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Kĩ năng nói, ghi âm trên máy 12 phút. Chia ra làm 3 phần - ghi âm làm 3 lần

Test 1. Part 1: Social Interaction (3’)– tương tác xã hội (sẽ có 2 chủ đề, mỗi 1 chủ đề
là 3 câu hỏi, thí sinh phải trả lời đầy đủ tổng số 6 câu trong phần này). Thời gian ghi
âm tối đa là 3 phút. Có câu hỏi nào thì trả lời câu hỏi đó, ko bỏ qua câu hỏi nào cả.

Cách ghi âm: ghi âm phần bôi vàng và phần bôi đỏ, lưu ý: ko nhắc lại câu hỏi mà
thay vào đó là Question 1 (Q1) cộng nội dung trả lời câu hỏi số 1/ Question 2 (Q2)
cộng nội dung trả lời câu hỏi số 2/ Question 3 (Q3) cộng nội dung trả lời câu hỏi số 3.
Lưu ý: Phải chuẩn sẵn sàng, đọc kĩ câu hỏi, xem định trả lời ntn thì mới nhấn nút
ghi âm. Tránh trường hợp nhất nút ghi âm xong ko biết trả lời ntn, đến lúc định
hình đc câu trả lời thì ko đủ thời gian hoặc hết 3 phút.
Now, let’s talk about Happiness.

- Are you a happy person? Q1 I think so because I’m satisfied /se tít s phai/ with
everything in my life /lai/ now. (Q1 Yes, I am.)
- What usually makes you happy? Q2 The thing that makes me happy is when I
have a good job /dóp/ and a happy family. (Q2 I have a good job.)
- What makes you feel unhappy? Q3 I feel /phia/ unhappy /ăn hép pi/ when I get
stressed, for example /ích dam pờ/, having a quarrel /cua rờ/ with my partner /pát
nờ/ or miss the contract /con trách/ with a big customer /cát s từm mờ/ in the
company. (Q3 when I get stressed.)
Now, let’s talk about Neighbours /nây bờ/ and Neighbourhood.
- Do you like your neighbours? Q1 I think I have a good relationship /ria lây sừn
síp/ with my neighbours /nây bờ/ because they are so friendly /phờ ren đ ly/ and
helpful. (Q1 yes, I do)
- What is your neighbourhood /nây bờ hút/ like? Q2 They are friendly /phờ ren đ ly/
and kind /kai/. (Q2 friendly and kind)
- Do you think it is important to have a good relationship with your neighbours? Q3
I think it is really /ria li/ important /im pót từn/ to get on well with my
neighbors /nây bờ/ because it will enhance /in han/ my social /sâu sờ/ bond. (Q3
yes, I do)
That’s all

Part 2: Solution Discussion (4’) – Giải quyết tình huống, yêu cầu của đề bài: có 1
tình huống kèm 3 giải pháp, bạn phải lựa chọn 1 giải pháp tối ưu nhất và giải thích.
Đồng thời, 2 giải pháp còn lại ko chọn cũng phải giải thích. Cách trả lời: nói phần
bôi đỏ.
Situation: A couple wants to celebrate their wedding day. They are thinking about three
places: in a restaurant, in the park, or at home. Which place do you think is the best
choice for them?
There are many places /pờ lết si/ to celebrate /se lơ bờ rết/ a wedding day like in a
restaurant /rét ron/, in the park or at home. In my opinion /o pi niền/, holding /hâu đinh/
a wedding in the park is the best choice /choi/ because of some following reasons /pho
lâu inh ri zừn/: Firstly /phớt s li/, an outdoor setting gives you the flexibility /phờ lếch si
bi li ti/ to choose /chu:z/ any wedding theme /thim/. Secondly /se cừn đ li/, it has enough
/in náp/ space for a large /lát/ number of guests /gét/.
There are several /se vờ rờ / reasons /ri zừn I don’t choose chu:z/ other /a dờ/
options /óp sừn/. For taking /thếch kinh/ place in a restaurant /rét ron/, it is quite /quai/
noisy and crowded /cờ rao đựt/. Holding /hâu đinh/ a wedding party at home is not really
convenient /cơn vi niền/ because it has small space.
To sum /săm/ up, if I were /gua/ in the situation /si tiu ây sừn/, I would /út/ opt /óp/
to celebrate //se lơ bờ rết/ a wedding day in the park due to /điu tu/ its
convenience. /cơn vi niền/
That’s all.

