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OXFORD Our leisure time © We are different! Revision 1 3 Amazing friendships 4 We love reading Revision 2 5 Time to celebrate! 6 Join in the fun! Revision 3 Self-assessment 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 Our leisure time Date: vite @ords in use Lelour act James and his classmates are writing about their weekend activities for the board display. Complete the sentences. Our weekend activities | oyeling My brother and 1 @) In the sports centre on Saturday. along the harbour play the ukulele in) every Saturday. We @ ge | | skateboarding in the park on Sunday. Ada Chan the children’s centre on Sunday. James Lee | | spend my weekend with my dog. |We play Frisbee ge joaging | on the beach. We i in the park. at the community Danny Wong } | centre once a month. i ine 8 FE cindy Poon il eH Wace | FS go hiking with my family on y oe = sunny weekends. Sometimes, | (D _92 roller skating with my friende, Samson Ng What do you do on Saturday and Sunday? Write two sentences about your weekend activities. The answer could be as follows. Ido karate on Saturday. | go cycling on Sunday, Talking about freuen Se James is asking his friend Lily about the activities she does. Look at Lily's timetable. Complete the conversation. Date; 1| | Sunday | | Monday Tuesday i Wednesday Thursday @ James: Lily: James: Lily: James: Lily: James: Lily: James: Lily: How often do you go jogging? Igo jogging four times a week How often do you go skateboarding? 1 go skateboarding twiceltwo times a week. How often go roller skating ? do you 1g I go roller skating three times a week How often do you do a jigsaw puzzle? do a jigeaw puzzle five times a week, How often do you play Frisbee? | play Frisbee once/one time a week. Date: @rammar in use Adve oF James is writing a report about what his friends do at the weekend. Complete the report. My friends’ weekend activities [tom | uily | [Patrick x v x Vdd | |Arv7 always W// = often vv =sometimes V=seldom x =never My friends do some fun activities at the weekend. Tom likes music. He @ always plays the ukulele. He is not good at sport. He | seldom goes cycling. He never goes roller skating or hiking. | Lily likes sport. She often goes cycling with her family. She sometimes goes roller skating in the park and hiking in | the countryside. | Patrick loves hiking. He @ always goes hiking with his uncle. He seldom goes cycling because he does not have a bicycle. He @ newer goes roller skating because he does | not like it. | Lily and Patrick do not like music. They il play the ukulele. i ation James meets two children at the children’s centre. Read their profile cards. Complete the conversations, Name: Jenny Number of visits ina week:___3 Activity: play the ukulele Frequency: Clalways [often WZ sometimes Oiseldom 7) never james: @ How often do you visit the children’s centre, Jenny? Jenny: I visit the children’s centre threstimes ag week. James: What do you do at the children’s centre? Jenny: 19 sometimes play the ukulele. Name: Eric = Number of visits in a week:___& oo Activity: do karate = R Frequency: always often sometimes []seldom [J never James: How often do you visit the children's centre, Eric? Eric: @ I visit the children's centre five times a week. James: (@ What do you do at the children's centre? Eric; @@ Lalnays do karate, How often do you visit a children’s centre? What do you do at the children’s centre? Write two sentences, The answer could be as follows. {leit the children's centre twice a week. Lofien do a jigsaw puzzle. | 2 We are different! Dates @ords in use rea ease Katy is making a poster for Friendship Day. Complete the poster. Dog and don’ts with your friends Dos | © Youcan play with your ~~ friends. It is fun. Look after your friends when they are sick. Listento___your friends’ problems." __Saysoryte your friends when you do something wrong. Don't fight with your friends, You may hurt each other. Don't @___ehoutat___your friends. It is very rude. Don't @ __makefunof___your friends. They may feel upset. BP 7 > ° Don't @ argue with your friends. “fy You can @__*akte____them \ { about your problems. Don't @ laugh at your friends. é They need your love and support. Date: ‘or. My They have ). They both work in ) Hospital. They