parts ac­
For small order production, the establishment of material distribu­ cording to the lights, which is shown as Fig. 7. It can realize automatic
tion as shown in Fig. 6, is adopted to eliminate the problem of material extraction of picking information, rapid selection of small parts, im­
shortage, and to solve the problem of rapid switching of materials. In plement lighting of demanded screws, quantity indication, reduction of
order to ensure an absolute uniform distribution of the cell line material waste of employee searching, and solve the problem of Insufficient
to the final assembly, combined with the material situation of the in­ quantity of material.
ternal machine, which is the real-time information, a uniform modulus (3) Application of Intelligent calling Technology of "Multi-mouthed
of a flexible line is designed to be the corresponding sets, which is Cat"
convenient for visual monitoring, reduces the error rate of quality and The "multi-mouth cat" intelligent pager (also known as the material
improves the traceability of materials. demand pager), such as the Model of the material demand pager in
Fig. 8 are introduced. The cell station calls the distribution area in

Fig. 5. Principle diagram of lean distribution of production logistics based on digital twin.

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Fig. 6. Overall layout planning and logistics distribution route.

possible [29]. It is derived from this that the finished products of

manufacturing industry also has virtual and physical space of the object
so as to effectively complete the quality test. Digital twin is the best way
to do this.
The digital twin-driven test mode constructs a high fidelity test
system and a virtual model of the tested object in the virtual space.
With the help of the technology of real-time transmission of test data
and test instruction transmission, driven by historical data and real-
time data, the high fidelity simulation and interaction between physical
tested object and virtual tested object are realized [30]. The principle of
equipment test improvement based on digital twin is shown in Fig. 9.
The modeling of digital twin test system in this study is a dynamic
system modeling for the behavior of test objects, which lays the foun­
dation for test data flow management. The operator inputs control in­
structions, analyses in the digital virtual space, and then outputs the
test start signal through the controller, produces the data collected by
the sensor to the physical entity, transmits it to the control system
through the network, and finally displays it to the operator in real time
through the man-machine interactive interface to achieve the physical
integration of the test system information.
Fig. 7. Fast sorting and lighting system for flexible lines.
Through the research and development of an open intelligent
testing tool and intelligent testing system, taking into account the
production information data interface and intelligent system control, a
standardized and conformance testing mode can be realized by central
management computer monitoring. The flow chart of the specific in­
telligent testing system is shown in Fig. 10, which can solve the bot­
tleneck problem of low testing efficiency of the production line.
Changing the fault of the production line cannot directly judge, analyze
and prompt problems, which improves the level of test efficiency.
(1) improve efficiency: the test efficiency will be improved, which
provides support for the subsequent flexible line automation produc­
tion, and has more room for improvement in production capacity.
(2) improve the quality: reduce the test labor intensity, reduce the
human factors, realize the intelligent test judgment, and further im­
prove the consistency and reliability of the product test process.
Fig. 8. Model of material requirement pager. (3) flexible manufacturing: support flexible automatic testing as
well as latest function expansion and testing, and provide good tech­
advance according to corresponding sets of modulus consumption, so as nical support for the production mode of various, small batch and high
to realize a timely distribution to ensure the continuity of production, efficiency production.
and a proper inventory for two hours, thus putting an end to the pro­
blem of too much or low stock. 5. Case study

5.1. Background
4.4. Optimization of test equipment based on digital twin
5.1.1. Unreasonable layout of production line
Existing equipment testing has evolved into digitalization [21]. Before the improvement, the layout of an production line is cross-
However, there is still a lack of virtual and physical information feed­ floor, and the total length of the line is about 130 m, across 3 floors as
back. Tao Fei et al. point out that there are information and data flows shown in Fig. 11. The problem is that the line is too long by lying on 3
between physical and virtual products, which makes virtual verification floors and that therefore the production flow is interrupted. This will

H. Guo, et al. Journal of Manufacturing Systems xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Fig. 9. Schematic diagram of equipment test improvement based on digital twin.

lead to the production discontinuity, unsmooth of operation informa­

tion flow, and the redundancy of personnel set up, resulting in the loss
of line stopping and waiting for order switching. Therefore, it is im­
perative to optimize the layout of the production line, form continuous
flow production and improve production efficiency. A 30-meter-long
flexible line established to avoid the collapse of the production line, as
well as to achieve close communication between employees, and
eliminate the phenomenon of unobstructed information flow.

