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Rise = 150 mm 0.15 m
Tread = 250 mm 0.25 m
(R2 + T2)0.5 = 291.548 mm 0.292 m
Thickness of waste slab = 150 mm 0.15 m
Effective span in X-dir C/C dis. Between supports in X-dir length of
filght inculding landings 4.125 m
clear span + effective depth = 3.9 + 0.124 m
= 4.024 m
Effective span = 4.125
load calculations
self weight of waist slab @ 25 kn/m3 = 25x0.15
= 3.75 KN/m

self weight of step @ 25 kn/m3 = 25x0.5x0.15

= 1.875 KN/m

floor finish = 1 KN/m


Dead load = 6.625 KN/m


live load = 4 KN/m

as per is 875 part-2 table-1
For STAAD loading
Dead load on landing beam and main beam in Z-Direction = 6.625 x 4.125 /2
= 13.66406 KN/m
live load on landing beam and main beam = 4x 4.125 /2
8.25 KN/m
taken in STAAD Dead load 13.7 KN/m
Live load 8.25 KN/m
For waist slab design
Taking 1 m unit width in Z-dir
dead load = 6.625 x 1m
= 6.625 KN/m
live load = 4x 1m
= 4 KN/m
total = 10.625 KN/m
BM wl2 = 10.625 x 4.125
10 10
= 18.0791 KN-m
SF at critical section wl/2 = 21.91 KN
For waist slab design
Factored Moment 1.5 x 18.0791 = 27.11865 KN-m
Factored Shear 1.5 x 21.9141 = 32.87109 KN
Size BxD = 1000 x 150 mm 0.035
Concrete grade = M25
Characterstic strength of concrete Fck = 25 N/mm

Characterstic strength of reinforcement Fy = 500 N/mm


clear cover = 20 mm
Using 12 Ø bars
effective depth = 124 mm 0.124 m
For Fe 500 Xumax/d = 0.46
Mulim = 0.36 * (Xumax/d) * (1-0.42 (Xumax/d)) * bd2 * fck
= 0.36 X 0.46 x 1-0.42( 0.46 )) 1000 d2 25
27.11865234 = 3340.152 d 2

d 2
= 57.79405

Partition wall thickness = 0.1 m

225 mm thick solid brick wall (0.225x19.2x(3.15-0.375)) = -1608.75 -1609 KN/m
225 mm thick brick wall with D or W (11.988-1.934) = -1610.684 -1611 KN/m
225 mm thick brick wall with V (11.988-1.341) = -1610.091 -1611 KN/m
100 mm thick soild brick wall (0.1x19.2x(3.15-0.375)) = -41.25 -42 KN/m
100 mm thick brick wall with D or W (5.328-(4.925/2)) = -43.7125 -44 KN/m
225 mm thick solid brick parapet wall (0.225x0.75x19.2) = 12.06562 13 KN/m
225 mm thick solid brick headroom wall ((2.5x0.375)x0.225x19.2) = -1608.75 -1609 KN/m
225 mm thick brick head room wall with D or W (9.18-1.934) = -1610.684 -1611 KN/m


Thickness of all roof slab = 0.125 m
Top roof Grdaing thickness = 0.1 m
Unit weight of RCC = 25 KN/m3
Unit weight of PCC = 24 KN/m3
Typical floor slab Dead load
slab 0.125 x 25 = 3.125 KN/m3
Floor finish = 1 KN/m3
Total = 4.125 KN/m

For STAAD = 4.125 KN/m


Top floor slab and Head room roof slab dead load
slab 0.125 x 25 = 3.125 KN/m3
Grading 0.1x24 = 2.4 KN/m3
Total = 5.525 KN/m

For STAAD = 5.525 KN/m


Live load as per IS875 Part-2 Table-1 V

Type of building Office Building load taken in STAAD
Room with separate storage = 2.5 KN/m2 2.5 KN/m2
Typical,Toilets and bathrooms = 2 KN/m2 2 KN/m2
Corridors, passages, lobbies and = 4 KN/m
4 KN/m

staircases inculding fire escape

As per IS875 Part-2 Table-2(i) B
Top roof = 1.5 KN/m2
Head room roof = 0.75 KN/m2

Earthquake load asper IS 1893

Loaction of Building = Mahulapali ISS
Zone = II table 3 from soli test report
Seismic coefficient = 0.1 D N SBC
Type of soil = I SS 150 KN/m2
Importance factor = 1 table 8

Water tank force

Water tank capacity = 5000 litres
= 5 m3
Dimension of water tank = 2325 x 2000 mm from drawing
Depth of water required = 1.08 m
Free board = 0.3 m
Head of water = 1.38 m
Head of water taken in Design = 1.4 m
Unit weight of water = 10 KN/m3
water pressure = 14 KN/m

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