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Republic of the Philippines

Region VII, Central Visayas


School Malongcay Dacu High School Grade Level 9

Teacher Conney M. Murro Quarter 2nd
Learning Area English Teaching Dates and
A. Content Standard The learners demonstrates:
1. an understanding of how Anglo-American literature and other text types
serves as means of preserving unchanging values in a changing world
2. how to use the features of a full-length play, tense consistency, modals, active
and passive constructions plus direct and indirect speech to enable him/her
competently performs in a full-length play
B. Performance The learners shall be able to:
Standard 1. perform in a full-length play through applying effective verbal and non-verbal
strategies and ICT resources based on the following criteria: Focus, Voice,
Delivery and dramatic conventions
C. Learning The learners will:
Competencies/ Code 1. familiar with the technical vocabulary terms for drama and theatre (like
stage direction) EN9V-IVe-29
2. employ effective and appropriate non-verbal communication strategies
3. Compose a play review EN9WC-IVe-11

D. Objectives
 Knowledge Familiarize the technical vocabulary words used for drama and theatre.
 Skills Perform a role play.
 Attitude/Values Value the importance of effective and appropriate non-verbal communication.


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide A Journey Through Anglo-American Literature pages 494-496
2. Learner’s A Journey Through Anglo-American Literature pages 492-494
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource LR
B. Other Learning Curriculum Guide pages 144 to 166
C. Supplies, Equipment, Laptop, permanent marker
Tools, etc.
A. Introductory Activity Call one student to lead the prayer.
Checking of attendance.
Review of the previous lesson.

While you are watching the video or while you are reading the story, what do
you usually do?
B. Activity Work this activity by pair.
There are words used in theater. You have learned some of them in your
previous lessons. Learn more by identifying the theatre style described in each
item. Choose from the treasure box the different theater styles.

1. ______ is a spontaneous style of theatre through which scenes are

created without advance rehearsal or script.
2. ______ is a dramatic for popular in the 1800s and characterized by an
emphasis on plot and physical action.
3. ______ is an incident art form based on pantomime in which
conventionalized gestures.
4. ______ type of entertainment containing music, songs, and usually

Mime Musical Theatre

Improvisation Melodrama

C. Analysis  The words used in the activity are words or technical terms used in a
 These vocabulary words are very important in order to understand and
appreciate the play.

D. Abstraction Communication
 It includes listening and observing.
 In terms of observable body language, non-verbal (non-spoken) signals
are being exchanged whether these signals are accompanied by spoken
words or not.
 It is crucial to communicate effectively in negotiations to ensure you to
achieve your goals.

The following are tips in delivering non-verbal strategies:

 Project – It means to speak in a clear and appropriate manner so lines
are clearly understood.
 Express – It means to put expression into your lines or bring life to the
character. Do more than just reading your lines from the script.
 Observe proper juncture – It means to pause when necessary. Use the
right stress and pitch in your voice to deliver your lines well.

E. Application Group Activity

In 1 minute, the class will be divided into eight groups. Each group will compose
and present a play based on the dialogue given on the textbook pages 492 to
493. After which, they are going to present the play to the class, get feedback
from the class after their presentations and be able to give feedback to the
other groups.

F. Assessment Note: Assessment will be based on their overall result of the Group
presentation. A rubric is used to determine their group ratings as follows:
CATEGORY 5 3 2 1
Content You offered creative Your role-play is on- The role-play is The role-play is
new insights on the topic, but it is missing somewhat off- completely off-
topic some creativity and topic. Pay more topic, as if your
insight. attention to the group did not even
directions next read the directions.
Roles Every member of Everyone in your group For the most part, Your group failed
your group stayed in stayed in character, but your group stayed to stay in
character, and it was some members didn't in character. Next character, and it
clear you took your seem to really be "into" time, spend more looked like you
roles seriously. what they were doing. time preparing for had not prepared
how the characters for how the
might think or act. characters might
think or act.
Overall Your presentation Your presentation, Keep working! Argh! I expect
Impression was entertaining and while it was fun to Don't forget that, much better work
informative! watch, could have been though the process from you next time.
more informative. is entertaining,
you're also
supposed to learn
something from it
A. Assignment In a one whole sheet of paper, do a research on some of the most famous
theatre plays in the world and identify the different non-verbal strategies or
techniques used. Give at least five plays.
B. Concluding Activity Familiarizing the vocabulary words in a play or drama is very crucial so that the
reader or audience will easily understand. In addition, communication is very
important to deliver the message properly and accurately. This is to have a good
and effective understanding. There are tips that can be followed in order to
achieve effective communication most importantly if it is a non-verbal strategy
or type of communication.
A. No. of learners who The total number of learners who earned 80% on the formative assessment is
earned 80% on the fifteen (15).
formative assessment.
B. No. of learners who The total number of learners who require additional activities for remediation is
require additional thirty (30).
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial Yes, the remedial lessons worked. The total number of learners who have
lessons work? No. of caught up with the remediation is twenty (20).
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who The total number of learners who continue to require remediation is ten (10).
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching By establishing encouraging learning environment when asking the students
strategies worked well? their feedbacks and opinions. It works because it allows the students to share
Why did these work? their ideas and opinions without the fear of being discriminated nor judged.
F. What difficulties did I The lack of reading materials that our students needed.
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or The use of different innovative materials like the use of periodicals and books
localized materials did I instead of going to the internet café to search for articles. This helps especially
use/discover which I that we are located in a remote area where no internet connection is available
wish to share with other for our students.