work in the same place ___ (place). My parents are the same height j (height), but they are @_iferensweighss (weight). My dad likes playing badminton. | My mum likes playing basketball, They like diferent eports (sport), Se oports My parents have ham sandwiches for breakfast every morning. They like e the same kind of Food (kind Se atolind offoad of food). My dad likes drinking milk. My mum likes drinking tea. They like different drinks (drink). —— Afferent drinks | In what ways are your parents different or the same? Write a few sentences about Your parents with ‘different’ and ‘the same’, The answer could be as follows. My dad is a teacher. My mum is a nurse. They have different jobs. My parents enjoy swimming. They like the same eport. 1 : 1 | Date: @rammar in use ® Reciprocal pronoun: each other Katy is writing a story about two dogs. Complete the story with ‘each other’. bark at fight with get along with live next to look after play with —_rest next to share food with Choco and Milky Choco and Milky @@ _live next to each other get along They are good friends. They with each other very well. They always play with each other in the garden. They like playing with a ball. When they are tired, they rest next to each other on the grass. Choco and Milky are generous and helpful. They often share food with each other . When they get hurt, they @ __lookafter : each other Choco and Milky sometimes x e ——_barkateach other and YY make a lot of noise, but they seldom 8 fight with each other Date: Katy is exchanging emails with Ivan. Complete the emails with ‘different’, ‘the same’ and ‘each other’. Hello ivan, Ann is my good friend at school. We're both in ; ss 4B. We're in @ __thesameclaes We're both class short. We're @ ‘the game height -Llike badminton. Ann likes table tennis. We like different sports but we always | @ talk to each other | Do you have any good friends at school? What do you do with each other? Love, Katy Hello Katy, The answer could be as follows. Yes, Roy is my good friend at school. He's in Class 4A. I'm in Class 4C. We're in different classes. Roy is tall. 'm short. We're different helghte, We both like table tennis. We like the same sport. We always play with each other. Cheers, Ivan sport, play with Who is your best friend? What do you do with each other? Write two sentences. The answer could be as follows. John is my best friend, We share snacks with each other. 2) A Tim and his friends are writing about what they did last weekend on the school forum. Complete the forum posts. Use the correct form of the verbs. do a jigsaw puzzle do karate play Frisbee watch a concert laugh at look after say sorry to (eC I did karate with Kenny last Sunday. I twisted my ankle. Kenny looked after me. My parents and I watched a concert last Saturday night. It was great! After the concert, I my mum and I talked to each other about our favourite parts of the concert. 1 Jessie | Last Sunday, Dan and I did a jigsaw puzzle | together. 1@ sald sorry to Dan because ' I dropped the box of puzzle pieces on the floor. I Played Frisbee with Emily last Saturday. I threw it onto the tree. Emily 8 laughed at me. Pansy Date: _ B Tim took some photos in a zoo, He is writing captions for the photos. Complete $s) the photo captions with ‘different, ‘the same’ and ‘each other. £ | a activity age fight with get along well with o | colour kind of food _—_livenext to play with | place size“ roar at swim with | nen Se a The wolf is white. The bear is grey. They y different colours They rt . 4, (“1 are in @__ “ferent colours vil live next to each other . tT The lion and the tiger are three years old. Re They are thesameage They often roar at each other tre The deer and the horse like eating grass. They | like @ the same kind of food . They sometimes @__fighbwitheachother | Kis a6 fae r hn : Ny ~ The elephant is large. The bird is small. They are different sizes . They | 8 get along well with each other The whale and the dolphin live in the sea. They live in @___thesame place They always oO swim with each other The monkey likes climbing trees. The swan likes different activities swimming. They like They never ach other Date: ©) € Tim is writing about his friendship with his best friend. Look at Tim's friendship quiz, Complete the description. Friendship quiz | Your best friend's name: | How often do you do these things with your best friend? Cy) | . i always | often | sometimes | seldom | never | Fred is my best friend. Fred and I always talk to each other | We seldom argue with each other . We talk about our problems and we support each other. We often play with each other | We play with our toys three times a week. We ever fight with each other because we care about each other. We sometimes make fun of each other , but we do not get upset. Date: D Tim and Jessie are talking about the activities they do. Look at their timetables. Complete the conversation. 