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Population model (Linear model)

A Population Growth Model
• population of rabbits has the following characteristics.
a. Half of the rabbits survive their first year. Of those, half survive their
second year.
• The maximum life span is 3 years.
b. During the first year, the rabbits produce no offspring. The average
number of offspring is 6 during the second year and 8 during the third year.
• The population now consists of 24 rabbits in the first age class, 24 in the
second, and 20 in the third.
• How many rabbits will there be in each age class in 1 year
• Find the stable age distribution vector for initial population
A Population Growth Model
• The current age distribution is (The population now consists of 24 rabbits in
the first age class, 24 in the second, and 20 in the third.)

• The age transition matrix

• The average number of offspring is 6 during the second year and 8 during the third
• Half of the rabbits survive their first year.
• Of those, half survive their second year.

A Population Growth Model
• After 1 year the age distribution vector will be

•Find the stable age distribution vector
• Find an eigenvalue and a corresponding eigenvector such that
• The characteristic polynomial of is

• Choosing the positive value, let Verify that the corresponding
eigenvectors are of the form

A Population Growth Model
• For instant t then the initial age distribution vector be

• The age distribution vector for the next year would be

• =

• Notice that the ratio of the three age classes is still 16 : 4 : 1, and so
the percent of the population in each age class remains the same
2. Soup cooling problem (differential model)
Problem Statement
• As part of summer his job at a restaurant , Ashok learned to cook up a big
pot of soup late at night, just before closing time, so that there would be
plenty of soup to feed customers the next day.
• He also found out that, while refrigeration was essential to preserve the soup
overnight, the soup was too hot to be put directly into the fridge when it was
• The soup temperature is about 100OC, and the fridge was not powerful
enough to accommodate it because of its high temperature.
• It is only accommodate if its temperature is less than 20OC .
• Ashok discovered that by cooling the pot in a sink full of cold water and
stirring occasionally, It could bring the temperature of the soup to 60OC in 10
minutes .
• How long before closing time should the soup be ready so that Ashok could
put it in the fridge and leave on time ?
Physical Law that validate the Problem
• Newton’s law of cooling “The rate of change of temperature is proportional
to the difference between temperature of the object and the surrounding
• The rate of change temperature dT/dt is proportional to the difference
between the temperature of the soup (T) and the surrounding temperature
dT/dt α (T-Ta)
• The solution of equation will be a function that tracks the record of
temperature over time .
Formulation of Problem
• We assume that
T(t)=Temperature of the soup at time t (in minute)

T(0) = To = Initial temperature of the soup = 100OC.

Ta =Temperature of water in sink=5OC

• Clearly the soup is hotter than the Temperature of water in

T(t) – Ta > 0
• Soup is cool down  dT/dt < 0.
Formulation of Problem

we get,
dT/dt = - k (T(t)-Ta) Where k is positive constant.
Our aim is to find T(t) and constant k.

We define
y(t) = T(t) – Ta = Temperature difference between soup & water in sink at time t
y₀ = T(0) – Ta = T₀ - Ta = initial temperature difference at time t=0.
say T(0)=100 Therefore y0 = 100 – 5 = 95
We get the solution of this equation
y(t)= y₀e-kt ………….(1)

By putting value of y(t) , y₀ from (1)

We get, T(t) – Ta =(T₀ -Ta) e –kt
T(t) = Ta +( T₀ -Ta) e –kt ………(2)
From the information we know that ,
T(0)=T₀ = 100 , Ta = 5 , T₀- Ta =95
T(t)=5 + 95 ………………..(3)
Also we know that after 10 minutes the soup cools to 60
That is t=10 , T(10) = 60

T(10)= 60 =
taking natural logarithm of both
side and solving for k ,
we get, ln(1.73) = ln ( )=10k
k = 0.054 per min.
We need to wait until T(t) = 20 ,
So that from (3),
20 = 5 + 95
15 = 95
6.333 =
Taking logarithm both side , we get
Ln(6.333) = ln( )
Now we have known value ln(6.333) = 1.84
So we have ,
1.84 = 0.054 t
t = 34.18
Thus it will take a
around 35 minutes for
Ashok’s soup to cool off
enough to be put into
the refrigerator.
3. How should CANS be made?
How should CANS be made
• A factory making “tin” cans.
• Your objective is to MINIMIZE the cost of this process.
• C(), the cost of making one can,
• Depends on a large number of things:
• the price of “tin”,
• the shape of the can,
• cost of sticking its parts together, etc...
• we only consider the amount of “tin” actually in the CAN
• the area is: A = 2πr2 + 2πrh
• This is minimized by setting r = 0...
• cheapest way to make cans is NOT TO MAKE THEM AT ALL!
• fixed h = 1, the minimum is at r = ½ (The radius should be half the height)
• we consider the amount of “tin” actually in the CAN
• we also care about WASTAGE. (YOU HAVE TO PAY for the whole sheet)
• The top and bottom of the can are punched out of flat metal
• You have to pay for a whole HEXAGON, as shown:
• The area of the hexagon shown is
• So the amount of “tin” we have to pay is
not but rather

• Model does not explain the difference between LARGE and SMALL ones!
Model 3
• now we care about the PROCESS OF MANUFACTURE,
• the cost of actually sticking the can together!
• The top and bottom have to be welded onto the wall
• Let’s ASSUME that the cost of this welding is proportional to its
length with constant K
Model 3

the units of are centimetres:

when we say that a can is “large”, we mean that its diameter or height
is large COMPARED TO K/J.
Model 3
• We see that the ideal shape now depends on
(a) (relative cost of welding compared to that of tin)
(b) r (size of the can).
• This is a monotonically decreasing function of r.
• If r is large, then we get
• If r is small, then we get ,

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