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AURAK. SAS. MEEL. EDUC 620. ID2021005221 Khilola Alihon


Classroom Management
4 3 2 1
Highly Effective Effective Improvement Necessary Does Not Meet Standards

The teacher:
a. Is direct, specific, consistent, and Clearly communicates and Comes up with ad hoc rules and
Expectations Announces and posts classroom
tenacious in communicating an d consistently enforces high standards punishments as events unfold
rules and punishments.
enforcing very high expectations. for student behavior. during the year.
Shows warmth, caring, respect Is fair and respectful towards Is sometimes unfair and
Relationships Is fair and respectful toward most
and fairness for all students and students and builds positive disrespectful to the class; plays
students’ relationships with some.
builds strong relationships. relationships. favorites.
c. Wins all students’ respect and
Wins the respect of some students Is not respected by students and the
Respect creates a climate in which Commands respect and refuses to
but there are regular disruptions in classroom is frequently chaotic and
disruption of learning is tolerate disruption.
the classroom. sometimes dangerous.
d. Implements a program that
Fosters positive interactions among Often lectures students on the need Publicly berates “bad” students,
Social-emotional successfully develops positive
students and teachers’ useful social for good behavior and makes an blaming them for their poor
interactions and social-emotional
skills. example of “bad” students. behavior.
Successfully instills class routines Tries to train students in class Does not teach routines and is
Routines Teaches routines and has students
up front so that students maintain routines but many of the routines constantly nagging, threatening,
maintain them all year.
them throughout the year. are not maintained. and punishing students.
f. Develops students’ self-discipline
Successfully develops students’ Tries to get students to be Is unsuccessful in fostering self-
Responsibility and teaches them to take
self-discipline, self-efficacy, and responsible for their actions, but discipline in students; they are
responsibility for their own actions.
sense of responsibility. many lack self-discipline. dependent on the teacher to behave.
Has a highly effective discipline Has a repertoire of disciple Has a limited disciplinary Has few discipline “moves” and
repertoire and can capture and “moves” and can capture and repertoire and students are constantly struggles to get students’
hold students’ attention any time. maintain students’ attention. frequently not paying attention. attention.
h. Uses coherence, lesson Maximizes academic learning time
Sometimes loses teaching time due Loses a great deal of instructional
Efficiency momentum, and silky-smooth through coherence, lesson
to lack of clarity, interruptions, and time because of confusion,
transitions to get the most out of momentum, and smooth
inefficient transitions, interruptions and ragged transitions.
every minute. transition’s,

AURAK. SAS. MEEL. EDUC 620. ID2021005221 Khilola Alihon


Is alert, poised, dynamic, and Is a confident, dynamic “presence” Tries to prevent discipline problems Is unsuccessful at spotting and
self-assured and nips virtually all and nips most discipline problems but sometimes little things escalate precenting discipline problems, and
discipline problems in the bud. in the bud. into big problems. they frequently escalate
Gets students to buy into a highly Uses extrinsic rewards in an Gives away “goodies: (e.g., free
Incentives Uses incentives wisely to encourage
effective system of incentives attempt to get students to cooperate time) without using it as a lever to
and reinforce student cooperation.
linked to intrinsic rewards. and comply. improve behavior.

Overall rating: __38

Standard Comments:
a. The teacher communicated consistently and enforced high standards for students.
Expectations By singing the topic song students learn outcomes.

b. The positive relationship with the students is observed in the overall classroom environment and the teacher’s interaction with the
Relationships students

c. Effectively maintains eye contact and enables students to express themselves respectfully

d. Open-ended questions, reflective listening, validation statements, expressions of enthusiasm

Social- or interest and compliments help students—especially shy and introverted students—ease into classroom discussions.
e. Teacher well-organized transitions to cooperative group work. Students understand independent work time.
Routines The teacher’s instructions were clear and were delivered in a consistent manner.

f. Students co-operated with the teacher and with each other. The teacher reminded students to work in pairs and provide verbal
Responsibility feedback to their partners

g. The teacher was clear in presenting key concepts and key ideas about learning outcomes. She engaged and supported pupils in
Repertoire active learning and higher-order thinking. Also, she established an interactive, well-organized dialogue with the class.

AURAK. SAS. MEEL. EDUC 620. ID2021005221 Khilola Alihon


h. Teacher demonstrated active supervision of the classroom and is highly efficient in smoothly transitioning from one task to
Efficiency another.

i. The teacher is enthusiastic about learning and motivates students to participate in learning thus providing no scope for discipline
Prevention problems

j. Teacher used incentives, mostly verbal feedback wisely to encourage and reinforce student cooperation.

Overall rating: ___38__

AURAK. SAS. MEEL. EDUC 620. ID2021005221 Khilola Alihon

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