'S timetable Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday painting | swimming | swimming | swimming | swimming | ukulele imnetable Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday dance dance dance karate ukulele I have painting lessons on Monday. What about you? Ihave dance lessons on Monday. We have @9 __4ifferent lessons (lesson) on Monday. Tim: How often do you have dance lessons? isomatiinioe. have dance lessons. I do this three times a week. Tim: — Isee. I seldom have painting lessons. I do this 8 oncelone time aweek Jessie: You're in the school swimming team. How often do you have ewimming practice ? Tim: — Thave swimming practice B four times a week . Ido this from Tuesday to Friday. Jessie: Wow! You work so hard! I have karate lessons on Friday. We do @___ different sports (sport) on Friday. Ti Yes, but we play @ ‘the same musical instrument. (musical instrument) on Saturday. Jessie: That's right! We both have ukulele lessons on Saturday. I’m not good at playing the ukulele. I think it’s hard. Tim: Shall we practise the ukulele together? We can @ _help each other (help). Good idea! We can lear from each other (learn from). Revision 1 | 3 Amazing friendships Date: | @ords in use | Nathan is writing about his friends. Complete his descriptions. My friends Paul is eporty __. He loves ball games. Bonnie makes her bed every morning. She is ee . June is @ messy _. She often makes things untidy. Peter is quiet and cairn . He seldom feels angry. Kathy does not like meeting new friends. She is ehy . Harry is smart . He reads a lot and he knows about different things around the world. Danny does not get sick easily. He is healthy Olivia is pretty . She looks good. in photos. Allen is gentle _. He is kind to animals. Joanne always makes fun of her friends. She is naughty Adjeotives deacribing people Date: 4 | > a use O er + han Nathan is writing about his day with a friend on his blog. Complete the blog entry with | the correct form of the adjectives. | Mar calm funny good healthy large low short smart — strong _ tasty 5 November, Sunday wos @ better than yesterday. | visited Daniel's home today. His home has four rooms. My home only has two rooms. His home is @@__!argerthan ___s my home. We watched two cartoons in the morning. The second cartoon made us laugh a lot. It was funnier than the first cartoon we watched. It was rainy yesterday, but it was sunny today, The weather today | | | We had lunch at a restaurant this afternoon. | ordered steak and chips. Daniel ordered fruit salad. Daniel's food was @___healthierthan_ my food. Daniel waited a long time for his salad. The waiting time for my food was shorter than the waiting time for Daniel's food. The steak was yummy, but the fruit salad was not fresh. The steak was 6 tastier than the fruit salad. After lunch, we went to the park. We saw a bee there. Daniel screamed and ran. 1 was calmer than Daniel. 1 told him to stop screaming. We played a guessing game in the park. I got 8 points and Daniel got 10 points. My score is | 8 lower than Daniel's score. Daniel won because he is Qo smarter than me. On our way home, we saw an old lady with a heavy trolley. Daniel helped the old lady because he is ____strongerthan___sme. | — 15 i a | @rammar in use tha soot Nathan is writing about his good. friends at school. Complete the sentences. bad * fast good messy naughty neat ‘short slow smart strong — tall weak Ihave two good friends at school. Amy the talleet the shortest ‘the worst | My dance is the best . @Nathan We usually run in the PE lessons. I ! am the slowest -Ericis | the fastest \ | | Amy is the smartest. She helps us with our homework. 