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OARS – IPEC Initiative


Project Name: OARS ((RESERVATION Module)

Version No: 1.1

Date: 27 Feb,2024

Requirements Specification Document

Table of Contents

1. Purposes
2. Scope
3. Intended Audiences
4. Definitions and Abbreviations
5. References
6. Assumptions and Dependencies
7. Overall Description
8. Functional Dependencies
9. Non-Functional Dependencies
10. Appendix
11. Document Change History

1 Purpose
The objective of an online airline reservation system is to provide customers with convenient
and efficient ways to book their flights through an easy-to-use platform. This system should
offer customers a comprehensive selection of flights, including different airlines, departure
times, and pricing options, to meet their travel needs and preferences.
The system should also provide real-time updates on flight availability, schedules, and pricing
to help customers make informed decisions when booking their flights.

− Provide real-time access to flight information, seat selection, and ticket purchase
− Enhance customer experience by offering online check-in and booking management
− Make air travel more accessible and user-friendly
− Enable passengers to compare prices, view flight schedules, and make reservations
− Offer convenience and efficiency for passengers.

2 Scope
1) User registration and login: Users would be able to create an account and log in to
the system using their credentials.

2) Flight search: Users would be able to search for available flights based on their desired
travel dates, destinations, and other preferences.

3) Flight selection and booking: Users would be able to view a list of available flights,
select their preferred option, and book their tickets online.

4) Payment processing: The system would support secure payment processing for ticket
purchases using various payment methods.

5) Booking management: Users would be able to view and manage their bookings, make
changes and receive booking confirmations and updates.

6) Flight status and notifications: Users would be able to check the status of their
flights and receive notifications about any changes or delays.

7) Customer support: The system would provide users with access to customer support
services in case they need assistance with their bookings or have any inquiries.

8) Mobile compatibility: The system would be responsive and mobile-friendly, allowing

users to access and make reservations on their smartphones or tablets

9) Cancellation: Users would be able to cancel their flights if they face any issues or change
their minds.

3 Intended Audiences

1. Developers: These are the software engineers and programmers who will be
responsible for designing, coding, testing, and implementing the online airline reservation
system. They need detailed technical specifications and requirements to understand what
needs to be built.

2. Project Managers: Project managers are responsible for overseeing the development
process, managing resources, and ensuring that the project stays on schedule and within
budget. They need a comprehensive understanding of the project requirements to effectively
plan and allocate resources.

3. Quality Assurance/Testers: QA testers will be responsible for verifying that the

developed software meets the specified requirements and functions correctly. They need
clear and detailed requirements to create test cases and perform thorough testing.

4. System Architects: System architects are responsible for designing the overall
structure and architecture of the software system. They need to understand the functional
and non-functional requirements to design a scalable, reliable, and secure system

5. Stakeholders: Stakeholders include individuals or groups with an interest or concern in

the project, such as airline company executives, investors, or regulatory authorities. They
need to understand the features and capabilities of the online airline reservation system to
provide input, make decisions, or ensure compliance with regulations.

6. End Users: End users are the individuals who will be using the online airline reservation
system to book flights, manage reservations, and perform other tasks. They need a user-
friendly interface and features that meet their needs and expectations. However, they may
not need to delve into the technical details of the SRS documentation, but rather focus on
user experience aspects.

7. Maintenance Team: After the system is deployed, there will be a maintenance team
responsible for fixing bugs, making updates, and ensuring the continued smooth operation of
the software. They need to understand the initial requirements to maintain and support the
system effectively.

4 Definition(s) & Abbreviation(s) Name Description

1. Online Airline Reservation System (OARS) A web-based platform that allows
users to search, book, cancel, check
status of flight and perform other
related services.

