TST N 002 02.21 001 (01) Product Cleanliness Power Electronics

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Standard for product cleanliness Doc.

Type TST
PPoeroopewr Doc. Num. N 002 02.21
Power electronics for electrical drives Doc. Part 001 Doc. Ver. 01
Date: 2016-05-09 Page 1 of 5


Changes ........................................................................................................................................................2
Previous Editions ...........................................................................................................................................2
1 SCOPE ................................................................................................................................................2
2 RELATED DOCUMENTS ...................................................................................................................2
3 DESCRIPTION OF THE ANALYSIS METHOD AND ANALYSIS REPORT.......................................2
3.1 General analysis requirements ...........................................................................................................2
3.2 Methods of extraction of particulate contaminants..............................................................................2
3.3 Particle mass determination by gravimetric analysis ..........................................................................3
3.4 Particle sizing and counting by microscopic analysis .........................................................................3
3.5 Analysis report.....................................................................................................................................3
4 SPECIFICATION OF CLEANLINESS REQUIREMENT .....................................................................3
4.1 Specification of fibers cleanliness requirements .................................................................................3
4.2 Specification of particulate cleanliness requirements .........................................................................4
4.3 Gravimetric limits.................................................................................................................................4
5 TEST FREQUENCY............................................................................................................................4
6 ESCALATION PROCEDURE / OUTLIER REGULATION ..................................................................4
7 ABBREVIATIONS / ACRONYMS .......................................................................................................5
8 INTERPRETATION OF „SHALL“ ........................................................................................................5

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Inhalts sind verboten, soweit nicht ausdrücklich gestattet. Zuwiderhandlungen verpflichten zu of its contents to others without express authorization is prohibited. Offenders will be held
Schadenersatz. Alle Rechte für den Fall der Patent-, Gebrauchsmuster- oder liable for the payment of damages. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a patent,
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No guarantee can be given in respect of the translation.
In all cases the latest German-Language version of this
standard shall be taken as authoritative. NOTE NO. CREATED BY APPROVED BY RELEASED BY

T. Zeike QPS
ZQN-16100225 A. Tuerkmen
A. Kircher
M. Heck
82.9212-0000.4 / 800 / 02 „docx“
Standard for product cleanliness Doc. Type TST
PPoeroopewr Doc. Num. N 002 02.21
Power electronics for electrical drives Doc. Part 001 Doc. Ver. 01
Date: 2016-05-09 Page 2 of 5

 changes acc. VDA 19 Version 2015
 failure corrections
 removal of clarification sheet but added analysis details and report details required for reporting
 added chapter test frequency
 added chapter escalation procedure
 fiber limit changed from 1000µm to 2000µm (elongated)

Previous Editions



This specification defines cleanliness requirements of components for Continental Powertrain HEV Power
Electronics. This specification deals with particle cleanliness.
This specification defines the approach used in the characterization and measurement of contamination.
This specification describes the principles of extraction of contaminants and defines how to determine the
mass of particle. It also defines methods for determining the size and number of particle contamination,
which have been extracted from components.

ISO 16231- 3 Straßenfahrzeuge - Sauberkeit von Komponenten für Fluidsysteme - Teil 3:
Probengewinnung durch Spritzreinigung zum Nachweis von Partikeln (2007-06)
ISO 16231- 6 Straßenfahrzeuge - Sauberkeit von Komponenten für Fluidsysteme - Teil 6:
Gravimetrische Analyse (2007-06)
ISO 16231- 7 Straßenfahrzeuge - Sauberkeit von Komponenten für Fluidsysteme - Teil 7: Größen und
Anzahlbestimmung von Partikeln durch mikroskopische Analyse (2007-06)
VDA 19 Part 1 Inspection of Technical Cleanliness - Particulate contamination of funcionally
relevant automotive components (Second Edition; 2015-03)
TST N 002 02.00 021 Standards for Product Cleanliness: Cleanliness Inspections - Interpretation and
Reaction (2015-09)


3.1 General analysis requirements

The analysis acc. VDA19 part 1/ISO16232 shall be performed by an accredited laboratory acc. ISO/EC
17025. In case a laboratory is part of the legal entity of the supplier, Continental can be asked to agree on
this alternative.
Before a cleanliness analysis is performed, the extraction method shall be qualified by an extraction
curve/decay curve (according VDA 19). Depending on the part the sum of the surface should be – if possible
– close to 1000cm².

