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Wage Supplements index.

When some workers are benefitted by payments -Its purpose is to maintain wage levels during
and contributions of their employers which are not direct times of recession and provide workers with additional
payments for work performed on the job, although in an income equivalent to the increase in the cost of living.
indirect way, they represent rewards for services -Paid sick leave is also provided under labor laws
rendered. and collective bargaining agreements.
Some of the major types of extra remuneration
or benefits received by employees are pay for vacations Incentives Scheme
and holidays wherein work was not rendered, sick and - are the programs designed to encourage and motivate
old age benefits that are provided by law, and bonuses workmen for higher efficiency and greater output
other than those paid as a reward for extra output or time - The Incentives are the monetary rewards given to the
spent on the job. workmen in recognition of their achievement of specific
FORMS & EXAMPLES OF WAGE SUPPLEMENTS results during a specified time period.
—Incentives can be classified into 2 types
I. Profit Sharing- Profit sharing is an “agreement (formal 1. Financial (Monetary) Incentives
or informal) freely entered into by which employees 2. Non-Financial (Non-Monetary) Incentives
received a share fixed in advance of the profits.”
Types of Incentives Scheme
Others describe it as “payments in the form of cash,
stock, options, or warrants.
- this plan can be based either on a piece per piece for unit
1. Profit sharing alone
of output or on straight time work.
2. Profit sharing with co-partnership - the simplest, oldest and the most commonly used
3. Profit sharing with some kind of co-partnership method.
through ownership of shares in the company by 2. Premium System
employees. • Taylor’s Differential Piece-Rate system
ADVANTAGES OF PROFIT SHARING - Introduced by F.W. Taylor, who believed that the
1. To encourage employee efficiency and stimulate more workers should be paid on the basis of their degree
production. of efficiencies.
2. To secure more flexibility in the payroll • Merrick Differential Piece-Rate System
To reduce labor turnover. - Three piece-rates are used to distinguish between
3. To encourage unionism or at least minimize its the beginners, the average workers, and the
militancy, strikes and other forms of industrial unrest superior workers,
become prevented since employees feel they have a
• Gantt Task System
stake in the profitable operation of the enterprise
- The standard time is fixed for the completion of a
II. EMPLOYEE COVERAGE AND BENEFITS task based on a careful time and motion study.
Employee groups such as officers and top
- Emerson Plan
executives, department head and supervisors, salaries
- The standard time for the completion of a task is fixed
clerical workers, and hourly paid workers, professionals
and production and maintenance employees (non-union) against which the actual performance of the workers is
are often covered. measured.
3. Point Premium Plus
-The original and best-known point pre-premium plan was
 VESTING introduced by Charles E. Bedaux in 1916
 DISBURSEMENT - Bedaux Plan is an incentive scheme in which the
 GROWTH OF PROFIT SHARING PROGRAMS standard time for the completion of a job is fixed and the
III. SPECIAL BONUSES rate per hour is defined..
4. The Scanlon Plan
Some employees secure other types of bonuses
- is cost-saving, gain-sharing, productivity-incentive plan
which are not directly related to production standards or
in which any saving (agreed upon standard labour cost per
work schedules.
unit of output subtracted from actual labour cost per unit of
 Christmas Bonuses output) is shared equally between the workers and the
 Production Bonus System
- Joseph Scanlon was the developer of Scanlon plan
 Halsey Plan 5. Group Incentive Plan
IV. COST OF LIVING ALLOWANCES - system is employed in cases where the ultimate
-Under the Labor Code of the Philippines, a production is dependent on the efficiency of a group of
"cost of living allowance" is granted to workers as a lump workers.
sum payment that is adjusted based on the cost of living Types of group incentive plan to consider
—Gain sharing ---Non-cash
—Merit Based
6. Bonus
- it refers to any method used to increase the laborer’s Incentives Plans
production by giving him extra pay for more than the -On the basis of studies made, there are strong
standard quantity of work. evidences to show that there are logical connections
between managerial pay and company performance.
Frince Benefits 1. Cost/benefit Analysis - A successful management
• Perks or Extra compensation given over and/or above incentive plan must generate increases in company
regular salary profits greater than the cost of the rewards and the
•Salary with a fringe on top expense of maintaining the plan.