5.1.2. Imbalance in process capability

There are 55 working procedures completed by 159 operators in the
production line. As shown in Fig. 12, while the horizontal axis is the
process, and the vertical axis is the time (seconds). There are 30 pro­
cesses beyond the beat time, identified as the bottleneck process. While Fig. 11. Schematic diagram of production line layout before improvement.
the other processes do not exceed the beat, the waiting time is uneven,
and the production balance rate is seriously out of balance. Apparently, 5.1.3. Inaccuracy of production logistics distribution
uneven distribution of production time in each process, many bottle­ Before the improvement, the material of multiple orders is stacked
neck processes, and long personnel waiting time are the main problems. on the edge of the production line. When switching between large and
According to the calculation of the working time diagram of the small orders, the material cannot check the material data information
processes before the improvement in Fig. 12 and formula (1), the pro­ such as coding, planning, model and so on in advance. This affects the
cess capacity balance rate of the production line is 66.2 %, which is low. switching process, resulting in each process to stop in order to verify
material information, which is a great waste of time and personnel.

Fig. 10. Flow chart of intelligent test system based on digital twin.

H. Guo, et al. Journal of Manufacturing Systems xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Fig. 12. Diagram of balance rate analysis of production line.

5.1.4. Unintelligent equipment testing

The test of the production line is one of the bottleneck problems.
Because the production line uses the traditional test electric control
box, fault cannot be judged, analyzed and prompted directly. Therefore,
it is necessary to realize the function diversification after using an in­
telligent test tool and expand its new content and function, thus making
equipment more intelligent and improving test efficiency.

5.2. Analysis of simulation results

According to the layout of the production line, equipment produc­

tion capacity, technological process and resource status, the software
Plant Simulation is used to build the virtual production line, as shown
in Figs. 13 and 14.
According to the analysis of Fig. 15, after the implementation of the
simulation improvement scheme, with the increase of time, not only the Fig. 13. Simulation layout diagram of production line (before: cross-floor op­
number of products increased faster and the frequency of short contact eration).
is more balanced, but also the time interval is more balanced. It can be
seen that the production capacity of the flexible cellular line is better with respect to the production line, it can be inferred that each process
than the traditional production line layout, the number of products is more balanced, not only has the working time of each bottleneck
produced in the same time is more, and the interval between the two process been improved, but also the production capacity of the whole
adjacent products is more stable. After the improvement, not only the production line has been released. The objectivity and reliability of the
production capacity and equipment utilization rate, also the stability digital twin mode are comprehensively verified, and the improvement
and continuity of the production process have been improved. scheme is feasible and effective.
Table 2 shows that the improvement effect of the flexible cellular
manufacturing method based on digital twin is more obvious than that
of the traditional optimization method, and then from the chart of the 5.3. Implementation of optimization measures and results
change of the number of WIP with time before and after the improve­
ment, as shown in Fig. 16, the number of WIP decreases more with According to the optimization results of digital twin simulation
time, and the frequency decreases greatly, indicating that the inter­ model, the effect of digital twin improvement is much better than that
mediate WIP of the production line has been well improved. Second, of traditional improvement. Hence the Optimization of flexible cellular

H. Guo, et al. Journal of Manufacturing Systems xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

shift works 10.5 h, producing 1100 units. It has a double shifts pro­
duction, and the comprehensive per capita productivity is 1.83 units/
person/hour, the comprehensive productivity is increased by 29.8 %.
(3) Reduction of number of operators
Taking the daily output of 2350 units as the standard, it is necessary
to input 159 people to improve the productivity of 1.41 units/person/
hour, which can be reduced by 159-(54−2-6) = 45 people. At the same
time, according to the annual wage of 70,000 yuan per person, the
labor cost can be reduced 3.15 million yuan per year. After the im­
plementation of cell station operation, one person is responsible for the
operation of one air conditioner machine. The daily output and per
capita productivity continue to rise, indicating the high efficiency of
flexible cellular manufacturing based on digital twin is high.

Fig. 14. Simulation layout diagram of production line (after). 5.4. Continuous optimization of interactive feedback

