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Relationship of

Globalization and Religion


Regionalism is emerging today as a potent force in the

processes of globalization. If globalization is regarded
as the compression of the temporal and spatial aspects
of social relations, then regionalism may be understood
as but one component, or 'chapter' of globalization
(Mittelman 1996a, 189).

Globalisation helps to increase greater

religious tolerance and acceptance of
other culture and religion that enhances
our mind, knowledge etc. With
globalisation religion becomes a culture
of pluralism that teach us to respect of
other religions. In one country, people
from different religions live in harmony
and peace and also respect one another.

Three Perspectives on Religion in the globalization.

1. Modernist Perspective
Enlightenment and secularization progressively
spreads from the educated elite to other people as
well, from the center of society to the periphery. If
any religious communities should remain, they are
composed of marginal people — marginal
geographically, economically, or ethnically.
Religious communities are almost like social

2. Post-Modernist Perspective
The post-modernist perspective can include “spiritual
experiences,” but only those without religious (in the
original sense of “binding”) constraints. The New Age
movement can be interpreted as the ideal-typical post-
modernist spiritual expression. Post-modernists are also
drawn to superficial, Americanized versions of certain
Eastern religions, especially “lite” Buddhism and
Hinduism. They are also drawn to an Americanized
version of nature worship, a sort of neo-paganism.

3. Pre-Modernist Perspective
There is an alternative perspective, one which is
post-modern in its occurrence but which is pre-
modern in its sensibility. It is best represented
and articulated by the Roman Catholic Church,
especially by Pope John Paul II. The Pope’s
understanding obviously has drawn from his
experiences with Poland, but it encompasses
events in other countries as well.

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