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1) Define Transaction

2] What is Cursor?

3] Write syntax for Nested if statement in PLSQL with example.

4] What is PLSQL Block?

5] Define serializability?

6] What is Deadlock

7. What is deadlock? Explain methods to prevent deadlock.

8] Explain two-phase locking protocol in detail.

9] What is exception handling? Explain predefined exceptions.

10] Explain % type and % row type with an example.

11] What is function ? Explain with an example.

12] Consider the following entities and their relationship.

Newspaper (name,language , publisher , cost )

Cities (pincode , city, state)

Relationship between Newspaper and Cities is many-to-many with descriptive attribute daily required
Constraints: name and pincode primary key

Create a RDB in 3NF and write PL/SQL blocks in Oracle for the following:

i) Write a procedure to calculate city wise total cost of each newspaper

ii) Write a procedure which display details of news papers having cost greater than 2 Rs.

13] Consider the following entities and their relationships.

Country (CId, CName , no_of_states, area, location, population)

Citizen( Id, Name, mother_toung, state_name)

Relation between Country and Citizen is one to many.Constraint: Primary key, area should not be

Create a RDB in 3NF and write PL/SQL blocks in Oracle for the following:

i) Write a function which will display name of the country having minimum population.

ii) Write a cursor which will display county wise citizen details.

14] Function without using parameter to calculate total bill of specific table?

15] Consider the following entities and their relationships.

Client (client_no, client_name, address, birthdate)

Policy_info (policy_no, desc, maturity_amt, prem_amt, date)

Relation between Client and Policy_info is Many to Many Constraint: Primary key, prem_amt and
maturity_amt should be > 0.

Create a RDB in 3NF and write PL/SQL blocks in Oracle for the following:

i) Write a function which will return total maturity amount of policies of a particular client.

ii) Write a cursor which will display policy date wise client details.

17] Types of PL/SQL Block?Write a PL/SQL block structure?

18] PLSQL block for addition of two numbers?

19] Control Statement in PL/SQL Block?

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