Oppression Against Filipino Women and Their Responses

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One major problem Filipino women deal with is unfair treatment based on their
gender. They often face different types of violence, like abuse at home, harassment,
and human trafficking. Groups like Gabriela and the Philippine Commission on Women
are working hard to make people aware of these issues, offer support, and challenge
the deep-rooted ideas in society that allow such violence to happen.
Additionally, Filipino women are still fighting for their right to make choices about
their bodies. Activists are trying to change laws and societal expectations that limit their
access to healthcare and control over their own health. This struggle for control over
their bodies is an important part of the larger effort to fight against unfair treatment
based on gender.


The mix of being a woman and belonging to a certain social class makes things
more complicated. Many Filipino women, especially those from poorer backgrounds,
end up in jobs where they can be taken advantage of. This is a big problem, especially
in jobs like domestic work. Groups like Migrante International actively speak up for
these women, making sure they're treated fairly and have a way to share their worries.
On top of this, there's an issue with money. Women often get paid less than men,
and this economic inequality makes things even harder for Filipino women. Feminist
groups and labor organizations are consistently working to fix these problems, pushing
for everyone to have the same chances and fair pay.


The influence of globalization is seen when Filipino women go to work in other

countries. They usually take up tough jobs like housework or caregiving, dealing with
issues like working long hours and not having enough legal protection. Groups like the
Center for Migrant Advocacy are actively supporting the rights of these migrant workers,
trying to lessen the negative impacts of globalization on Filipino women.
Globalization also affects how people see women. Activists are working to
change the stereotypes and expectations about Filipino women that the media and
society sometimes promote. They want a more inclusive and empowering image of
Filipino women on the world stage.

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