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Harvard International School

Lower Secondary English Department

Mid-Year English as a Second Language Exam

2023 – 2024
Year (7)

Paper (3) Writing

Duration: 40 minutes

Name: …………………………………………………………………….…….
Seat No:………………………………….…………………………………….

You became a member of the community service club at your school and you
participated in a new charity work.
Write an email to your friend about the new charity work that you have done.
In your email you should:
 say what the charity work is
 describe how did you do it and who participated with you
 write how did you feel participating in such charity work
 explain how your friend can help in the future

(15 marks)
Write a story about your last summer vacation. Your story must include the
 where have you been?  Use past tense.
 describe the place.  Punctuate your sentences.
 who was with you?  Write 4 paragraphs.
 activities you have done.  Use powerful vocabulary and idioms.
 how did you feel?


20 marks

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