3 Eric is the naughtiest. He likes making paper planes using the exercise books. These are our desks. 1 Amy is the neatest. | | Eric is the messiest. ka | Bary Nathan, al Bere i Our school bags are heavy. s | o Amy ie the weakest. Eric is the strongest, Date: Nathan is writing about his relatives. Complete his descriptions. | have three uncles. Uncle Ben is the oldest {old/young). He is @__‘allerthan (short! | tall) Uncle Chris, but he is _ (short/tall) Uncle Tim. Uncle Chris is @ _the fattest_ (fat/thin) and Uncle Tim is thinnest (fatithin). | My uncles always cook for me. Uncle Ben's | noodles are @ better than (bad/ good) Uncle Tim's noodles, but his noodles are worse than (bad/good) Uncle Chris's noodles. shorter than I have three cousins. Sally @ is the fattest (fat/thin). Karl eo is older than (old/young) Sally, but he is younger than Gary (old/young). Karl @ _fe the tallest and Sally is the shortest (short/tall). wuld be as follows. My cousins always draw pictures. Gary's picture (B is better than Sally's picture, The answer but his picture is worse than Kar''s picture (bad/good). Compare yourself with two relatives or family members. Think of two things. Write two sentences with comparative and superlative adjectives, The answer could be as follows My father is tidier than my mother, but my mother is tidier than me. lam the messi | : 4 We love reading . Date: ; | @ords in use Debbie is writing a report about five books she read. Complete the report. The Moonstone is tory _. An expensive diamond went missing after a birthday party. The story is exciting because it is full of surprises. | kept reading to find out what happened. The Story of Helen Keller is a true story about a girl who could not see or hear. It is a very touching story. I cry every time I read how Helen learnt to speak and write. Coraline. Coraline is a ghost story . One day, a girl opened a locked door in an old house and scary things happened. The story is@___*ightening lam afraid of locked doors after reading it. My favourite book is The Snow Queen. It is a fairy tale about a magic mirror, two good friends and a queen in a cold, dark castle. The story is very popular . People in different parts of the world know the story. Romeo and Juliet is @ alove story The two lovers were in trouble because their families were enemies. I think the story is boring . | fell asleep when I read it. Date: LP im Use ore Debbie is writing a review about a new film and a cinema. Complete the review with the correct form of the adjectives. beautiful comfortable delicious. _ expensive interesting outgoing popular surprising I watched Mice 2 at King Cinema yesterday. Mice 2 is @__moreinteresting than Mice 1. It has more jokes and actions, The story of Mice 2 is about two mice Priscilla and Jessica. Jessica is @ more outgoing than Priscilla. She likes adventures. Priscilla wants to be more popular than Jessica. She did a lot of silly things to become popular. The ending | of Mice 2 is @ more surprising than the ending of | Mice 1.1 did not expect it at all. | King Cinema is a new cinema. Its design is more beautiful than | _________ the design of old Queen Cinema. The film tickets of King Cinema are @ ___mereexpensivethan _____the film tickets of Queen Cinema, but the seats in King Cinema are more comfortable than the seats in Queen Cinema. I bought popcorn and a hot dog from the snack bar. I think the | popcorn is @ more delicious than the hot dog. Date: Ovammar in use © ome, Debbie is telling her friends which book she is going to read. Look at the information. Complete what she says with the correct form of the words. | Magic Kingdom The River | After the Party ‘Price | a $139 - _. ($125 _ $98 : How difficult it ie oo oo6oo°0 666 How colourful the pe gae ° 6060 Pletures are ke - How attractive the eo0ce°6 °° eco | be r How exciting the cover is lstoryis ooo00 How boring the gg ° story is {| —— — How interesting | | the characters are ° S ie 7 [ il | oC [How popularitis |O@OG (GOS Magic Kingdom has @ the most colourful pictures and ‘the most attractive book cover, but it’s the most eweneWe. book. It’s $139. I can’t afford it. The River has a lot of difficult words and sentences. It is the most difficult book. Its story is also the most boring .P'm not going to read It. After the Party is @ the most popular book in my school. Many students read it. Iwant to read this book because it has ‘the most exciting story and 8 the most Intere: characters. Which book do you want to read? Why? Write one sentence. The answer could be as follows Lwant to read Magic Kingdom because it: has the most colourful pictures. Date: Debbie is comparing some books and films. Look at the information. Complete her book review and film review. A Long Eric's The Blue | Journey Secret Monster How exciting the storyis | @ 960 o 8 How touching the ending ls 10 © © 1° oo! How popular 6. 