A couple wants to celebrate their wedding day. They are thinking about three places: in
a restaurant, in the park, or at home. Which place do you think is the best choice for

Cách trả lời ngắn gọn: (ko khuyến khích trả lời theo PA này)
A couple wants to celebrate their wedding day. They are thinking about three places: in a
restaurant, in the park, or at home.
I think in a restaurant (sự lựa chọn đầu tiên - cụm từ in đậm đầu tiên) is the best choice
because it’s useful. I don’t choose the other 2 options because they are not so useful.

Part 3: Topic development (5’) Phát triển chủ đề: có 2 nhiệm vụ (1) nói về chủ đề
cho sẵn, dựa vào sơ đồ gợi ý bên dưới (2) trả lời 3 câu hỏi có liên quan đến chủ đề
vừa nói. Liên quan đến nhiệm vụ 2, các bạn lưu ý: ko nhắc lại câu hỏi mà thay đó
vào đó là Q1, Q2, Q3 cộng nội dung của câu trả lời.

Cách ghi âm: Ghi âm phần bôi đỏ.

Topic: Life in cities has its drawbacks.

High cost of living

Negatives of city
[Your own ideas]

Traffic congestion

There are some drawbacks (đờ ro bách) of living in the city.

The higher /hai gờ/ cost of living is the first /phớt/ disadvantage (đis ất van tít) that
people typically (ti pi cờ li) think of when considering /cơn si đơ rinh/ moving /mu vinh/
to a city.
Secondly /se cừn đ li/, big /bích/ cities will have higher /hai gờ/ crime rates /rết/ than
other /a dờ/, because more people will create /cờ ri ết/ more crime.
Also, Traffic congestion /con giét sừn/ is always a nightmare. /nai me/
Finally, city living is generally /den nơ rơ li/ equated /i quết tựt/ to loss of physical /phi
síc cờ/ activity.
Cách trả lời ngắn gọn:
Life in cities has its drawbacks. Firstly, high cost of living. Secondly, crime. Thirdly,
traffic congesstion. To sum up, Life in cities has its drawbacks.
- Why do some people prefer to live in a city? Q1 Because it has more job
opportunities /óp pơ tiu ni ti/ and better healthcare /heo ke/. (Because it is
interesting) in trít s tinh
- How can traffic be reduced in a city? Q2 I think people should reduce the number
of private /pờ rai vết/ cars on the road /rốt/ and turn /tơn/ to use public /pắp lích/
transport /trans pót/ instead /in s tít/. (people should use public transport)
- Do you think living in the city is good or bad for old people? Q3 Living in the city
is not good for old people because it is really noisy and crowded. (It is good/ It is

That’s all.
Part 1: Social Interaction (3’)– tương tác xã hội (sẽ có 2 chủ đề, mỗi 1 chủ đề là 3 câu
hỏi, thí sinh phải trả lời đầy đủ tổng số 6 câu trong phần này). Thời gian ghi âm là 3
Cách ghi âm: ghi âm phần bôi vàng và phần bôi đỏ, lưu ý: ko nhắc lại câu hỏi mà
thay vào đó là Question 1 (Q1) cộng nội dung trả lời câu hỏi số 1/ Question 2 (Q2)
cộng nội dung trả lời câu hỏi số 2/ Question 3 (Q3) cộng nội dung trả lời câu hỏi số 3.

1. Now, let’s talk about Friends.

1. How often do you like hanging out with friends?Q1 Actually/ ách trua ly/, I often
spend my weekend having afternoon tea with my buddies. /bát đi s/
2. Who do you like to hang out with? Q2 My best friends, of course. Sometimes, I also
go out with some of my colleagues /co lít chi/
3. Do you like to go out with a big group or just a few friends?Q3 I’m not really fond of
crowded /cờ rao đựt/ group so I just hang out with some of my buddies. /bát đi s/
2. Now, let’s talk about Colours.
1. What is your favourite colour? I really match /mét/ with bright /bờ rai/ color, so my
favorite /phây vơ rít/ one is yellow /dia lâu/ Q1
2. Are there any colours you dislike? Why/Why not? I’m not really keen on black
because I think it represents /ri pờ ri den/ bad luck. Q2
3. How are colours important to you? I’m quite /quai/ superstitious /siu pơ ti ti ớt/ so I
often choose /chu:z/colors that match /mét/ with my life palace /pe lít s/. Q3

That’s all

Part 2: Solution Discussion (4’)

Now look at part 2.

In this part, you will be given a situation with THREE options. You will have to say
which option you will choose and explain why. You will also have to say why you don’t
choose the other two options.

Solution Discussion (4’) – Giải quyết tình huống, yêu cầu của đề bài: có 1 tình huống
kèm 3 giải pháp, bạn phải lựa chọn 1 giải pháp tối ưu nhất và giải thích. Đồng thời,
2 giải pháp còn lại ko chọn cũng phải giải thích. Cách trả lời: nói phần bôi đỏ.

