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ECE 209 - Homework 6

(Due Date: 11:59 pm on March 27th, Submit on eClass)

Read the following carefully before proceeding:

1. There will be a total of 8 homework assignments. The first 7 assignments will be marked
(10 marks each), accounting 10% to your final grade. The last assignment will not be marked,
but solutions will be provided.

2. For questions involving calculation and derivation, steps that you take towards the final
answer need to be provided, and writing down just the right final answer will gain you no marks
for that question.

3. Submit your assignment solution as one PDF file through each assignment link on eClass
by the specified deadline.

4. Please note that late assignment submissions will not be accepted unless a legitimate reason
(illness, religious conviction, etc.) exists and is discussed with the instructor.

5. Assignment solutions will be available on the course website after each assignment's due

6. Assignments will be marked by the assigned TAs (markers). Please try to sort out any
assignment marking questions with the TAs (emails provided in the course syllabus) first. If
that does not resolve, you may then discuss the issue with the course instructor.
Question 1 (2 marks)
For the sinusoidal voltage v(t) = 80 cos(240πt + 60◦ ) V, find:
a) The frequency, f (in Hz), of the voltage
b) The period
c) The maximum (peak) amplitude
d) v(0)
e) The RMS value.

Question 2 (2 marks)
The steady-state voltage across a circuit element is v(t) = 120 cos(800πt + 30◦) V and the current
passing through this element is i(t) = 30 cos(800πt - 50◦) A.
a) Find the phase angle by which the current lags the voltage.
b) Find the impedance of this element.

Question 3 (2 marks)
Find 𝑣(𝑡) in the circuit below.
Question 4 (2 marks)
For the circuit shown below:
a) Find the impedance between the terminals a and b if the operating frequency is 1000 rad/s.
b) Find the operating frequency at which the impedance between a and b is purely resistive.
c) If a voltage v(t) = 200 cos(4000t) is applied across the terminals a and b, find the current
through the inductor.

Question 5 (2 marks)
For the circuit shown below, find the voltage v0(t) if v1(t) = 10 cos(6000t + 53.13◦ ) V and v2(t)
= 8 cos(6000t - 90◦ ) V.

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