08 eee I read three books last week. I think The Blue Monster is @ more exciting than A Long Journey. Eric’s Secret is @ the most exciting book. The ending of The Blue Monster is more touching than the ending of Eric’s Secret, but A Long Journey has a the most touching ending. Eric's Secret is more popularthan___ Long Journey. The Blue Monster is @____themostpopular__ hook. Most people like it. | Last Summer | Lily Chu _| Train to Contra | How interesting the story is | @ © le [ece How exciting the endingis | _ _|9oo j|oo How popularitis = [OO —~«|@ oo ‘The answer could be as follows, I watched three films last week. @ [think Last Summer is mor Lily Chu. Train to Central is the most interesting film. resting than The ending of Train to Central is more exciting than the ending of Last Summer, but Lily Chu has the most exciting ending. Train to Central is more popular than Lily Chu. Last Summer is the most popular film. Most people like it. Date: Thomas read some storybooks in the library. He is writing a summary about them. Complete the summary. Mr Dickingon is @ The main character Mr Dickingon is smart . He learns things very quickly. I do not like the story. It is quite a boring There are no surprises. The same things keep happening in the story. I In the Forest is anadventure story The i | main character Mark is gain . { He is not nervous when he is in danger. There | are some big surprises in the story. I could hot guess what is going to happen. It is very i exciting . My Dear Wendy is a ghost story . The main character Wendy is a ghost. She lives in a doll. She is very @ naughty She likes scaring people and making fun of them. The story is frightening . It makes me afraid of dolls! i ! | ‘ i i | Mary's Romance is a love story . | A young man falls in love with a farm girl | called Mary. She has big eyes and curly hair. Many people think she is pretty * The ending is touching It makes | me ory. 22 Date: 8 Thomas is writing an email to Aunt May. Complete his email with the correct forms of the adjectives. bad big colourful comfortable — long naughty quiet —_— simple small nice To Subject Our new home q Dear Aunt May, My old room We moved home today. Our new home is closer to my school. My new room is bigger than my old room. There is space for a desk now. I can do homework in my room. I also have a new bed. It's. more comfortable than my old bed. I can fall asleep quickly now. The window in my new room is srnalier than the window in my old room, but the view from my new room is nicer than the view from my old room. I can see the beautiful green hills from my window now. We have two new cats too. Mimi's tail is Chest longer than Chestnut’s tail. ( . ———I *>a ® Chestnut is @ quieter than Mimi. a > He sleeps a lot and makes little noise. Mimi we Be ei naughtierthan Chestnut. She Mimi always runs around and bites things. Tony and I drew a picture of the view from our new home. I think Tony's picture is & __Worse than my picture. Do you think my picture is o more colourful than his picture? Date: Thomas is talking to his friend Andy about going to a theme park. Complete the conversation with the correct forms of the adjectives. Happyland Dino Pairk Fun Adventure Number of visitors |,000/day 3,000/day 2,000/day Ticket price $50 $450 $220 Size oo 606006 6800 Close to home 66060 ooo O6606 big cheap ~—close_-~—exciting-~—=—expensive good interesting new popular small Thomas: Which theme park shall we visit? Andy: — What about Dino Park? It's ‘the most popular theme park. It has 3,000 visitors every day. Thomas: It’s the biggest theme park too. It has the most rides and games. Oh, but its tickets are ‘the moet