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WEAPON CARDS v1.2 INTRODUCTION Embelish your favourite fantasy roleplaying game with these customizable and printable Weapon Cards! If you are a Game Master, print and hand them out to your players. Ox, if you are a Player yourself, share them with your mates! Keep track of the weapon stats: damage, criticals, weighs, etc. up to and including weapon hardness and hie points for those pesky Sunder attacks! LAYERS Weapon Cards are supplied as a document in PDE format best readable in Adobe Acrobat¥™. In the program you should find an option to contol layers {fotind on the lefi-hand side tab by default) and switch them on and off to your preference prior to printing. OUTLINE ‘This layer includes the cards borders and will help you see where to cut them, DESCRIPTION (UPPER) “This layer includes lines for the weapon stats (damage, critical, etc.). If you are playing, a system incompatible with this presentation of stats, you can turn off the layer and print out the rest. “this DESCRIPTION (LOWER) sive js layer includes lines upon which you can add the weapons description, history, “number of il” notches, or additional stats (like special properties, magical cenchantments, command words, ete:). Again, you have the option to turn off this layer should you want a clean area upon which t0 write. WEAPONS This layer includes the weapons’ illustrations. The images come with a transparency that should leave the layers underneath visible (if they are turned on). You can turn ivoff if you wish to draw your own weapons! SPLATTER (RED) This isa background inrage, a blood splatter, Tarn i off if you wish to conserve (red) ink: SPLATTER (GRAY) Optional second layer, similar to the previous one, only gray and brighter, Use ie instead of the Red variant to conserve ink (make sure you turn off the latter). TROUBLESHOOTING: Make — sure un have the newest version of Adobe Acrobat™, Older versions (and other PDF readers) might not handle transparencies too well. You can always turn off the background layers (Splaer ted oF gray if there are any problems with transparency, or should you want to conserve ink. SUGGESTIONS 1, Prine our the cards on a thicker variety of paper + but not too thick, as your printer might have toile digetingec ancl If ts pesey fares remember that y A nce peneils that can write upon it without smudging. 2. The last wo pages of this document include optional images to be printed on the cards reverse. Use the “Print Only Page” option in your Printing Preferences (and type in 13 or 14), 3. Cu up the printed pages by using ruler and el. Alternatively, use scissors, but scalpels Gand rales wre face mid mone-pevsne, Works a flac surface, and be careful nor to cut yourself, 4. Surprise your players with complete Weapon Cans They will appreciate having thei favourite weapon as more solid presence! ‘WEAPONS ): Shore Blades: dagger, dagger, dagger / punch dagger punch oe iin ake bank ieaaastacithi 5. 3: Long Blades pI sales, opin rapier I shortword, Tel scone ageing sce 4 Long Blades pt longswordslongswords lougsword Pjasard mond, bastard sword greasword?gpetswond, tgeasword, flaming blade Fj zhane Blade falcon flcion, katana / kana vo ded sword, two-bladed sword f scythe, scythe, slangham 6: Mace: cub, greatdub, momingstar flight mace, he Cee ee eee ae p- 7: Dicks, Hammers, Unarmed: light pic heavy pick, hooked gnome hammer light hammer, warhammer, warhammer / tunarmed, gauntlet, spiked gauntlet BS; Ates pandas hrowing ae varven ae bean uleaxe, dwarven urgrosh / preatase, greataxe, orc double axe p. 9: Staves & Polearms: quartertalh quarterstaff, quarterstff | spear shortspearslongspear / guisarme, halberd, 10: Pelearms &¢ Projectiles: lance, javelin, glaive / ranseus, trident, dare / sling, shuriken, shurlken p. 11: Bows & Crosbows: longbow longbows longbow / shortbow, shortbow, shortbow/ light crossbow, heavy crossbow, reloading crossbow sd chain, bolas f nunchak, si, wariken 12: Exo: hand erosbows hala wp sped whips 1191 AD PUBLISHING © 1191 AD Publishing, 2011 Designed and Illustrated by Domagoj Rapeak heep//119 Lad blogspoccor! WEAPON CARDS: Shore Blades WEAPON CARDS: Long Blades pt. | WEAPON CARDS: Long Blades p¢. II WEAPON CARDS: Long Blades p¢. Il WEAPON CARDS: Maces WEAPON CARDS: Picks, Hammers, Unarmed WEAPON CARDS: Axes WEAPON CARDS: Staves & Polearms WEAPON CARDS: Polearms & Projectiles WEAPON CARDS: Bows & Crossbows WEAPON CARDS: Exotic

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