3.2 Methods of extraction of particulate contaminants

The test-fluid has to be selected according to VDA 19 part 1, Table A2. It shall be documented in the test
report. Test method is pressure rinsing per default, alternatives have to be agreed by Continental HEV. If no
parameters for the extraction are defined in a related technical specification – by Continental or experience
with similar products – the start parameters from VDA 19 part 1 (2015) chapter 6.4.2. shall be used.

82.9212-0000.4 / 800 / 02 „docx“

Standard for product cleanliness Doc. Type TST
PPoeroopewr Doc. Num. N 002 02.21
Power electronics for electrical drives Doc. Part 001 Doc. Ver. 01
Date: 2016-05-09 Page 3 of 5

3.3 Particle mass determination by gravimetric analysis

The particle mass determination shall be done by gravimetric analysis as described in ISO 16232-6/VDA 19
part 1.

3.4 Particle sizing and counting by microscopic analysis

The particle sizing and counting shall be done by light optical microscopic analysis as described in ISO
16232-7/VDA 19 part 1. Particle counting shall be differentiated in metallic shiny-, non-metallic-shiny-
particles and fibers. Fibers (see chapter 3) shall not be counted as particles and should be separate reported
in the analysis report. As filter a 5µm mesh/fabric filter shall be used (in acc. with VDA 19 part 1, chapter
7.2.), exceptions needs to be releases by Continental.

3.5 Analysis report

The expression and presentation of the results of measurements of particulate cleanliness shall be done as
described in ISO 16232-10/VDA19 part 1.
The analysis report shall contain at least the following details from the extraction:
 Characteristics/Type of the test liquid
 Flow rate and injection pressure
 Geometry of nozzles/lances
 Distance and angle to the object
 Time per area or feed rate or at least complete extraction time
 Repetitions per area
 Arrangement of the object surface during the test
 Filter parameters
 Amount of liquid used for final rinse

The analysis report shall contain the following details from the results:
 Part surface
 Statement/link to blank value (blank value shall be at least from the same day) and decay curve
 Amount of parts analyzed
 Particle per filter in the requested size classes (see VDA 19 part 1)
 Particle per 1000cm² in the requested size classes (see VDA 19 part 1)
 Gravimetric results
 Fibers shall be reported separately in the requested size classes and not included in “all particles”
 Photo and longest dimension of the largest and second largest particle, metallic shiny and non-
metallic shiny each
 Photo and longest dimension of the 3 largest fibers
 Photo of part in delivery condition (which includes the packaging)
 Statement cleanliness specification passed/failed


4.1 Specification of fibers cleanliness requirements

Fibers are contaminations with following properties:
 Non metallic
 Elongated expanded nonmetal bodies with nearly invariable cross-sections
 Ratio of elongated length to maximum inner diameter >20 AND width ≤50µm measured by maximum inner
diameter (see VDA 19/2015 chapter 8.2.2, page 155ff)
 Fibers are measured elongated

Fibers are allowed to lengths of up to 1000µm. Additional 10 fibers (per 1000cm² part surface) of lengths
between 1000 and 2000µm are allowed.

82.9212-0000.4 / 800 / 02 „docx“

Standard for product cleanliness Doc. Type TST
PPoeroopewr Doc. Num. N 002 02.21
Power electronics for electrical drives Doc. Part 001 Doc. Ver. 01
Date: 2016-05-09 Page 4 of 5

4.2 Specification of particulate cleanliness requirements

Particles are all contaminations except fibers and filmic/liquid contaminations. The number of particles shall
be calculated to a reference surface of 1000 cm (CCC:A).
If no requirements are given by drawing/technical specification, the following amounts of maximum particle
dimension according to VDA 19.1, Annex A4, are allowed:
Power Electronics Standard Cleanliness Class (400µm metallic max.)
Size Contamination Particle Size Allowed Particle Amount (for a
Class Level reference surface of 1000cm²)
E 10 50-100µm 1.000
F 9 100-150µm 500
G 7 150-200µm 130
H 4 200-400µm 16
I 3 400-600µm 8 thereof 0 for metallic
J-N 00 >600µm 0
Metallic particles are only allowed up to a maximum of 400µm.