expensive . We don't have that much money. Andy: Then let's go to Happyland. Each ticket is only $50. It’s a the cheapest ! Thomas: Well ... it’s aie smaller, theme park. I'm afraic there isn’t much to do in Happyland. Andy: Shall we go to Fun Adventure then? It opened only four months ago. It's ‘the newest theme park. Its roller coaster is long and it goes through a dark mountain cave. It’s the most exciting ride! Fun ‘Adventure also has @ the most interesting characters. Silly Squirrel and Funny Fox are cute! We can take photos with them. Thomas: All right. Let's go to Fun Adventure then. It's not far. It's a the closest theme park to our homes. It 24 seems like ie choice. er Date: © Thomas is writing a web article about different restaurants near his home. Complete the article with the correct forms of the adjectives. Green Leaves Yummy Place Little Kitchen $200-$300 $100-$150 $50-$100 30 tables 50 tables 10 tables Waiting time 20-30 minutes 10-20 minutes 40-60 minutes How popular it is 9000 oo 60000 How delicious the food is OF OO C6 S000 How quiet it is ooo ° 60000 How good the service is OOOGG G6 ooo0 How comfortable itis GOCOG 60 eoo0 Restaurants near my home There are three restaurants near my home. The dishes in Green Leaves are @ themostexpensive They are around $200-$300. Its popularity score is four stars on the Internet. It is @ _more popular than Yummy Place. Yummy Place only has a popularity score of two stars, but it is 8 the biggest restaurant. It has 50 tables and there are always a lot of people. People talk loudly there. It is @__thenoisiest The waiters in Yummy Place often miss the orders. The service in Little Kitchen is @ better than the service in Yummy Place. The food there is @ more delicious than the food in Yummy Place too. However, the waiting time at Little Kitchen is the longest because there are very few tables. The waiting time at Green Leaves is 8 shorter than the waiting time at Little Kitchen. The environment at Green Leaves is Q the most comfortable . Itis clean and spacious. restaurant near my home. Revision 2 5 Time to celebrate! Date: @ords in use Halloween wear costumes go trick or treating At the @__Dragon Boot Feethal we eatrice dumplings and watch dragon boat races 8 At the Mid-Auturnn Festival . we gaze at the full moon oe fee QQ and Q@___— severe =A) YL os Christmas a __pubupaGivistmas tree and exchange Christmas gifts 26 Date: 5 | | ‘Crammer im use @ Preposition: at Ricky is writing an email to his friend Charles in the UK. Complete the email. at in or | To From Subject Festivals in Hong Kong Dear Charles, | How are you? Today is my school holiday. We’re celebrating the | Mid-Autumn Festival. The moon is very round @ atthe | Mid-Autumn Festival. This festival is usually @__in September or October. ——_!"___ late January or early February, we celebrate Chinese New Year. The celebrations last for several days. We do different festive activities on different days. My favourite festival is the Dragon Boat Festival. It’s @___°" _ the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. | like watching dragon boat races | and eating rice dumplings @ i this festival. ! enjoy Christmas too. My family and | put up a Christmas tree in early December every year. @___n Christmas Eve, we exchange gifts. | sing Christmas songs with my friends oO Zz Christmas. Halloween is coming soon. What do you do | ae Halloween in the UK? | | Best, | Ricky Grammar in use @ Date: Question words Ricky is chatting online with Charles, but they use the wrong question words, Write the correct question words in the brackets. A2}.6) x) Go Charles: Ricky: Charles: Ricky: Charles: Ricky: Charles: Ricky: Charles: Ricky: Charles: Ricky: Charles: Ricky: Charles: Ricky: Thanks for your email, Ricky! You have lots of wonderful festivals in Hong Kong. : Which —_) festival sounds the most interesting to you? I find the Mid-Autumn Festival very interesting. @ Whot ( Why ) do you celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival? We celebrate it because Chinese people worshipped the. moon in the past. Which ( How —_) do you celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival? We eat mooncakes and play with lanterns. We solve the riddles on lanterns too. It’s fun! Who( Where) do you play with