Class 11

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Time – 3 Hours
Maximum Marks – 70
General Instructions:
● All questions are compulsory except where internal choice has been given.
● Question Nos. 1 -18 in Sections A carry 1 mark each.
● Question Nos. 19-23 in Section B are Very Short Answer Type-I questions carrying
2 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 30 words.
● Question Nos. 24-27 in Section C are Short Answer Questions Type-II carrying 3
marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 60 words.
● Question Nos. 28 - 31 in Section D are Long Answer Type I questions carrying 4
marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 120 words.
● Question No. 32 in Section E is a Long Answer Type II question carrying 6 marks.
Answer to this question should not exceed 200 words.
● Question Nos. 33 – 36 in Section F are based on two cases given. Each case has two
questions carrying two marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 30
1. Mohan is trying to solve a complex problem of mathematics, which aspect of the
psychological activity is used to perform this task?
a) Mental process b) experience c) behaviour d) all of the above

2. The behaviorist perspective was first offered by-

a) Freud b) Watson c) Skinner d) Darwin

3. Psychologist working in rural areas to establish mental health centre are called-
a) Clinical psychologist b) Counseling psychologist
c) Community psychologist d) Organizational psychologist

4. A client suffering from anxiety disorder is asked about his age, birth order,
occupation of his parents, locality where he lives, religion, family by the
psychologist. What type of information is gathered by the psychologist?
a) Physical b) Physiological c) Psychological d) Demographical

5. The interview in which the question in the schedule are written clearly in a
particular sequence is called as-
a) Standardized b) Non- standardized c) Personal d) Group interview

6. The amount of study time increases, the performance of the students also increases.
The correlation between study time and performance is said to be –
a) Zero correlation b) Positive correlation c) Negative correlation d) All of the
7. The transfer of father or mother may cause tension among the parents , which
might affect their interactions with the child. This is the part of which context
according to Bronfenbrenner’s model?
a) Exosystem b) Chronosystem c) Macrosystem d) Mesosystem

8. In which year a child would climb up and downstairs with one foot on each step and
can fit a jigsaw puzzle?
a) 3 years b) 4 years c) 5 years d) 2 years

9. The upper part of the body develops earlier than the lower part is termed as-
a) Cephalocaudal b) General to specific c) Cortocodistal d) Proximodistal

10. An advertisement on television appears at a regular interval of time are attended

better than any other advertisement which appears irregularly, is an example of-
a) Sensory modality b) Clarity of Stimuli c) Temporal uncertainty d) Spatial

11. If your milkman delivers you milk at about 5:30 p.m., any knocking at the door
around that time is likely to be perceived as the presence of the milkman, even if it is
someone else. This is called-
a) Cognitive style b) Perceptual set c) Motivation d) Cultural background and

12. We perceive everything in an organized form. This is called-

a) Form perception b) Gestalt c) Visual perception d) Pragnanz

13. A small child catches an inflated balloon which bursts in his/ her hands making a
loud noise. Next time, even at the sight of an inflated balloon , the child starts crying.
Balloon and loud sound are the-
a) Conditioned stimulus and conditioned response
b) Conditioned response and unconditioned stimulus
c) Conditioned stimulus and unconditioned stimulus
d) Unconditioned response and conditioned response

14. Ravi learnt to drive four wheels for some time. He felt happy and was appreciated
by his friends for learning it in a very short period of time. But due to some personal
reasons, he could not practice for a long period of time. After a 3 year gap, he again
started practicing driving and this time he learnt it in only 3 days. This phenomenon
is called-
a) Extinction b) Generalization c) Spontaneous recovery d) Reinforcement

15. In the following question, a statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of

Reason (R). Mark the correct choice.
Assertion (A): Memories relating to our personal life experiences constitute the
episodic memory.
Reason (R): The content of episodic memory are generally emotional in nature
a. Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, and Reason (R) is the correct
explanation of Assertion (A).
b. Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, but Reason (R) is not the correct
explanation of Assertion (A).
c. Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false.
d. Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R) is true

16. Incubation, a stage in creative thinking involves-

a) Insight experience b) Unconscious thought process c) New solution d) None of
the above

17. Information is primarily encoded acoustically in-

a) Long term memory b) Short term memory c) Sensory memory d) Episodic

18. Going for a family picnic or appearing in school examination is an example of –

a) approach-approach conflict b) approach-avoidance conflict
c) avoidance-avoidance conflict d) Frustration


19. Small children ask many questions, and they derive some kind of pleasure out of it.
Which motivational tendency are they indulged in? Explain with an example. OR
Explain motivational cycle.
20. What improvements will you suggest in a chair so that it becomes more comfortable
and aesthetically pleasing? Answer to this question requires which type of creative
thinking. Explain how?
21. Explain retroactive and proactive interference with help of an example?
22. Explain the process of classical conditioning with the help of Ivan Pavlov's
23. The rail tracks appear to be converging to all of us, though it never does. What type
of illusion is this? Explain any other type of illusion with examples.


24. Hypothesis: Daily exposure to the sun leads to increased levels of happiness.
In the above-mentioned hypothesis identify independent, dependent and extraneous
25. Explain any three areas where a psychologist can work. OR Explain any three
schools of psychology.
26. Describe the multimode theory of selective attention.
27. Discuss all the principles of perceptual organization.
Part D

28. Explain long term memory and its types. OR Discuss the Ebbinghaus’s curve of
forgetting and explain forgetting due to retrieval failure.
29. What are the abilities required for divergent thinking?
30. Discuss any two psychological motives.
31. Explain observation method of psychological enquiry and the types of observations.


32. How can one enhance memory? OR Explain all the symptoms of learning



Anger is a negative emotion. It carries the mind away or in other words, the person
loses control on the behavioral functions during the state of anger. The major source of
anger is frustration of motives. However, anger is not a reflex, rather it is a result of our
thinking. Neither it is automatic nor uncontrollable and caused by others but it is a
self-induced choice that the individual makes. Anger is a result of your thinking and
hence it is controllable by your thoughts only.

Certain key points in anger management are as follows:

● Recognize the power of your thoughts
● Realize you alone can control it
● Do not engage in ‘self-talk that burns’. Do not magnify negative feelings. Do
not ascribe intentions and ulterior motives to others.
● Resist having irrational beliefs about people and events
● Try to find constructive ways of expressing your anger. Have control on the
degree and duration of anger that you choose to express
● Look inward not outward for anger control
● Give yourself time to change. It takes time and effort to change a habit
33. Why is anger called a negative emotion?
34. Write two measures to manage anger.


This is a very common behavioral disorder found among children of the primary school
age. It is characterized by impulsivity, excessive motor activity, and inability to attend.
The disorder is more prevalent among boys than among girls. If not managed properly,
the attention difficulties may persist into adolescence or adult years. Difficulty in
sustaining attention is a central feature of this disorder, which gets reflected in several
other domains of the child. Such children are highly distractible; they do not follow
instructions, have difficulty in getting along with parents, and are negatively viewed by
their peers. They do poorly in school, and show difficulty in reading or learning basic
subjects in school in spite of the fact that there is no deficit in their intelligence.

35. Identify the disorder.

36. Which are 2 major symptoms of this disorder.

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