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High Noon at Alpha Mills


Ian Davison, a new mill manager hired by Alpha Mills in 2000, lacked
experience and technical knowledge in plantation management and
agricultural product processing. After manager Davison presented his plan,
a number of operators discussed unfamiliar concepts and jargon in private.
They express neither concern nor feedback. At the conclusion of the
excursion, Ang Siow Lee expressed his full support without questioning
audience members' concerns or seeking their feedback.

Whenever the processing team encounters a problem, Ang steps in and

employs previously taught techniques to find a solution. Even if the issues
have been resolved, but the team is reverting to old practices, the team
must maintain vigilance. Davison urges Ang to comprehend what the
initiatives entail and to permit the team to assume responsibility, make
mistakes, and gain knowledge from them. Davison stressed that the team
should be self-directed as opposed to being directed by others.

Davison reorganized the organizational chart and assigned Ang to a new

position without obtaining Ang's consent. Ang confronts Davison because
he is unhappy. The confrontation deviated from its intended path, and Ang
was terminated as a consequence. Davison was mistaken in his assumption
that the obstacle had been removed after Ang's departure, as the team's
performance continued to decline.


How will Davison improve his management of the company's performance

through his leadership?


1. To comprehend the company's culture in its entirety.

2. To identify a leadership style that better suits the organization.
3. To address employee performance motivators.

1. Organizational Culture Shifts

- Before Davison, the organizational culture at Alpha Mills was more
hierarchical, with employees discussing problems with Ang and
assisting in their resolution. When Davison was hired, he
implemented a new strategy that did not mesh well with the

2. Leadership Approach
- Davison was unable to effectively communicate his new vision for the
company because he failed to take the company's current culture
into account when he developed his vision. The employees did not
see it with Davison and subsequently fell out of sync with him.

3. Performance Motivator
- Due to the oversupply of palm oil on the market, Alpha Mill
employees began to believe that even if they achieved their goals
and objectives, they would incur regular losses. Employees lose
motivation to improve when they are constantly at a loss or seeing
the negative side of things, because even when they are doing things
correctly, it does not help.


1. Understand company culture before making changes.

- Davison ought to have had a comprehensive understanding of the

company's existing culture prior to incorporating his new vision into
the organization. This would have been necessary when he was
implementing new changes within the company. It would have been
helpful to conduct surveys or interviews. This would ensure that once
such a vision was created, employees would be able to discuss
together with Davison what or how the company should proceed
moving forward.

1. A more in-depth 1. There is a possibility for
comprehension of the bias in interviews.
2. Communication among 2. There is a possibility that
staff members. the employees will voice
their disapproval of the
3. It's possible that the new 3. Inaccuracy in responses to
vision will align with the questionnaires or polls.
2. Give the workers some training and run some simulations for them to
help them adjust to the changes.

- Since employees have been accustomed to a different culture

throughout the entirety of Ang's leadership, it is possible that they
will have difficulty accepting certain changes, particularly significant
changes, when they are implemented. This is especially true if the
change in question is one that affects the culture of the organization.
The vision that should be achieved through changes will always
require some amount of time. Davison and Ang could work together
to provide trainings and real-life simulations geared toward the
proposed changes in order to facilitate a smooth transition from the
current state of affairs to the new state of affairs that would result
from the proposed changes.

1. The teamwork of staff 1. It's possible that workers
members may be won't cooperate.
2. The transition from the old 2. Employees might voice
to the new might be their astonishment.
3. Ang and Davison have the 3. There is a possibility that
potential to develop a employees will not be
camaraderie with one present during test
another. simulations.

3. Develop a new incentive program that takes into account the changes
made to the company.

- It's possible that an exclusive incentive program could boost

employee motivation while also allowing the company to be more in
line with Davison's vision. According to a number of studies,
businesses that implement various incentive programs are able to
raise overall company production and foster an environment in the
workplace that consistently achieves its goals.

1. Employee production can 1. The quality of work may
improve significantly. decline.
2. Effectively fosters a 2. There is a chance that
competitive spirit in the competitiveness will spiral
workforce. out of control.
3. Goals will be met. 3. Employees may instigate
conflicts with one another
in order to prevent others
from receiving the


It is important for Ian Davison to first make an effort to comprehend the

culture of the company before he suggests and puts into action any
changes. They need to work together with Ang Siow Lee to provide trainings
and simulations to the workforce in order to make it easier for the workforce
to adapt to the changes that are being proposed. This will help ensure a
smooth transition for the workforce. Davison and Ang were able to
comprehend the purpose of the new plan, which was also well-accepted by
all of the staff members working on the production team. Additionally, Ang
and Davison's relationship may improve as a result of this.


Ang Siow Lee should have a conversation about the company's current
culture with the newly hired mill manager after the hiring of Ian Davison.
They were able to work together to gain an understanding of the objectives
that needed to be achieved for the company to make progress. Davison
would be in a position to fully create a new vision for the company that is
in line with what the company needs to do in order to advance their
performance and make improvements.

Davison should have a formal introduction by holding a seminar or workshop

with the employees to discuss his plans for the improvement of the
company. This should be done in order to make the transition smoother.
The newly hired manager would be available to discuss his plans and goals
for the company with the employees of the company during this seminar or
workshop. Other problems could be brought up, which would be useful
because there is communication within the company, and the employees
can work together to find solutions to the problems that have been brought

Davison should schedule a simulation on the proposed changes to see it

into fruition just like McDonald's did with their "Speedee Service System."
This is something that McDonald's did after finalizing the necessary inputs
from the seminar from the employees and strengthening the foundation of
his new vision. It is best to put certain changes into practice and observe
their effects before putting them into effect in order to prevent problems
from occurring during times that are significant.

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