lanterns? I usually play with lanterns in the park. When( = What +) else do you do? We gaze at the full moon. By the way, do you know the story of Lady Chang’e? No. @Which( = Who __) is Lady Chang’e? She's the lady of the moon. In Chinese legends, she took a magic pill and flew to the moon! Do you have a similar festival in the UK? Hmm, we don’t celebrate mid-autumn, but we celebrate midsummer! Why( When —_) do you celebrate midsummer? We celebrate it in June. Oh, that sounds interesting! Date: 5 Ricky is interviewing children from different parts of the world about their favourite festivals. Read the profile cards. Complete the conversations. | Name: Miyu Country: Japan Favourite feetival: the Japanese New Year (1 January) | Activities: i kimonos, visit temples : Ricky: Hello, Miyu. ® Welch festival do you like most? Miyu: I like the New Year most. Ricky: @ When 's the New Year in Japan? Miyu: It's on January ‘ Ricky: What do people do at the New Year in Japan? Miyu: We®@ wear kimonos and visit temples at the New Year in Japan. Name: Thomas | Country: the US Favourite festival: Halloween (31 October) Activities: wear costumes, go trick or treating Ricky: Hello, Thomas, @ Which festival do you like most? Thomas: like Halloween most. Ricky: Wher’e/When is Halloween in the US? Thomas: Is/It is on 31 October. Ricky: What do people do at Halloween in the US? Thomas: We wear costumes and go trick or treating at, Halloween in the US. | Which is your favourite festival? How do you celebrate it? Write two sentences. The answer could be as follows. . My favourite festival is Christmas. 1go Christmas shopping and have Christmas parties. fl 6 doin in the fun! : Date: © Things at the Funfair @ords in use cate on the font Donna is reading a leaflet about a funfair. Complete the leaflet. a merry-go-round bumper care a roller coaster a Ferris wheel a bouncy castle buy candyfioss at a food stall play games at a game booth Date: 100, either Donna is writing some notes about what she and her friends want or do not want to do at Winter Funfair, Complete the notes with ‘too’ or ‘either’. @ 1 want to go on the bumper cars. William wants to go on \ the bumper cars too @ Lily does not want to go on the roller coaster. William does not want to go on the roller coaster either Ido not wantto____——— ge ontheFerriowheel William does not want to go on the Ferris wheel either 1 I want to do face painting | Becky wants to do face painting too. Lily wants to play games at the game booths. Becky wants to play games at | the game booths too. | @ Lily does not want to twist balloons. Becky does not want to twist balloons either. What do you want to do at a funfair? What don’t you want to do there? Write four sentences with ‘too’ and ‘either’, The answer could be as follows. Iwant-to go on the roller coaster. I want to play games at the game booths too. 1 do riot want to do face painting. | do not want to twist balloons either. 32 Date: @rammar in use both and not Donna and her friends are at Winter Funfair. They are buying some snacks and drinks at a food stall. Complete what they say. Whos = | \ apple juice chicken wings i \ chips cola cupeakes \ hamburgers hot dogs i Vi tetas poreora salad | sandwiches tea; water leet) cay = @ Iwant to eat @ both ice cream’ I don’t want to drink @ olor chips and chipslice cream pple juice/apple juice or cola I don't want to eat @ hotdogs! Iwant to Gy arinkboth water _ popcorn _ or popcomlhot dogs and tealtea and water Iwant to buy @ bothhamburgers | | I don't want to have @ hotdogs, and chips/chips and hamburgers or sandwiches/sandwiches or hot dogs | e Idon't/do not want to buy cupcakes 8 Iwant to have both salad and or sandwiches/eandwiches or cupcakes. chicken wings/chicken wings and salad. What do and don’t you want to buy at a food stall? Write two sentences with ‘both and ...’and ‘or, Theanswer could be as follows, Iwant-to buy both chicken wings and chips. Ido not want to buy salad or ice cream. Date: Donna and Becky are writing about their day at Winter Funfair on their blogs. Complete the blog entries. 