2. Software Requirements Specifications (SRS) A detailed document which defines

software functions, features, limits,
and development expectations.
3. Database Management System (DBMS) It is a system that creates and
manages databases.
4. Global Distribution System (GDS) It is a computerized network system
owned or operated by a company
that enables transactions between
travel industry service providers,
mainly airlines.
5. Customer Relations Management (CRM) It is a technology for managing all
your company's relationships and
interactions with customers and
potential customers.
6. User Interface (UI) User Interface refers to a graphical
and interactive system that allows
users to easily search, book and
manage flights online.
7. One Time Password (OTP) Once the user logs in they will
receive an OTP on their registered
number or mail to verify their identity
and once they enter the OTP, they
will be logged in.
8. Administrator An Authorized user with privileges to
manage and maintain system.
9. Flight Inventory A database that includes details
about available flights, timings and
fare of seats.
10. Payment Getaway It's an online service that allows
users to make payments to book
11. Itinerary A document that contains details of a
user's booked flights, including
departure and arrival timings, flight
numbers, and other necessary

5 References

• Mohapatra, H., & Rath, A. K. (2020). Fundamentals of software engineering:

designed to provide an insight into the software engineering concepts. BPB
• Industry Case Studies.
• Academic Research.

• Online Tools
o Class Note

• Search Engine:

6 Assumptions and Dependencies

• The booking agent will have a valid username and password to access the system.
• The software needs a booking agent to have a complete knowledge of the Airline
Reservation System.
• Software is dependent on access to internet.
• Basic authentication system will be provided.
• It is assumed that the details of the flight will be known to the customer.
• Future changes like providing different types of flights with different classes like
business and economy class will benefit the customers.

7 Overall Description


1. User Interfaces: The screen formats and menu structure should be in such a way that even users will
find it easy to use. The product must be user-friendly and very interactive. The functionality provided by the
system, like displaying error messages, should adapt itself to the different users of the software.

2.Hardware interfaces:

Hard disk: The database connectivity requires hardware configuration with a fast database system running
on high rpm hard disk permitting complete data redundancy and back-up systems to support the primary
goal of reliability.

The system must interface with the standard output device, keyboard and mouse to interact with this

3.Software interfaces:

Back End: MS Access 2007

Front End: Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0

4.Communication Interfaces:

There is WAN used for communication among the different client systems to be used

Product Functions:
Booking agents with varying levels of familiarity with computers will mostly use this system. With this in
mind, an important feature of this software is that it will be relatively simple to use. The scope of this
product encompasses

SEARCH: This function allows the booking agent to search for airplanes and tickets’ availability between
two cities, i.e. departure city and arrival city, the date of departure, preferred time and number of

SELECTION: This function allows a particular airplane to be selected from the displayed list. All details such

• Airplane number
• Date, time and place of departure
• Date, time and place of arrival
• Fare per head etc.

Review: If seats are available, then system prompts for the booking. All the information including total fare
with taxes and flight details are reviewed.

Traveller Information: The details of all passengers supposed to travel including name, address, contact
number, email etc.

Payment: It asks the agent to enter the various credit card details of the person making reservation i.e.:

• Credit card type

• Credit card number
• Expiration date of the card

• The name on the card etc.

Cancellation: The system allows the passenger to cancel a reservation and register the information
regarding his/her ticket. It includes Confirmation no, name, date of journey, fare deducted.

User Characteristics:

User requirements:

• User properties like Name, Address, Age.

• Flight properties like Departing/Arriving City, Departure/Arrival dates and times and an identifying
Flight Number.
• Flight properties of identifying reserved flight.

User Education Level

User of the system should be comfortable with English Language.

• Reliability requirements: Data redundancy and use of special/blank characters must be avoided.
• Regulatory policies: It is mandatory that no textbook must be left empty or contain correct data.

7.1Functional Requirements

7.1.1. User Registration and Authentication:

- Users should be able to create accounts.
- Secure authentication to protect user data.

7.1.2. Flight Search and Booking:

- Search functionality for flights based on various parameters (date, destination, etc.).
- Booking system allowing users to reserve seats on selected flights.

7.1.3. Payment Integration:

- Integration with secure payment gateways for ticket purchases.
- Support for multiple payment methods.

7.1.4. User Profile Management:

- Ability for users to view and manage their profiles.
- Update personal information and preferences.

