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Pre-Test (Date Completed: November 5, 2021)

Instruction: True or False. Read each item. Write True if the statement is true and
False if otherwise. Write your answer on the space provided for.
___True___ 1. Childbearing is an economic decision.
___False___ 2. Dependency burden refers to the proportion of the population aged 0
to 15 and over 65 years old.
___True___ 3. There is evidence to show that population growth has negative
effects on economic growth, poverty reduction, environment, and
___True___ 4. Fertility rate in developing countries had been declining.
___True___ 5. The largest reduction in the birthrate is the increase in the
opportunity cost of a woman’s time.
___True___ 6. The number of live births per 1000 people in the population per year
refers to the crude birth rate.
___False___ 7. Public health improvements mostly likely to reduce the birthrate.
___True___ 8. Fertility rate in developing countries has been declining.
___True___ 9. Malthusian population trap assumes that fertility increases with per
capita income.
___True___ 10. Projections place the world population by 2050 between 8 to 10

Learning Activities: (Date Completed: November 5, 2021)

There are two statements below. Choose only one statement to answer.
(Statement 1) Think of other measures to CURB surge of population. Cite only ONE then
Promoting family planning is really crucial at beginning of the relationship. Knowledge
of the significance of utilizing contraception in order to keep the number of new births
each year under control. This would be extremely advantageous to the rest of society
in order to avoid any negative consequences brought on by overpopulation.

Instruction: Define the following terms and concepts.
1. Birth Rate
It is a ratio between the number of live-born births in the year and the average total
population of that year.
2. Death Rate
Simply, it is the number of deaths in the population divided by the average population.
3. Demographic Transition
According to J. Brodsky (2008), demographic transition is a long-term trend of
deteriorating birth and death rates due to the subsequent changes in the age of
distribution of a population.
4. Fertility Rate
In line with the idea of Health STATS, this rate is a number of live births per 1,000 women
of reproductive age (15-49 years) per year.
5. Mortality Rate
According to Centers for Disease and Prevention, mortality rate is defined as a measure
of the frequency of occurrence of death in a defined population during a specific interval.

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