44>) &) ) A httpsywww.myblog.comidonnali - - Go 5 December, Saturday I went to Winter Funfair today. I went on the bumper cars. I did face painting @ too . I don't like going on the roller coaster or going on the bouncy castle. I didn't go on the roller coaster. I didn’t go on the bouncy castle either 7 I bought some snacks at a food stall. I ate both chips and ice cream. It was a fun day. 41>) } X) Aa) hetossimw.mybiog.c 5 December, Saturday The answer could be as follows. I went to Winter Funfair today. @ Twent on the merry-go-round. Iplayed games at a game booth/the game booths too. | dor't like going on the Ferris wheel or twisting balloons. I didn't go on the Ferris wheel. | didn’t twist balloons either. I bought some drinks at a food stall. | drank both water and tea. It was a fun day. Date: © A_ Emily is watching a TV programme about different festivals. Complete what the children say. Christmas 18 coming, | | Shall we @ pub up a Christmas with different colours. We can @ twist balloons into lovely bunnies too. Tm hungry, Let's go to the ——_feodetal want eat tice dumplings Do you want to play at this game booth ? We can @ solve riddles and win some toys. Are there any Halloween costumes? Iwant to g0 trick Or treating ting { | with my friends. Oh, I want to do face painting too. Is there any paint I cay put on my face? Date: Emily is writing about what she and her friends do at different festivals. Complete the sentences with ‘too’ or ‘either’. Christmas Easter | Mid-Autumn Festival | Halloween @ texchange Christmas gifts__@*__ Christmas. | Charles exchanges Christmas gifts at Christmas too, Ido not paint Easter eggs at Easter a4 Ruby does not paint Easter eggs at Easter either i I gaze at the full moon at the Mid-Autumn Festival | Charles gazes at the full moon at the Mid-Autumn Festival too | i @ Charles does not solve riddles at the Mid-Autumn Festival f ,_ does nob etiveriddies atthe Mien ee ——_— | Ruby does not solve riddles at the Mid-Autumn Festival either _t | | I do not wear costumes at Halloween Charles does not wear costumes at Halloween either @ Chatles goes trick or treating att Halloween. Ruby goes trick or treating at Halloween too. 35 | Date: ©) © Emily is talking to her classmate Amy about activities at Christmas. Complete the conversation. Emily: Amy: Emily: Amy: Emily: | Amy: Emily: Amy: Emily: Amy: Emily: Amy: Emily: Amy: | | Emily: i Amy: 36 Christmas is coming. Does your family have any plans? @ —__4ew___do you celebrate Christmas? We plan to have a family outing 7 Christmas. Where That sounds great! do you plan to go? We plan to go to Lamma Island. What do you want to do there? We want to visit Eric and go hiking. ug) 's Eric? Oh! He's my cousin. He and his family moved to Lamma Island tn October this year. Why did they move to Lamma Island? They moved to Lamma Island because they like Qh ithe view @ a the seafood there. Nice. My friends and I want to exchange gifts at a Christmas party. I'm not sure what to buy. Which do you think is better, a key ring or a photo frame? Hmm, I don't like key rings @ hal photo frames. What about a scarf? Good idea! I want to have alook at @___—both Rainbow Clothes Shop and Jolly Accessories. Itsounds good. @__— When's the Christmas party? It's a 24 December. I see. I hope you have a great time! Date: There are some mistakes in Emily's travel plan. Underline the mistakes and write the correct words in the blanks. Revision 3 Both my mum or I want to visit Thailand in April. and The Thai New Year starts on 13 April. The festive celebrations end on 15 April. Why do Thai people do on this festival? They wear new clothes. They visit temples either. ©eeese 6 3 & We plan to arrive at Thailand in 11 April. We plan to two places on our first day. We want buy them in Hong Kong. I love durian cookies. I to visit either a famous temple and a new @ __ beth shopping centre. The shopping centre opened on | a November this year. People in Thailand have water fights on the Thai | at New Year. They do not get angry and upset / o or when others splash water on them. They enjoy | the water fights. We want to join them! i At the last day of our trip, I want to buy | i | souvenirs. | do not want to buy dried mangoes. | Ido not want to buy coconut sweets too. I can | __cither | | love elephant T-shirts either. £00. Who kind of souvenirs shall we buy more, snacks Which | or clothes? I wonder our suitcases must be full! |

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