2. Company Analysis - No incentive plan is tailored-cut
Types of Frince benefits to suit the needs of every company.
—Medical Programs 3. Participation - The coverage of the plan
—Subsidized meal must be clearly delineated, that is, it is limited
—Phones/Laptops only to those managers who directly and
—Life insurance significantly affect company performance.
—Vacation 4. Plan structure - To make the incentive plan a
success, the structure must be made simple, easy
Non-Financial Benefits to understand and implement.
1. Public recognition 5. Substantial rewards - The rewards
2. Extra day off offered under the incentive plan must be
3. Opportunities for professional development and fairly substantial.
Career Growth 6. Sharing rate - The maximum amount that
4. Team building and social activities any one manager can earn should be open-
ended, but based upon a percentage of the
5. Flexible work Arrangement
total profits that will be paid out.
6. Ask for new ideas, feedback, and suggestions
7. No-bonus zone - For purposes of stressing
emphasis on superior performance, no reward
Attitudes of Workers should be given for marginal improvement.
Workers’ and unions’ opinions regarding incentive 8. Payout provisions - The matter of
payments vary. Some people are against schemes payment of rewards should also be clearly
because of the complexities and employer-benefit issues, spelled out.
while others favor them. 9. Emphasis on long-term results - Every
incentive plan must be anchored on long-
Characteristics of Professional and Managerial term company growth and profitability must
Employees be its sole basis.
1. They are highly intelligent.
2. They have an analytical frame of mind and a Deferred Benefit Payments
preference for deductive reasoning. -deferred benefit payments involve
3. As a group, They tend to be more creative and withholding a portion of an employee's
imaginative than others. compensation, such as salary or bonuses,
4. They are usually both independent and self- and postponing its distribution until a later
conscious date, often upon retirement or meeting
Management’s Low Productivity specific conditions
- is often caused by the lack of Types of Deferred Compensation Plans:
understanding of the relationship  Qualified or unqualified
between performance and money.  Unqualified plans may be funded or unfunded
Influence of Rewards Decisions
- rewards decision have influence that is broader TOTAL REWRADS STRATEGY
than their impact upon the individual employee,  It encourages the organizations to move
manager, and organization involved in the
towards the a pay-for-performance philosophy
immediate decision. providing opportunities for top performers to
Designing Management Incentives earn higher base salaries through a well-
-Growing recognition that incentives focus on managers defined performance evaluation program
attention on results.
embracing a meritocracy culture.
Small Business Report
-The idea that a manager can increase productivity to
such an extent that it warrants being paid twice or even COMPENSATION
three times BASE PAY – Wages and Salary
MERIT PAY – Base-pay increases based on positive effect on job satisfaction and the next
employee performance largest effect on supervisory performance ratings
INCENTIVES – Cash bonuses based on RECOGNITION
employee performance Most employee recognition systems provide
rewards that are relatively inexpensive compared
PROMOTIONS – Base-pay increases based on to compensation, benefits, and personal and
potential to perform new job professional growth
PAY INCREASES – Base-pay increases base on
length of service with the organizations ADVANTAGES OF TOTAL REWARDS PROGRAM:
- Employee Retention
HEALTH AND WELFARE – Payment for injuries
and illness both on and off the job
- Employee Performance
PAID TIME OFF – Payment for vacation time or - Controllable Expenses
excused days from work - Program Administration
RETIREMENT – Payment for no longer performed
based on the length of employment DISADVANTAGES OF TOTAL REWARDS PROGRAM:
PERSONAL GROWTH - Lag the Market
TRAINING – Skill development through on or off-
- Appropriate Market
the-job instructions
CAREER DEVELOPMENT – On-the-job coaching
- Self-Focus and Competition
to develop skills - Increasing Employee engagement without increasing costs
PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT – Ongoing goal - Increasing Retention rates
setting and feedback to develop skills
-Assessment -Design -Execution -Evaluation  Supply and Demand for Employee Skills – The
commodity approach to labor tend to show that a wage is a
ASSEMBLING THE RIGHT PROJECT TEAM price for the services of a worker or employee.
