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q Access control: What and Why

q Abstract Models of Access Control

q The Unix Access Control Model

q Capabilities

q Beyond the Unix Model

q Multilevel Security

Digitally signed by
Dr. Nirmalya Dr. Nirmalya Kar
Kar Date: 2024.04.01
10:30:14 +05'30'
What goes into system security?
q Authentication (password/crypto/etc.)
qWho are you?

q Authorization (Acess control)

qWhat are you allowed to do.
qFocus is policy

q Enforcement Mechanism
q How its policy implemented/enforced

Today we are mostly interested in #2, will touch on #3

Note: split between policy and mechanism sometimes a false dichotomy.

Access Control
q “The prevention of unauthorized use of a resource, including the
prevention of use of a resource in an unauthorized manner“

q Central element of computer security

q Assume have users and groups

• authenticate to system
• assigned access rights to certain resources on system

Night Club Example
• Authentication
• ID Check
• Access Control
• Over 18 - allowed in
• Over 21 - allowed to drink
• On VIP List - allowed to access VIP area
• Enforcement Mechanism
• Walls, Doors, Locks, Bouncers

Night Club Example: More Interesting Phenomena

• Tickets
• Name or anonymous?
• Date

• What if you want to leave and come back

• Hand stamp or bracelet

Why this Tangent?
q We can find logical models to study these systems?
q We can use these models to design new systems?

• Security systems are everywhere, looking at the real world key to building
your intuition.

What do we use this for?

q Express information access policies.
q Who can access my files, who can’t, how.
q Sandboxing: Minimize damage inflicted by malicious program.
q Privilege Seperation: Allow programs to be written to minimize
damage in case of failure.
q Think about compartments in a ship

- programmers make mistakes, protection systems fail, redundancy
always a good thing!!

Basic Design Space
q All security architectures are Isolation + Controlled Sharing
q Just Isolation
ü Unplug the network cable! (airgap provides almost perfect isolation).
ü Segment your network physically
• Put red tape on one set of wires and machines, black tape on another, blue on another.
• Make sure colors always match!
ü Military exploits this approach to separate classified, secret, topsecret
qMost of us need to share stuff…what do we want from sharing?

Challenge of Controlled Sharing

q All of Saltzer and Schroder’s principles are vital,

However, these two are hard.

v Principle of Least privilege
• Make controls granular enough and apply them to enforce them to minimize
v Psychological acceptability
• Get as close to the users mental model (be it the programmer, user or admin) as

Reconciling these two is a fundamental challenge.

Challenge of Controlled Sharing
q All of Saltzer and Schroder’s principles are vital,

However, these two are hard.

v Principle of Least privilege
• Make controls granular enough and apply them to enforce them to minimize harm.
v Psychological acceptability
• Get as close to the users mental model (be it the programmer, user or admin) as

Reconciling these two is a fundamental challenge in Access Control.


Operating Systems: Our focus today

• Most heavily studied area for access control
• First computers where single user/no network
• Timesharing systems introduced need for access control
• studied heavily in the 70’s and 80’s.
• Still an open research area, why?
• First 20 years: restrict what a user can do with data, focus on military problems, thought
problem was malicous users
• Last 10: Malicous applications the primary problem.

• Another answer: Right Access control policy dictated by Usage models, Threat Model,
Applications -- we still have lots to learn about how programs are built, how people use them.

Access Control vs. IDS and AV
q Soundness (can I make a definite allow/deny decision)
• Difference between access control and intrusion detection
• An IDS makes a probablistic statement i.e. this action is probably bad - allows catching a
broader range of behaviors, at the cost of enforcement.
• An IDS that is 100% accurate should be doing enforcement, it is then an IPS (access control
q Completeness (do I catch every bad action)
• Access control vs. AV
• Access control systems should (in theory enforce some property) -- e.g enforce these rules on
information flow.
• AV systems often rely more on un-sound blacklist approach, hard to make strict statements
about what your getting
q In the real world, distinctions often unclear
• Your AV product may do some access control


Access Control Principles


Abstract Models of Access Control

Access Control Elements
q Subjects : entity that can access objects
• can be processes, modules, roles

q Objects : access controlled resource

• can be files, processes, etc.

q Access right: way in which subject accesses an object

• e.g. read, write, execute, delete, create, search

q Authentication often used to bootstrap subjects, but not necessary.

• e.g. process assumes identity of one subject, then another.