The table above represents a single cleanliness limit which can be expressed by a CCC as following:
The mentioned limit is valid at the delivery at Continental assembly plant.

4.3 Gravimetric limits

If not otherwise specified in the drawing/technical specification, the total amount of contaminations (fibers
and particles) shall not exceed 3.5 mg, based on 1000cm² reference component surfaces. The mentioned
limit is valid at the delivery at Continental assembly plant.

Parts are distinguished in 3 different risk classes, which are based on the complexity of the design and the
production process of that part. This evaluation has to be done based on a risk regarding technical
cleanliness. The BU Technical Cleanliness Manager can give advice in case needed.
The 3 classes are:
 A  high risk regarding technical cleanliness (a lot of application critical particles are created in
production process/environment, parts are not easy to clean, …)
 B  medium risk regarding technical cleanliness
 C  low risk regarding technical cleanliness (no or less application critical particles are created in
production process/environment, parts are very easy to clean, …)
Test frequencies will be agreed in the SCR. Based on the individual - part by part - risk estimation a higher
or lower test frequency may be needed. For parts which create (by production process, handling or …) a
high amount of particles – especially conductive particles – a higher frequency is recommended.
Default values are:
 A  4x year (minimum once with PPAP)
 B  yearly with annual PPAP (requalification)
 C  once with PPAP
In the safe-launch-phase a higher frequency is helpful, especially for parts in risk class A.


This chapter explains how to proceed, if you find particles, which are out of limit or if the number of particles
in one or more classes are out of specification.
This chapter is based on the VDA 19 Part 1 (2015) chapter 10 and TST N 002 02.00 021 01 further details
and explanations you can find there.
Since particles are not created in a defined production process, it’s hard to have a “stable” or “capable”
process for particle creation. Particles are created uncontrolled in a wide spectrum. Therefore particles have

82.9212-0000.4 / 800 / 02 „docx“

Standard for product cleanliness Doc. Type TST
PPoeroopewr Doc. Num. N 002 02.21
Power electronics for electrical drives Doc. Part 001 Doc. Ver. 01
Date: 2016-05-09 Page 5 of 5

a bigger variance than a produced dimension like e.g. a hole diameter. By using an industrial cleaning
machine, the amount of particles can be effective reduced but the variance will basically remain the same.
Therefore the established methods of quality assurance (like e.g. a CPK) cannot be used for technical
cleanliness. As also the VDA 19 chapter 2.1., describes cleanliness limits are no tolerance limits, they are
action control limits. If a limit is exceeded a failure in the system is not sure but the probability rises. Only if
this critical particle is at the right time, in the right orientation on a particle sensitive position in a system,
failures will occur. Target of a cleanliness analysis is not to find random failures caused by the wide variance
of cleanliness; the target is to find systematic failures like: failures in cleaning processes, wrong or worn tools
or wrong packaging/storage.
Therefore the basic for each escalation scenario is a second analysis, as a verification of the test result, after
checking the analysis conditions and parameters. If the second analysis shows also a deviation, further
measures needs to be implemented.

For non safety relevant parts, these escalation scenario is proposed:

If another escalation procedure will be used, an agreement with Continental is mandatory in advance.
Further proposals for escalation scenarios you’ll find in TST N 002.02.00 021 01.


BU Business Unit
CCC Component Cleanliness Code, see VDA 19 part 1
HEV Hybrid Electric Vehicle
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ME Mechanical Engineering
SQM Supplier Quality Management
VDA Verband der deutschen Automobilindustrie


“Shall”, the imperative form of the verb, is used throughout this document whenever a requirement is
intended to express a provision that is mandatory. The words “should” and “may” are used whenever it is
necessary to express non-mandatory provisions. “Will” is used as a declaration of purpose.

82.9212-0000.4 / 800 / 02 „docx“

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