manufacturing based on digital twin can better solve the problems of Through the optimization of the production value flow of air con­
production line layout, production scheduling, logistics distribution and ditioner products, the personnel structure and manufacturing method
testing equipment. The virtual simulation data is fed back to the actual of the production line are improved, reducing the production cost. The
production line in real time, and the improvement scheme is im­ production efficiency and product value-added rate are improved at the
plemented. Combined with the data before and after the improvement, same time. The model mentioned in this paper can further enhance its
this paper summarizes the comparison of the comprehensive effect of scope of application by using big data and artificial intelligence tech­
the production line before and after the improvement. From the si­ nology. For example, developing and running intelligent manufacturing
mulation results, it can be seen that the equipment utilization rate and systems at different levels, such as intelligent manufacturing cells, in­
the key process utilization rate of the improved production line are telligent production lines, intelligent factories, and intelligent in­
much higher than those before the improvement, and after the actual dustries, to support innovative manufacturing models, including pro­
implementation of the scheme, the value-added rate and balance rate of cess intelligent manufacturing, discrete intelligent manufacturing,
the production line are greatly improved, as shown in Table 3. It shows network collaborative manufacturing, remote diagnostics and main­
that the practical application of the flexible cellular manufacturing tenance services [32].
based on digital twin is meaningful. Production line improvement is a long-term work. At this stage one
(1) Optimization of process balance rate should continue to collect data to confirm the improvement effect, and
In the flexible cellular mode of manufacturing based on digital twin, re-grasp the current situation analysis, step by step, continue to im­
intelligent equipment and system are used to reduce manual operation. prove production efficiency. As shown in Fig. 18, the interactive feed­
At the same time, according to the E (elimination) principle of ECRS back continuous improvement production line, while summarizing the
(eliminate, combine, rearrange, simplify) principle [31], part of the previous work, uses RFID card readers and other hardware equipment
process can be completed by machine, part of the process can be to collect real-time data in the process of air conditioner production. In
eliminated, and the operation time of bottleneck process can be reduced the interactive application system, the physical information and digital
at the same time. According to the principle of C (merger), most of the information are optimized to improve the relevant indicators of the
processes are merged to make it easier to form cells and to be operated product step by step [33]. According to the above application of the
by an employee. To sum up, the production line has been improved flexible cellular manufacturing system based on digital twin, the
from 55 processes to 17 processes, and an analysis diagram of process scheme of continuous improvement in the future is simulated. It can be
balance rate is drawn as shown in Fig. 17. seen that the data interactive feedback based on digital twin can further
According to the improved process operation time diagram and improve the production line and increase the production capacity. The
formula (1), the process capacity balance rate of the production line is number of products in progress is reduced, and the production capacity
calculated to be 82.9 %. It can be seen that the process capacity balance and production efficiency of the production line are improved. There­
rate of the production line has been significantly improved. fore, in the future improvement work, digital twin technology and
(2) Increase in per capita productivity cellular mode of production can be continuously and effectively in­
The traditional production line has 159 people, and each shift works tegrated for the optimization of production line.
10.5 h with a production of 783 units. It has three shifts, and the per
capita productivity is 1.41 units/person/hour; after the implementation 6. Conclusion
of flexible cellular line, the production line has 114 people, and each
In the case of multi-species, small-batch, high-frequency customer

Fig. 15. Comparison of production capacity.

H. Guo, et al. Journal of Manufacturing Systems xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Table 2
Comparison of traditional and digital twin way of improvement (at 30000 s).
Production line Production capacity (unit) Work in progress (unit)

Traditional way of improvement 600 45

Digital twin + flexible cellular mode of manufacturing 950 10
Comparison of effects Increase by 58.3 % Decrease by 77.8 %

Fig. 16. Comparison of changes in the quantity of works in progress.

Table 3
Comprehensive comparison before and after improvement.
Product line Balance rate (%) Per capita productivity (unit/ person/ h) Operator (person)

Traditional line (before) 66.2 % 1.41 159

Flexible line (After) 82.9 % 1.83 114
Improvement effect Increased by 25.2 % Increased by 29.8 % Reduced by 28.3 %

Fig. 17. Analysis of process balance rate.

demand order mode, this paper proposes a flexible cellular manu­ the number of operators decreased by 28.3 %. The practical results
facturing method based on digital twins to design and optimize the show that the principle model of flexible cellular manufacturing based
production line. It mainly studies the optimization of production layout, on digital twin is an effective way to optimize the production line of
production scheduling, logistics and distribution and test equipment. It enterprises. It is an effective tool for enterprises to eliminate informa­
is difficult to solve these problems of coupling, so the method of de­ tion blocking, increase production capacity and implement intelligent
coupling based on event mechanism is designed. On this basis, four manufacturing in the process of product manufacturing.
problems are decoupled and multi-objective optimization is carried out This study theoretically enriches the decision-making theory of the
according to their respective optimization sub-models. By simulation effective combination of basic industrial engineering and modern
and optimization, the final output is the validated optimization scheme. manufacturing industry. In the analysis of production line optimization
The case studies from an air conditioner production line. Compared in manufacturing enterprises, the combination of digital twin and
with the traditional optimization methods, the production capacity and flexible cellular manufacturing is adopted to achieve a better im­
work-in-process based on digital twin cell mode increased by 58.3 % provement effect. In practice, the results of this study not only can solve
and 77.8 % respectively. After improvement, the balance rate increased the problems of similar production lines substantially in our enterprise,
by 25.2 %, the per capita production capacity increased by 29.8 %, and but also can be widely used to solve the decision-making problems in

H. Guo, et al. Journal of Manufacturing Systems xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Fig. 18. Production line of interactive feedback and continuous improvement.

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