Elementary Forms
q Authentication = Authorization
v e.g. safes
q Whitelists/Blacklists (Single object, multiple Subjects)
v Examples: Spam prevention
v Blacklists:
• Default on (fail open)
• Hard to reason about who can access system
v Whitelists:
• Default off (fail closed)
• Have to deal with adding whitelist entries
q Challenges
• Hard to manage if rapidly changing set of principles
• Both can grow quite large



Discretionary Access Control

q Often provided using an access matrix
ü lists subjects in one dimension (rows)
ü lists objects in the other dimension (columns)
ü each entry specifies access rights of the specified subject to that object

q Access matrix is often sparse

q Can decompose by either row or column

Access Control Matrix
• Instantaneous protection state of a system
• Dynamically Changing!
• How can we extend this model?

0 0 1 0
subjects 1 1 0 1
0 0 1 0
dave 1 1 0 1


Adding Access Rights

q Access Rights
• e.g. Simple: Read, Write
• e.g. Complex: execute, change ownership

r r/w r -
subjects r r - r/w
- - w -
dave r/w - w


q Subjects
• Groups e.g. staff = {alice,dave}, students = {bob, charlie}
q Objects
• Types e.g. system_file = {A,B}, user_file = {C,D}
q Can have compound names
• e.g. in AFS talg:friends, system:backup


q What if I break my matrix down by columns?
• Each object has a set of <user, right> tuples
• A {<bob, r/w>, <alice,w>}
q Properties
• Good for many applications (file systems)
• Can grow quite large

qWhat if I break my matrix down by rows
ü Alice {<A,r/w>, <B,w>, <C,r>}

ü Natural model for delegation (rights coupled to object)

qEach tuple can be viewed as a handle to an object


Protection Domains
q Users don’t exist
• Machines, processes, modules,do
q Protection domain is an abstract object that can have
ü A namespace (e.g. view of the file system)
ü A userid or group ID
ü A set of objects it holds (capability list)
ü A set of rights it holds (permissions)
q How does protection get enforced?
• Language type systems, hardware MMU (Processes, virtual machines),
compilers (SFI)

v Not our primary interest today

The Reference Monitor
q An abstract model of protection
q Sometimes quite close to implementation
q e.g. SELinux (Flask Architecture)

q In practice should offer:

q Complete mediation
q Be Tamper proof
q Be small enough to understand (verify)

• Important Idea: Computer systems are BIG and Complex, Security relavent part often SMALL,
extract that part out that deals with security so that we can understand/verify it.



Access control system commands


Protection Domains: More Useful

ü Set of objects together with access rights to those objects
ü More flexibility when associating capabilities with protection domains
ü In terms of the access matrix, a row defines a protection domain
ü User can spawn processes with a subset of the access rights of the user
ü Association between a process and a domain can be static or dynamic
ü In user mode certain areas of memory are protected from use and
certain instructions may not be executed
ü In kernel mode privileged instructions may be executed and protected
areas of memory may be accessed

Unix Access Control

Basics, limitations, extensions


Unix Resource
• Files
• Includes devices, IPC (domain sockets, named pipes, mmap shared memory)
• Network
• TCP/UDP port address space
• Other
• Sys V IPC has its own name space
• ability to load kernel modules

Unix Identities
q Each process has set of identities used to make access control decisions.
• Conceptually uid/euid, gid/egid most important

q euid used for access control decisions

• Allows process to drop and resume privilege temporarily

q Changing uid/euid allows dropping privilege permanently.


UNIX File Concepts

q UNIX files administered using inodes (index nodes)

q An inode:
ü control structure with key info on file (attributes, permissions, …)
ü on a disk: an inode table for all files
ü when a file is opened, its inode is brought to RAM

q Directories form a hierarchical tree

ü may contain files or other directories
ü are a file of names and inode numbers

File system access control

user group other

• “-rwxrwxrwx

q Unique user identification number (user ID)

q Member of a primary group identified by a group ID
q 12 protection bits
ü 9 specify read, write, and execute permission for the owner of the file, members of the group and all other users
ü 2 speficiy SetID, SetGID
ü 1 is the sticky bit (only owner can remove, delete, …, a directory)

q The owner ID, group ID, and protection bits are part of the file’s inode


File system access control

• “set user ID”(SetUID) or “set group ID”(SetGID)
• system temporarily uses rights of the file owner/group in addition to the real user’s rights when
making access control decisions
• enables privileged programs to access files/resources not generally accessible
• Sticky bit
• on directory limits rename/move/delete to owner
• Superuser
• is exempt from usual access control restrictions

