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Term 3 : Horribilly : Slow and Sticky (Source From Book Fiction Anthology)
Week 21 : Page 144 – 150
Key Vocabulary Page 144

Page 144
Predict ( Pridekt) = meramalkan
Prediction ( PridekShen ) = ramalan
Legged ( Leged ) : Berkaki Retell ( Ritel ) = menceritakan Kembali
Author ( aTher ) : Pengarang
Adult ( e’delt ) : dewasa Sequence ( Sikwens ) = urutan
Soggy ( sagi ) : basah Infer ( in’fer ) = menyimpulkan
Gloopy ( Glupi ) : seram Inference ( Inf(e)rens ) = kesimpulan
Role – Play ( Roul Plei ) = Bermain Peran
Storyboard ( Stouri bord ) = PapanCerita
Sentence ( sentns ) = kalimat
Capital Letter ( Kepidel Leder ) = Huruf Besar
Full Stop = Titik

Page 145
What happened in Horribilly : slow and sticky ?
Write or draw in the boxes !
 What is special about Horribilly ?
He is a big monster, soggy , green , gloopy
 What is one of the sports Horribilly finds hard ?
Skipping, running , throwing balls , kicking balls
 What do Horribilly’s friends say he is good at ?
He is good at being sticky
 Which race does Horribilly win ?
Egg and spoon race
Page 146

Write three words to describe Horribilly

Then draw a picture of him

 I think Horribilly is a Fighter, he never gave up

 I think Horribilly is a friendly
 I think Horribilly is loved by his friends

Page 147

What is your favourite part of Horribilly : slow and sticky ?

My favourite part is………

Draw your favourite part !

Page 148
Think about what happens in Horribilly : slow and sticky.
Put each word into the correct sentence

School Friends Other

Monster Teacher Problem

Horribily is the only Monster in his class

Some Children in the Other team are mean
Horribilly has a Problem because he is too sticky
Horribilly’s friends were happy to be in his team
It is sports day at the school
The teacher tells Horribilly to try skipping
Page 149

How many words ending in – ing can you find in Horribilly : slow and sticky ?
Write a word ending in – ing in each of the spaces !

 Running
 Throwing
 Kicking
 Skipping
Write a sentence using one of the words !..............

Page 150

Match the words to the pictures. Draw the missing picture





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