Situation: You and your partner are going to London together next month. Which do
you think is the most useful to take along with? Extra money, a map of the city or a
phrase book?
There are many things to consider /cơn si đờ/ taking /thếch kinh/ along with when
we have a trip to London like extra money, a map of the city or a phrase /phờ rây s/
book. In my opinion, it is better to take some extra money because of the following
reasons. Firstly, it helps you to buy necessary / ne sớt sơ ri/ things like food, drinks or in
some places /pờ lết si/ you have to pay extra fee. Secondly, you are not put in a
passive /pát si/ situation without money.

There are several reasons I don’t choose /chu/ other /a dờ/ items /ai từm/. For a
map, I think it is easy to buy it when you get there. For a phrase /phờ rây s/ book, it is
better to use google translate /tran s lết/ with many useful /iu s phu/ functions. /phăng
To sum up, for the most helpful things, I would opt the extra money due to its
usefulness /iu s phu nits/ in every situation. /si tiu ấy sừn/

That’s all

Cách 2: Cách trả lời ngắn gọn: (ko khuyến khích trả lời theo PA này)
I and my partner are going to London next month. I think Extra money (sự lựa chọn đầu
tiên - cụm từ in đậm đầu tiên) is the best choice because it’s useful. I don’t choose the
other 2 options /dì a dờ tu óp sừn/ because they are not so useful.

Part 3: Topic development (5’)

In this part, you will have to present on a topic that you will see in the outline below.
After your presentation, you will be asked THREE follow-up questions related to the

Topic development (5’) Phát triển chủ đề: có 2 nhiệm vụ (1) nói về chủ đề cho sẵn,
dựa vào sơ đồ gợi ý bên dưới (2) trả lời 3 câu hỏi có liên quan đến chủ đề vừa nói.
Liên quan đến nhiệm vụ 2, các bạn lưu ý: ko nhắc lại câu hỏi mà thay đó vào đó là
Q1, Q2, Q3 cộng nội dung của câu trả lời.

Topic: Tourism can have negative effects on the natural environment and local cultures.
It is undeniable /ăn đi nai ây bờ/ that there are many drawbacks /đờ ro bách/ of tourism
/tua ri dừm/ on natural /ne trờ rờ/ environment /in vai rờ mừn/ and local /lô cờ/ cultures
/kan trờ/.
Firstly, it releases /ri li z/ a large /lát/ amount of /ơ mao/ waste and pollution /pơ lu sừn/
into the environment /dì in vai rờ mừn/ because visitors throw rubbish /rắp bít/
everywhere they go.
Secondly, tourism /tua ri dừm/ industry /in đát s tri/ also endangers /in đen dờ/ local /lô
cờ/ cultures /kan trờ/. (when exotic cultures from visitors gradually /gờ re điu ờ li/
assimilate / ơ si mi lết/ local culture. /lô cờ/ cultures /kan trờ)
Thirdly, it also puts pressure on local resources /ri sót si/ when many natural places are
devastated /đi vát s tựt/ for resorts.
Finally, mass tourism can contribute to climate change when many natural forest or sea
are destroyed. /đít troi/
Cách trả lời ngắn gọn:
Tourism can have negative effects on the natural environment and local cultures. Firstly,
waste and pollution. Secondly, endangers /in đen dờ/ local /lô cờ/ cultures /kan trờ/.
Thirdly, pressure on local resources. To sum up, Tourism can have negative effects on
the natural environment and local cultures.

1. Do you think tourism is a good industry to work in for young people in your country? I
think so, because this industry really need young human resources to take tours and do
services. Q1 (Yes, I do)
2. What is the most important factor for a tourist attraction? I think it is the stunning view
of the landscape which make visitors attracted. Q2 (stunning view of the landscape)
3. Should there be any restrictions on the tourism industry? I think we should restrict the
number of visitors in one place Q3

That’s all
Code 2
PART 1: Social Interaction (3’)
1. Let’s talk about Food. (thức ăn)
- What kinds of food do you like?
Q1 I am keen on Vietnamese traditional foods as they preserve the cultural identity of
our country and are very delicious.
- Are you good at cooking? If yes, who taught you how to cook?
Q2 I can cook pretty well because I learn it from my mother, who used to work as a
chef in the local restaurant.
- What kinds of food are the most popular in your country?
Q3 I think rice is the one. People eat rice in 3 main meals and make a lot of cakes out
of it. It is nutritious and affordable.