Prepared by:
SHS Teacher II
Noted by:
Republic of the Philippines
Region VII, Central Visayas


School St. Paul University Dumaguete Grade Level 9

Teacher Vivian D. Florendo Quarter 2nd
Learning Area English Teaching Dates and
A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate:
1. an understanding of how Anglo-American literature and other text types
serves as means of preserving unchanging values in a changing world
2. how to use the features of a full-length play, tense consistency, modals, active
and passive constructions plus direct and indirect speech to enable him/her
competently performs in a full-length play
B. Performance The learners shall be able to:
Standard 1. perform in a full-length play through applying effective verbal and non-verbal
strategies and ICT resources based on the following criteria: Focus, Voice,
Delivery and dramatic conventions
C. Learning The learners will:
Competencies/ Code 4. familiar with the technical vocabulary terms for drama and theatre (like
stage direction) EN9V-IVe-29
5. employ effective and appropriate non-verbal communication strategies
6. Compose a play review EN9WC-IVe-11

D. Objectives
 Knowledge Familiarize the technical vocabulary words used for drama and theatre.
 Skills Perform a role play.
 Attitude/Values Value the importance of effective and appropriate non-verbal communication.


A. References
5. Teacher’s Guide A Journey Through Anglo-American Literature pages 494-496
6. Learner’s A Journey Through Anglo-American Literature pages 492-494
Materials pages
7. Textbook pages
8. Additional
Materials from
Resource LR
B. Other Learning Curriculum Guide pages 144 to 166
C. Supplies, Equipment, Laptop, permanent marker
Tools, etc.
A. Introductory Activity Call one student to lead the prayer.
Checking of attendance.
Review of the previous lesson.

While you are watching the video or while you are reading the story, what do
you usually do?

B. Activity Work this activity by pair.

There are words used in theater. You have learned some of them in your
previous lessons. Learn more by identifying the theatre style described in each
item. Choose from the treasure box the different theater styles.

5. ______ is a spontaneous style of theatre through which scenes are

created without advance rehearsal or script.
6. ______ is a dramatic for popular in the 1800s and characterized by an
emphasis on plot and physical action.
7. ______ is an incident art form based on pantomime in which
conventionalized gestures.
8. ______ type of entertainment containing music, songs, and usually

Mime Musical Theatre

Improvisation Melodrama

C. Analysis  The words used in the activity are words or technical terms used in a
 These vocabulary words are very important in order to understand and
appreciate the play.

D. Abstraction Communication
 It includes listening and observing.
 In terms of observable body language, non-verbal (non-spoken) signals
are being exchanged whether these signals are accompanied by spoken
words or not.
 It is crucial to communicate effectively in negotiations to ensure you to
achieve your goals.

The following are tips in delivering non-verbal strategies:

 Project – It means to speak in a clear and appropriate manner so lines
are clearly understood.
 Express – It means to put expression into your lines or bring life to the
character. Do more than just reading your lines from the script.
 Observe proper juncture – It means to pause when necessary. Use the
right stress and pitch in your voice to deliver your lines well.

E. Application Group Activity

In 1 minute, the class will be divided into eight groups. Each group will compose
and present a play based on the dialogue given on the textbook pages 492 to
493. After which, they are going to present the play to the class, get feedback
from the class after their presentations and be able to give feedback to the
other groups.

F. Assessment Note: Assessment will be based on their overall result of the Group
presentation. A rubric is used to determine their group ratings as follows:
CATEGORY 5 3 2 1
Content You offered creative Your role-play is on- The role-play is The role-play is
new insights on the topic, but it is missing somewhat off- completely off-
topic some creativity and topic. Pay more topic, as if your
insight. attention to the group did not even
directions next read the directions.
Roles Every member of Everyone in your group For the most part, Your group failed
your group stayed in stayed in character, but your group stayed to stay in
character, and it was some members didn't in character. Next character, and it
clear you took your seem to really be "into" time, spend more looked like you
roles seriously. what they were doing. time preparing for had not prepared
how the characters for how the
might think or act. characters might
think or act.
Overall Your presentation Your presentation, Keep working! Argh! I expect
Impression was entertaining and while it was fun to Don't forget that, much better work
informative! watch, could have been though the process from you next time.
more informative. is entertaining,
you're also
supposed to learn
something from it
A. Assignment In a one whole sheet of paper, do a research on some of the most famous
theatre plays in the world and identify the different non-verbal strategies or
techniques used. Give at least five plays.
B. Concluding Activity Familiarizing the vocabulary words in a play or drama is very crucial so that the
reader or audience will easily understand. In addition, communication is very
important to deliver the message properly and accurately. This is to have a good
and effective understanding. There are tips that can be followed in order to
achieve effective communication most importantly if it is a non-verbal strategy
or type of communication.
A. No. of learners who The total number of learners who earned 80% on the formative assessment is
earned 80% on the fifteen (15).
formative assessment.
B. No. of learners who The total number of learners who require additional activities for remediation is
require additional thirty (30).
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial Yes, the remedial lessons worked. The total number of learners who have
lessons work? No. of caught up with the remediation is twenty (20).
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who The total number of learners who continue to require remediation is ten (10).
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching By establishing encouraging learning environment when asking the students
strategies worked well? their feedbacks and opinions. It works because it allows the students to share
Why did these work? their ideas and opinions without the fear of being discriminated nor judged.
F. What difficulties did I The lack of reading materials that our students needed.
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or The use of different innovative materials like the use of periodicals and books
localized materials did I instead of going to the internet café to search for articles. This helps especially
use/discover which I that we are located in a remote area where no internet connection is available
wish to share with other for our students.

Prepared by:
Vivian D. Florendo
SHS Teacher II
Noted by:
Dr. Tichie Ann Baena

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