UNIX Access Control Lists
• Modern UNIX systems support ACLs
• Can specify any number of additional users/groups and associated rwx
• When access is required
• select most appropriate ACL
• owner, named users, owning/named groups, others
• check if have sufficient permissions for access




What can you do with identities
q Lots of hard coded rules
q Highest privilege uid is root (uid = 0), has most privilege,
ü Access privileged ports, override file permissions, load kernel modules, etc.
ü Once you have root, you own the system
ü this is a source of many problems.
q Process with a given euid can send signals to other processes with that uid, ptrace()
those processes, etc.
ü Basically no protection between processes with same uid.
q Good news
ü Works decently well on multi-user system where programs are not malicous --
shortcomings can be fixed with file system ACL’s
q Bad News
ü Very difficult/sometimes impossible to contain damage of malicous root process
ü Lots of stuff needs root
ü Users can’t protect themselves from bad apps, i.e. apps totally trusted!!


Dropping privilege
• Only available to root
• To prevent programmer errors
• Assume role of less privileged user for most operations (set euid)
• Let OS do its job
• Only keep privilege long enough to do what you need.
• Temporary, program can resume root privilege at will
• Essential for some things in unix (e.g. race free file open)
• NEVER try to impersonate another user as root!
• You will fail

• To prevent malicious code from inflicting damage

• Drop privilege permanantly (often accompanied by fork()).
• Works well if there is a before-time (with privilege)/after-time(without privilege) model. e.g.
daemons that need root to listen to privileged port.

Separating Time of Check and Time of Use - A Really Bad Thing

• Example: access() system call.

int access(const char *path, int mode);
#From the man page:
#Access() is a potential security hole and should never be used.

• Problem: as soon as you get a result from access(), its invalid. Permissions could have
• Checking Permission/obtaining resource must be atomic!
• Solution: Never use access(), instead look up programming guidelines for your OS.

Hint: Never make up your own solution!


Confused Deputy Problem

q Pay-to-play compiler service (its an old problem)
ü Compiler service takes file and compiles it for user
ü User hands compiler path for compilers own billing file
ü Compiler overwrites billing file

Compiler was a confused deputy - acting on behalf of user.

Ø Drop privilege to that of user to open file (more error prone, common source of
Ø Have user pass capability to compiler (less error prone).
Ø Capability advocates love to point this out as reason to use capabilities.

File descriptor passing: the poor mans capability system
q File descriptors are capabilities
q Ability to delegate files by passing descriptors over a unix domain socket
(sendmsg(), recvmsg())
q Supports privilege seperation
• One process runs as root, opens a unix domain socketpair.
• Forks() another process, drops privilege
• More privilege process can pass descriptors to less privilege process, also do other stuff e.g.
manage crypto keys.
• Can apply this paradigm ad naseum i.e. multiple unprivileged processes.
q Trade-offs
Ø Positive: Great way to make more robust software
Ø Negative: sometimes very hard to do after the fact (don’t believe the hype), requires pretty clueful
programmers up front.


Capabilities have lots of nice properties

• Natural model for delegation
• Just pass handle to object
• No ambient privilege
• Access control explicit not implicit
• Separate access checking from use
• E.g. fd = open() vs. read(fd), write(fd)
• Useful design pattern for ammoritizing the cost of permission checks

• Powerful extensibility in languages that support capabilities natively

• Wrap one object in another object.

Still More…
• Cryptographic Capabilities
• Nonce as index into table (stateful)
• {<permissions>, objectid, MAC(msg)} (stateless)
• No OS support need, good for distributed systems
• Limitations of capabilities
• No easy means of revocation
• Can’t easily control delegation in a pure model (mostly a red herring)
• Doesn’t always suit your problem


Some Real World Access Control

Or, overcoming the shortcomings of
the original Unix model.

Dangers of bad access control model
• Too much privilege!
• Original Unix architecture suffers severly
• Windows world even worse
• Once ISV’s (developers) expect this, very hard to go back!
• Wrong granularity
• To coarse grain => too much privilege
• To fine grain => too many knobs, no one knows how to use it
• (SELinux struggles with this, its gotten better, but still not for the faint of heart)
• Compromise
• Protection Profiles, Roles, etc. - use fine grain permissions to build up common case profiles.