7.1.5. Notification System:

- Email or SMS notifications for booking confirmation, changes, or cancellations.

7.1.6. Cancellation and Refund:

- System for users to cancel bookings with proper refund policies.
- Refund processing and notifications.

7.1.7. Admin Panel:

- Admin dashboard for managing flights, user accounts, and system configurations.
- Monitoring and reporting tools for analytics.

7.1.8. Flight Schedule Management:

- Ability to update and manage flight schedules.
- Handling changes in routes or flight cancellations.

7.1.9. Customer Support:

- Integration of a customer support system (live chat, ticketing system, etc.).
- Resolution tracking and feedback mechanism.

7.1.10. Accessibility and Security:

- Ensure the system is accessible to all users.
- Implement robust security measures to protect user data and transactions.

7.1.11. Mobile Responsiveness:

- Responsive design for access on various devices (smartphones, tablets, etc.).

7.1.12. Integration with External Systems:

- Integration with other systems, such as airport databases for real-time flight information.

7.2 Non-Functional Requirements

7.2.1. Performance:
- The system should provide quick response times for flight searches, bookings, and other
user interactions.
- It should handle a scalable number of concurrent users during peak times.

7.2.2. Reliability:
- The system should have high uptime, minimizing downtime for maintenance or
unexpected issues.
- Reliable data backup and recovery mechanisms should be in place.

7.2.3. Scalability:
- The system should be designed to scale easily to accommodate an increasing number of
users, flights, and transactions.

7.2.4. Availability:
- Ensure that the system is available 24/7 to cater to users from different time zones.
- Implement redundancy and failover mechanisms to minimize service interruptions.

7.2.5. Security:
- Use robust encryption methods to secure user data and financial transactions.
- Implement authentication and authorization protocols to protect against unauthorized

7.2.6. Usability:
- The user interface should be intuitive and user-friendly, catering to users with varying
levels of technical expertise.
- Accessibility features should be incorporated for all users.

7.2.7. Maintainability:
- The system should be easy to maintain and update with minimal downtime.
- Documentation should be comprehensive for future development and maintenance

7.2.8. Interoperability:
- The system should be compatible with various browsers, operating systems, and
- Support integration with external systems, such as payment gateways and airline

7.2.9. Performance Monitoring:

- Implement monitoring tools to track system performance, identify bottlenecks, and
optimize resources.

7.2.10. Data Integrity:

- Ensure the accuracy and consistency of data stored in the system, especially concerning
flight schedules, bookings, and user information.

7.2.11. Response Time:

- Define acceptable response times for critical system operations to meet user

7.2.12. Backup and Recovery:
- Regularly backup critical system data and implement a robust recovery plan in case of
data loss or system failure.

7.2.13. Cross-Browser Compatibility:

- Ensure that the system functions correctly on major web browsers to provide a
consistent experience for users.

8 Appendix

• Login:
❖ Base Case:
− User enters valid credentials.
− System verifies credentials and grants access.

❖ Alternate Case:
− User enters invalid credentials.
− System prompts error message; user retries or resets password.

❖ Pre-Condition:
− User has a registered account.
− System is operational.

❖ Post-Condition:
− Successful login grants access to the system.

− After multiple failed attempts, the account may be temporarily locked.

• Check Availability :
❖ Base Case :
− The customer navigates to the booking page for the selected flight.
− The system displays a summary of the flight details, including
departure and arrival times, fare, available seat options and any
additional services or amenities.
− The customer reviews the flight details and selects the desired seat(s)
if applicable.
− The system issues electronic tickets (e-tickets) or a booking reference
number, which the customer can use for check-in and boarding.

❖ Alternate Case :
− If the payment transaction fails, the system notifies the customer and
provides alternative payment options or troubleshooting steps.
− If there are seat availability changes during the booking process, the
system updates the customer and offers alternative seat options if

❖ Pre-Condition :
− The customer is logged into the online airline reservation system and
has selected a preferred flight option.

❖ Post-Condition :
− The customer recieves a booking confirmation and electronic tickets,
and the reserved seats are confirmed for the selected flight.