2. Let’s talk about Flowers. (hoa)

- Do you like flowers?
Q1 I love them because they are colorful and can add a lot of excitement and life
energy to my life.
- Why do some people like flowers?
Q2 I think it is because flowers represent beauty and optimism. They are cheap to buy
in my country, too.
- On what occasions do people send or receive flowers?
Q3 People in Vietnam often send and receive flowers on birthday or graduation day
because they represent a special congratulation of the sender.
That’s all
PART 2: Solution Discussion (4’)
Situation: A group of your friends is planning for an outdoor camping. They are
thinking of the most important things they should take along with: a camera and a
radio, a tent and some food, an umbrella and warm clothes. Which do you think
would be the most useful?

I think that this group should bring a tent and some food during their camping trip
because a tent will provide them an important temporary shelter while having fun in the
nature. It is very difficult to find an accommodation in a camping trip. Some food can be
used when they are hungry and would like to refill their energy.
I don’t think that they should bring a camera and a radio because they are very heavy
when carrying on a long journey and are not very useful. A smart phone can replace
both of them. An umbrella and warm clothes are not useful because they will feel very
hot after hours walking and having fun.
That’s all

PART 3: Topic development (5’)

Topic: People are using a lot of online language translation applications.

Today I would like to talk about the benefits of using online language translation
applications. Firstly, they can help people and students save money because they do
not have to hire a professional translator to know the meaning of the text or
understand foreigners. Secondly, they are very convenient because people can
download and install the applications on the smart phone and use them at any time.
Thirdly, they are significant for tourists to other countries in the world because they
can help them understand the local people and read the information on the street
- Are there words in your language that you think are almost impossible to
Q1 They are often words that related to culture and religions.
- Have you made any funny mistakes because of online language translation
Q2 Yes, the recent time when I had to use applications to translate my orders to a
waiter, he misunderstood me and brought me a cup of coffee instead of tea.
- Do you need an in-depth knowledge of the other culture to be able to do a
good translation?

Q3 I think we need to understand a culture very well in order to translate effectively

because there are cultural meaning of words and texts.
That’s all

Code 3
PART 1: Social Interaction (3’)
Now, let’s talk about Happiness.
- Are you a happy person?
- What usually makes you happy?
- What makes you feel unhappy?
Now, let’s talk about Neighbours and Neighbourhood.
- Do you like your neighbours?
- What is your neighbourhood like?
- Do you think it is important to have a good relationship with your neighbours?

PART 2: Solution Discussion (4’)

Situation: A couple wants to celebrate their wedding day. They are thinking about three
places: in a restaurant, in the park, at home. Which place do you think is the best choice
for them?

PART 3: Topic development (5’)

Topic: Life in cities has its drawbacks.

- Why do some people prefer to live in a city?

- How can traffic be reduced in a city?
- Do you think living in the city is good or bad for old people?
Hướng dẫn cách trả lời ngắn gọn: (áp dụng khi chúng ta quên ND ôn tập.)

Part 1 + Part 3: có các câu hỏi theo chủ đề:

1, Do you ….? Yes, I do

2, Why…? Because it’s interesting

3, câu hỏi có chứa A or B? lựa chọn sau câu trả lời sau “or”

Part 2: Phần giải quyết tình huống (tình huống cho sẵn kèm 3 giải pháp…..)

- Bước 1: copy 2 câu đầu, thay đổi ngôi: Your - my/ you - I (me)

My foreign friend wants to travel around Hanoi capital. She wants me to recommend the
most useful means of transport.

- Bước 2: chọn và gthich, ko chọn 2 cái còn lại và giải thích

“I think A (chính là sự lựa chọn đầu tiên - cụm từ in đậm đầu tiên) would be the most
useful, the other 2 options are not so useful.”

Đáp án: My foreign friend wants to travel around Hanoi capital. She wants me to
recommend the most useful means of transport. I think buses would be the most useful,
the other 2 options are not so useful. That’s all.

Part 3: Topic development

- Bước 1: nói cụm từ sau từ Topic

People watch TV for many purposes.
- Bước 2: Firstly, cộng ND ô số 1 (relaxing)/ Secondly, cộng ND ô số 2 (Visual
travelling)/ Thirdly, cộng ND ô số 3 (enhancing knowledge)
- Bước 3: To sum up, nói cụm từ sau từ Topic
To sum up, People watch TV for many purposes.

Đáp án: People watch TV for many purposes. Firstly, relaxing/ Secondly, Visual
travelling/ Thirdly, enhancing knowledge. To sum up, People watch TV for many
Phần trả lời câu hỏi: Xem ở P1 + P3

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