1. Naming the right Project team  Labor Organization – Labor unions represent the vital arm
2. Selecting Additional Members and thus the potent force of labor organizations.
3. Clarifying Team members Role  The Firm’s Financial Condition – Despite the fact that the
company is experiencing strong product sales, other
BENEFITS OF A TOTAL REWARDS STRATEGY: factors need to be taken into account
- Improving the ease of recruitment  Productivity - Productivity is a measure of the efficiency of
a person in converting inputs into useful outputs.
- Signaling that you’re a progressive company
- Increasing employee engagement without increasing costs Cost of Living – The main goal of this increase is to assist
- Increasing retention rates them in overcoming the challenges posed by inflation.
Government – The recognition of the importance of labor
PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT to the nation's economy explains the government's
Personal and professional development continued attention and concern to the plight of the
opportunities such as training, career development, workingman.
Arguments For and Against – A number of arguments
and performance management can constitute
have been marshalled by proponents of a minimum wage
valuable rewards for employees.
law, ranging from the purely humanitarian or social to the
A positive work environment can be an important
component in an organization’s total rewards COMPENSATION PRINCIPLES
strategy. Work environment includes job design, 1. Principles of Economics - To the company,
recognition, and work/life balance. compensation is payment to an employee for
JOB DESIGN service rendered
Most people think of job design in terms of the 2. Principles of a Living Wage - The individual's
physical characteristics of a work setting, such as compensation should be substantial enough that
office size. But job design also includes he can obtain reasonable standard of living.
psychological characteristics in the form of 3. Principles of Competition - Compensation should
employee’s perceptions of their work. provide employees with the means to live
reasonably well among people in the community
who work on a comparable level of employment.
Turning to compressed workweeks, the 4. Principles of Significant Differences -
researchers again saw a moderately positive Compensation(among other factors) can tell an
impact. Compressed workweeks has the largest individual how well he is appreciated.
5. Principles of Contribution - Among the basic 3. Personality Traits
human needs are belonging, opportunity, security, 4. Skills and Knowledge
and recognition.
6. Principles of Change - A compensation plan JOB ANALYSIS
cannot attract, hold and motivate competent
employees, if it cannot change in improvements of - Job analysis is a process that is used to identify
its people. responsibilities and tasks, conduct a comparison with
7. Principles of Status Symbolism - Earnings other jobs, establish what education is required, and
provide the individual with yardstick to measure his determine the job's working environment.
place in society.
JOB DESCRIPTION 1. To determine and establish job specification
- A job description is a useful, plain-language tool that 2. To develop training programs
explains the tasks, duties, function and responsibilities of 3. To evaluate positions in the company
a position. 4. To study workflow and work process for improvement
in operations
CONTENTS OF JOB DESCRIPTION 5. To determine safety standards
1. Job Title 6. To aid in determining cost and value benefits of
2. Job Location employee benefits
3. Higher Position the job is tied to 2 categories of benefits:
4. Direction and Supervision given to the job a. Value benefits
5. Specific Duties Performed b. Cost benefits
6. Unrelated Tasks that could be assigned
8. Working Conditions 1. Gathering a factual material
9. Machinery or Equipment 2. Accuracy of data
10. Others that have a bearing on the job 3. Putting the information in the draft form
4. The data is now made subject to review
6. Final Approval
1. First and foremost, it should be borne in mind
that job descriptions are nothing more than
summary statement of duties and
responsibilities called in the job and never
intended to serve as a measure of employee
2. Attention should be focused and directed to two
basic elements:
a. principal duties and responsibilities of job
holder; and
b. accountability for performance of the job
3. Job identification data. This relates to identifying
information about the job such as job title/titles
4. Minimal qualifications necessary for the job must
be clearly indicated. This will help in the
recruitment process
5. The chain of command must be clearly spelled out;
and so with delegation of authority.
6. There should be a periodic review of job
descriptions since job change. The
description should always reflect the nature
and content of the job in question.
- A job specification is an official document which describes
the duties, required knowledge, skills and abilities, and
minimum qualifications of State jobs
1. Educational Qualifications
2. Experience

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