• Book Tickets
❖ Base Case:
− User selects destination and dates for the flights.
− The system displays available flights and prices.
− System confirms the booking and reserves the ticket.
❖ Alternate case:
− If the selected flight is not available, the system prompts the user to
choose another flight or date.
− If the user’s payment method is declined the system notifies the user
and prompts for a different.
❖ Pre-Condition:
− Users must have access to a computer or mobile device with internet
− Users must provide accurate and complete personal information for
booking the tickets.
− Users must agree to the terms and conditions of the airline
reservation system.

❖ Post-Condition:
− The user successfully selects the desired flight route, departure and
arrival dates and numbers of the passengers.
− The user receives a booking reference number and details via email or
the website.

• Fill Details:
❖ Base Case:
− All necessary details need to be filled as required for reserving a ticket by
providing passenger details and payment processed.
− All details must be correct and verified by the user.

❖ Alternate case:
− All the not so important details can be left if the user wants.
− But the required details are necessary to be filled in by the user otherwise
the booking will not be conducted.
− If the user added wrong information it needs to be corrected and resubmit
the form.

❖ Pre-condition:
− Users must have all their required details pre-arranged to fill in the form
correctly to book their ticket.
− Users must have access to the online reservation system.
− Users must be authenticated and authorized to make a reservation.

❖ Post-condition:
− Entered details are stored securely in the system.
− The system displays a confirmation message indicating successful submission.
− If there are errors in the submitted details, the system prompts to correct the

• Make Payment:
❖ Base Case:
− The system prompts the user to enter their credit card information or other
methods accepted by the airline.
− The user enters the required payment information and submits the payment.
− The system connects to the payment gateway.
− The system processes the transaction securely and notifies the user of the
successful payment.

❖ Alternate Case:

− If the payment is unsuccessful, the system informs the customer and gives
the option to try again or use a different method.
− If the payment gateway is down, the system in forms user and provides
alternative payment methods.
− If the credit car5d information is invalid, the system prompts the user to
enter valid information.

❖ Pre-Condition:
− User must have entered valid payment information, such as credit card
details or other forms of payments.
− The user has selected a flight and is ready to make payment.
− The online airline reservation system must have a secure payment

❖ Post-Condition:
− The user’s account charges the correct amount for the ticket.
− The user’s personal and contact information is secured in the airline’s
− The user’s booking status is updated to ‘confirmed’.

• Generate Ticket:
❖ Base case:
− Once payment is confirmed, the system generates a ticket containing all
relevant information, including the passenger's name, flight details, seat
assignments, and a unique booking reference number.

❖ Alternate case:
− Upon successful payment, the system generates an electronic ticket (e-ticket)
containing the booking reference number, passenger details, flight details,
seat assignment (if applicable), and any other relevant information.

❖ Pre- conditions:
− Agree to the terms and conditions of the airline regarding booking,
cancellation, and refund policies.

❖ Post- conditions:
− Ticket generated and issued, seats allocated, payment processed.
− Reservation details stored; confirmation email sent.
− Errors prompt appropriate messages, reservation not finalized if issues arise.

• Receive Ticket:
❖ Base Case:
− User selects the desired flight and provides
personal and payment information.
− The system generates and sends the ticket to
the user, confirming the receipt.
❖ Alternate Case:
− If the user's payment information is invalid, an
error message is displayed.
− In case of a system error during ticket
generation, an error message is shown,
prompting the user to try again or contact
❖ Pre-Conditions:
− User is logged into the system.
− User has selected a valid flight, and provided
accurate personal and payment information.

❖ Post-Conditions:
− The ticket is successfully generated and sent
to the user.
− The system logs the transaction and updates
relevant databases with the ticket

9 Document Change History


1 27/02/24 KANISHKA,
2 28/02/24 KAVITA,
3 29/02/24 DHRUV,
4 02/03/24 KANISHKA,
5 03/03/24 LOVISH, JOEL,
6 04/03/24 DHRUV,
7 05/02/24 KANISHKA,


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