File system ACL’s

• Basic Problem
• I want to do a project with a new group, how do I share files with only them without involving my
• Ghetto style
• Create a directory accessible but not readable by everyone
• Make directory (or files) in that directory with secret name
• Hand out name as a capability
• Gross and many limitations…
• ACL’s a better soluation
• User created groups, user setable list of groups/users on files/directories
• Almost everywhere now
• AFS, NTFS, NFSv4, FreeBSD, Solaris, ZFS, etc.

• Basic idea: Allow process to
change file system root: e.g.

• Variety of sharp edges due to
power of root user, ptrace(),
etc. home
etc bin
• BSD Jail tries to fix this. apache
• Fundamental problem, limited
controlled sharing. base
• Still, a useful primitive etc bin
• Richer primitive in plan9, a
research OS.


Posix “Capabilities”
• Paritioning power of root
• CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE: ignore normal file permissions
• CAP_CHOWN: allow arbitrary chown
• CAP_SYS_NET_BIND_SERVICE: allow bind of TCP/UPD sockets below port 1024
• CAP_NET_RAW: allow raw socket access (can create arbitrary ethernet frames)

• Improvement on setuid
• Doesn’t help with files
• Fixed granularity

Sandboxing Systems
• Examples: AppArmor (SuSe), Systrace, Janus


• Adding MAC to Linux
• Flexible policy architecture
• Default uses combination of RBAC and DTE
• Checks applied if existing unix model succeeds e.g. if access fails,
additional checks not invoked
• Most folks never use MLS

Domain and Type Enforcement
• Generalization of Access Control Matrix
• Processes have a domain
• Objects (generally files) have a type.
• Stored in extended file attribute
• Type set at system configuration time.
assign -u /home user_t
assign -u /var spool_t

• Entry point to domain is generally a binary e.g. (exec /usr/bin/lpd => domain lpd_t)
• App can request a domain transition to drop privilege
• Nice compared to path base model in that more robust to file rename(), can be less prone to problems
due to symlinks, etc.


q Yet another generalization of our access control matrix
q Add yet another label to processes
q Instead of uid, access control decisions based on role
q e.g. Bob acting as backup manager vs. bob acting as printing manager.


q Access based on
‘role’, not identity

q Many-to-many
between users and

q Roles often static




Access Control

Double arrow: ‘many’ relationship

Single arrow: ‘one’ relationship

Example of role hierarchy
• Director has most privileges
• Each role inherits all privileges from lower roles
• A role can inherit from multiple roles
• Additional privileges can be assigned to a role


A condition (restriction) on a role or between roles
q Mutually exclusive
• role sets such that a user can be assigned to only one of the role in the set
• Any permission can be granted to only one role in the set

q Cardinality: set a maximum number (of users) wrt a role (e.g., a department chair

q Prerequisite role: a user can be assigned a role only if that user already has been
assigned to some other role

Attribute-based access control
• Fairly recent
• Define authorizations that express
conditions on properties of both the
resource and the subject
• Each resource has an attribute (e.g., the
subject that created it)
• A single rule states ownership privileges for the
• Strength: its flexibility and expressive
• Considerable interest in applying the model
to cloud services




ACL vs ABAC trust relationships

ACL vs ABAC trust relationships


Identity, Credential, and Access Management

q A comprehensive approach to managing and implementing digital
identities, credentials, and access control
q Developed by the U.S. government
q Designed to create trusted digital identity representations of
individuals and nonperson entities (NPEs)
q A credential is an object or data structure that authoritatively binds
an identity to a token possessed and controlled by a subscriber
q Use the credentials to provide authorized access to an agency’s

1. Connects digital identity
to individuals

2. Data structures that binds
a token possessed
by a subscriber

4. Identity verification of
individuals from external
organizations 3. Management of how access
is granted to entities


Bell-LaPadula Model: A MAC Model for Achieving Multi-level Security

• Introduce in 1973

• Air Force was concerned with security in time-

sharing systems
• Many OS bugs
• Accidental misuse

• Main Objective:
• Enable one to formally show that a computer system can
securely process classified information

Multi-Level Security (MLS)
• There are security classifications or security levels
• Users/principals/subjects have security clearances
• Objects have security classifications
• Example of security levels
• Top Secret
• Secret
• Confidential
• Unclassified
• In this case Top Secret > Secret > Confidential > Unclassified
• Security goal (confidentiality): ensures that information do not
flow to those not cleared for that level



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